The Terrific Menace of the Invaders from Audiogalaxy

A charming experience filled with colorful characters—some humorous, some ironic—that takes you on a journey through time, visiting musical legends and destinations of Turin, London, and even Woodstock.
We'll be back with an update and a more thorough review once we get through this promising new adventure.
Walkthrough Guide
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Complete walkthrough
hint : you do not need the following items to win the game:
divining rod (menacing forest floor, Woodstock 1969)
divining rod #2 (menacing forest floor, Woodstock 1986)
Part 1 - Si Vis Pacem -Peace- Para Bellum
- Spaceship 2010 -
Break Glass with Hammer - hold down mouse button on the small pickaxe with red handle and select the option
Go up via hole in broken glass
Go left to end of hallway, enter leftmost door
Access the console of Melody-o-matic
Select the "Print" option
After long cinematic, take note on floor, go through tutorial if you need to
Go to Woodstock 1969
- Woodstock 1969 -
Go left once, to the area with a gate
Speak with the Guardian. To end the dialog asap, select "Have you seen... alien" and then "How can I get in"
Go to London 1977
- London 1977 -
Go all the way right till you have reached end of the hallway with the "Beautiful like a prison that burns" note
Go up through the red door with round glass
Take a marijuana leaf [STEP #13]
Go to Woodstock 1969
- Woodstock 1969 -
Go left once to the Guardian
Open up your inventory, and wear the marijuana leaf
Go left once
Talk to the man in anyway, he will take your "suit"
Go to London 1977
- London 1977 -
Go back to where you took the marijuana leaf in step 13
Go right, pass the carnivore plant [STEP #21]
Take a fig leaf from the potted plant on table
Go to Woodstock 1969
- Woodstock 1969 -
Go left once to the Guardian
Open up your inventory, and wear the fig leaf
Go left once
Take the can on the left
Go to Spaceship 2010
- Spaceship 2010 -
Go left into Melody-o-matic room
Pick up the can and fill it up with goo from the bucket - open up your inventory, click on the can once, move the can cursor to edge of game screen (the inventory should disappear), and click on the bucket
Go to Woodstock 1969 [STEP #31]
- Woodstock 1969 -
Go all the way left (left 2 times)
Use can on binoculars near cliff edge
Look in binoculars
Find the alien, you can only see the back of his (her? its?) head. He is directly above the letter 'E' and 'O'. You only need to look at the alien, afterwhich the game will enter cinematic
Part 2 - TransforNATION
- Spaceship 2010 -
Go to London 1977
- London 1977 -
Go all the way right, into Sid Vicious' room
Speak with Sid Vicious
Go to Turin 1986
- Turin 1986 -
Go up into Radio RTM [STEP #40]
Take the Cassette from the bin
Go left, back onto the street
Go right to the Paninaro
Give the Cassette to the Paninaro. Note the name and artist of the music he likes
Go all the way left (left 4 times)
Look inside the cardboard box of "Previously Owned Cassettes". Find and click on the tape the the Paninaro likes
Trade it for the cassette you have
Go up into the magic store [STEP #48]
Take the magnet on the fridge, on the left
Go right, back onto the street
Go back to Radio RTM a la step 40
Talk to the deejay and dedicate a song. Any song will do
Put the cassette tape (the cassette that the Paninaro likes and for which you have traded for)
*on slower machines it may not be possible to insert the cassette before the deejay comes back, close your other programs and
reduce game image quality (right click for menu and select "Low Quality") to speed things up
Pick up the Sid Vicious biography
Go to London 1977
- London 1977 -
Go to Sid Vicious' room, all the way right (Step 31)
Give the Sid Vicious biography to Sid Vicious [STEP #57]
Go to Woodstock 1983
- Woodstock 1969 -
Go right once
Read the typewritten sheet that Snoopy is preparing. You can only read it when he holds it up in the air.
Go to Woodstock 1983
- Woodstock 1983 -
Go right once
Speak with Snoopy. [STEP #63] Select the correct phrases from Step 57. For reference, they are:
"I promise on my honour"
"to try the hardest"
"to accomplish my duty"
"to act always with selflessness and loyalty"
"observing the scout's law."
*Note that you cannot complete this step by jumping ahead and skipping Step 57; the correct phrases only show up after Step 57
Kick the only tree outside the castle
Take the fruit
Go into the castle - either go right or go up via the castle door
Go right once, into Michael Jackson's room
Take the string
Go to London 1994
- London 1994 -
Go into the alley (right 2 times, up 1 time)
Open up inventory, and use string on magnet
Use magnet tied to string on the manhole on the floor. You will receieve a coin
Go to Woodstock 1983
- Woodstock 1983 -
Go back into castle as in Step 63
Dial a number on the phone
Enter the numbers 555 286 996 (you get the number from the note you took at the start of the game; open up the inventory
and read the note)
Speak with Michael Jackson
Go to Turin 1986
- Turin 1986 -
Go to the magic store as in Step 48 (all the way left, then up)
Turn on the TV
Speak with the TVoodoo Lady, select "Do you also do enchantments..."
Go to London 1977
- London 1977 -
Go to the indoor garden where you took the marijuana and fig leaf in Step 21
Give the fruit to the carnivore plant
Take the seed
Go to Woodstock 1969
- Woodstock 1969 -
Plant the seed in the vase (the plantless pot on the metal trough)
*You can also plant the seed in the fertile soil - it will grow into a tree in Woodstock 1986, and you can kick it for another fruit
Go to Woodstock 1983
- Woodstock 1983 -
Take the bonzai
Go to Woodstock 1969
- Woodstock 1969 -
Place the bonzai into the metal trough, beside the existing vase
Go to Woodstock 1983
- Woodstock 1983 -
Take the healthy bonzai
Go to Woodstock 1969
- Woodstock 1969 -
Place the healthy bonzai into the metal trough
Go to Woodstock 1983
- Woodstock 1983 -
Take the flower
Go to Turin 1986
- Turin 1986 -
Go to the magic store
Give the albano flower to the TVoodoo Lady
Go to Woodstock 1983
- Woodstock 1983 -
Go to the castle, into Michael Jackson's room
Send the potion through the communications pipeline on the left
Part 3 - Turn! Undead!
- Spaceship 2010 -
Go to Turin 1986
- Turin 1986 -
Go left once, and up into the recording studios
After cinematic, go to Spaceship 2010
- Spaceship 2010 -
Go right 2 times, into glass cell
Speak with Eddie, and select the "Break the glass..." option for the second phrase
After entering the Melody-o-matic room, Speak with Eddie, and select the option "That hammer you're holding..." and "Very well. Can you give it to me?"
Go right once into the hallway, and up into video room
Break the theca with the hammer
Take the video cassettes
Go to London 1994
- London 1994 -
Go left once into the pub
Speak with the polecat, and ask to become a member. You can become a member with or without taking the trials. If you want to ignore the trials, select the "Can I become a member... without any trials" option
Go left once
Take the broom on the left, next to the door
Go left into the concert
Insert the blank video cassette into the VHS
Turn on the camera
Start recording on the VHS
Go to Spaceship 2010
- Spaceship 2010 -
Go up into video room, and left to the video system
Insert the video cassette into the video player
Go right once, go up into the alien's room, and go left once to the big screen
Take the timebelt on the keyboard
Go left twice into Melody-o-matic room
Give the timebelt to Eddie
- Turin 1986 -
Go to Woodstock 1983
- Woodstock 1983 -
Go left twice, outside the Woodstock wooden building
Take the siren on the wall
Go to London 1977
- London 1977 -
Go right 3 times, into hallway where 2 guys are sleeping
Use siren on the 2 guys
Go to London 1994
- London 1994 -
Go right twice to outside of Chelsea House, and up into alley
Wash the broom with the source of water
Talk to the secret passage, and select "Grendizer! Go!"
Go left twice, to the marble sculptureof bowlers
Take the bowling ball from the left bowler's hand
Go to London 1977
- London 1977 -
Go right once to where Santa Claus is
Use the bowling ball on the mound of snow on the mid left
Take the Santa Claus suit
Take the wish list
Go left twice into the building
Open up the inventory and use the broom on the Santa Claus suit
Put on the Santa Claus suit
Go left once
Give a closer look at the gifts
Use the wish list to switch the tags of the boys' gifts with Maxine's gifts of the same type. For reference, they are:
-Maxine's Monchichi <-> Mark's Pegasus of the Micronauts
-Maxine's Barbie <-> Robbie's Big Jim
-Maxine's Maya the Bee Album <-> Howard's The Great Mazinger Album
-Maxine's Make-Up Set <-> Jason's Zorro's Mask
-Maxine's The Easy Bake Oven <-> Gary's Atari VCS
A simplified conversion list if you don't want to look back and forth:
-Switch Mark's purple package (mid right) with Maxine's with Maxine's starry package (blue with yellow stars, center)
-Switch Robbie's tube package (red and yellow, bottom left) with Maxine's striped package (green, mid bottom)
-Switch Howard's banded package (orange, center) with Maxine's red package (top left)
-Switch Jason's twisty package (green with orange bow, top center) with Maxine's green package (mid left)
-Switch Gary's blue package (bottom right) with Maxine's checkered package (top right)
Go to London 1994
- London 1994 -
Go back to the door of hotel room 69 (go right 2 times, up 1 time to alley, up 1 time through secret passage, right 1 time, up 1 time via the stairs)
*Save here now if you want to see all 5 endings of the game; you will not be able to save after the next step
Knock on the pink door of room 69
Part 4 - Epilogue
Go up out of the cell, up into the alien's room, and up into through console door
Look inside the boxes
Pick any CD, different CDs will result in different endings
Insert the CD into the CD reader, below the keyboard
*The ending before the credit is the same, the ending after the credit differs depending on the CD you have chosen
Posted by: CowerFool
April 4, 2007 8:35 PM