Despite making resolutions for change, to start new habits and eschew old ways, the undertow of the familiar, ordinary routine is just too hard to resist. But then, like a twisted superhero, Detarou appears on the scene with yet another escape from the mundane, once again beckoning you to look in places you really don't want to look, trapping you inside a house occupied by as much weirdness as puzzles with Uchino.
Some of you are already quite well acquainted with Detarou, the one who everybody at the party makes excuses for: "Yeah, that's the same ol' Det, wacky as ever. What can you do? But we love him!" For the rest of you, let me explain: you begin the game facing a door—go ahead, try it. It's locked. So your goal is to search the surroundings, pointing and clicking with a changing cursor as your guide, searching for anything that'll help you get out, which is the typical scenario in all these escape-the-room types. Yet Uchino, like other Detarou entries, departs from the typical fairly quickly. Not only do you find clues and creative locks during your explorations, you'll discover things that are there simply for the sake of your discovering them. Depending on your point of view, this might not always be a welcome thing (small hint: odd doesn't begin to explain it.)
Uchino turns out to be on the challenging end of the spectrum, as well, because all rooms of the house are open to you, allowing you to spend a looooong time looking round and gathering up information and other goodies ("Nakagawa get!") before you even have to solve a puzzle. The trouble comes in trying to sift through an overabundance of things to see, so that determining which ideas fit with what solutions can cause you overthinking syndrome. Ignore all the misdirection, though, and the perfect logic of every puzzle comes into clear focus.
Before you begin, here's another little hint: no matter how cute or friendly they may look, pandas are always up to no good. Therefore, utilize those two save slots before you go poking proffered buttons, that way finding all three endings will be much more convenient without unnecessary backtracking. Use a screen grab program or pen and paper to sort out answers, shape up those synapses, and resolve to indulge in uncomfortable laughter and you're well on your way to a fresh new Detarou outlook.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Uchino Walkthrough
Exploring This House
You are facing a locked door; it's the way out but you don't (yet) have the key. So, begin by turning left.
Now you face the start of a hallway. On one side is a set of cubbies, another is a cabinet and, in the rug, is a lump. Click on the rug lump:
Here's a little pink tail. Click on the edge of the rug to see what's underneath...
Now click on the pink wig...
Pick up the PAPER from on top of his head:
It's a clue. Note the symbols, dots and colors as well as the darkened square in the right corner. Then, put it away.
Back up.
Look closer at the 5 cubbies/shelves on the wall:
Four of the shelves each have a statue:
Note the shape of each statue, then look underneath for what is marked there.
Next, examine the top left cubby:
It needs a four digit code. That piece of paper seemed to provide part of the clue, but the clues we've found so far don't give us the correct code... we still need to look around for more information.
back up from the cubbies.
Examine the wall cabinet to the right of the hallway entrance:
First look in the two drawers:
Get UCHI NAKAGAWA 1 (of 9) from the left drawer.
Then check out the lock on the cabinet doors:
The top row of buttons change the colors while the bottom buttons change the numbers.
(We have enough information to open this cabinet but I'll include the solution a little later on in this walkthrough.)
Back up twice.
Go down the hallway into the kitchen. Here you see a shakey fellow wearing a horse mask. Let's ignore him and look in the kitchen sink by clicking the teapot area on the right:
Behind the faucet is another UCHI NAKAGAWA (2/9). Get him!
Back out of the kitchen area and turn left. Here you see a grey box with a smiley face, the opening to another part of the room, and another door. First examine the grey smiley face box:
Looks like you can push the smiley face like a button and there's room for three round objects so come back when you've found them.
Back up.
Go into the other part of the room to see a long cabinet with a tubes device on top. Explore all angles of this thing:
Notice that you can open all the cabinet's doors but you won't find anything underneath except, in the middle, a box that needs a key.
On top, there is a hole on the left end and top of the tubes.
There is a very distraught uchi nakagawa. If only there was a way to reach that red button!
Back up from the cabinet and turn left. Go through the door into another hallway. Now you're facing yet another it to enter the shower area:
Move forward then click on the drain in the floor...
Click on the drain cover to remove it:
Pick up UCHI NAKAGAWA (3/9) from inside the hair-filled drain.
Back up twice and turn left just to see what's there.
Then go left and back out of the shower area.
Turn right to face the bathroom sink area. Click the sink to look inside:
Get the UCHI NAKAGAWA (4/9) who's brushing his teeth.
Back up from the sink and open the door next to it to see what's in the toilet area:
To the left of the two guys (whose conversation you rudely interrupted) is something useful...
Take the STICK.
After backing out of the toilet area, turn left twice to face the laundry nook:
Look in the basket of undershorts:
Under the first layer is NAKAGAWA (5/9) so take him.
Then, dig deeper because under the third layer of shorts is NAKAGAWA (6/9)!!! Get him, too.
Back up, turn right, back up out of the backroom, then turn right two more times to peek out the glass doors (just for the fun of it).
When you're ready, turn left and back up into the main part of the livingroom again.
Turn left until you're facing the stairway to the upper level of the house. Here you can also see a small white cabinet. Take a closer look at it:
Nothing is inside the cabinet's bottom door.
There's a wooden box with a sun design on top of the cabinet; it has a button in each of the four corners.
Look in the top drawer of the white cabinet:
Get the UCHI NAKAGAWA (7/9) who's snuggling with the doll.
Back up.
Go upstairs by clicking the stairway then clicking the top of the stairs.
Peek to your left, if you'd like. (Hi, happy guy!) Then face the door again.
Click the grey door to face it. Then, enter the grey door into the upstairs room.
Straight ahead are two pillars with ornaments and a wall safe. Start by examining the black/white ornament on the left pillar:
Make a note of where the black and white corners are on this ornament as well as the sun design in the center.
Back up.
Then check out the grey safe in the center of the wall by clicking twice on it:
It has a 3x3 grid of buttons, but the center button is missing.
Back up twice.
Finally, look at the gold ornament on the right pillar:
On the base of this ornament is the design that should look familar to you (note the location of the black square).
Take down the information you see here as it provides another clue.
Back up.
Turn to face the right side of the room and you'll see a couple "pandas." Here is where you need to be careful...Move closer to the big panda in a toga:
What are those blue balloons in the toga supposed to be about?
Smooshed behind a blue balloon is a UCHI NAKAGAWA (8/9). Take him out!*
Now, this panda presents two buttons to you...which to choose?
FIRST SAVE YOUR GAME. Then, take your pick...
The small red button launches the panda man into the ceiling...he drops his button.
The big red button will give you the "Bad Panda Ending." (Thus ending your game.)
If you press the panda man's button, though, you can launch the toga panda into the ceiling, too!
*If you've pressed the correct red button before getting this nakagawa, then you might find him on the floor, instead.
Turn left twice from the panda area to see a large golden statue (Psy?). Look closer:
Click twice to look inside the box at the statue's feet:
There are 18 foot-shaped marks on the box. Significant?
Back up then look at what the statue holds behind his head. Something red is up there:
Using the STICK, get the red item...'s a RED BALL!.
Back up from the golden statue, turn right, back up three times to go down the stairs, and now you're ready to start cracking codes and solving puzzles!
Upper Left Cubby (Wall Shelves)
Back downstairs, turn around until you're facing the lump in the rug. Then, zoom in on the five-cubbies/shelves on the left.
Enter the 4-digit code to open the cubby door.
The solution to this is pretty straight-forward (you saw it upstairs).
The statue upstairs on the right pillar has four numbers upside down. Just turn them around to get...
5 4 1 9
Press the buttons under the numbers to change them to the numbers you want.
If you've entered the correct code, when you press the bottom rectangular button, the door will pop open:
Here is clue...some numbers on a cross-shape with a sun in the middle.
Click on the statue to turn it over and you'll see another clue underneath its base.
Make a note of what you see.
Wall Cabinet (4-digit color numbers)
To the left of the five cubbies/shelves is a brown cabinet on the wall. Zoom in on the lock on its doors:
Use the upper buttons to change colors and the lower buttons to change numbers to input the correct color/number combination.
You'll need to piece together a couple different clues to solve this one...
Study the paper found under the pink wig (in the rug) and the statues on the 5 cubbies/shelves.
On the paper you picked up, the top shows four statues...under these statues are colored numbers.
First, you want to put the COLORS in the order shown on the statues...
Next, put the numbers in order according to the colors shown on the paper....
9 8 4 1
Colorblind Help:
RED = 2 clicks
GREEN = 4 clicks
YELLOW = 3 clicks
BLUE = 1 click
With the correct color sequence and number code entered, click click the bottom button and the cabinet will pop open:
Inside is a BLUE BALL on the top shelf. Take it!
There's also a clue on the bottom shelf...look closer at it and note what you see for later.
Back up from the cabinet and turn around twice.
The Sun Box (four corner buttons)
Zoom in on the wooden box on top of the small white cabinet by the stairs. It has a sun (or compass) design on its lid.
Click each of the buttons in the correct order to open the box.
The clues to this are upstairs and in the cubby you opened earlier.
Look at the squares on the black/white ornament upstairs and compare it to the statue inside the cubby. See how 1 3 are on the left? Look at the square in the same position on the black/white looks like white is in the bottom left corner, right? So click the bottom left corner, first. See the 5 on the top position of the gold cross statue? When compared to the black/white ornament, that black is in the top left corner, meaning to click the top left corner fifth. And so on...
BL - TL - TR - BL - TL - BR
(TL=top left; BR=bottom right; etc.)
When you've pushed the buttons in the proper order, the box automatically opens. From inside, you can...
get the BUTTON.
Also make a note of the clue you see here...
The bird shape looks like something familiar.
You'll want to remember the position of each colored dot, too.
Back up from the white cabinet and take the stairs to the upstairs room.
The Grey Wall Safe (3x3 grid buttons)
Return to the room upstairs and examine the 3x3 grid on the grey safe...
It's missing a button in the middle, so use the BUTTON you found in the sun box to fix it.
With the middle button replaced, the whole grid lights up. Now you can click each of the buttons a number of times to change their color.
Enter the correct pattern of colors on the grid and press the rectangular bar to open this safe.
For the clues, think of the places where you've seen 3x3-like patterns that involve colors.
Use the clue from inside the sun box to fill in most the colors. Then look under the statues on the five cubbies/shelves for the other four colors. That'll get you...
Screenshot: 3x3 color buttons solution.
Colorblind Help:
WHITE = 0 clicks
BLUE = 3
RED = 5
When you get the safe open, inside you'll find...
A KEY! Take it.
Go back downstairs.
The Tubes Device (on the long cabinet)
Turn right from the stairs and you can see the long cabinet with the tubes device in the other part of the room. Click it to move to that area.
By this time you should have a RED BALL and a BLUE BALL. If you don't, go back and get'll need them.
Zoom in on the vertical tube at the top of the device:
Insert one of the balls into the top of the tube. It'll drop down and just stay there.
Then, insert the second ball into the tube.
Next, examine the left end of the horizantal tube:
Use the STICK to push the first ball out of the way. It just lands in the bottom vertical tube.
So, use the STICK again to push the second ball... This time it will push the red button and release the poor nakagawa!
Open the right side of the long cabinet...
...get the last UCHI NAKAGAWA (9/9)!!!
Then open the middle doors of the long cabinet...
Use your KEY on the grey box.
Retrieve again the RED BALL and the BLUE BALL.
Back up several times until you're in the main part of the livingroom, then turn around and go back up stairs. Go through the grey door to the upstairs room and turn left.
Getting the Green Ball
Upstairs, on the opposite side of the room as the pandas, there is a large golden, Budda-like statue. Examine the tray at the large statue's feet.
Put the 9 NAKAGAWAS into the tray.
Now you need to arrange the back row of uchi nakagawas into the proper poses.
Pressing each figure in the middle row will change the pose of the corresponding figure in the back row.
The clue to this is in the wall cabinet downstairs.
Screenshot: nakagawa figures poses.
When you have them in the correct pose, click the nakagawa guy in the bottom as if he's a button....
Cut to downstairs: see a pretty nurse wheel in a man on a stretcher, something gold shines in his mouth. Then, down drops the last ball.
Back up from the large gold statue...
Pick up the GREEN BALL.
Turn right, back up all the way to downstairs again.
Regular Escape
At the bottom of the stairs, turn right to face the grey smiley box. Zoom in on it...
Insert each of the three colored balls in the correct order.
The clue to this is underneath the gold cross-shaped statue in the cubby.
Notice the curve, like an upside down smile, under the three colored circles? Flip it around to make a smile and you get your colors order...
Colorblind Help:
Red is in the top of your inventory, blue is in the middle, and green is at the bottom.
With the color balls in the right places, press the smiley face. If you're correct, he'll open his mouth...
Get the GOLD KEY.
Now, you can exit to your safety...
Back up from the smiley box, turn right twice, and zoom closer to the door.
Use the GOLD KEY to unlock/open the door.
Go outside!
Red Stamp Escape
Instead of going outside after unlocking the door, back up.
Turn right and go back upstairs and zoom in on the tray at the feet of the large gold statue again...
Hmmm. Those yellow guys are all lined up. What could it mean?
Back away, turn right. Aha!
Zoom in on the wall safe.
Manipulate the buttons so they match the nakagawa figures...
Colorblind Help:
Number of clicks to change each dot to yellow...
Now you can get the RED STAMP.
Go back downstairs, turn left, open the door and exit.
A big red stamp of approval for you!
The Bad Panda Ending
At any time you wish, before leaving through the exit door, you can "escape" early from the game by taking the "Bad Panda" route. Just follow these instructions:
In the upstairs room is a big panda wearing a toga. He's holding two buttons, a big one and a little one.
Second, click the Big Red Button.*
Fait accompli!
*This must be done before you click the other panda-man's button (if you save your game, you can come back later to extract your revenge! Muwahahaha).
The Uchi Nakagawa Locations
Left drawer of the wall cabinet.
Kitchen sink.
Under the shower's drain cover.
Bathroom sink.
In the laundry basket.
Even deeper down in the laundry basket.
Top drawer of small white cabinet.
Search (or eject) the big toga panda.
Rescued from the tubes device.
Posted by: elle
January 9, 2013 12:34 AM