I've spent a lot of the past week hijacking cars, moving down pedestrians, and randomly chucking Molotov cocktails at things. Also, I've been playing a lot of GTA V. (Are Vault articles admissable in a court of law? I should probably check on that.) Anyways, until my wanted level goes down, I'm laying low with some nice, adventure games from the JayIsGames Vault. But you didn't hear it from me, okay?
The House 2 - Sometimes less is more, and The House 2, the 2010 horror game by Sinthai Boonmaitree, certainly proves that. Like its predecessor, The House 2 strips away complicated mythology and esoteric puzzles to present all the things that flash games are good at making creepy: minor-key piano tunes, faded black-and-white photographs, distorted sounds of children laughing, and suddenly appearing specters scaring the bejeezus out of you, even when you know a jump scare is coming. It has all the thrills of your local "old abandoned shack where all those murders happened twenty years ago this very night", and, even if some of the scares are cheap, admission to this haunted house is always free! The House 2 is one of the most popular games on our fair site, and it's the perfect season to plan a visit.
Dangeresque Roomisode 1: Behind the Dangerdesque - He fights the law! And he also fights the crime, but not as much! Dangeresque! But he's stuck as a desk jockey in this 2008 homage to old-school point-and-clicks by the Videlectrix wing of Homestar Runner. Filling out paperwork may sound a poor comparison to nunchucking kidnappers out on the gritty streets, but this nostalgic recreation has all the humor you would expect, with good ol' SB having a relevant wisecrack for whatever darn fool combination of item-and-scenery you foolishly thought would advance your quest. And once more, for ol' time sake: IT LOOKS LIKE I'M GONNA HAVE TO JUMP!
Agent 079 - Most escape games make it feel like you, the player, have been trapped in a demented fun house created to the passing whims of a bored criminal supergenius, so it's kind of refreshing to see a work where that is, in fact, the premise. A 2010 work developed by Atomic Cicada, Agent 079 sets itself apart with a clever premise and puzzles, especially its series involving shifting rooms around the lair to various effects. No doubt it's more than a little goofy, with an ending that hits high on the "What the heck just happened?" scale. Still, it's solid adventuring fun and will definitely make you want to check out financing options for death rays and assorted paraphernalia.
While we welcome any comments about this weekly feature here, we do ask that if you need any help with the individual games, please post your questions on that game's review page. Well, what are you waiting for? Get out there and rediscover some awesome!
I was totally going to post a walkthrough for Agent 079 and then this baseball thing happened, and then someone beat me to it.
Awww... Dangeresque! I miss HomestarRunner. It's a shame they don't update anymore but at least they quit while they were ahead and didn't jump the shark. Still, a farewell would have been nice.