The Unforgiven Room

The game is called the Unforgiven Room, and is being hosted on Newgrounds.
The opening scenario is a nod to Takagi-san's original escape-the-room games, Crimson Room and Viridian Room, in which you wake up with a headache and can't remember a thing, nor even where you are. Such is the begining of a classic escape-the-room adventure.
The gameplay should be familiar to anyone who has ever played one of these games before. For those uninitiated, just click your way around the room searching for clues and items to use that may help you escape. Most games like this end with you finding a key that opens the door, and this one is no exception.
A moveable inventory mechanism floats in the top left corner of the game window—the thing that looks like a stop light turned on its side—and can be opened by clicking on the right side (will highlight green). Close the inventory by clicking on the left side (will highlight red). Items can be used, some by clicking on the item and some by dragging onto other items, either in the room or in the inventory itself.
Analysis: The game is a decent effort by Jason Keyte that features appealing graphics and gameplay that is classic point-and-click goodness. All things considered, it offers some fun for those who enjoy these types of games. However, some of the interactivity is a bit glitchy and frustration may ensue. There are also a few very small hotspots that need to be clicked just right to get some things to happen. For example, taping together the access card can be done if done just right. Put both pieces of the card together so they are touching, then click on just the right spot of the tape to have a piece unroll. Keep playing with it and you'll get it soon enough.
Another thing I did not like about the game is the finger cursor which serves no purpose other than making the mouse movement sluggish. Also, there is one slightly disturbing action that takes place that involves some comic violence (a foot is sawed off). It's not all that bad, but should be pointed out for those concerned about the little ones. Click.
Walkthrough Guide
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This game was atrocious. A fine concept, clearly lots of hard work and effort from Mr. Keyte, but nonetheless atrocious in execution. However, if you are like me and simply must finish a game you start, no matter how detrimental it is to your logical faculties, here is a
1. Lights:
You begin facing the PC. Click the right side of the screen once, you should be facing a door. Click the small blue square to turn the lights on. If the gray goggles-looking inventory panel gets in your way at any point, it can be clicked-held and dragged around.
2. Toxic Waste:
Click the left side of the screen to go back to the PC area. Click the upper-left corner of the nifty dancing-silhouettes painting. It will tip. Now click the upper-right corner. It will tip some more. Now click around near the bottom; if you zoom in near the trash can, it's OK, just keep clicking around the bottom of the painting. Eventually it will fall down. Click the bottom of the screen to zoom back out (if necessary), and grab the TOXIC WASTE.
3. Blender Blade:
Now click the top of the screen. It should scroll up to show the ceiling and a ledge running along the top of the wall. Click the upper-left corner of this "ledge area" until it zooms in and shows what looks like a rotary yard sprinkler. This is actually the BLENDER BLADE; take it.
4. You now have a choice. You can exploit the game's glitchiness to circumvent several steps, or go through the motions as "intended". I will write the guide as if we're playing along, but if you want to jump closer to the end:
Click around frustratedly until you get back to the PC screen. Click the trash can to zoom in on it. Keep clicking around like crazy on the trash can's foot pedal (some clicking-and-dragging may be necessary) until the game's brain explodes and a severed foot appears on the trash can barrel. Take the REMOTE CONTROL from inside the trash can.
*Skip this step if you "cheated" in Step 4*
5. Lighter:
Click around until you get back to the normal PC-and-trash-can screen. Click the bottom of the screen. It will scroll down to reveal a red carpet. Click the lower-left corner of the carpet; it will peel up to reveal a hidden compartment. Take the LIGHTER. Click the top of the carpet to scroll back up.
6. Key Card Half #1:
Click the right side of the screen. You should be on the grandfather clock screen (where we turned the lights on). Click the pink cabinet to zoom in on it. Click the right round handle to open the right cabinet door, and then click the DIARY. Keep clicking it until you get the KEY CARD HALF. Click the diary to close it.
7. Battery #1:
While you're in the cabinet, open the left door. Click the back of the cabinet, just above the lower shelf. A hidden compartment will slide open with a BATTERY in it. Take it. Click the bottom of the screen to zoom back out.
*Steps 8-15 are optional (and highly annoying) and should only be completed if you must know what to do with the CD-ROM.*
8. Click the base of the grandfather clock to get a CD-ROM.
9. Click the left side of the screen to go back to the PC area. Click on the computer case to zoom in on it. Click the big light-gray circle near the bottom of the computer case; the panel will flip up. Click the orange corner to get the NOTE. If you want to look at the note again in the future, frantically click on its icon in your inventory until the glitchy system triggers and its picture reappears.
10. Click the power button for the computer. It's the tiny gray circle in the upper-left of the computer case, across from the long gray line (the CD tray).
11. Move the mouse on the desk (click and drag) to move the cursor on the PC screen. Click through to the second screen, with the Windows desktop.
12. Click the little black eject button below the CD tray on the computer case. Drag the CD-ROM into the open CD tray, then click the eject button again. The tray will close.
13. Now use the mouse to manoeuvre the PC-screen cursor onto the black rectangle in the lower-right corner. Click (your actual cursor) on the upper-left portion of the mouse. You should receive a password prompt. This part is very glitchy so if it doesn't work, don't feel heartbroken: you're not missing much.
14. The password is based on the note you found inside the computer cover.
It's the first letter of each word.
Upon entering the password you are treated to a semi-loud song (the kind people buy on CDs, with vocals and all, not a little MIDI ditty) which goes on for a LONG TIME and CANNOT BE STOPPED. The lyrics scroll on the screen and certain letters are highlighted pink; this unfathomably boring experience will, if sat through, give you a hint to the location of the DYNAMITE.
15. There is no need to do this, but now you know.
16. Key Card Half #2:
Click the right side of the screen; you should be looking at a bed with pink (yay!) sheets and a stereo system. Click the bed to zoom in on it; click the left side of the sheets to life them up and get another KEY CARD HALF.
17. Power Cord:
Click under the bed, in the shadow near the right bedpost, to get the POWER CORD. Click the bottom of the screen to zoom back out.
18. Battery #2:
Click the stereo system to zoom in on it. Get the other BATTERY from the ashtray on the left. Click the bottom of the screen to zoom back out.
*Skip this step if you "cheated" in Step 4*
19. Dynamite:
Click the purple curtains to draw them open. Move your cursor to the lower-right corner of the opened curtains, just above the window ledge. You need to click the very edge of the curtains here, otherwise they will just be drawn closed again. You are almost guaranteed to be very irritated by this. Eventually you will hit the right pixel and the curtains will open a little more; grab the DYNAMITE.
Gold Key:
Click the left side of the screen to go back to the grandfather clock area. Open your inventory and drag the POWER CORD onto the lime-green rectangle behind the pink cabinet. The blender will now be plugged in.
Now drag the BLENDER BLADE onto the dark slot inside the blender glass. The blade will now be equipped on the blender.
Drag the TOXIC WASTE onto the very top of the blender (don't just drag it onto the blender anywhere, such as the glass body). The blender will fill with green goo.
Press the big pink button on the base of the blender. Take the GOLD KEY from inside the grandfather clock.
*Skip this if you "cheated" in Step 4*
Click right two screens. You should be facing a TV and a big blue armchair. Drag the DYNAMITE on to the armchair.
Click-and-hold on the upper-right corner of the LIGHTER in your inventory until you hear a click and the flame comes on (this step is annoying). Keep your cursor held down as you move off the lighter, so it stays lit. You can release your mouse button as long as the little dancing flame on the lighter stays on. Drag the LIGHTER onto the DYNAMITE; the fuse on the dynamite will ignite.
Take the SAW from inside the chair. You can also turn off the LIGHTER now if the dancing flame is slowing things down for you.
27. Brick:
Click the lime-green drawers under the TV screen to zoom in on them. Drag the GOLD KEY onto the lock of the lower drawer. You won't get any visual or audio indications that it unlocked, but the key will disappear. Click the handle of the lower drawer to open it; take the BRICK.
Tape Dispenser:
Drag the BRICK onto the TV screen. Take the TAPE DISPENSER. Wince.
Click and hold the right side of the TAPE DISPENSER icon in your inventory. Keep your cursor held down for at least 10 seconds, to be safe. Then release your cursor without moving it off the TAPE DISPENSER. It should unroll a length of tape. This step is very, very irritating; if it doesn't work, just try again until it does. The TAPE DISPENSER does not need to be outside your inventory, nor does it need to be in any special location. It's all about the awkward click/hold timing.
30. Pass Card:
Drag the two KEY CARD HALVES together in your inventory so it looks like a "whole" card. Then drag the EXTENDED TAPE DISPENSER on top of the two KEY CARD HALVES; it will all amalgamate together into a single PASS CARD. Click the right side of the screen to go back to the PC area.
*Skip steps 31 and 32 if you "cheated" in Step 4*
31. Foot:
Stop eating if you're squeamish. Click the SAW in your inventory screen, then the garbled yellow "USE ITEM" text that appears underneath it. Click on the SEVERED FOOT.
32. Remote Control:
Click on the trash can to zoom in on it. Drag the SEVERED FOOT onto the trash can pedal to prop the lid open. Click on the trash can opening to look inside. Get the REMOTE CONTROL.
Gray Key:
Click the REMOTE CONTROL in your inventory screen; it will enlarge slightly. Click the yellow screen on its left side; it will flip over. Click the gray rectangle to slide the battery cover open. Drag both BATTERIES inside the REMOTE CONTROL.
Click the left side of the screen to go back to the TV and chair area. Click the REMOTE CONTROL inside your inventory (no dragging necessary). A semi-hidden panel will open on the wall in front of you.
Click the ... metal technology thing ... to zoom in on it. Drag the PASS CARD onto it. Click the green button. Take the GRAY KEY.
36. Conclusion:
Click the right side of the screen twice to arrive back at the grandfather clock area. Click the yellow door to zoom in on it. Drag the GRAY KEY onto the lock; it will evaporate like the gold key did. Click the lock to reward your efforts with a credits sequence.
Posted by: Mineralogy
March 27, 2007 4:22 PM