What are your plans for the end of the world? Unless they include "tasting good when rations get scarce" or "crying in the corner because someone stole your manga collection", you might want to brush up on your scrounging skills and play the latest installment in the post-apocalyptic point-and-click adventure series from Pastel Games; The Fog Fall 3. Following the events of the first and second installments, your journey hits a rather baffling roadblock that leaves you stranded in the middle of nowhere. You might be able to finally reach your destination if you're willing to do some people a few favours... but who can you trust in the wasteland? Then again, do you really have a choice? Just click the screen to interact with people and items, and watch for the changing arrow to indicate a new place to move to. The game autosaves for you, so you can come back to your journey at any time.
Play the entire Fog Fall series:
Navigation can still be mildly frustrating, since it can be so oddly roundabout at times that getting yourself properly oriented is a challenge. The artwork is appealingly sketchy and suits the atmosphere well, but it also rarely provides indication as to what part of the screen is interactive and what isn't, leaving you to run your cursor around looking for hotspots you might have missed. Since so much of the gameplay revolves around exploring your environment and scavenging what you can from the surrounding area, you'll really need to keep an eye out for suspicious places and useful bits and pieces.
But where the game absolutely excels its atmosphere. The world is a harsh, gloomy place, and the old buildings you explore feel ruined and desolate in a way that can make you tense even when there isn't any danger around. The game does allow you a little bit of freedom in how you complete it, but it also throws up a big, fat "to be continued" at the end, so don't expect to find the answers to all your questions. After all, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a bathtub full of irradiated deer meat. Or... something like that. Man I'm profound!
Walkthrough Guide
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Complete Walkthrough based on own gameplay and hints above.
Click the front of your truck. It says the radiator pipe is broken. Back out.
Click right. You will see a house. Go towards it.
Click on the man (hunter) to talk to him. Does not matter which dialogue you choose.
Click on the doorway to go inside his house.
Click on the note lying on his bedside table on the right. It's a message about a meeting. Back out.
Talk to the hunter again. Does not matter which dialogue you choose, he will ultimately ask you to deliver some red meat to town.
Go back inside the house. Get the radiator pipe in the bottom left corner.
Go inside the toilet. Click on the piece of deer meat to get it.
Back out to your truck. Click on the front of it. Use the radiator pipe you just obtained on your own broken one.
Click on your truck door to open it, then get inside.
Click on the ignition key to start the truck.
A map appears. Click on town.
You are outside Fahrenheit. Click on the doorway twice to go inside. Click on the man. Engage in a dialogue with him to exchange the deer meat for a bag of screw caps. Again, it does not matter which sentence you choose, even at the end when he asks you to help him.
Get into your truck and return to the hunter's home. Click on him to give him the screw caps. He will tell you Lynch's probable location. That new location is available on your map as Observer's Nest.
Get into your truck and go there. Enter through the gates. Talk to the man in front. Engage in a dialogue. Choose any sentence. He will ask you to make a replica of some 'strange drawings' in a house.
Get into your truck and go to town.
Talk to the fat man in Fahrenheit. He will give you a grocery list and ask you to collect the items there.
Back out so you can see your truck. Click right. Click down. You will see a garage, i.e. a building with its doors wide open, on your right. Go inside by clicking on the doorway twice.
Get the pincers in the second shelf.
Get the gasoline (big orange thing) on the table on your right.
Back out to the road. Click down. You should see an orange car. Click down again. Then click right. You should see a country path in the middle and a window on the left. Click left at the window. Towards the left there is something sticking out. Your cursor should turn into an arrow there. Click. You should see a well.
Click on the well to go down. There are a bunch of rocks below. Click on them to move them, revealing a grappling hook. Get the grappling hook.
Click on the hatch to open it. Go down the ladder. You should see a doorway with a red light above it. Go through it. Warning for the weakhearted: a skeleton is there, but it doesn't do anything.
Beside the skeleton there's a yellow gas lamp. Click on it to get it.
Back out twice by clicking the down arrow twice. You should see a demolished brick wall. Turn right into a room.
Click on the light bulb from the desk lamp to get it.
Back out to the broken brick wall. Step backwards (down arrow). Go downstairs one level. Turn left into a bathroom. Click on the green bottle to get sulfuric acid.
Click on the light above the mirror to get light bulb 2.
Back out of the bathroom once. You should see the stairs again. Turn right into a storage room filled with boxes. Get kerosene in the middle. Get rice from the floor in the middle. Get corn flakes box on the left.
Back out once. Go straight. Turn left into a kitchen. Zoom in on the gas tank thing in the middle. Get the orange box of matches on the right.
Back out of the kitchen (not all the way to the stairs) and go straight into a bunkroom. Click on the light bulb of the bedside lamp. You now have all the items on the grocery list, and more.
Go back out of the entire underground structure.
Go back to Fahrenheit and give the items to the man by clicking on him. He offers you rewards: food or a camera. Choose either one. Go to the next step if you chose camera. Go to the next step if you chose camera, otherwise go to If you chose food.
If you chose Camera:
Back out to your truck (till you can see the Fahrenheit sign). Go right. Click down. You should see the garage again. Click on the other house on the right.
Click on the door handle to open it. Go inside. Click on the left of the stairs to go into this space. Get the lighter on the floor there.
Back out to the stairs. Go upstairs and into a broken down room. Click on the left wall to see the 'strange drawings'.
Use your camera on it. A polaroid photo will fall out onto the floor. Get it. Go to Onwards...
If you chose food:
Click on the boy standing outside Fahrenheit. Talk to him, he will ask for food. Give the food to him. You can ask the boy to do a copy of the 'strange drawings'.
Go right. Click down. You should see the garage again. Click on the other house on the right.
Click on the door handle to open it. Go inside. Click on the left of the stairs to go into this space. Get the lighter on the floor there.
Back out to the stairs. Go upstairs and into a broken down room. You should see the boy. Click on the drawing in his hand. Go to the next step.
Back out of the house. Go back to your truck and get in. Return to observer's nest. Click on the front guy again.
He will ask you to burn down a woman's house. You can agree or disagree, but there are different steps for either option.
Regardless of whether you agreed or not, get back into your truck and go back to town.
Go right. Go down three times. You should see a building corner. Click right. You should see a country lane. Go along it until you see a woman in front of her house. Ignore the tall tower you see along the way. Go to the next step if you refused to burn her house, otherwise go to If you agreed to burn her house
If you refused to burn her house:
Talk to her by clicking on her. You will tell her you declined to burn down her house, and she will ask you to repair her turbine.
Click on her house. Click around the back of her house. You will see the turbine.
Click on it to open it. Click inside it to get the broken turbine.
Go back to outside the house where you found the strange drawings.
Click on its left to go around the house. You should see a lane leading to some buildings in the distance. Go to those buildings.
Enter the building with stairs on the left.
Get the white cluster of rat poison pellets on the ground.
Use your pincer on the window shutter that is towards the right. A pile of makeshift turbine blades will fall out. Get them.
Return to the garage. Place the damaged turbine in the grey vice clamped on the table.
Use your pincer on the damaged turbine. Use the turbine blades on the damaged turbine. Get the now repaired turbine.
Return to the woman's turbine and place the repaired turbine inside. She will thank you and give you a bear trap.
Get back in your truck and visit the hunter. Engage in dialogue with him and he will ask you for a poisoned bear trap.
Combine your sulfuric acid with the rat poison to get a poison vial.
Combine your poison vial with the bear trap.
Click on the hunter to give it to him. He will then tell you about Lynch. A new location is unlocked.
Get into your truck. Visit the hermit's den.
Click on the cliff face on the left.
Click on the corpse at the bottom left. Zoom in on him until you can open his backpack and get his rope.
Back out until you can see the hole in the mountain (it's so tiny I won't even call it a cave) with a ladder again.
Combine rope with grappling hook. Use the product on the hole in the mountain.
Go up the rope. Click on the shutters. Enjoy the cutscene. The end.
If you agreed to burn her house:
(If at this point you've changed your mind and don't want to burn her house, click on her. She will tell you about her broken turbine. Go back to step 45 and follow it all the way to step 64 to finish the game. If you still want to burn her house, read on...) Ignore the woman (though it doesn't matter if you talk to her) and click on the house once. Use your kerosene on the house. Use your lighter to set it on fire.
After the house burns down, get the bear trap in the grass towards the left.
Go back to outside the house where you found the strange drawings.
Click on its left to go around the house. You should see a lane leading to some buildings in the distance. Go to those buildings.
Enter the building with stairs on the left.
Get the white cluster of rat poison pellets on the ground.
Get back in your truck and visit the hunter. Engage in dialogue with him and he will ask you for a poisoned bear trap. At this point there's a probable bug where he gets the screw caps from you again. Just finish the conversation and click on him again, he will ask you for the bear trap.
Combine your sulfuric acid with the rat poison to get a poison vial.
Combine your poison vial with the bear trap.
Click on the hunter to give it to him. He will then tell you about Lynch. A new location is unlocked.
Get into your truck. Visit the hermit's den.
Click on the cliff face on the left.
Click on the corpse at the bottom left. Zoom in on him until you can open his backpack and get his rope.
Back out until you can see the hole in the mountain (it's so tiny I won't even call it a cave) with a ladder again.
Combine rope with grappling hook. Use the product on the hole in the mountain.
Go up the rope. Click on the shutters. Cutscene. The end.
Posted by: kaveela
August 7, 2010 6:18 AM