A man with pants so fancy he never has a moment to rest. His adventures have taken him all throughout the squiggly realm to use his acrobatics for the good of all. The Fancy Pants Adventure series brings to the table some of the best platforming action you can have in a browser. The fancy pants man has come along way since World 1 and he has definitely added some sweet, new tricks to his repertoire. Do gravity-defying wall runs, jump off some walls, and even cut up some enemies with your fancy new weapon!
Control this fancy man in his quest by using the [arrow] keys, specifically [left] and [right] to move, and [down] to duck. Jump around using [S] and swing your mighty sword with [A]. The sword doesn't come into play until later, but it will be your best friend against the baddies you will face. The controls have been upgraded to give the fancy pants man better control over his wall jumps. Different directions result in different jumps. The enemies have taken a few lessons from their past beatings and compiled quite a diverse group of friends. From gun shooting rats to smelly pirates, you can beat them with your sword or jump on their evil, little heads. Everything you do is in the name of fanciness!
Play all the Fancy Pants Adventures:
The game has matured a great deal since its roots as a basic action adventure platformer. Movement has become smoother, the visuals have become more detailed, and the dangers have become...well...more dangerous. The variety of enemy types provides a difficult challenge and the boss battles make for an even more engaging experience. The exploration is enriched by adding stars, secret rooms, and challenge rooms for you to find in your newest quest. So, put on the fanciest pants you own and experience the latest installment in Brad Borne's charming adventure series.
Play The Fancy Pants Adventure: World 3
This latest adventure is also available for mobile devices.
Walkthrough Guide
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The Fancy Pants Adventure: World 3
Chapter 1: Squiggleville
Micro Trial of Chapter 1:
The micro trial is located near the very beginning of the level.
The starting point looks like a spring pad on top of a white rectangle with a 0 on it.
The zero indicates what the score is for the run. You will reach this spring pad after you pass a large spring pad by a hill.
Once you start, make sure to keep your momentum up until the third platform. You only have to tap up to jump easily to the second platform.
Keep holding down the right direction once you land on the second pad. After you land, make sure to immediately tap up to jump up to the third platform.
Make sure to hold it down for half a second before you release the up direction.
Once you have landed on the 3rd platform, change direction and hold down jump to make it to the slanted ramp.
Run as fast as you can and make sure to hold down jump once you get to the end of the slanted platform.
Keep your momentum going left, then tap the up direction to land on the final platform without missing any of the squiggles.
To clear the gap to your house's roof, make sure to hold the up direction as you jump from the end of the final platform. You will hit every squiggle and land right on the roof.
First Star of Chapter 1:
The first star is located on a lone platform with two health squiggles sitting around it.
Use the spring pad on top of the red building you enter. It will launch you right to it.
Second Star of Chapter 1:
The second star is accessible from the roof of the red building.
Find a guy on the computer inside the building.
From there, wall jump off the wall nearest him to get onto the roof.
Walk over to the chimney. First, hold the up direction next to the building's chimney and grab onto its edge.
Press the up direction again to jump onto the chimney. The next part is a little tricky for some people.
Jump the chimney onto the side of the green building, but make sure to never let go of the up direction.
Once you hit the wall, provided you are still holding up, you will run farther up the wall.
As soon as you reach the max height of your wall run, jump from the wall pressing the right directional button to get the star.
After that, you can jump down in between the red and green buildings to continue onwards. Scale the inside of the green building and use the jump pad at the top of the building to progress forward. You can also drop down from the roof and still be able to continue.
Challenge Room and the Dark Green Pants
The challenge room can be accessed by two possible ways.
First Way:
You can access the challenge room by dropping down in between the green building and the pale yellow building from the green building's roof.
You should not use the spring pad because it will send you into the pale building's oil slick ramp.
There is a tunnel path leading underneath the green building, but you will notice a smaller path leading away from the green building.
Follow it, find to box steps and see the scientist next to the door.
Second Way:
The other way is to use the spring pad from on top of the green building. You will get launched towards the pale building and be sent sliding down the oil slick, out and away from the other buildings.
Once you see the arrow signs pointing at an angle and right, you will see a tunnel leading to the left. Follow the tunnel and find the NPC near a door.
The door leads to a bonus trick stage where you need to beat the NPC's high score. The key to the stage is to chain together as many fancy moves as possible. There many many different ways to do it, but here are some helpful tips while trying it.
The more different styles of tricks you perform (wall jumps, ledge grabs, rolls, backflips, etc.), the more points you will receive.
If you keep repeating a particular trick, you receive fewer points each subsequent time you perform it.
Save using backflips and spins until you find a spring platform to jump on. You can combine the backflip and spring jump to get thousands of points very easily.
You can grab the squiggles as you perform tricks for even more points. You just need to make sure you try every type of move you can so you can get the max amount of points as quickly as possible.
Beating the high score of 500,000 points will get you new fancy pants.
Third Star in Chapter 1:
This star is not in the level per se, but you need to reach a door to get access to it. To get there:
You start off at the point where there is the arrow signs pointing at an angle and to the right.
Get a running start from inside the tunnel to the sign's left and jump up onto the looped wall.
Continue up the looped wall and land on the platform to its left.
Head to the right, jump on the top of the looped wall, and wall jump up the bath tub sign onto the next platform.
Go to the left and just run off the edge onto the slanted platform below it and to the left.
Keeping running left so you get a lot of momentum.
Once you hit the grassy loop, keep running so you launch onto the side of the pale building.
You will stick to the side of the building and jump onto the platform with the door.
Once you enter the door, run left up the hill and past the house until you see a bunch of spring pads.
Use the far left spring pad to jump over to the star.
Chapter 2: The Royal Tub
First Star in Chapter 2
The first star is located underneath the fire truck behind the king.
Run and slide underneath the truck to get it.
Second Star in Chapter 2
After you talk to the king and use the spring to move on, move to your right and notice an up arrow on a green tube.
From there keep moving left, run off the ramp, and jump right as you are reaching the end of the ramp.
You will be sitting on platform by the royal tub where a star will rest.
Third Star in Chapter 2
The third star is located in the pipe after you drain the royal tub.
Just fall down into the pipe and head right to grab the star. Use the spring pad to get out.
Chapter 3: Outer Squiggleville
Cutey Pants's Message in a Bottle #1:
Run to your right at the start of the level to get it. She says they smelly funny in the message.
First Star in Chapter 3:
The first star is located down from the first red arrow sign you see. It is also to the left of the challenge room.
Use the second oil slicked ramp to launch yourself up. The ramp is almost a 90 degree drop with a sharp curve at the end.
Jump down so you can start running on the oil slicked ramp and fly towards the wall. Wall run up it and jump to grab the star.
Challenge Room and the Purple Pants
The room is located by a girl with glasses. Head down towards the oil slick from the first red sign.
Use the spring pad underneath all the platforms to get to the room. The challenge of the room is race and beat the time limit.
Micro Trial of Chapter 3:
The trial spring pad is located on the crate above you when you start the level.
Use the left wall to run and jump on to the pad.
Jump on the platform and ride the jump out.
Touch down on the crate and tap the jump button to get to the second crate.
Touch down on the second crate and hold the jump button to jump as high as possible to the third crate. Climb up and run right.
Run to the right edge of the third crate and jump onto the spring pad.
Ride the spring pad all the way and run to the left once you land on the slanted ramp.
Keep running left and run off the ramp without jumping.
Land on the fourth crate and hold down the up direction once you reach the end of the crate.
Stick to the wall and press the up direction without any horizontal directional input.
Land on the final pad and grab the final gold squiggle to complete the trial.
Second Star in Chapter 3:
The second star is located in the secret, extra room. You will follow the slanted platform that is by a fire hydrant and two mouse gunners.
Just navigate your way to the end of the room. The star is located above the exit door.
Third Star in Chapter 3:
The third star is located high above the sign post pointing towards Outer Squiggleville and Canopy Forest.
Run and jump across the crates until you reach the red one with a plank tied to the end of it.
Run off the edge and jump to grab the star so you can continue on to Canopy Forest.
Chapter 4: Canopy Forest
Cutey Pants's Message in a Bottle #2
Run from your starting position and head to your right.
Collect any squiggles you want on the way by power stomping on the frogs' heads.
Jump on top of the purple rectangle with roots holding it up. The bottle is right by a frog.
First Star in Chapter 4:
Run and jump on to the higher platform above the first river. The platforms are also by the first red arrow sign you find.
Keep running and hold jump to make it on to the branch.
Continue running on the branch and jump up to stick to the inside of the tree's trunk.
Wall run and jump up the inside of the tree and jump on to the spring pad.
Once you land on the higher branch, run to the left and start wall jumping higher up the tree.
You will see a star at the tallest point in the tree's trunk, so keep jumping and grab it.
Second Star in Chapter 4:
Run and jump on to the higher platform above the first river. The platforms are also by the first red arrow sign you find.
Keep running and hold jump to make it on to the branch.
Continue running on the branch and jump up to stick to the inside of the tree's trunk.
Wall run and jump up the inside of the tree and jump on to the spring pad.
Ride the spring pad up and you will land on a branch. Run off the edge of the branch, and you should get the star.
If you miss it the first time, follow the steps to get the star and jump off the last branch's edge to have more control.
Challenge Room and the Dark Green Pants
Run from the first right arrow sign by the river, jump onto the higher platform, and run jump onto the tree branch.
Wall jump inside the tree and try to jump onto the spring pad which leads to the second star.
Run to the left of the branch and keep running until you get to the leafy platforms.
Simply scale the leafy platforms to get on top of the tree.
Once on top of the tree, run along the tree top until you see a little tunnel inside the tree.
Go into the tunnel to reach the challenge room with a flying squirrel next to it.
The challenge is to collect all the balloons, but you must knock out the bats to get them. It is modeled like a pinball machine.
You can use the snail shell or yourself to beat up the bats. You will need t use both to complete the challenge.
Micro Trial in Chapter 4:
The trial's spring pad is located on top of the tree.
The trial starts with you riding out the spring pad's jump until you land.
Land and run left all the way so you run up the curved ramp and snag the golden squiggle out away from the curve.
Land after the loop, run right, and jump down into the tree's tunnel.
Run past the squirrel NPC, jump over the tree's exit, and run until the loop sends you back on to the top of the tree.
Run along the slanted ramp, jump to the grassy walls, and wall jump up on the nest slanted platform to your left.
Run right and jump across the grass platforms to get the remaining golden squiggles. Challenge Complete.
Third Star in Chapter 4:
Follow the red arrows signs to the exit of the first area, but instead of using the bottom entrance, climb higher and use the top exit.
You will climb up the tree's wall and use purple rectangles to get up to the top.
You will have to jump from purple platform to platform, but you cannot jump on to the same platform twice. You will fall through if you do.
The star is to the right of the very last purple platform.
Chapter 5: Bummin' It Beach
Micro Trial in Chapter 5
Head right from your starting position and follow the squiggles. You will come across the spring pad, as it is above three sandy platforms.
Ride the spring pad's jump out and start running right once you land. The platforms start dissolving once you land on them.
Just follow the platforms to get the golden squiggles. When you get to the ninth platform, be careful not to miss the platform below it.
It is basically a straight drop on to the nest platform.
Cutey Pants's Message in a Bottle #3
Just head to the right and when you see a big sand rectangle above a puddle of water: the bottle will be on top of that hovering sand area.
Run and jump on to the rectangle, but watch out for the crab protecting the bottle.
Smash him and grab the bottle.
First Star in Chapter 5
The first star is located deep under the sand as you progress through the level.
Run right, pass under some sand platforms, run over the water puddle, and fall down into the sand tunnel.
Now start running left down the tunnel, and you will run into a tunnel that begins to narrow.
Follow that tunnel so you get to an upward tunnel that splits off into two separate paths.
Wall jump up the tunnel walls and head for the right pathway.
Run to the right, and as you keep running, the star will be located at the top of the room.
Second Star in Chapter 5
If you are running left from the start of the level, run until you reach the tunnel entrance to the underground.
Jump over that hole and run up the sandy curved wall. You will land on a dissolvable platform and you must run left from there.
Run and jump from these platforms. Once you get to the fifth one, you will see the star on a sand wall.
Run and jump over to it. Wall jump to the platform above it and destroy a sand castle for the hairy hippies.
Sand Castle Challenge and the Pink Pants
You will receive the pink pants once you destroy all the sand castles in the level.
The locations of the sand castles you need to destroy:
The sand platform above the entrance to the level.
To the right of the entrance door. It is by the first two crabs you see.
On the second platform as you head up to the micro trial spring pad.
In the middle of the sand rectangle that has the Message Bottlle on top of it.
To the right of the hovering sand rectangle. It is to the left of the underground entrance.
On the second platform to the other side of the underground entrance. It is by the large curved wall that you use to get the second star.
On the sand platform that is to the right of the second star.
It is underground by the large sand wall you use to exit the first area of the level. As you are running up the wall, just jump off when you get half way up. You will land on a dissolvable platform and jump to the left where the sand castle is.
Continuing from the last castle's postion, run left and up the curved wall to land by a crab. Jump up four dissolvable platforms and land on the sand platform with a sand castle on it.
The last one is down the narrow tunnel as you head to the first star.
Run and wall jump up the sandy walls. Head to the left side of the pathways and talk to the hippie. He will give you pants from breaking his sand castles.
The Other Challenge Room and the Black Pants
When you enter the second area of the chapter, run right until you see a bunch of dissolvable platforms.
Maneuver up the platforms so you can reach the entrance to the rocky mountains.
Once there, head left and climb up as high as you can in that area. You will see an old billie goat sittiing to the right of the challenge room.
The challenge is another foot race that is pretty easy to beat. Beat the time, and the goat will give you the pants.
Third Star in Chapter 3
The third star is located below the dissolvable platforms in the second area of Chapter 5.
Instead of heading right to exit the level, run left to get underneath the sand bubble where the star is waiting.
Chapter 6: Pirate Cove
First Star in Chapter 6
The star is found near the first door to the Pirate Ship.
The star is high enough that you cannot just wall run and jump up to it without a little bit of a speed boost.
It takes practice, but you need to cling yourself to one of the wall underwater, dart off the wall, and shoot out of the water.
The speed will give you enough to wall run and jump up to grab the star.
The wall I used was located on the right side of the widened path you came out of. It is not the flat wall, but the middle of the angled wall. Fancy Pants will be angled roughly at 45 degrees and should be looking to the left.
Press up once you have clung to boost off of the wall, but exit the water a little bit away from the left wall so you do not wall cling to early.
Boosting too close to the wall does not give you enough room to maneuver or area to jump so you get the height necessary.
Make sure to hold the direction you wish to go so you can keep all the momentum going in the right direction.
Second Star in Chapter 6
As you exit the narrow tunnel underwater, keep swimming right until you swim underneath and past the pirate ship.
Swim up to the surface and notice there is a star floating up there.
Jump out of the water on to the wall and wall jump over to get the star.
Cutey Pants's Message in a Bottle #4
Once you enter the door underwater and enter the sunken pirate ships, make your way up the room.
Follow the red arrows up until you get to the second one on a curved platform.
Until then, wall run up the wall to the left of the first sign and head right towards the spring pad.
Run left and jump up to the curved platform that has a red arrow sign pointing towards the right.
Head left instead and jump on top of the thin wooden pillar to the sign's left side.
Hold the jump button and run up the wall. Wall jump over to the platform on the right and grab the bottle.
Micro Trial in Chapter 6
Head up the curved ramp once you land from the spring pad to see the micro trial spring pad waiting for you.
Jump on the pad and ride out the momentum. Walk along the platform and do a power stomp on the bat's head.
Land on the platform, jump up to the next one, and jump over to the downward sloped hill.
Run down to the curved end so you get launched up to the pillar and start wall jumping at the golden squiggles.
Get on top of the pillar and fall down to grab the coming golden squiggles.
Run to the bats and start power stomping on the first two. Wall jump up to the third and power stomp up to the platform above it.
Jump up to get the last golden squiggle to pass the trial.
Third Star in Chapter 6
After breaking the second block with your new weapon, use the spring pad to keep moving through the level.
Run left on the curved wall and jump up on to the metal platforms. Head left once you get on the third and highest platform there.
Keep running left down the hill and let the curved wall send you up to the top of a wooden pillar. It is close to a metal platform.
Notice the bat above you now. Use the power stomp on its head to get up on the ground above and to the left of it.
Once up there, you will notice more bats. Do the power stomp method to get up to the platform where the star is.
Jump on five bats first and then use a lone bat to get on the necessary platform.
Challenge Room and the Dark Orange Pants
Make your way up the level like you are heading to the third star, but head right to get to the crab you probably saw earlier.
You will head right past a bat and a spider with a chalice on its head. Fall down the opening you see when you get as far right as you can.
A hermit crab will be sitting next to the door, and he needs you to get his shell.
The challenge is to kick the shell to the indicated spot in the room. It can be tricky, but he will reward you with a nice new pair of fancy pants.
Chapter 7: Piraty Princess Ship
Finding the Keys to Princess Pirate's Room
You need to find the colored keys in order to get inside the Pirate Princess's room to defeat her.
The Pink Key
Run off the edge near the Princess's locked room, run at a few spiders, and find the door with a box over it.
You will see a pink line on the platforms and walls to indicate where the room is.
Enter the room and defeat the two spiders and pirate parrot to get the key.
The Yellow Key
Head right from the Princess Pirate's room, jump across the three chandeliers, but land underneath the first set of orange bungie platforms you find.
Go through the hole in the mast and jump onto the movable platforms there.
Make your way up the three bungie platforms and land on a dark brown platform.
Head to your right going across a slanted brown platform, then jumping to another brown platform where you can see the door to the yellow key.
Keep heading right, jump down, and jump onto the platforms to get to the key's room.
The pot in the middle of the room will shoot out spiders, mallards, and pirates, which you must defeat to get the yellow key.
The Blue Key
To get to this key's room you need to find the hill near some slanted platforms at the very bottom of the ship.
Jump onto the rectangles that have blue lines painted on them.
Move right as you go, then wall jump in between the upside down L shaped platform and the tall I wall.
The door is sitting on top of the upside down L platform.
The room contains ninjas and spiders wearing pirate hats to beat before the key appears.
Grab the key and the Pirate Princess's room should open for business.
Broken Disco Ball and the White Pants
Fix the disco ball to complete the challenge of the level.
First Orange Piece
Start at the Pirate Princess's room and jump across the chandeliers to be able to jump on the bungie platforms that are to the left of the hole in the mast.
Use the spring of the platforms to jump up the next few platforms until you are on the dark brown platform with ship's sail in the background.
Enter the room, and you will have to fight ninjas, spiders, and a pirate before the piece appears.
Defeat the enemies, grab the piece, and leave the room.
Second Green Piece
Start at the Pirate Princess's room, move and jump across the chandeliers, and stop at the hole the mast.
Navigate the movable platforms to the right of the hole so you get on top of the dark brown platform.
Run right while jumping on the slanted platform, jumping onto a flat brown platform, and getting the the brown colored ground.
Keep heading right and go down the stair shaped ground, then stop before you go down the ramp.
Run as fast as you can left when you hit the downwards ramp that is below the yellow key door.
When you hit the wall, cling onto it and pull yourself up on top of it.
Jump onto the chain and then drop down onto the bungie platform which will you send you up to the next piece's door.
The room will shoot out spiders, a duck, and a pirate, which you will need to beat in order to get the next piece of the disco ball.
Grab the piece after you beat everything and head to the next piece of the disco ball.
Third and Final Purple Piece
From where the second disco ball piece's room is, drop to the bottom of the level however you see fit.
Look for the purple set of platforms and run to the left of it, where you will see bungie platforms.
Get onto the slanted platform.
Run up to the left side of the the ramp and jump over to the big bungie platform.
Launch yourself up as high as you can and try to land on the lone gray platform up there.
Go to the left side of the platform you are standing on and jump left onto the bungie platforms.
Use the platform's strechiness to boost your jump height as you make your way left along those platforms.
The third bungie platform will be the last before you need to land on the slanted wooden platform above and to the left of the last movable platform.
Move up the ramp and you will see the door to the last piece.
Wall jump up to the door and enter for the last piece.
The room contains ninjas (ninjas vs pirates lol) that you need to defeat for the last piece to appear.
Grab the piece and head for the dance hall room.
Get to the Dance Hall Room
Start from the Pirate Princess's room, jump across the chandeliers, and jump through to the left side of the hole in the mast.
Fall below the bungie platforms and head left to find the door.
Enter the room with all the pieces, and you will get a pair of white pants as your prize.
Cutey Pants's Message in a Bottle #5
Start from the Pirate Princess's room, jump across the chandeliers, and jump through to the left side of the hole in the mast.
Fall below the bungie platforms and head left to find the door.
You will run past the door, run to the right, and wall run up the green lined wall.
Climb the wall's edge, and the bottle will be sitting there.
First Star in Chapter 7
The first star is located above the door to the Pirate Princess's Quarters.
Use the first chandelier to propell yourself up onto the platform holding the star.
Ride the chandelier so it swings to the right, but when it is about to swing back, jump as high as you can and land back on it.
It will give you more movement speed and give you enough momentum to shoot up to the star.
The star is surrounded by a lot of white squiggles.
Second Star in Chapter 7
Start at the Pirate Princess's room, move and jump across the chandeliers, and stop at the hole the mast.
Navigate the movable platforms to the right of the hole so you get on top of the dark brown platform.
Run right while jumping on the slanted platform, jumping onto a flat brown platform, and getting the the brown colored ground.
Keep heading right and go down the stair shaped ground, and stop before you go down the ramp.
Run as fast as you can left when you hit the downwards ramp that is below the yellow key door.
When you hit the wall, cling onto it and pull yourself up on top of it.
Jump down on to the green chain and shimmy your way to the left. You will land on a platform with gray stripes at the end.
Run and jump across the three platforms until you get to the fourth slanted platform.
Run and jump on to the wall so you can wall run and jump on to the spring pad. The pad will launch you at the star.
Third Star in Chapter Seven
The third star is located right above Rainbow Beard when you meet him in the ship's prison.
You will go in the Pirate Princess's room after you get all the keys, navigate the platforms, and confront her.
She drops you down into the prison. Run to the left side of Rainbow Beard, wall run up the wall and jump to snag the star.
Micro Trial in Chapter 7
The spring pad is located at the bottom of the level and to the left of the blue key door.
It is also underneath a set of bungie platforms by the purple lined platforms at the bottom of the ship.
Jump on the spring pad and move right during the jump. You will run and jump on top of the tiny hill near the pad.
Jump on to the tiny purple platform and then up to the bigger one. Continue heading right, where you will jump on top of the big hill and then up to the first blue lined rectangle.
Fall down the right side of that rectangle and run back to the right.
When you get to the top of the big hill again, jump up and land on the last purple platform you jumped off of.
Run and jump on to the slanted purple platform. You will then fall off the platform's left edge and run past the spring pad.
Jump from the top of each square protrusion, grabbing the squiggles as always.
When you are about to run off the curved ground, jump at the top of it so you can get the last golden squiggle and pass the trial.
Chapter 8: The Misplaced Cave
Challenge Room and the Yellow Pants
The NPC is located in a little nook that requires a lot of speed to launch and reach him.
As you run from the start of the level and follow the hill without jumping, you will notice a menacing bat in front of a door.
You will see it after you run over the hill and jump across a circular pit.
You should barely miss grabbing the ledge. Now to get enough momentum, run left towards the top of the hill.
Once you are equal with the top, jump and wall run to get as high as you can to cling to the wall to the hill's left
When wall jumping this time, make sure you are pressing the direction opposite of the wall to jump farther right.
Keep holding right because you will run along the curved ramp and have enough momentum to launch all the way to the Bat creature.
The room next to the "batSpider" is the challenge room, and the challenge is to get the snail shell in the designated divot.
For completing the challenge, you will receive your final pair of Yellow Pants.
Micro Trial in Chapter 8
It is located above your starting position in the level, but you will have to wall run and jump to get up to it.
Start your run from the circle hole by the challenge door and run towards the hill. Hold jump to jump as high as possible and cling to the wall.
Wall run up and start wall jumping until you get above the rocky pillars. Head left and fall down on to the curved rocky surface.
A spider with a miner's hat will be by the trial spring pad: dispatch him so you do not have any unnecessary problems while completing the trial.
Jump on the spring pad and wall jump regularly over the first rock pillar.
When you cling to the second rock pillar, press and hold down as you wall jump so you are aimed downward.
Once back on the ground, run right, run up the wall, and wall jump over the third pillar.
Aim your falling so you hit each golden squiggle on the way down. Run left again and get the last squiggles to complete the challenge.
First Star in Chapter 8
Start by jumping from the hilltop at the beginning of the level to the paltform holding the mouse.
Keep heading right and jump from the tops of each rocky pillar. Stop running once you reach a couple of curved surfaces and one that looks like part of a circle.
Get on top of the slanted platform that is above the circular ramp loop and stand at its left edge.
Jump off the edge and fall to hit the inside of the curved ramp so it launches you up to the star.
You will speed up quickly, so be ready to jump at the very edge of the curved loop.
Start wall jumping once you hit the wall and grab the star waiting there.
The star is also located underneath a spider with a hard hat on.
Cutie Pants's Message in a Bottle #6
If you follow the hill path downward towards the batspider, keep running through all the curved surfaces until you get to the slanted platform by the first star.
If you follow the upper path, jump across the rectangular platforms, run over the curved surfaces, and jump up on to the slanted surface by rectangular floating wall.
Now jump on the downward slanted platform and wall jump onto the rectangular block above all the curved ramps, then make your way onto the upward slanted platform above the block.
Run up the slanted platform, jump onto the wall, and wall jump up to the platform which holds the bottle at the left edge.
Grab the bottle and continue your epic quest.
Second Star in Chapter 8
It is located very high up in the air, close to the exit to the level.
Start your search from the platform above the first star's location where that spider is walking back and forth.
Run left and wall jump up on to the rock section with the curved surface. It is the rock above the thin rock curve you see. There is also a spring pad to its right side.
Jump on to the spring pad and head right to cling to the wall.
Make your way up the staircase-like surface, jump across to the platform, and start running right.
When you are about to hit the wall, jump and hold the up button to wall run very quickly, then jump on to the small rock platform.
Jump over to the curved platform and stand at the very right edge to start the necessary run for the star.
Run and jump off of the left edge and aim for the curved section.
Once you land in the curved loop, start sliding for a speed boost. It will send you flying.
If you got enough speed and height, you should hit the star, and you can continue on to the very end of the level.
Third Star in Chapter 8
It is located above your starting position in the level, but you will have to wall run and jump to get up to it.
Start your run from the circle hole by the challenge door and run towards the hill. Hold jump to jump as high as possible and cling to the wall.
Wall run up and start wall jumping until you get above the rocky pillars.
Jump on top of the right pillar and get on the tiny rock platform. Notice a spring pad aimed up and to the left.
Jump on that spring pad, ride the jump up, and run right until you get to a giant spring pad.
Use the spring pad and cling to the oil slicked wall as you go up so you can reach high enough to start wall jumping.
Jump up until you land on a platform holding a mysterious door. Enter to challenge your fancy skills.
Run right and jump on to the big brown platform. Wait until it angles itself upwards and jump up to the constantly moving blue platforms.
Keep running right as the blue platforms move and hold jump to make your way on to the white platform.
Keep running right, but do not jump on to the higher white platform. Run off the right edge of the platform you are on and fall onto a checkpoint platform.
Run and jump off that platform and start holding down once you hit the wall with an arrow on it.
The loop-de-loop sign indicates you will need to roll. That is why you are holding down the down button.
Once you roll to the bottom of the half circle curve, press and hold down the right button to start running again.
Jump once you reach the end of the surface to launch to the next white platform.
Never stop running and jump on to the brown tilting platform again. Keep heading right.
Jump off of its right edge and follow the arrows as you fall.
Once you hit the platform below, go into a slide by holding down, but jump after the quick burst of speed from the slide.
That should launch you far and high enough to hit the wall and start wall jumping safely to the exit.
The star is sitting right at the exit to the room.
Chapter 9: Island Express
First Star in Chapter 9
After you launch from the cannon at the end of Chapter 8, you land in the ocean.
Swim down from where you landed and look in the bottom left corner of the ocean.
The star should be sitting there very close to the edge of the level.
Second Star of Chapter 9
The star is located inside of the grassy area after you get launched by the big spring pad.
You will fall for a good bit of time. When you land, head left.
You will see the star sitting there, so wall run up the invisible wall and jump to get the star.
Third Star of Chapter 9
The star is located inside of the temple where you get the Dye of Norris.
You will jump across two blocks to get to the moving platforms. There are two of those before you need to wall jump onto the upside-down L platform.
You will jump across two platforms that tilt before you get close to the star.
When you land on the very narrow pillar, run jump onto the wall to the right of it and wall run up.
Climb on top of the surface, edge cling to the side that has the star, and voila!
Posted by: Bryan Gawinski
April 12, 2012 6:32 PM