Use your mouse to locate and sometimes combine objects, interact with the environment, activate the thieves' unusual powers and click through the dialogue. There is quite a lot of conversation and banter that occurs between the three thieves, and although it's tempting to click through it the dialogue actually adds to the charm and the humor of the game. The game itself is not overly challenging, with only the ocassional pixel-hunting moment, but there's the relieving presence of a changing cursor to alleviate any minor frustration. There may be the presence of a slight glitch or two, but they're not game-breaking. I've played The Three Thieves quite a few times, and any glitches occurred only rarely.
2DPlay have definitely created a unique game in The Three Thieves. The artwork is superb, with detailed backgrounds and fantastic animations. The story is simple, but enriched and enlivened by the characters who are proud of their unique abilities, yet curiously humble which makes them somewhat endearing. The gameplay is not completely flawless, but any minor imperfections are easily overlooked by the quality of the presentation and the quirky humour of the dialogue and animations.
The Three Thieves may not to be to everyone's tastes, but then neither are snails, no matter how much garlic butter they're smothered in. But to overlook this charming game is to deny yourself a moment or ten of some engaging gameplay. As Marcel Marceau once famously said, "......"
... um... let's play, shall we?
Walkthrough Guide
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The Three Thieves Walkthrough
Chapter 1
The Jail Cell
Click on the cane hidden in the shadows between the bunks and the small table.
Use the cane on the small ring above Rob's head to pull the ladder down.
Click on the ladder and Rob will climb it to access the next room.
The Front Gate
Click on the red valve marked Front Gate Key.
Use the valve on the mechanism marked Front Gate Lock.
After Rob's dialogue, click on him to activate his invisibility power.
Click to the right of the screen.
Chapter 2
The Laundry
Take the cane resting against the wall.
As before, use the cane on the small ring in the ceiling.
A wedge will fall out, and a rat will appear.
Apparently a rat is too much for Rob to take on, so click him to activate his invisibility and click the wedge.
Use the wedge on the moving ramp near the ladder.
Click on the ladder and then click to the right of the screen to go to the Gym.
The Gym
Click on the valve to the left of the screen and use it on the Laughing Gas machine.
Meaty will throw out a lever to take.
Click on the lever in the inventory and then click where Meaty's voice is coming from. Rob will climb up and use the lever.
Meaty will emerge, and after some dialogue he will display his remarkable ability to punch things out of the way.
Rob will automatically leave.
Chapter 3
The Street
A mime will perform briefly and then drop an umbrella.
Take the umbrella and use it on the fire escape above Rob.
Click near the wooden crate to get Rob to climb up.
Meaty will say he can punch the crate, so click on Meaty and then click on the crate.
Once the crate is cleared, click on Rob and then click on him again to activate his invisibility.
Go right into Slim's house.
Slim's House
After Rob and Slim's chat, wait for Slim to throw out a T-shaped lever.
Take the lever to add it to the inventory.
Click on the wall-clock to take it.
Combine the lever and the wall-clock in the inventory and then use them on the small plug on Slim's waterbed.
The waterbed will careen wildly, and Meaty and Rob will discuss using a wedge to stop it.
Click on the wedge-shaped cake, and use it on the waterbed at bottom left.
Slim will be freed and both he and Rob will move to the next room.
The Bathroom
Click on Slim and then click on the bottom pipe to the right of the screen.
Eventually Slim will knock down the bucket and reappear out of the pipes.
Click on the bucket to add it to the inventory, then use it on the bath 3 times.
Click on the window so the thieves can make their escape.
The Rooftop
When the hot-air balloon appears, click on Meaty.
Click on the balloon basket so Meaty will punch it.
Chapter 4
Outside the Metro
Here we first encounter the villain of the story, talking to the Mime. When they disappear, and after a brief conversation between the thieves, take the red button valve located on the shirtfront of the villain in the circus poster.
Take the yellow wedge thing from the ground. It turns out to be a sandwich-board type sign.
Click to go down to the Metro.
The Metro
Use the red button valve on the metal pipes in the middle of the screen.
Click on Meaty to punch the crate.
Move to the left where the crate is, and get Meaty to punch it back to the right.
While still on the screen with the skeletal remains underground, click on Slim and get him to climb through the pipes to retrieve the lever.
Go back to the right and use the lever on the door at the top of the ladder.
Slim will appear in the area where there's a train moving backwards and forwards.
Click on the yellow sign in the inventory, then click towards the ground to the right of the train.
Slim will throw the sign, and it will miraculously stop the train.
Click on the ladder that is revealed and Slim will climb it.
The Thieves will encounter the villainous Ringmaster and be escorted off by clowns.
Chapter 5
The Circus Underground
Click on Slim and then click the pipe to get him to climb inside.
Slim will appear in a storeroom of sorts.
There's a cane resting on the red and white barrel that's directly left of the pipe. Hover the mouse and the cursor should change when it hits the hotspot. Click to take the cane.
Go back through the pipe, switch from Slim to Rob, and click on Rob to activate invisible mode. Go right, past the clown, and through the door.
Use the cane on the ring above Rob.
Get Rob to climb the ladder, then switch to Meaty.
Click on the crate to get Meaty to punch it.
Click to go left, over the knocked-out clown, and get the bucket. Go back to the right to the tub of water.
Use the bucket 3 times on the tub of water to raise a platform, then click to the ladder on the right and climb it.
Cannon Control Room
Click to go right, past the rocket into the next room.
There's an L-shaped lever to take, towards the top of the yellow section.
Now go two screens to the left, to the juggling clown.
Switch from Meaty to Rob, and activate Rob's invisibility.
Use the L-shaped lever on the door to the left.
A giant weight will fall on the clown. Go back to the control room, taking the red button valve that the clown dropped.
Use the red valve on the Cannon Launch control panel, then click to go inside the cannon.
Chapter 6
The Big Top
After the evil Ringmaster has disappeared, click on Meaty and take him to the right to punch the clown car.
Go left two screens to get the T-shaped lever, which ends up looking a bit like a button. Take the whip from the stool.
Combine the whip with the lever/button and go right one screen.
Use the whip on the chandelier.
A candle will fall and light the cannon's fuse.
There will be a brief dialogue between the Ringmaster and the Circus Lion.
The car that Meaty punched earlier will fly down and knock away the Ringmaster.
Click to make Rob go left. He will stop to go back and reassure the Lion, so click left again.
Check the clown manufacturing plant, then go back three screens to the right.
Rob will be outside the circus tent. There's a lever on the ground halfway between the tent and the right-side of the screen. Hover the mouse to locate the hotspot.
Go back one screen to the left, to the room with the water tanks.
The goal is to get water in the two tanks marked with a white level, exactly to those levels.
There are 5 slots to use the lever. Slot 5 is used to reset the water tanks, for a fresh start.
Numbering the tanks 1 through 4, from left to right, use the lever in the following sequence:
1 and 3
3 and 4
1 and 3
3 and 2
4 and 2
2 and 3
3 and 4
2 and 1
When the water levels are equal, switch to Slim and get him to climb up the ladder and through the pipe to get the floating wedge in the end tank.
Go two screens to the left, past the Lion, back to the Clown manufacturing room.
Click on the wedge and use it at the bottom of the moving ramp, to the right.
Take the yellow button valve from the ramp.
Go right one screen, and use the yellow valve on the mechanism with the chain to the right of the Lion's cage.
Oh La La! You're finished!
Thanks, chiktionary, for the walkthrough!
Posted by: Mike
January 31, 2011 12:57 PM