Finally we find out why we have been trapped in so many different rooms in the
Great Escape series by Mateusz Skutnik and the Pastel Games crew. Apparently there have been ghosts at every turn, slamming doors and locking us in various areas of the house, and now it's up to you do deal with those ghosts, once and for all.
The Great House Escape takes the locale from each of the six previous installments, plus hallways connecting them all, and turns them into one big final "great escape" game.
Included are the same super-saturated visuals, groovy soundtrack, and peculiar puzzles we are used to seeing from this series. Use your pointing and clicking skills to locate items, and use those items to help you make your escape.
Play The Great House Escape
Walkthrough Guide
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Ok, this game really shouldn't need a walkthrough, but in case you're stuck, here are some hints.
Getting started: Well, you can just randomly wander the house and pick up objects, but if you want your searching to have a more defined purpose,
in the initial hallway, click the wardrobe on the left. Move the picture of the old lady and her pets, then click the lever behind it. Go through the small door and click the Zen Lady. She shows you two cards with the "ingredients" you need to find. (Be aware, though, that you also need two items which are not listed on the cards.)
If you're almost there but you just can't find that last pesky object, here are some hints.
Blue card
Top left
Cat - well, hair from said cat, anyway. That critter ain't gonna let you add it to any potion!
The cat is sitting on top of a wardrobe.
The wardrobe is in the bedroom.
The bedroom is upstairs on the left.
Top right
It's a fishhead.
It belongs to a dead fish; don't go bugging the poor goldfish swimming around in its bowl!
But if you're in the room with the goldfish, you're in the right place.
Examine the, um, artwork in the living room.
The living room is upstairs on the right.
Get the head from the mounted fish next to the bookcase.
Bottom left
It's a tube of toothpaste.
Oh, come now, you don't know which room is most likely to contain toothpaste?
Oh, you mean you don't know where the room itself is. The bathroom is downstairs on the left.
The toothpaste is on the ledge in front of the mirror.
Bottom right
It's a bit of cobweb. (Yeah, I know, I thought it was a batwing at first.)
The cobweb is behind a grating.
The grating has a bathroom plunger stuck to it.
The bathroom is downstairs on the left.
The grating you want is above the tub.
Other item you need
You need a delivery mechanism for the potion.
A pesticide or fertilizer sprayer would work nicely.
Look in the basement.
Basement. Get it? Basement? Down?
It's near the washing machine. After going down the ladder, turn right once.
Orange card
1st object:
It's a funnel.
A funnel is usually found either in the garage or in the kitchen. This house has no garage.
The kitchen is downstairs on the right.
Bottom left cupboard in the view with the sink.
2nd object:
It's a bit of pipe.
It's the sort of odd and end that often ends up cluttering places like the basement and attic.
It's not in the basement.
Oh, come now, surely you can find the attic? Top of the house ring any bells?
The pipe is right next to the trapdoor.
3rd object:
It's a vacuum cleaner.
It's not necessarily a working vacuum cleaner (at least not in the traditional sense), so the two candidates are basement and attic.
It's not in the basement.
Yes, that leaves the attic. Go climb some steps.
It's underneath the boarded-up window, between the pram with no wheels and the old-fashioned record player.
Other object you need
You need a bag into which you can empty the contents of the vacuum.
It's not in any of the rooms.
It's in the wardrobe you moved with the lever. Don't worry, you can still open it even after you've moved it.
If you've found all the objects, but are stuck on how to assemble them, here are some hints.
General hint: when combining items in your inventory, order matters. If it's not letting you combine items, try selecting them in a different order. (If you're combining items someplace other than your inventory, order doesn't matter.)
Blue card:
Go back to the Zen Lady and click the cauldron bubbling next to her. Add each ingredient (order doesn't matter). When you have the potion, combine it with the sprayer in your inventory (click the potion, then click the sprayer).
Orange card:
Combine the three objects in your inventory - click the pipe, then the vacuum, then the funnel, then the pipe+vacuum.
Ok, you have two assembled objects, now what the heck are you supposed to do with them? (Big thanks to Fanny over at FreeGamesNews for this part!)
There's a ghost in each room. If you move your mouse over a ghost, you'll hear an evil cackle (assuming you haven't turned off your speakers to stop the so-called music), and the room will shake. (Yeah, I know, I thought it was just a random thing, too.) The potion makes the ghost visible, and then you can use the vacuum, ahem, sorry, Ghost Catcher 2000 to suck it right up. Once you have all six ghosts, dump ‘em into the canvas sack and take them to the Zen Lady.
Locations of ghosts:
Slightly to the left of the toilet.
Under the bike.
Behind the table.
Under the right side of the window.
Living room
On the couch.
To the right of the laundry basket (in the view with the blue safe).
Posted by: Reka
April 29, 2009 11:33 PM