Unlike the previous two games, Tortuga 3 feels more like a classic point-and-click adventure than an escape game. You'll visit more locations, stock up on a plethora of seemingly unrelated items and booty, and discover that the way to a rat's heart is through its stomach. It's more substantial than the rest of the series, and feels more ambitious, too. There's a lot to see, and a lot more places to explore.
Tortuga 3's biggest problem isn't with a lack of vitamin C, however. The game is, unfortunately, a little unintuitive and sometimes winds up feeling more like a scavenger hunt than an adventure game. You'll do a lot of trekking back and forth, and trial-and-error ends up being the flavour of the day. It's not that anything here is particularly brain-bending, there just isn't a lot of direction. Then again, pirates were never really known for being nursemaids.
But the third installment in the series is still more than welcome. With a sprawling map to explore, bright, cartoonish artwork, and more than a little treasure, Tortuga 3 is a swash-buckling good time. At least, we think it is. Do we have swashes? Are they buckled? What is a swash, anyway? *sigh* We're terrible pirates, aren't we?
Walkthrough Guide
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Tortuga 3 Walkthrough
The Dock...
Pick up the Broken Board and the Nail in front of you
If you attempt to go forward beyond this, you will find an armed pirate party trying to extinguish the fire you set. There will be a dog being lulled to sleep by a music box. Remember this.
Click over to Tortuga PORT, and use the Nail to pick the lock, keeping the rowboat secure.
Remove the loose Long Board from the dock, and use both Boards on the rowboat as oars.
Click on the rowboat, and this now allows you to sail around to two other places, RED Gulf and SKULL Gulf.
Red Gulf...
Upon landing at RED gulf, pick up the Sardines, the Old Key, and the Coin (which goes into your pouch) that are laying around the beach.
Inside the hull of the broken down ship, you will find 10 Coins in a pouch, and a vial of Ink.
The gate to the monastery is nigh impenetrable, put there is a Coin laying on the ground in front of it.
Clicking Go Back will place you behind the broken hull, which shows yet another Coin for your purse.
Click the rowboat again, and we now head to...
Skull Gulf...
Upon exiting your lifeboat, at SKULL Gulf, you will notice an Anchor laying next to a barrel. Take it.
Click to your right to head to Oliver HOUSE, and rob his laundry hanging on his clothes line. This consists of a Pirate Shirt and Pirate Bags
Click Go Back, and then head to...
Brandy Street...
Upon entering the main thoroughfare of Tortuga, you will notice a torch-bearing raiding party looking for you. Doesn't look like they took to kindly to you burning their ship. Click on the Church Tower to distract them.
The Old Key, from your inventory, unlocks the ancient door, and allows your entrance.
Pulling the Bell Rope rings the huge church bell, and a cut scene shows the attention for the raiding party has been grabbed.
Exit out the window to MONK Square. Note: DO NOT Go Back through the door. You will meet the party head on and get a punch for your trouble, and reset you back to before you pulled the rope.
In MONK Square, you will get a nice 360 view of your surroundings. Click MONKEY Corner, and you will be shown a fountain topped by a monkey, with a half drowned pirate in it. Oooh his Ruby Ring looks shiny.. doesn't it
Click Go Back, then Head out to DARK Alley. Across the ally way, there will be another instance of DARK Alley. Click on this to take you to a close up of an open basement window
No prompt here, but click the open windo too be let in. Wow, LOOT! Pick up the Sausage, Cheese, Wine, Rope, and Pirate Hat.
Taking the hate will give you the "You look like a pirate!" bonus. 10 coins, and the mob outside disappears.
Click on the window again, to go back to DARK Alley, then click MONK Square, then Click to BRANDY Street, over near the end of the alley
The mob, as I said earlier, is gone. A little to the right of the street light is a small location called RAT Corner
Clicking there will show a small, destitute rat. Rats normally like cheese, but this one is particular. Giving him the cheese only prompts him to let you know he wants tiny fish crammed in a can. Note: Feeding him the sausage will give you the same prompt.
Giving him the Sardines makes him happy, and he will produce a Golden Key into his hat. Click on the hat to retrieve it.
Above his head are several papers and such, pasted to the wall. Pay attention to the one with the skulls, and note the pattern.
Around the corner is the 3 Skull PUB, but for the moment, we want...
Fargo Square...
get the Coin stashes under the cart, and click on the far left top corner of the screen to FOG Alley.
Clicking on the cistern (Read as: big brick oven thingy filled with water)rewards you with a rubber ducky
Click Go Back, and heady into the DUST Corner. Here you will be threatened with violence by a carrot-topped pirate wielding a blunderbuss. Take not of the rope tied behind him, connecting to a pirate's flag.
Head back out to FOG Alley and forward to Tortuga PORT. Notice, no raiding party blocking your way, and no sleeping dog
Take the Music Box, and use the Golden Key to open the small blue chest. Inside, you will find 4 Aces
Now that we have just about all the loot we need for the rest of the game, we will head to...
3 Skull Pub...
Entrance to the trice cabesa'ed bar is gained through the code found in the RAT corner.
Here, you will find 5 tough looking sea dogs that will trade various things with your for other various things.
Trade the Ruby Ring for a Barrel
Trade the vial of Ink for a piece of the map, whose other torn pieces have been languishing in your inventory since the beginning of the game.
The map then will come together, assisted by various attachment pieces, like paperclips and band aids
The poker player wants the 4 Aces for some Tobacco.
Another poker player wants the Tobacco for some Grog (ewww, grog)
The third of the poker players will trade you a Sabre for your music box. But never fear, he will sell it back to you for 10 coins, then get pissed at the deal you swindled him out of (shrug)
Now, it all comes together...
Head back to FOG Alley and DUST corner, and give the offending pirate the Grog. He will float away on a set of wings. Was that stuff Medievil Red Bull?
Anyway, use the Sabre to chopp the rope, and the flag will come free. But wait, it has flown off in the breeze. Before you go chasing after it, make sure you pick up the pistol.
Back in the 3 Skull Pub, trade the final pirate the Pistol for a Black Key.
When you exit the pub, through the Go back options, you will be given an overview of FARGO Square, and the roof of the 3 Skull Pub. This is one of the tree places the Pirate Flag can land. Other areas being the CHURCH Tower, BRADY Street, or the MONASTERY.
From here, there are tow distinct paths to take to game end. Both end up at the same place.
Take the Rope and the Anchor and construct an Anchor with Rope (grappling hook) Take this and go to the Monastery WALL. Use it one the wall and climb over.
or 2.
Go back to RED gulf and use the Black Key to open the Gate
Regardless of which way you go, you will be accosted by a very angry puppy. Remember that dog the pirates had? NO? Remember the old adage "Music hath charms that doth soothe the savage beast"? No?!? Then just use the Music Box, ya philistine.
The end...
Just waltz by the dog, and into the tunnel ahead of you, and Tortuga 3 will be a wrap!
Thanks folks :)
Posted by: Fuzake
September 15, 2009 11:35 AM