There's no day like a snow day! Unless, of course, you live somewhere warm like I do and haven't seen a snowflake in years. Still, wherever you are and whatever you're doing, there's no reason not to cool off and relax with these games that are not only wintry, but also invoke the sort of feel-good warm and fuzzy sentimentality we all like to indulge in when it gets cold outside and the year is long in the tooth. Our wish for you is that no matter where you are or what time of year it is, you are happy, warm, and loved... and able to play all sorts of games about tactical bears, snowflakes, and unreasonably complex puzzles.
SnowDays - Why bother cutting up paper and dooming yourself to an eternity vacuuming little white snippets out of every crevice in your house when you can just create with this webtoy? Popular Front made this little bit of interactive art way back in 2004, but even today people can't get enough of it. Just click and drag to slice away bits of the folded piece of paper onscreen until you're left with a masterpiece just waiting to unfold. Or, if you're like me, a bedraggled looking doily with random chunks torn out you'd be ashamed to give your kindergarten teacher. But you don't have to be artistic to enjoy the simple pleasure you get from creating with this sleek little webtoy, and when you're done, you can set your flake free into the wilds for others to enjoy.
Warbears Adventures: An A.R. Xmas - Bears with weapons and military training? Stephen Colbert was right! Except these ones are on our side! The Warbears have been around for years now, and in this Christmassy little point-and-click puzzle adventure they're dealing with the holidays in their own unique fashion. If you've never tried a Warbears title, you're definitely missing out, and A. R. Xmas packs all the beautiful visuals and silly dialogue you've come to expect. A new Warbears game is still on the horizon, but in the meantime revisiting this funny and festive little gem is never a bad idea.
My Diamond Baby - There's nothing particularly seasonal about this escape game, but the uncommon sentiment and heart behind it makes it something you can appreciate at any time of the year, especially those times when you want to hug your loved ones close to keep warm. Of course, that's assuming you aren't thwarted by the challenging spike of difficulty that also sets this one apart from its brethren. You find yourself locked in a room, after a motorcycle accident while you were on your way to give an engagement ring to your girlfriend, and a whole lot of tricky puzzles stand in your way of escape. My Diamond Baby was one of the first escape games I played, and despite the challenge I still consider it to be one of the finest.
While we welcome any comments about this weekly feature here, we do ask that if you need any help with the individual games, please post your questions on that game's review page. Well, what are you waiting for? Get out there and rediscover some awesome!
This time of year, I always miss Adventures In Snowdriftland. :-(
This time of year, I always miss Adventures In Snowdriftland. :-(
I enjoyed the review and comments for "My Diamond Baby"...such a reminder of how much escape games have evolved over the years. Actually praising and reveling in the now-dreadful pixel hunt? I love it! :)
Forgot to add: I agree--this is an awesome escape!