An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Waiting Room

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Rating: 3.1/5 (120 votes)
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Weekday Escape

JessWaiting Room, by Japanese designer Ikutama, is without doubt the newest member of the elite "so sweet it'll make your teeth ache" escape game club. Melodic, tinkly soundtrack? Check. Cute, colorful graphics? Check. Sentimental and slightly sad story involving lost love? Double check. Don't let the game's charming trappings deceive you, however; Waiting Room has real substance and some formidable puzzles. The extent of the efforts needed to complete the game, which includes searching the internet, might turn off some casual gamers; those who persevere, however, will surely be delighted by this quirky and clever escape game confection.

Waiting RoomWaiting Room begins with your arrival at a train station in the middle of the Japanese countryside. As the game's slightly confusing introduction explains, things seem a little odd—a little old, to be more specific. It's as if you have stepped back 20 years! Perplexed, you enter the station's waiting room, and are confronted by a beautiful but downcast young woman. She is searching for a ring, and asks for your assistance. Seeing as you are mysteriously unable to leave the room anyways, why not give her a helping hand?

There's more to the story, of course, but in order to find out the details you'll need to make your way through some pretty tricky puzzles. Oh, those puzzles... I have some mixed feelings concerning them, actually. On the one hand, the majority are really quite good, and they do follow a certain logic. At times, though, some of the connections between clues seemed somewhat abstract; that is, I sometimes felt that the necessary links to connect document X with code Y, or whatever the case was, were not terribly obvious. This could, of course, just be a failing of my own intellect. However, if you're like me, you might find yourself engaging in more than a little bit of trial-and-error. Furthermore, one of the puzzles does (unless you randomly have the specialized knowledge required) necessitate searching the internet. Some players hate this, some aren't bothered by it in the least; in this case, I did find it to be mildly disruptive to the flow of the game. Still, despite these potential flaws, Waiting Room on the whole delivers well-crafted and entertaining puzzles (and two different endings!). Be patient, don't be afraid to try everything with everything else, and you'll make it through.

Waiting Room's neat, detailed graphics are very appealing, colorful but not cartoonish. The sweet, slightly melancholy soundtrack nicely enhances the game's ambience without excessively distracting from the gameplay. While the game has a multitude of hotspots, some of which are not immediately apparent, the cursor changes when mousing over a clickable area. This, happily, eliminates most pixel-hunting. The inventory system is clean and user-friendly, and navigating around the room is simple. The game's main technical weakness is the lack of a save feature, which is a serious no-no; Ikutama does, however, get points for including a volume control feature. Not perfect, but all in all a good job.

A damsel in distress, a missing ring, a room full of secrets and a sad tale to set right: the perfect recipe for your mid-week escape game indulgence. It's not easy—but really, what fun would it be if it were? Enjoy!

Play Waiting Room

Walkthrough Guide

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Waiting Room Walkthrough
Note about the different endings:


There are two endings here. One for regular, and one for happy. This walkthrough shows you how to get happy ending. If you want normal do everything in this walkthrough except get the two tickets.


  • Turn around and talk to the girl. She wants you to find her ring.

  • Turn right, get the rusty nail from under the bench

  • Use the nail to get the ticket from the bench.

  • Turn right, and get the broom

  • Turn right, and pull the box out from under the bench.

  • Get the sharpie from the box.

  • There is a hot spot on the top right corner of the bench, click there and get the bottle cap.

  • Turn right twice. Read the letter on the bench.

  • Click the broken window. smash it with the broom and then use the marker on the cracks.

  • The code it gives you is 62439. This code is for the green bin at the bottom of the bench.

  • to use the code just click the bars in the right order and then use the latch.

  • About item the ball of cloth and click them to get gloves.

  • Turn left and open the garbage can, using the broom.

  • Get the string.

  • Use the rusty nail to get the cork out of the bottle cap.

  • Use the bottle cap to scoop up the candy. (Gross.)

  • Turn right, put the candy on the windowsill.

  • Back up, and then go back to the windowsill to get the beetle.

  • Tie a string to the beetle, and throw it at the towel, then pick it back up.

  • In three places around the station there are lady bugs one by a sunflower outside, one by the ripped calendar, and one by the book on the bench. If you count the spots on the ladybugs and match them up to the schedule on the back you will see that the amount of dots on the lady bugs corrosponds to the numbers. If you match the numbers up and then look at the hours you will get 23 8 16.

  • Enter that code into the blue box, located in the box where you got the marker.

  • Get the magnets out of the box.

  • If you look out the window you can see that deer plateau is next to the station you are in. Wet the tower in the bucket and use it on the window to see the rest of the sign..The poster on the back says east fox river is 10 minutes from monkey valley. The towel says cat forest is 12 minutes from monkey valley. The ticket you have says crow garden is 120 yes.

  • Putting all these clues together the order of the stations is Rabbit hill, Deer plateau, this station, Fox river, East fox river, Monkey valley, Cat forest (to the left), Crow garden (To the right).

  • Pick up the schedule. Use the work gloves to repair the red wire. and turn the lights on.

  • When you look at the lights the top left light has a dot in it when its on. Poke the dot with the broom when the light is on.

  • use that bag you just got on the ashtray and the gloves to put the butts in the bag. Get the key.

  • The order of the lights tells you the order to click the corners of the garbage chute. top left, top left, top right, lower left, top right, lower right, lower left. then click the handle to open it.

  • In the letter you read earlier it said the password to the box was her name, and the colors of her favorite things. in the notebook you will see her name is Natumi. And she's drawn some butterflies.

  • If you google some butterflies you can match the colors to what they would be, or i can just tell you here. blue, orange, yellow green

  • Examine the route map, you'll see the back is a mirror. Use this to light up the hole behind where you pulled the box out from under the bench.

  • Open the box, and get the ring.

  • Skip this step if you want normal ending. Open the box again and get the ticket from inside, using the key.

  • Turn around and give the girl her ring.

  • Leave the station.

  • The end.


Waiting Room Walkthrough
Note about the different endings:


There are two endings here. One for regular, and one for happy. This walkthrough shows you how to get happy ending. If you want normal do everything in this walkthrough except get the two tickets.


  • Turn around and talk to the girl. She wants you to find her ring.

  • Turn right, get the rusty nail from under the bench

  • Use the nail to get the ticket from the bench.

  • Turn right, and get the broom

  • Turn right, and pull the box out from under the bench.

  • Get the sharpie from the box.

  • There is a hot spot on the top right corner of the bench, click there and get the bottle cap.

  • Turn right twice. Read the letter on the bench.

  • Click the broken window. smash it with the broom and then use the marker on the cracks.

  • The code it gives you is 62439. This code is for the green bin at the bottom of the bench.

  • to use the code just click the bars in the right order and then use the latch.

  • About item the ball of cloth and click them to get gloves.

  • Turn left and open the garbage can, using the broom.

  • Get the string.

  • Use the rusty nail to get the cork out of the bottle cap.

  • Use the bottle cap to scoop up the candy. (Gross.)

  • Turn right, put the candy on the windowsill.

  • Back up, and then go back to the windowsill to get the beetle.

  • Tie a string to the beetle, and throw it at the towel, then pick it back up.

  • In three places around the station there are lady bugs one by a sunflower outside, one by the ripped calendar, and one by the book on the bench. If you count the spots on the ladybugs and match them up to the schedule on the back you will see that the amount of dots on the lady bugs corrosponds to the numbers. If you match the numbers up and then look at the hours you will get 23 8 16.

  • Enter that code into the blue box, located in the box where you got the marker.

  • Get the magnets out of the box.

  • If you look out the window you can see that deer plateau is next to the station you are in. Wet the tower in the bucket and use it on the window to see the rest of the sign..The poster on the back says east fox river is 10 minutes from monkey valley. The towel says cat forest is 12 minutes from monkey valley. The ticket you have says crow garden is 120 yes.

  • Putting all these clues together the order of the stations is Rabbit hill, Deer plateau, this station, Fox river, East fox river, Monkey valley, Cat forest (to the left), Crow garden (To the right).

  • Pick up the schedule. Use the work gloves to repair the red wire. and turn the lights on.

  • When you look at the lights the top left light has a dot in it when its on. Poke the dot with the broom when the light is on.

  • use that bag you just got on the ashtray and the gloves to put the butts in the bag. Get the key.

  • The order of the lights tells you the order to click the corners of the garbage chute. top left, top left, top right, lower left, top right, lower right, lower left. then click the handle to open it.

  • In the letter you read earlier it said the password to the box was her name, and the colors of her favorite things. in the notebook you will see her name is Natumi. And she's drawn some butterflies.

  • If you google some butterflies you can match the colors to what they would be, or i can just tell you here. blue, orange, yellow green

  • Examine the route map, you'll see the back is a mirror. Use this to light up the hole behind where you pulled the box out from under the bench.

  • Open the box, and get the ring.

  • Skip this step if you want normal ending. Open the box again and get the ticket from inside, using the key.

  • Turn around and give the girl her ring.

  • Leave the station.

  • The end.

JenniferJuniper July 8, 2009 1:24 AM

Is anybody else having trouble with the green box code?


I know I put the numbers in right using the code from the window, 62439, but the box won't open



Jennifer -

Are you:


Clicking on the bars that correspond to the numbers in the code? Once you click the bars in order then you need to click the small latch at the top of the cage door. Here's a screenshot with the latch circled.


The green box has bars, the other is blue...

Meeeeeeeeee July 8, 2009 3:13 AM

How do you reuse the broom?

JenniferJuniper July 8, 2009 3:57 AM

Thank you all for your help; apparently, I am color blind and cannot tell the difference between blue and green. oops


Meeeeeee -

To reuse the broom just click on it in your inventory then click on the object you wish to use it on. You can use the broom multiple times.


Funny that i can


break the window with the broom

, still, after finding it out, I spend a long time inside the room figuring out how to get out in a much more elaborated way instead of using this way to exit :)


I had no chance with part where I was suppused to


wipe off the window with the towel

, because I had


the wet towel

, but i was sure


the grey thing i had to wipe off the window wasn't dirt on the window but some grey stuff outside, in front of the sign, like a bush or something


Another good one: when you try to


remove the cigarette butts from the tray with your gloves on

it says you need something to move the butts into. And you have to actually


break one of the lamps to get a simple plastic bag

in which you can collect the butts. Now, wouldn't it be simpler - and cause less damage -


to move the butts in the trash bin that's there from the beginning???

OK, I know you have to excuse small leaps of logic and reason with room escapers, but I guess it's just to big a leap to overlook...

Anyway, the game is fun, makes much more sense than many of the other Japanese room escapers, so a higher score from me. Thx Jess to include this one.

ThemePark July 8, 2009 9:30 AM

bioLarzen, yeah I agree with you.


It too looked to me like it was a bush covering the sign, not a patch of dirt.

And now that I've had to resort to the walkthrough to figure out these leaps of logic, could someone please explain more thoroughly to me how to calculate the code from the ladybugs, and exactly which of the many ladybugs to use? The walkthrough wasn't clear on that.


I am having trouble with the green box code too. I'm doing it in the right order, clicking the right bars, and then clicking the latch but it is still saying 'It is caught, it won't open.'


ThemePark -

The ladybugs:


Each species of ladybug had a specific number of dots on its back, 2, 7, 10, or 28. The blue box lock had a picture of a sun, moon, and star. The sunflower (sun) had a 2 spot and a 10 spot ladybug. When you looked at the timetable on the wall the only hour that had a 2 and a 10 was 23. The moon was the month (torn calendar) which had a 7, 10, and 28 spot ladybug. The only hour on the timetable that had that combo was 8. The horoscope on the bench (star) had a 10 and 28 spot ladybug. The matching hour on the timetable was 16. So 23, 8, and 16 is the combo for the blue box.

Papachabre July 8, 2009 10:15 AM

I had to check the walkthrough once or twice to finish this one. Some of the clues are nearly impossible to see even if you know to look for them.

Papachabre July 8, 2009 10:17 AM I would've had to check it more often but I found a few things by accident, like


the marker on the window cracks and the "dirt" on the window that, like others said before me, more resembles a bush outside of the window


Oh crap. Apparently I am have dyscalcula. Anyhow,

[spoiler]What's the deal with the cigarette butts?[/spoiler]

ThemePark July 8, 2009 10:54 AM

Thanks, grinnyp. :)

Daibhid July 8, 2009 10:54 AM

Theme park-

You use


all the ladybirds, in the groups they've arranged themselves in. The spots represent minutes past the hour on the timetable. The hours when trains arrive at those times are the numbers of the code. (so, for instance, there's a group of two ladybirds with 2 and 10 spots, and that tells you to check the timetable for an hour when trains arrive at X:02 and X:10.) Hope that helps.


RedRevolver -

The cigarette butts:


You need to have gotten the gloves from the green cage and the plastic bag from the overhead light. Put on the gloves and click on the ashtray, you will empty it into the bag and discover a key. You need the key for the "happy" ending.


Couldn't do it without a walkthrough. I might just have to give these games up or make one myself that uses some logic. This becomes less an exercise in figuring out what SHOULD come next and more a way to spend time trying every object on every other object and every environment item.

Marker on glass cracks?

flowerdoggie July 8, 2009 12:09 PM

Where is the bottle cap?


There were slightly too many logic issues on this one for my liking. In addition to those mentioned above, I found that the


broken window code was just ridiculous. Why would hitting a window with a broom make cracks appear that reveal the code to a safe??

Other than that, quite a nice story and interface, and more original puzzles than usual.

I've still had enough of Japanese escape the room games though ;)

mike_311 July 8, 2009 12:18 PM

i cant get the trash shute open


i figured out the pattern, but it wont open, is it a problem clicking the top left two times, i checked the walkthrough and i was right... what gives?


Where on earth is the sunflower?


Having a problem finding a hotspot.


The one to put the bottle cap full of candy on window ledge.

Can anyone help me with that?


The sunflower:


Look out of the right side of the window that is broken. You will see the sunflower and two ladybugs on the sill.

The bottle cap:


Is on the bench where the cardboard box is underneath. It is on the back of the bench in the upper right corner.

The candy placement:


Click on the partly open window for a close-up. Put the bottle cap on the middle track, right in the middle between the sill and the window.

About the garbage chute:


Back up, then click on the chute for a close up and try again. Make sure you are clicking the corners.

florence July 8, 2009 2:04 PM

great game ^^

cocacolatam July 8, 2009 4:46 PM

In the walk through, it would have been more helpful to say:


When looking at the lights, find the the light closest to the tear in the ceiling. Then poke the "dot" with the broom when the light is on.

Rather than:


When you look at the lights the top left light has a dot in it when its on. Poke the dot with the broom when the light is on.

to find:


the bag


I derive satisfaction from completing escape games without a walkthrough or even hints. I made it darn far in this one. I figured out some quite implausible steps and thought I would finish on my own. Alas, it was not to be. And once I consulted the walkthrough, I sorta gave up finishing it myself. Oh well. Still a decent game.

I will say this though, I tried to figure out the stations right away but got thrown off by having too many choices. Contrary to what the walkthrough says:


The Cat Forest towel says 12 mins. to Monkey RIVER not Monkey Valley. So I thought there were two Monkey stations. After all, there was an East Fox River in addition to a Fox River. But that made too many with Wolf Mountain. Once I opened the box, I saw the previously completely unreferenced Rabbit Hill and the whole thing went down the drain. LOL.

Anonymous July 9, 2009 3:13 PM

I may be totally missing it but how do you remove the cork from the cap?


JIGuest -

To remove the cork:


Pull up the cap out of your inventory. Flip it over. Use the nail on the cork inside.

pooeyman July 11, 2009 8:52 PM

come on guys, searching google?

[Edit: Ever play a riddle? A little research is often necessary. -Jay]

Anonymous July 12, 2009 3:54 AM

Oh My God! I spent 30 minutes trying to find the spot on the lights. Finally realized that I was facing 180 degrees the wrong way!

allimarie July 15, 2009 9:47 PM

All I can say is...I wish I could rate this game lower.

sinicon July 25, 2009 9:22 PM

Despite my efforts I still cant find the stupid bottle cap D:

sinicon July 25, 2009 9:23 PM

oh... never mind... :D

bob smith July 28, 2009 8:59 AM

This is way too overly complicated, and as a result it takes away from what "would" have been a nice game...


i think the japanese, with this game, have finally placed themselves in the realm or the ridiculous when it comes to escape games. not very well thought out from the perspective of the player, and some of the codes and logic issues you have to come up with were beyond ridiculous. thanks to this game...i shall never play another japanese escape game.

Some Weird Girl August 27, 2009 5:31 PM

Has anyone found the red wire from the walkthrough?

natalia Gomez November 28, 2009 9:37 PM

I know the "dot" is supposed to be in the top left light, but I can't find it. Can somebody please tell me its exact location on the light?


i cant find the butterflys ,does anyone know ?


Is the trash chute supposed to open? Because I did what I said about it and I can't get it open.


anyone know where the red wire is ?


hurray,i got the chute open !


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