Life after the end of the world may be harsh, gray, and frequently involve eating unidentifiable meat or expired canned goods (mmm-mmm!), but at least you have a reason to smile because the next installment in Pastel Games' gloomy-but-great point-and-click adventure series has arrived. In The Fog Fall 4, your relief at seeing another person is shortlived when a blow to the back of the head knocks you unconscious before helping themselves to your gear. Turns out post-apocalyptia is as unfriendly as ever, and if you want to find your equipment and continue your journey you'll have to uncover some secrets and appease the locals. Click around to navigate and interact with things, dragging objects from your inventory to the play area to use them, or on top of one another to try to combine them.
Play the entire Fog Fall series:
Like its predecessors, the fourth installment in this eerie series serves up some of the best atmosphere around, believably painting an end-of-the-world scenario where everyone is out for themselves and rules don't apply any longer. Navigation can be a bit tricky since area transitions aren't always clearly indicated so that you can end up lost or going in circles. Fans of the series will know to scour every inch of areas for changing cursors to indicate an interactive zone, but it still feels somewhat clunky and a little disorienting... which, you could potentially argue, fits the mood and setting. Items you can grab onscreen or otherwise interact with are a lot more obvious this time around, and as a result, you won't need to strain your eyes or click around like a maniac. It feels like it fleshes out the setting quite a bit more thanks to the arrival of new author Daniel Gizicki, and The Fog Fall 4 is yet another engrossing and tricky adventure into the eerie world you love to visit, even if you wouldn't want to live in it.
Thanks to Cyberjar88 for sending this one in!
Walkthrough Guide
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The Fog Fall 4 Walkthrough
Starting Point: The Wall
Pick up the MATCHES lying on the ground.
Move right twice to Bud's Garage.
Bud's Garage
Click the right garage door to look inside the building.
Take the PETROL CAN on the floor, the HAMMER on top of the table, and the can of BEER on the shelf.
Back out to exit the room and move left twice to return to The Wall; from there turn left twice and move forward once to reach The Barricade.
The Barricade
If you talk to the man standing behind the door, he'll ask for some kind of payment.
You don't have anything to give him with yet, so continue right to the end of the wall.
Note the five letters written at the bottom of the wall: AGBFD.
Move left once, back once, and then left once again to face the Shopping Centre.
Shopping Centre
Screenshot Part 1
Pick up the yellow HAZMAT SUIT to put it on.
Turn left to face the other side of the room.
Screenshot Part 2
Take the FISHING LINE and the PICTURE 1/6 on the ground.
Go right and out the door, then turn left once to reach the Butcher.
Take the CHESS PIECE 1/9 on the right wall shelf.
Exit through the left door, then go left twice to the Abandoned House.
Abandoned House
Pick up the BANDAGES on the ground beside the corpse.
Leave the building and move left three times to return to the Shopping Centre, then click the sign at the right side of the building to go around to the Groceries.
Click the open doorway to enter the store.
Pick up the CAN OF SPAM on the bottom wall shelf.
Go back to exit the building, then move right once and forward twice to find the Police Station.
Police Station
Pick up the POWERLESS FLASHLIGHT and the RUBBER TUBE on the floor.
Click the framed picture of a star on the wall to find the Police Station Painting Hideout.
If your inventory becomes full, you can use this hideout to stash your items.
Exit through the left door, then go back once, right once, and forward once to the Peteprint building.
Click the doors at the top of the steps to enter the building.
Take the CHESS PIECE 2/9 on the ground and the PICTURE 2/6 on the printing machinery.
Click the GLOVES to put them on.
Return to Bud's Garage, then move right twice and forward once towards the door on the right side of the building to find the Dental Care.
Dental Care
Screenshot Part 1
Pick up the PICTURE 3/6 on the ground in front of the broken table.
Go through the right door into the next room.
Screenshot Part 2
Take the BATTERY from its socket at the bottom of the dentist's machine.
Combine the BATTERY with the POWERLESS FLASHLIGHT in your inventory to make it a CHARGED FLASHLIGHT.
Move right to face the other side of the room.
Screenshot Part 3
Take the PICTURE 4/6 on the upper wall shelf.
Use the HAMMER to break the lock on the hatch in the floor.
Go down the ladder into the basement.
Screenshot Part 4
Take the METAL SHEAR CUTTER from the shelf at the bottom of the bookcase.
Pick up the RUBBER GLOVES in the box at the lower right corner of the room.
Return to Bud's Garage
Bud's Garage
Screenshot Part 1
Click the right garage door to look inside the building.
Use the METAL SHEAR CUTTER to cut through the chain around the planks blocking the back door.
Continue forward to the back of the garage.
Screenshot Part 2
Pick up the CHESS PIECE 3/9 lying on the ground beside the pipes.
Move right to enter the Woods.
Screenshot Part 1
Take the PILLS sticking out of the window at the upper right corner of the building.
Move right twice to the line of trees.
Screenshot Part 2
Click the hollow in the middle tree to find the Tree Trunk Hole hideout.
If you want to clear space in your inventory, you can put the HAMMER, METAL SHEAR CUTTER, and CHARGED FLASHLIGHT in the hole, as you will no longer need to use those items.
Go right again to the abandoned bulldozer at the Construction Site.
Construction Site
Screenshot Part 1
Put the RUBBER TUBE in the dripping fuel tank, then attach the PETROL CAN to the end of the hose.
Click the full can of GAS to place it back in your inventory.
Move right once to the dig site.
Screenshot Part 2
Pick up the GAS MASK to put it on.
Return to the exterior of the Peteprint building, then turn right twice to face the two doors painted with a red cross at the Hospital Gate.
Hospital Gate
Click the button panel on the wall to the right of the metal doors for a closer look.
To open the doors, enter in the combination found at the bottom of the wall at The Barricade.
The code from the wall is AGBFD.
If you count each letter as it appears in the alphabet, then A = 1, G = 7, B = 2, F = 6, and D = 4.
Enter the Code 1-7-2-6-4.
Continue forward to enter the Hospital Courtyard.
Hospital Courtyard
Screenshot Part 1
Talk to the man sitting by the chess board, then give him a CHESS PIECE from your inventory.
Click the man for a closer look.
Take the BOOKSTORE KEY from the bench the man is sitting on.
Move left to leave the close-up view of the chess table, then turn right twice to face the man standing alone in the field.
Screenshot Part 2
Speak with the man and then give him the can of BEER from your inventory.
Pick up the THUNDERFLASH the man leaves on the ground for you.
Move forward towards the garage to the left of the hospital building to reach the Shed.
Take the pack of CIGARETTES on the barrel behind the motorcycle.
Back out twice to return to the Hospital Courtyard, then turn right to face the Hospital Building.
Hospital Building
Screenshot Part 1
Note the date AD1827 written above the doorway.
Continue forward into the building, then move right once to face the wall.
Screenshot Part 2
Pick up the CHESS PIECE 4/9 on the ground between the two men.
Go right two more times to find the doctor sitting at his desk.
Screenshot Part 3
Take the CHESS PIECE 5/9 on top of the box at the lower right side of the room.
Exit the building and leave the courtyard to go back out to the Hospital Gate.
Hospital Gate
Turn right to face the tree at the end of the wall.
Take the CHESS PIECE 6/9 near the bottom of the left branch on the dead tree.
Return to the Woods.
Move right to face the two wolves.
Place the THUNDERFLASH on the ground, then light it with the MATCHES to scare away the wolves.
Take the PICTURE 5/6 between the corpse's legs and the KEY at the top of his right pant leg.
Go back to the front of Bud's Garage then move right twice and forward once to find the Bookstore on the other side of the same building as the Dental Care.
Screenshot Part 1
Use the BOOKSTORE KEY to unlock the door, then continue forward to enter the building.
Screenshot Part 2
Pick up the book of CHESS STRATEGIES lying on the ground.
Exit the building through the left door, then go back once and right once to face the Large House.
Large House
Screenshot Part 1
Use the KEY to unlock the door at the left side of the building.
Go through the open door to enter the living room.
Pick up the CHESS PIECE 7/9 on the floor underneath the table.
Click the framed picture on the wall above the sofa to uncover a hidden wall safe.
Enter the combination found above the doorway to the Hospital Building.
Screenshot Part 2
Open the jewelry box inside the safe to find a GOLDEN STATUE and a MAGNETIC CARD.
Go through the right door to enter the kitchen.
Screenshot Part 3
Take the KNIFE from the shelf in the middle of the cabinet.
Use the KNIFE to open the CAN OF SPAM in your inventory.
Click the freezer door to find the Fridge Hideout.
Move right to enter the bathroom.
Screenshot Part 4
Take the BOOKSTORE ATTIC KEY above the sink.
Pick up the CHESS PIECE 8/9 on the floor between the toilet and the bath tub.
Exit the house and return to the Bookstore.
Screenshot Part 1
Use the BOOKSTORE ATTIC KEY to unlock the "Staff Only" door.
Go through the open door into the attic.
Screenshot Part 2
Take the CHESS PIECE 9/9 at the bottom of the boarded up window.
Pick up the CAGE on the floor.
Exit the Bookstore, then turn left once to reach the Pharmacy.
Screenshot Part 1
Use the MAGNETIC CARD to open the electronic lock left of the door.
Continue forward to enter the building.
Screenshot Part 2
Pick up the bottle of PURIFIED WATER on the floor.
Take the FIRST AID KIT from the top shelf of the cabinet.
Put the BANDAGES, RUBBER GLOVES, PILLS, and PURIFIED WATER from your inventory into the FIRST AID KIT.
Return to the abandoned bulldozer at the Construction Site.
Construction Site
Screenshot Part 1
Put the SPAM from your inventory inside the CAGE.
Attach the FISHING LINE to the CAGE WITH SPAM in your inventory to complete the CAGE TRAP.
Place the CAGE TRAP on top of the bulldozer.
Move left once, then go right to return to the bulldozer.
Screenshot Part 2
Pull the string to catch the cat inside the cage, then click the TRAPPED CAT to add it to your inventory.
Return to Bud's Garage, then move left once and forward once to reach the entrance of the Cupertown Cafe.
Cupertown Cafe
Give the TRAPPED CAT to the shadowy figure standing in the doorway.
Take the box of COFFEE the person leaves for you on the ground.
Back out, then go left three times and forward once to return to The Barricade.
The Barricade
Give the CIGARETTES to the man behind the door.
Go through the open door into the Gang Headquarters.
Gang Headquarters
Move forward three times to find the boss sitting at the table.
Give him the GOLDEN STATUE from your inventory.
Speak with the boss, then take the CHOPPER CHAIN he leaves for you on the table.
Return to the Hospital Courtyard.
Hospital Courtyard
Click the man sitting at the chess board for a closer look.
Give him the book of CHESS STRATEGIES from your inventory.
Click the chess board to zoom in.
Place six CHESS PIECES from your inventory onto the empty spaces at the black and white sides of the board.
Take the PICTURE 6/6 the man leaves for you on the bench.
Back out of the close-up view, then turn right three times and enter the Hospital Building.
Hospital Building
Move right three times to find the doctor.
Give the doctor the COFFEE and the filled FIRST AID KIT from your inventory.
Take the CHOPPER KEY the doctor leaves for you on the desk.
Exit the building and return to the Shed.
Add the CHOPPER CHAIN to the motorcycle.
Fill up the motorcycle's fuel tank with the can of GAS.
Use the CHOPPER KEY to start the motorcycle.
Posted by: Trinn
July 16, 2012 4:52 PM