When you're trapped inside a room, scourging through cryptic clues in an effort to escape, the thought that swims around in your head along with all the mental calculations and logical deductions is: "Who did this to me?" Perhaps you will appreciate, then, the added sentiment that whoever it is wants you. No? Well, in Want You: Who Am I? by Robamimi, you must solve the mystery of the very coveted "I" before freedom will be granted.
Unraveling this riddle is a simple matter of exploring a squarish, small, sparsely-furnished room using the arrows on the sides and bottom of the screen. A changing cursor will point to puzzles and objects that you can click on to play or pick up. You also need to collect five hint cards and guess the true identity of "I". Somewhat unfortunately, you'll most likely figure out the riddle soon after your start—the second clue tends to give it all away. As in the other Robamimi "Who Am I?" games, the exit code is the riddle's answer. Knowing the solution isn't enough, though; there's a few light puzzles be solved first. In a couple instances your lateral thinking will be stretched to make jumps in reasoning and other times it's just a matter of pacing the room in impatience. True to form, Robamimi remains expert at weaving theme throughout; even allusion in the Tesshi-eesque music seems to fit.
You'll happily find that Want You: Who Am I? has everything you cherish about Robamimi games: solid controls, well-organized inventory, helpful hint system, and clean graphics to name a few. Yes, you love Robamimi, don't you? And Robamimi loves you, too! Want proof? After you escape, make sure to pick up the special gift Robamimi made for you. Put it on your desktop as a constant reminder and never feel unwanted again.
Walkthrough Guide
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Want You: Who Am I? (and How Do I Get Out?) Walkthrough Guide
Starting out and Logging In
You begin facing a small table to the right of the exit door...
Move forward and open the drawer. Take:
Examine the LINT ROLLER and extract an extra STICKY SHEET. It might come in handy later.
Examine this stand/device on the table, too. What is it supposed to do? Have a look at every side of it...
Behind the stand/device is HINT CARD 2. Pick it up.
Back out. Turn around.
Hmmm. What looks linty around here?
Ugh, the chair is covered in...some kind of fuzz. Let's use the lint roller on it so we don't muss up our clothes when at the computer.
Now you have a clue and it's safe to sit at the COMPUTER. So, ready to log in?
After using the lint roller on the chair, view it and click on the mussed up roller to pull off a clue: 359
That must be the laptop computer's log-in code. Enter 359 using the keypad provided on the screen.
Open the DVD RW drive by clicking its icon on the monitor, back up one to take a peek at what's in it:
Now you'll be wanting to find something locked. But first...
Move this tiny potted JADE PLANT out of the way. Lo and behold...
Now that makes you happy, doesn't it? I say we have everything needed to skeedaddle, so let's try to get out of here...
Choco-Chick is in the Machine
Since we have a key (from the computer), might as well try the door...
Using the key on the exit door won't open it. But, what is this pattern that appeared? Maybe there's something like it around the room somewhere.
On the lower half of the VENDING MACHINE, there are three buttons.
Follow the clue from the door:
The pattern, from top to bottom, indicates which buttons to push...
Numbering the buttons 1st - 2nd - 3rd, from left to right, push them in this order:
3rd -- 2nd -- 3rd -- 1st -- 2nd -- 2nd
Pushing the buttons in the correct order will give you two things:
Well, a USB STICK (see above spoilers) is nice and all, but what really looks good is that Choco Chick sitting in the top of the vending maching....
200 is needed to buy the CHOCO CHICK but so far you have only 100. Is there a coin return around here? Maybe it's under the cushions or...under something...
Noticing a glint under the vending machine, you crouch down to look... The space is so very narrow, though. As it turns out, the rollers on lint rollers are very very fat. What else might fit under there?
The end of the roller fits, but it still has no effect. If there was something sticky on that end like...the STICKY SHEET taken off the LINT ROLLER earlier.
Attach the STICKY SHEET to the LINT ROLLER HANDLE and poke it under the vending machine.
A short cutscreen later, you have another COIN.
Now you have 200 in coin, go put it in the machine's coin slot. Press the "200" button.
the CHOCO CHICK BOX drops out.
Take the Choco Chick box and open it up. Inside you see a seven-digit code...make note of it for later use.
Out of the box you also get a *yum* CHOCO-CHICK
With a USB STICK and the seven-digit code from inside the box, it's about time for another laptop computer visit. Back up and turn around.
More Computer Use and Windows, Too
Return to the computer with the USB STICK and the six-digit code (both found from working the vending machine).
Put the USB STICK in the side slot then click the "USB" icon on the monitor--another code is needed. Use the code from inside the Choco-Chick Box and hit "send":
6 0 5 2 1 0 8
Transmission completion? Sounds like our order was entered. What was ordered? When will it arrive? I want it now! Anyhow, there's another bit of information to be had here:
A pattern of chickie feet...
Have a look around the room for that pattern.
Over by the windows is a control panel. On the box is the impression of chick feet.
You have a chick. A chocolate chick. Put it on the panel.
Clicking on the chick changes its direction. Remember the pattern from the completed order entry?
Turn the chick around to face various directions on the dial, then hit enter.
Numbered according to the positions on a clock face, this is the pattern:
12 o'clock - enter - 9 o'clock - enter - 3 o'clock - enter - 12 o'clock - enter - 6 o'clock - enter
Entering the correct pattern on the control panel opens the window.
Did you notice something fall? Back up twice and pick up from the floor:
The Special Delivery and Solving the Mystery
Alright, alright. When is the mysterious order getting here anyway? What if I can't open the door to let the deliver guy in? What to do! What to do! I'm just spinning in circles!
There he is at the window with another Choco Chick Box! Wait, don't go... Maybe this ladder...Durn.
Pick up the PREMIUM BOX left at the window by the delivery boy (if it's not there yet, make sure you've turned around a few times. Still not there? Check "More Computer Use and Windows, Too" in this walkthrough).
Take the GOLDEN CHICK out of the PREMIUM BOX.
Since the Choco-Chick isn't budging from its perch by the window, you'll have to find another spot for golden boy. Try over by the door.
Place the GOLDEN CHICK on the stand/device by the door.
HINT CARD 5 pops out. Take it.
With the five hint cards, you should now have sufficient clues to solve the riddle of the mysterious "You" and exit this room.
Read the five hints and solve the ridde:
Hint 1: Your value is volatile. (Found in drawer)
Hint 2: The counterfeit is crime. (Found behind the device)
Hint 3: Most people will spend you when shopping. (From the vending machine)
Hint 4: You made of metal or paper. (Falls from the opened window)
Hint 5: Time is YOU. (Dispensed from device by the exit door)
What one thing fits the description given in all those hints?
Click the "Who Am I?" bar on the device and a white input box will appear on your game screen.
Click it, making sure a cursor appears in the box, then type in the answer to the riddle (see the spoiler above) by using the letters on your keyboard.
You'll be escorted out the door and there waiting for you...is a gift!
Posted by: elle
March 10, 2012 10:20 AM