The Stone of Anamara

The Stone of Anamara is a creepy point-and-click adventure game, created by Gabriel Rodriguez, that spans multiple chapters. In this first chapter, you uncover the story behind the asylum doctor, Alexander Graves, and the mysterious illness of one of his patients.
Use the mouse exclusively for control in this game. By moving the mouse gently, the scene will scroll slightly in all directions thus giving the illusion of being able to see all around you. To move, click on the arrows that appear as you move the mouse around. Use the hand cursor to pick up and activate various items and objects, enter doors, etc.
Gabriel has delivered an excellent effort towards constructing an immersive experience in Flash with a compelling story. Although not perfect by any means, there is plenty here to see and to discover. The game is a great way to kick-off the runup to Halloween, and it will surely give you a scare or two. Unfortunately, it is over far too quickly and chapter two has not yet been released, though I read on the game's forum that it is due out very soon—this first chapter was released several months ago. Click.
Walkthrough Guide
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Complete Walk Through
Turn right from the front door to go to the back of the house.
Take the KEY underneath the mat of the back door
Turn right and click on the leaves until you uncover a fuse box.
Use KEY to open the fuse box and click a few of the fuses to screw them back in, restoring power to the house.
Turn right and set the clock to 6:55
Turn right and take KEY from the desk drawer with a blue book on it.
Go back left to the door you saw the ghost enter.
Go into the next door and take the PILLS from the cabinet. (top-right miles pain pills)
Turn on the hot water to reveal the message KITCHEN
Go back to the main hall and enter your first door, the kitchen.
Knock the MATCHES off the top of the refrigerator.
Open the fridge and take the CHEESE out and place it to the left of the fridge.
A rat comes to eat it and drags along your MATCHES. Grab them.
Turn right and click the can of SOUP. Open it.
Pour the SOUP into the pot.
Open the burner drawer below the Pot. Click the wood in there and light the last match.
Take spoon from the sink and use it on the pot.
Turn to the kitchen table area and click onto the CRANK next to the plan.
Place CRANK inside the hole in the wall on the right side of the screen. Now Turn the crank.
Leave the kitchen and go back to the first office room you were in.
Look at the RADIO in the room. Click the left knob once and the middle knob 5 times.
Click the picture twice showing a date 11-05-39.
Click on the big picture next to the doctors diplomas, revealing a safe.
Enter the date 11-05-39 to unlock the safe.
Open the safe and click on the Ouija board revealing the message GO UPSTAIRS.
Exit back to the main hall.
Go forward twice and click the hallway to the left of the two doors.
Go up the stairs and click on the door.
Posted by: jesse
April 9, 2007 9:24 PM