Four out of five doctors agree that it is rarely a good sign to wake up considerably deader than you went to sleep. The fifth doctor was unavailable for comment due to being stuck in a coffin, but we're sure he'd agree. The Dead Case is a point-and-click murder mystery from Zach Schaffer, where the murder you're trying to solve is your own. If only you could remember who you are.
Amnesia as a plot device isn't anything new, but is typically the domain of dainty female love interests or burly-yet-vulnerable military supersoldiers. In your case, you're a non-corporeal spirit, a rather unpleasant looking one, who wakes up in an unfinished grave. While you could spend eternity terrifying children, you ultimately decide to set out to discover who you are, and why your town has such an active ghost problem.
Unlike most point-and-click games, The Dead Case focuses more on the story than on puzzle solving. Your ghoulish counterpart isn't the only restless soul in the area, and you'll get the chance to speak to other spirits and help them figure out what happened to them. Library Ghost, for example, is your source for hints and information, while Schoolyard Ghost is too wrapped up in her own misery to be of much help. (Not featured: Public Restroom Ghost and Walmart Greeter Ghost.) Not only will you need to find out your own past, but each spirit you come across represents a different story that needs to be untangled for you to proceed.
The story is a decent length, and can probably be completed between a half hour and an hour of gameplay. Although it doesn't feature a save function, after major story developments you'll be presented with a password you can use to return to that point whenever you wish.
Analysis: My biggest gripe with the game ultimately comes down to the constant trudging back and forth. The town is fairly big, but in most cases, needlessly so. A disappointing chunk of screens have absolutely nothing to interact with on them. Peppering them with a few random, non-essential souls to speak to would go a long way towards taking the sting out of them.
The map that is featured on the options menu is often absolutely essential to figuring out where you are, but is not as useful as it could be. Especially since early on in the game you'll spend a lot of time wandering around trying to find someone to scare or talk to. The ability to click on any location you've visited and instantly be transported there would not have gone unappreciated, and might have made this game really great instead of just "Well, it's good, but... "
Which is a shame, because I really liked unraveling the mystery behind our hero's demise. The game features interesting characters, a surprisingly touching moment or two, and a story that drives you to want to see its completion. Ghosts? Murder? Ethereal eyeballs? I am so there! If you can look past the few flaws, The Dead Case is a worthy addition to the genre, and well worth an afternoon of your time. Or... *flicks flashlight on under chin* AN ETERNITY!!
... too much?
Walkthrough Guide
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I LOVED this game the first time around, and it's still fun, although sometimes a little confusing! Here's a walkthrough if anyone needs it:
You hear laughter in the East. Use the hand tool and click on the people.The boy drops the rabbit. Pick it up.
If you move around, you'll start noticing green barriers. These barriers limits your movement around the area. You can increase your limit by scaring children. You can find one at the far bottom right.
Keep going left until you reach a red building with the lights on. Click on the window and talk to the ghost. Exhaust all the topics and head for the church.
The church lights should be blazing. Ask the ghost a question and she'll disappear.
Go left and scare the child. Go to the library and go right to scare another child. Your limit should increase now and you can explore new places.
Start by going to the far left bottom. Click on the burnt down house and pick up the photograph. Note: If you come across the fountain, you can click it, but you won't be able to do anything with the eyes once you get them.
Now look out for the hospital (the large blue building with an open window) and click on the window with the light on. Talk to the ghost.
At the far top right corner, you'll find a house with the window open. Go in and pick up the candle.
Now go down towards the school. Talk to the ghost.
Go down and take the candle from the treehouse.
After talking to all the ghosts, return to the library and talk to the Library ghost.
He'll have some books on the table for you to research.
Now go left and look for a fountain. Pick up the eyes in it, if you haven't already.
Go up and head right until you see the passed out drunk. Pick up the beer can.
At this point, you'll need to take notes. Take note of any names you come by while talking to the ghosts. These are important!
First stop, head for the church. Give the ghost the wedding photo. She'll fade away. Leave and re-enter. Talk to her again, and write down the yellow name - Marion Toberen.
Now go to the hospital. Give the beer can to the ghost, and talk to him. Write down the name in yellow - Stephen Marks.
Travel to the schoolyard Talk to the ghost first, then give her her eyes.
Talk to her again, then give her the rabbit doll. Talk again and remember to take note of the names - Rebecca Halloway & Emily Halloway.
After this, go back to the library. Talk to the ghost, and you should find out his name - Ivan. He'll tell you to find the 3 highest points of the ghost's areas and to place lit candles there.
You should have 2 candles already. In case you don't, the two candles are at the tree house south of the school and the house with the open window north of the school.
Go to the grave you started at, and move up to see that there are flowers and a candle on another grave. Pick up the candle and head for the church.
Use the unlit candles on the lit ones.
Place the three candles in the following locations: the cross on top of the church, on top of the red circle on the school's swing set, and the hospital's roof.
Return to the library ghost. Say you're ready and watch. You will be given the password DEEPNET.
You will be in the basement of the burned house. Pick up the skull.
Go back to the library and talk to the ghost. He'll tell you to go to the grave you started at. You'll see a girl leaving. Use the eye icon on the grave and note the name -
Adam Smith.
Talk to the library ghost again. Now is the interesting detective part.
Head for the police station and go in.
Use the computer. And investigate the ghosts' pasts by entering their names in all caps. As you investigate, you'll come across new names. Investigate them all - Greg Toberen, Rick Madison, and Michael Madison.
Once you've done that, talk to all the ghosts again. Now you'll need to help the ghosts find redemption.
Start with the school ghost (Rebecca): North of the school, you'll see the children gathered. Click on them, go down, click on the ghost, go back up. Once she scares the children, give her the rabbit.
Now, go find the hospital ghost (Stephen), to the left of the hospital. He'll go back to the room. Talk to him. That's it.
Finally, go see the church ghost (Marion), and give her the skull.
Go to the far top left. You'll see Marion burn a house down and a man will run out on fire. Follow him until he disappears.
Go down once and man will take pictures. Follow him until he enters a house.
Go to the library and talk to the ghost (Ivan) Get some advice and return to the house the photographer went in. The window's now open.
Look at the pictures, and note the address - 17 School Rd.
Go all the way down and left one scene. The new password is CARDINAL.
Enter the house, and then leave and see the man walks in.
Stop Marion from burning the house and then go in.
Click on the man once he finishes talking.
When the man looks around, click Marion., and then man's right arm (the one holding the gun. Click on the girl
Congratulations! You're done!
Posted by: Eireyes
June 25, 2009 5:18 PM