The Escape Hotel 2
This week we're back to a classic room escape and, yes, we're back to Tesshi-e. The Escape Hotel 2 is Tesshi-e's latest offering and it features a fun and rarely seen dynamic, two room escapes for the price of one. Yes, while trying to escape the first room you will find yourself locked in a second room and will have to, well, escape the room to escape the room. Welcome to Weekday Escape! Dizzy yet?
The Escape Hotel 2 at first seems like your basic, classic room escape, in this case trying to escape from a strange hotel room. A nice strange hotel room that has furnished tea and a lovely snack (well, lovely if you like bean jelly, that is) and a comfy looking bed. However, escape you must and in the process you will have to break into the bathroom (also locked) and once in there, you will find yourself locked in. Escaping is never easy, is it? This is one of Tesshi-e's more dense escapes, featuring lots of puzzles, some major construction, and two locked rooms for the price of one (as well as the obligatory second "happy coin" escape). Literally everything but the kitchen sink has been thrown into The Escape Hotel 2. A bathroom sink, maybe, but not a kitchen sink.
The backgrounds are the gorgeous rendered 3D that we've come to expect, and there are a lot of cute touches you might recognize from previous escapes. Navigation is pretty standard for the most part, but can become a little strange and non-intuitive when you are in the corridor by the exit and bathroom door. Inventory control is intuitive as always with an "about item" button and there's even a handy save feature if you want to give up for a while and come back later. Unfortunately, there is still no changing cursor to help you find hot spots. Would someone please send Tesshi-e the memo about changing cursors?
As stated previously this is not a light escape. There are a lot of puzzles, including one very tricky letter/number nightmare that might cause a bit of head banging. On the plus side, no color based puzzles to bedevil those whose vision lacks the cones necessary to distinguish certain hues. On the minus side, the game is in Japanese (with a few key English phrases). Fortunately you do not need to read the language to figure your way out.
All in all The Escape Hotel 2 is one of Tesshi-e's better efforts, up there with Escape from 5th Door for difficulty. Fun, challenging, and it definitely won't be over in 10 minutes unless you're, you know, like Einstein or Stephen Hawking. But hey, at least you have that nice snack of yummy bean jelly to help you when your energy is flagging. So get escaping! This is Weekday Escape, not Weekday have a light snack and a nap.
Walkthrough Guide
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The Escape Hotel 2 Hint Through:
Wait. No really. You know how when you're at the crosswalk you hit the button and then you wait? Do that. No, a little longer. You'll know when.
You done waiting? Good. Now look for something you can use an alternating L/R pattern on.
It's got a "Push" button on it.
There are two things to pick up off the table, and two things you can take from already unlocked drawer/panels, and one thing that's just taking a nap.
Use handle on funnel, take stem cover off rose.
That message on the back of the chair makes a lot more sense if you realize the white door in the hallway is, in fact, the bathroom.
You got in the bathroom? Check the towel rack, the toilet paper, the folded towels, and the toilet tank.
I think before you leave the bathroom, you should take a relaxing bath. And then maybe look at the floor for a while.
You're not taking any more baths this game, so you can unplug the tub. Permanently.
You should have a key by now. If you don't, go back in the bathroom. If you do, you should know that keys in this game fit more than one lock.
Okay, the wxz puzzle? Yeah. It's totally NOT math. Those aren't minus signs.
five - 2, seven - 4, three - 3, one - 1, nine - 4
fIve(2), sevEn(4), thRee(3), One(1), ninE(4)
2 - II = W / tWo - 2, 2-2
The panels with the six-pointed star and the cross? There's a one-number safe in each. Figure out what number goes in each panel. Counting helps.
Don't forget the keys in this game go to more than one lock!
You should be just about ready to put stuff together at this point. If there's anything you haven't taken a look at in your inventory, check that now.
If you can see a key you can't get to, you need to build something small enough to get it for you. If you've got something small enough to get to the key but it doesn't have wheels, try giving it a water landing. If you can't get water where you need it, maybe you need to build three-part water delivery device? If you can't get the water to *stay* where you need it, remember you're not taking another bath.
Well, okay, you don't need to take another bath -- but if you can't get the last key after you've hit it with your wingless water plane, you should take the drain plug back.
You probably have a key by now. Go ahead and unlock the last door, but don't leave if you want a happy coin!
You should have some tea before you leave the room.
Posted by: loremipsum
May 26, 2010 1:51 AM
The Hotel Escape 2 Walkthrough:
General Information
Examine every object in close up. Some can be turned or manipulated, others can be combined.
There will be construction, so see what objects can be combined.
There is no changing cursor to indicate hotspots, so be prepared for some pixel hunting.
There is a save feature if you wish to quit and come back later.
Good luck!
Hotel Room
You begin in the entry corridor of the hotel room, facing the room. There is a white door to your right, click on it for a close up.
If you click on the handle you will find out the door is locked.
Once the door is in close up you will notice a white panel to the left of the door. Click on the panel for a close up.
This is a 3 x 3 key pad of some sort, and the buttons can be depressed. We don't know what else to do here, so back up twice.
Turn right and you will see the exit door. Yup, locked. Turn right.
You're facing the room again. Click on the room to move forward.
You're now facing the comfy looking bed. Click on the pillow for a close up.
Click on the pillow again to lift it and take the object (clamp).
Back up and click on the wooden door to the right of the bed.
Looks like we need a key here, so back up.
Turn right.
You are facing a desk with what looks like tea and a snack sitting on it.
There's lots to see here, so let's take it in order.
On the wall to the left of the desk is a picture. Click on the picture for a close up.
The picture shows the letters "W X Z" and three two digit codes underneath. We don't know how to solve this yet, so back up.
Click on the chair for a close up.
The chair says "+bathroom". A clue! Back up.
Click on the left side of the mirror on the desk for a close up.
There's a little cabinet drawer with a star of David design on it. Open the drawer.
Hmmm, well, we can set a number here, but we don't know what number it needs. It also looks like it needs two keys, a club key and a spade key.
Back up.
Click on the flower in the vase. You can take the flower!
Click on the flower stem and you will see that it is iron, and the flower is fake. Close down the flower in your inventory and back up.
Click on the tea service on the right side of the desk for a close up.
There's a sweet bean jelly snack on the tray, but you can't eat it right now.
Click on the tea pot and take the handle.
To the right of the mirror is another cabinet drawer, this one with a Maltese cross. Click on the drawer to open it.
Another number thing, and an object in the bottom shelf. Take the object (funnel).
Back up twice and turn right.
You are now facing a wall with a large photo on the left and a nice shelf unit on the right.
Click on the photo for a close up.
Underneath the photo is the word "wait" and a button.
Hmmm, what happens if we click on the button?
Click on the button and wait.
Eventually some symbols will appear on the picture. They look like circles with dots on one side or the other.
The symbols seem to indicate right, right, left, right, left, left.
Now that we have something that indicates directions, we need to find somewhere to use it.
Back up and click on the lower shelf of the unit.
Okay, we have two drawers here, the one on the right unlocked, the one on the left locked.
Open the drawer on the right and take the tape.
Now let's look at the object on the shelf.
The object has buttons on the right and left that look remarkably like the symbols on the picture we just saw on the wall.
There's also a button in the middle labeled "push".
If you click either the left or right button, you will notice that some of the hippos open their mouths.
Let's apply the code we learned in the picture.
Click the buttons in this order: right, right, left, right, left, left, then push the "push" button.
If you entered the pattern correctly, all of the hippos will open their mouths at once. Take the object (metal cylinder) and back up.
I wonder if there's another pattern for the hippos?
Click on the picture again, click on the "wait" button and wait.
A new pattern appears!
This pattern appears to be right, left, left, right, right, left.
Back up and click on the lower shelf of the unit again.
Apply the new pattern to the hippos and click the "push" button.
This time the middle hippo will open up and reveal a key. Take the key (club key).
The club key doesn't work on the drawer, so back up and turn right.
Click on the wooden doors to the right of the bed and try the club key there.
The cabinet will open, take the blue hose and back up.
There's nothing more you can do here in the room. It's time to get into the bathroom.
Turn until you are facing the corridor to the exit door.
Click on the exit door for a close up, then turn left.
You should now be facing the room, with the white door on your right.
By default this must be the bathroom door (the red door has an exit sign above it).
Click on the door for a close up.
Now click on the panel to the left of the door for a close up.
The only clue we have for this panel is the clue on the back of the desk chair.
The chair said "+bathroom".
It's pretty simple, just create a plus sign with the buttons.
Depress the middle column and middle row buttons to form a cross.
Once you press the correct buttons, back up and click on the door handle.
You're in! Click on the open doorway to enter the bathroom.
You're now in the bathroom. Turn right to look at the door.
Ooops, looks like you're locked in. Time to escape the room to escape the room.
Turn right.
Okay, let's take the fixtures one at a time.
Click on the towel rack on the left wall.
Take the clamp on the towel rack.
Click on the toilet paper holder to raise it up.
A key! Take the key (spade key).
You now have the keys needed for that cabinet in the desk, if only you can escape the bathroom.
Back up and click on the top of the toilet tank for a close up.
There's a stick on top of the toilet tank, take it.
Click on the towels on the rack above the toilet and take the revealed note.
A clue! A very obscure clue! Back up.
Click on the mirror for a close up.
Hmmm, the symbols on the mirror are stars of David and Maltese crosses, where have we seen those before?
Let's make note of the number of symbols there are, shall we? (7 stars, 5 crosses)
If you look closely, you will notice that the mirror is on some sort of rails, meaning it could slide.
Back up.
Click on the sink for a close up.
Okay, the sink doesn't work. Back up.
Click on the area between the drain on the floor and the bathtub.
There's something white underneath the tub, but you can't reach it. Back up.
Click on the bathtub for a close up.
If you look closely at the top rim of the tub, you will see a button on the left side. Click on that button for a close up.
Click on the button to make it pop up and you will notice that the plug in the drain went down.
Back up once and click on the shower faucets.
Click on the button again for a close up.
Yep, the tub is full of water. Click on the button to depress it and the water will drain.
Notice that the drain plug is not sitting flush on the bottom of the tub? Click on the drain plug to take it.
Back up twice.
Hey, there's something white on the floor by the drain. Click on the drain for a close up.
Take the white object (a knob) and back up.
Turn right to face the door.
Notice the hole underneath the handle?
Place the knob in the hole and click it again to turn it.
Now click on the handle and the door opens! You're out of the bathroom!
Click on the open doorway to exit the bathroom.
Hotel Room (redux)
Now that you're out of the bathroom, turn left and go into the hotel room.
Turn until you are facing the wall with the large picture and the shelving unit.
Click on the lower shelf for a close up.
Use the spade key on the left drawer to open it. Take the rubber band airplane.
Back up and turn left until you are facing the desk.
Click on the left side of the mirror and click on the cubby with the star of David to open it.
Use the club key on the left lock and the spade key on the right lock.
When both keys are entered a panel slides up and reveals another metal cylinder. Take the cylinder.
Remove both keys to reveal the number panel.
Set the number to the number of stars of David on the mirror (7) using the button to the right of the digital display.
Back up twice and click on the right cubby (the one with a Maltese cross).
Open the cubby and set the number to the number of crosses on the mirror (5).
Back up twice and click on the red door to go into the corridor.
Turn left to see the bathroom door and click on the door for a close up.
Open the door and look, the mirror has moved! Go into the bathroom and click on the mirror for a close up.
There's something behind the mirror, it looks like a hidden compartment. Click on the compartment for a close up.
Another key, but we can't get to it from here.
Back up twice, turn around and go out the bathroom door.
Go back to the room and turn until you are facing the desk.
Look at the small photo on the wall to the left of the desk.
That position looks like it would be right at the spot of that hidden cubby behind the mirror.
Click on the photo for a close up.
Time to solve this wicked puzzle.
The clue for this is the note found in the bathroom.
The note says 5 - II = i, 7 - IV = e, 3 - III = r, 1 - I = o, and 9 - IV = e.
Not too obscure, is it?
On the picture are the letters wxz.
Each letter corresponds to a two number code.
The clues in the note should help you crack the code.
Let's start with the first clue. II is roman numerals for 2. If you spell out the number 5 (five), the second letter is i. So i could be represented by 52.
Basically the letter is represented by a two digit code standing for (1) the number itself, and (2) the position of the letter within that number.
Using this logic, W is the second letter in the number 2, so the code for W would be 22.
X is the third letter in the number six, so the code for X would be 63.
Z is the first letter in the number zero, so the code for Z would be 01.
That gives you a code of 226301.
Enter the six digit code and voila, the picture slides down.
Take the pliers that are revealed.
You can see into the hidden compartment, but you can't reach all the way in there.
Time for some ingenuity and construction.
Construction Time
Go back to the bathroom and click on the mirror for a close up.
Notice the hole above the glass that covers the hidden cubby?
Maybe if we flooded the cubby with water, we could get the key.
Pull up the funnel from your inventory.
Attach the tea pot handle to the funnel and put it back in your inventory.
Now pull up the blue hose from your inventory and attach the funnel/handle combination.
Close down the hose/funnel/handle thing then use it on the hole above the glass.
Back up and you will see that it attaches to the shower head, which we can use to fill it with water.
Click on the shower faucets for a close up and turn on the water.
Okay, that didn't work, the water runs out of the sink faucet.
Back up and click on the sink for a close up.
If only we had something to plug up the sink faucet.
Hey, we have the bathtub plug, let's try that.
Place the bathtub plug on the faucet and back up.
Click on the shower faucets for a close up and turn on the water.
Back up and click on the hidden compartment twice for a close up.
Okay, there's water in there, but not enough to reach the key.
Looks like we need more construction.
Back up twice, turn around, and go back to the hotel room.
Turn to face the desk and click on the area where the photo was.
Okay, we need to build something that will skim across the water and get the key.
Pull up the airplane from your inventory.
Click on the wings to remove them, then click on the plane again to turn it over.
Attach both of the clamps to the central stick of the stripped airplane.
Use the stick in your inventory on one of the clamps.
Looks like we need another stick.
We have the fake flower, that looks like a sturdy stick.
Problem is, we need to remove the flower.
Pull up the flower from your inventory.
Use the pliers on the flower to remove it from the stick.
Pull up the airplane again and use the stick on the second clamp.
Now we're cooking with gas! Place the metal cylinders on the sticks to act as pontoons.
Use the tape on the metal cylinders to tape them into place.
Close down the airplane from your inventory, then use it on the open cubby.
Go little airplane, go!
Back up and go back to the bathroom.
Go into the bathroom and click on the hidden cubby twice for a close up.
Okay, the plane has apparently knocked down the key, now what?
Regular Escape
Back up from the hidden cubby until you can see the sink.
Click on the sink for a close up.
Click on the faucet to remove the plug. There's the key!
Take the heart key and back up.
Turn around and go out the bathroom door.
Turn right and use the heart key on the exit door.
Yay, it opens! Click on the door to escape.
Enjoy the nighttime view of the city.
Happy Coin Escape
Follow the directions for the regular escape until you unlock the door.
Unlock the door with the heart key, but do not click on it again to open it.
Instead, turn around and go back into the hotel room.
Turn until you are facing the desk.
Click on the tea service for a close up then click again to enjoy a tasty snack of bean jelly.
Once you've eaten the bean jelly notice the symbol on the plate, which looks like an X.
Back up twice and go back to the bathroom door.
Click on the panel to the left of the door.
Change the cross symbol on the panel to an X by popping up the middle buttons and depress the corner buttons and the one in the exact center.
The panel drops down, revealing the happy coin.
Take the happy coin, back up, turn right, and go out the door.
Enjoy the city skyline and a nice nightcap.
Happy coin will bring happiness to you!
Posted by: grinnyp
May 26, 2010 3:59 AM
Whee, my first walk through!
Getting started:
Enter the bedroom and look around. There are several items you can collect immediately. there's
a clip under the pillow, a teapot handle and a flower on the counter, a funnel in the cabinet over the counter, and some tape in a drawer
Then there are some hints for what to do next
The back of the chair, and the wait poster. To work the wait poster
push wait and then, well, wait. It will give you a key to the hippo puzzle
right right left right left left
which gives you a rod.
Bathroom time:
Use the hint from the chair to open the door
Draw a + sign on the panel to the left.
and go in. There are some items to collect. There's
a key in the toilet paper cover, a clip on the towel, a rod on the toilet, and a paper under the towels over the toilet.
and some more clues:
The patterns on the mirror
count how many of each design
and something under the bathtub
You may notice that you're locked in. To get out,
you need that thing under the tub. First, plug the drain (the button to the left) then start the shower (click the handles) then unplug it. Now back up and look at the floor. There's a nob by the floor drain. Pick it up and use it on the door to get out
Back outside:
You can use the key from the bathroom on the left hand drawer under the hippos. You get
and airplane
hang on to that for now. There is also another key. To get it,
Go back and do the "wait" poster a second time (i.e. push wait and then wait). It will give you a new sequence.
right right left right left left
Use this on the hippos again. You will get the key.
This key opens the cupboard by the bed. Open it and get
some kind of hose.
Now go back to the counter. You should recognize the symbols on the cupboards from the bathroom. Open each cupboard and
enter the number of times that symbol appeared on the mirror
7 on the left, 5 on the right.
This doesn't do anything immediately obvious. Now go back to the left cupboard and use both keys. You'll get
another aluminum rod
The number puzzle:
This one is pretty tricky. The "key" is on the piece of paper from the bathroom, but it's not obvious. Note that both 7-IV and 9-IV are e. How can that be?
The trick is to think of the numbers as words
as in 9 is "nine" and 7 is "seven"
the fourth letter of each is "e"! the second number refers to the letter in the word
we want w,x,z. Each letter appears only once in numbers 0-9
two, six, zero
FINE its 2-2 6-3 0-1
why are you still reading this?
Take the clippers.
You can see down a corridor now. If you go to the bathroom (assuming you put the numbers in the cabinets over the counter) you can see the other end as well.
Several of the items obviously go together:
The handle, the funnel and the tube
so go ahead and put that together. The rest is less obvious, so lets just put everything together?
Look at the plane and click on it a few times. The wings will leave and it will turn upside down. Put the pink clips on it. Put one rod through the clip's legs. Now look at the flower and click a few times. It's a rod, but we need to remove the flower. Use the clippers. Put the rod through the other clip. Now put on the aluminum rods as floaters. Tape it together and you're done.
Finishing up:
Go back to the bathroom. You can see the key through the window, and a hole for water. Use the funnel with the shower and try to fill the passage way. Oops, it drains into the sink. To fix,
make sure the tub drain is open and take out the plug.
put it on the sink faucet. Run the shower again.
Go back outside and toss your plane into the little corridor. You don't actually need to wind it up first. It knocks the key down. To get it,
Go unplug the sink faucet, and take the key.
Take the key and open the door. Don't go out yet though!
Happy coin:
Go back and eat the bean thing on the counter.
You'll see a pattern on the plate. Put it in the panel by the bathroom.
There's the coin. Happy coin brings happy end.
Posted by: will | May 26, 2010 3:43 PM
In the hallway
You begin in a hallway, facing a room. To your right is a white door. Click on the door, and note that it's locked. Click on the panel next to the door, and notice the buttons you can press. If you back up from the door and turn around, you see another door with an exit sign over it. That is your exit. Turn back around to face the room.
In the main room
Click in the middle of the screen to move into the main room. You see a bed and a chair. Click the head of the bed, then click the pillow to lift it up. Get the clamps. Now back up from the bed and turn right.
You're now facing a vanity with a big mirror and a chair. Click the picture on the wall to the left of the mirror. Note the letters, and that you can enter three sets of numbers on the bottom. Back up.
There are two panels in the wood on either side of the mirror. Zoom in on the left one, and notice the shape on it. Also notice a flower in a vase to the right. Take the flower, then click on the flower's stem to remove it. You can't seem to get the flower off at the moment.
Open the panel with the star on it, and notice the box up top where you can enter a number. Also take note of the keyholes below, and the symbols next to them.
Go to the panel on the right side of the mirror. Remember the shape on this panel, too. Open the panel, and see a box just like the one behind the other panel. Below this box is a funnel. Take it, then back away once from the panel.
On the right side of the vanity you see a little snack set up. (Too bad you're not in the mood for that jelly.) Click The handle of the teapot to take it. Back up.
Click on the chair in front of the vanity. It says "+bathroom". Hm, I wonder if that white door in the hallway leads to a bathroom? Back up from the chair and go into the hallway, turn around, then click the white door so you're facing it.
Into the bathroom
You should be facing the white door. Zoom in to the panel on the wall beside it. Do you recall what the chair said? Depress the buttons on the panel so that they make a + sign. Back up, and you can now open the door. Go into the bathroom.
You see a nice, shiny bathroom. Gee I wonder what the door looks like from this side? Turn around and try to open the door. Oh no! It's locked. Maybe we can find something in here to get us out. Turn back around to face the rest of the bathroom.
Zoom in on the towel rack to your left. Take the second pair of clamps.
Still in the towel rack view, click on the toilet paper and get the key hidden there. (Does that symbol look familiar?) Back up.
Click near the top of the toilet to zoom in.Take the iron rod from the top of the toilet tank.
While still looking at the top of the toilet, lift up the stack of towels above the toilet and take the paper you find there. Notice the letters and numbers. Now back up.
Click on the mirror above the sink. Do those shapes look familiar? Make a note of how many of each there are. Back up.
Click on the sink. No running water, eh? Back up again.
Click on the bathtub. You can turn the shower on and off. Now click the white circle you see on the edge of the tub. Pushing this button opens and closes the drain. Close the drain, then back up and turn on the shower. The tub is now full of water. Fascinating. Zoom in on the drain again, and unplug the tub. Then back up to the full view of the bathroom.
To the left of the bathtub is a little circular drain in the floor. Zoom in on it. Take the white knob you find there.
Turn so you're facing the door. Notice that under the handle is a hole where a lock might go. Use the knob you just got from the floor on that hole under the handle, unlock the door, and you're out! Of the bathroom, at least. Go back to the main room.
Main room, and the letters/numbers problem
Go back to the picture on the wall to the left of the mirror. Now bring up that piece of paper in your inventory.
The first thing you should know to tackle this puzzle is that THOSE ARE NOT MINUS SIGNS. Those horizontal lines you see between the numbers are just placeholders. (Though the "=" still means "equals".)
Now we've got that out of the way, the puzzle is actually pretty simple. Look at the fist set of numbers/letters: 5-II=i. What if we spelled 5 out in letters?
Now, what is the second (number II) letter in five? It's "i".
All the equation means is the the second letter of "five" is "i", the fourth letter of "seven" is "e", and so on. Now you know what to do with that picture on the wall.
The picture you see has three letters, W, X, and Z.
What number from 0 to 9, when spelled out, has a "W" in it? Which one has an "X", and which has a "Z"? And what spots do those letters occupy when the numbers are spelled out?
"W" is the second letter in "two" (2-2)
"X" is the third letter in "six" (6-3)
"Z" is the first letter in "zero" (0-1)
Put those three sets of numbers into the boxes on the wall. Get the pliers. Notice the long narrow corridor leading away from you into the wall (towards the bathroom). Now back up.
Main room, waiting and pushing buttons
Turn right from the vanity. You see a large picture on the wall. Zoom in on it. Notice that it's a picture of a crosswalk, and below it is a button that says wait. City folk, you know how it is: push that button, and then wait for a light.
Eventually a series of symbols appears. Write that down, or remember it somehow. Back up.
To the right of the Wait picture are some shelves. Click on the lower shelf, which has a strange apparatus on it. There are two drawers underneath it. Open the right one, and get the tape. The left one is locked. But you have a key, don't you? Use the spade key to open the left drawer and get the model airplane.
Now on to that strange apparatus. There are two buttons on either side of it, and a button in the middle that says "push". Pushing the buttons on the left and right raises and lowers parts of the machine.
But don't those symbols look familiar? They're from the Wait picture on the wall. Use the pattern you got from the picture to push the left and right buttons in the correct order, then click the PUSH button. The correct order is
Get the aluminum capsule, then back up.
Well, now you've got a strange assortment of items, and one key. You know you need another key to use in the panel beside the mirror.
Go back to the Wait picture. If you click the button, you get another pattern for the strange machine on the shelf. Copy it down, and go back to the machine.
Apply the second pattern from the Wait picture to the machine
then click the PUSH button. The middle part opens to reveal the three-circle key. Take it, and back up. You're done here.
Main room, and the panels on the vanity
Turn so you can see the whole bed, then click on the cabinet in the wall to the right of the bed. Use the three-circle key to open the cabinet, then take to hose from inside. Back up, then face the vanity.
Zoom in on the left side of the mirror, to the panel with the star on it. Open it up, then use the spade and three-circle keys on their respective keyholes. Take the second aluminum capsule, then take your keys back.
Now, think back to that bathroom mirror. You counted the symbols, right? Enter the number of stars you saw on the mirror into the box.
Go to the panel on the right side of the vanity mirror, open it up, and enter into the box the number of symbols you saw on the bathroom mirror.
The bathroom (some assembly required)
Go back into the bathroom. The mirror there has moved to the side, revealing a tank in the wall that has a key in it. (I bet that's the key to get out of here.) Now how do we get that key?
Go into your inventory and bring up the funnel. Attach the teapot handle to it. Now bring up the hose. Attach the funnel to the hose.
Attach the hose-and-funnel contraption to the showerhead. The hose now goes into a hole at the top of the tank with the key.
Turn on the shower. Hm, all that water is just running out the sink. If only we had some way to plug it up...
Go back to the bathtub and zoom in on the drain. Take the metal plug from the drain. Now go back to the sink and put the bathtub plug into the sink faucet. Turn the shower on again.
So now you've filled up a hole in the wall with water. Now what?
Now it's time to build a boat. Bring up the flowery iron rod in your inventory. Use the pliers with the red handle to remove the flower. You now have two unadorned iron rods.
Bring up the airplane in your inventory. Click it a couple times to strip it down.
Attach both sets of clamps to the airplane frame.
Attach the iron rods to the bottoms of the clamps.
Put the aluminum capsules under the iron rods, then use the tape to secure them. You now have a boat! Now what to do with it?
Go back to the main room.
Go to the left side of the vanity, where the WXY picture used to be. Put the boat into the hole. Now go back to the bathroom.
The key isn't in the tank anymore, but where did it go? Zoom in on the sink, and take the plug out of the faucet. Take the heart key.
Take the heart key to the door with the exit sign above it, and use the heart key to unlock it. Finally, escape!
But where's the coin?!
All that boat building has got you hungry. After unlocking the exit door, go to the vanity mirror and click on the teapot setup. Eat the bean jelly.
What's that on the plate? A pattern? Copy down that pattern, and head back to the bathroom door. Zoom in on the panel to the left of the bathroom door, and reset the buttons that are still depressed from when you first got into the bathroom. Now press the buttons in the pattern you got from the jelly dish. Success! You can now take your happy coin and leave via the door with the exit sign.
Happy coin will bring happiness to you!
Posted by: nerdypants
May 27, 2010 12:15 AM