I envy you if you lead a quiet homebody sort of life where your interactions with strangers are kept to a bare minimum; I mean like, maybe once every other week or so you see a person you don't know pass by on the street. That's the way to live. But meet, exchange howdoyoudos, make small talk? This isn't fun. Conversations are highly overrated things. Especially if I'm the one who has to do the, um, conversating. Sometimes I just want get in real close and demand: "Why do you look at me to fill your day with entertainment? I won't regale you with stories of my 'big weekend plans'. Just hand me my groceries, please, and we'll call it a good day." But I suppose some people might call that "rude". I can't help it if I'm in a hurry to get home and play more awesome escape games. Maybe if more people spent their time here at JIG, they wouldn't be anxiously asking perfect strangers, "Looks like rain, eh?" At least there's this week's grab bag of Weekday Escape goodness, just the thing to tune out the nosy world and unwind with—because games like FunkyLand's girly candies, Flash512's dreamy garden sojourns and Yomino Kagura's big picture can help anyone feel a little more sociable...
Candy Rooms No.16: Mint Green Girly - I'll be truthful here, I'm running out of new things to say about Candy Rooms and you're probably already familiar with this routine: search the funky-furnished room and solve some puzzles to acquire five candies. That's the basic gist of it, after all, when the point of a game is to get a key and leave. But I will add that the pretty pink and fresh green decor is enjoyably enticing while the creatively presented clues and puzzles elevate this offering to something more. In fact, there is no way you're walking out of here with a frown. But remember that it sometimes takes more than a simple point-and-click to operate certain devices in this room. And while there isn't anything particularly surprising or fresh if you're used to FunkyLand's oeuvre, it's a whimsical room full of sweets and playful sights: what more do you want to be happy?
The Dream Garden - Chinese game developer, Flash512, has set this escape inside a walled off garden, apparently a place you loved to play in as a kid. Open the game window by clicking any of the three "PLAY" links about midway down the page, then enter a nickname so Flash512 can give you props if you earn a high score (for quickest time). If you don't know Chinese, don't fear: if you get the game to load, you'll find it's helpfully translated to English. Once inside, point and click your way around to investigate the garden and its features, finding ways to solve your way out. Although it might put some folks off, personally I like the interface: it reminds me of days of old. It's the way many early escape games operated and Flash512 has been around as long as most. Without a changing cursor, it could be prone to pixel hunts, and you'll want to retrace your steps (anything happens in a dream), but its appeal won't be lost on adventure fans of all ilks.
Escape from the Big Picture Room - I love Yomino Kagura, don't get me wrong. Herein these four walls, as always, there is an ineffable quality that bespeaks: "I love puzzles, I love escape games, so let's play together!" But I'm a bit disappointed that so much is, quite literally, spelled out for me here. Give me abstract, give me abstruse. Go ahead! I'll take it. No? Okay, I'll go with what you got then, Yomino Kagura, because I still see your potential. Someday...some day you are going to move beyond the basic explore/gather clue/solve puzzle/get item/use item/escape formula you've got going on in this rather banal four-walled room. When you do, I'll be able to proudly call myself die hard fan, there from the beginning. And we'll bond over coffee talking about the early days. Yeah, that'll be good. But for now, the pure puzzle-based escaping will do just fine, bestie.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Figured I would give this walkthrough thingy a shot.
Big Picture Room Escape Walkthrough
Click on the bookshelf
Click on the blue tile on the left side
Click on the books
Notice the roman numerals and the colors they represent
Back out and click on the cabinet below and then click on cabinet marked “books”
Remember the books with roman numerals and colors?
Red, blue, red, blue, yellow, red
Grab the item from the cabinet
It’s a decoder you use later
Go the screen with the white couch.
Grab the red tile from the couch
Click on the table with all the colored cups.
Notice the direction the handles are going
The handles facing left are the ones you need to remember
Go back to the cabinet with the picture of the cup on it. The sequence is:
Blue, Purple, Green
Open the cabinet and grab the item.
Go the screen with the big painting and click on it.
There is a scrap of paper stuck in the left corner
Use the item you got from the cabinet with the cups on it to pry the paper loose
Something is written on the paper
There are numbers on the paper
Look at paper and use the decoder on it to get a code
Go the cabinet located below the television
Type in the code you received from the decoder
Open the cabinet and get the item
It’s a remote control to use on the television
Turning the TV on with the remote control produces a code
Pay attention where the numbers are on the grid
Go the screen with the white couch and bookshelf in the background
Click on the bookshelf
Match the numbers from the TV to the items on the bookshelf
Plug the numbers into the formula and do math
Go the cabinet marked tv and enter the code
Grab the item from the cabinet
Go to the screen with the clock and click on it
Notice the colors on the clock
Count each color
Go back to the cabinet marked books
Put the keycard into the box marked Clock
Type in the code corresponding with how many of each color from the clock
Grab the item
Last tile - Triangle
Click on cabinet marked “TV”
Click on blue box
Put each shaped tile in its place
Grab the key and you’re outta there!
Posted by: aceadventurer
October 1, 2014 6:05 PM
FunkyLand's Mint Green Girly
First collect the following:
Ruler, on the table, sticking out from under the papers
Teacup, on the right cart beside the door, second shelf
Wafer, above the teacup shelf, under the apples
Truffle, on top of the piper panel (the big panel to the left of the big window)
Now Solve some puzzles:
Nesting Doll Numbers
Zoom in on the table to the left of the door. Note that the four numbers on the box correspond to the four different sized silhouettes of the dolls. Now go to the smaller window (the one to the right of the door). Open the doll, then each nesting doll inside, until all the dolls are sitting on the shelf separately.
Use the ruler to measure each one. The height of each doll is the number for its digit on the box.
Collect the lollipop.
Mouse safe
Zoom in on the large window, zoom in on the large panel to the left. Push the start button and hold it.
Watch the pipers marching from the left and the right, and count the mice that follow them. :) Apply the clue to the safe directly below this panel.
Right button twice
Left button 4 times
Right button 3 times
Left button once
Collect the coin
Use the coin on the gumball machine to collect the gumball.
Look on the left of the large window. Look at the pink espresso machine closely. It's off. Turn it on.
Brew coffee into the teacup. (Okay, so maybe this is supposed to be tea, not coffee, but it looked like an espresso machine to me, so...) Take the teacup to the frog.
Collect the spoon.
Go back to the big window, reach for the candy tin underneath the espresso machine.
Use the spoon to get the lid off. Collect the mint.
Collect the magical candy key, and escape!
Posted by: JudyJetson
October 3, 2014 4:10 AM