I think it was just yesterday that I was looking for a new point-and-click to post following a string of arcade-type action games. We like to feature a broad range of game genres to satisfy all tastes, and yet many times we are limited by what's becoming available. Thanks to the very busy folks at Gotmail in Japan, we have a brand new escape game to play today and it's available in English, too.
The Daydream starts off with a familiar text message from your son to come play hide-and-seek in his room at the top of the building. "I want you to find me," he writes. But when you get there the room seems different, and he doesn't seem to be around. You turn to find the door has locked behind you(!) Is this a new twist to the game, or something else...? It's time to escape from The Daydream!
Kind thanks to master_flea for word about the new release! =)
Walkthrough Guide
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I have already completed this one, with the help of FunnyMan and Sara (in the site's IRC channel). I've got a walkthrough prepared...
The Daydream Walkthrough
NOTE: This walkthrough contains game spoilers. If you would rather have gentle hints and nudges in the right direction, check out pineapple's "hint-through" below.
Click on the right set of face boxes. Click the right/top one to open it. Click inside the drawer to look in side. Click the front of the drawer to close it. What's that beside the drawers? Get the tank.
Zoom back out and go right until you've got the red table centred. Click in to the plate. One of these things is not like the other. Get the sandwich.
Investigate the sandwich. What are those red things? Get the 3 Tarot Cards.
Investigate the Tarot Cards. Click the tank card for a cut scene to tell you what to do with the tank. Go do it.
That means put the tank on the shadow next to the toybox and click it. Watch the cutscene. Take note of which drawer gets hit.
Click on the tank and open it's lid. Get the skeleton Keyring
Go to the drawer that got shot and open it. Get the robot within.
Go right until you have the table centred again. Look at the window in the top left. There's something hanging there. Click it. It's a chain. Hang the Skeleton there. Click it and watch the cutscene.
Go to the hidden compartment (under the TV) you've just been shown and get the next robot.
Go back to the table and move the twinkies on the plate. Get the memory card. Now move the plate and get the cable.
Click on the chairs. on the very top of one of them is the mobile phone. Get it.
Put the memory card in the phone.
Go to the cabinet under the TV. On top of it is a cradle to put the phone into. Put the phone there. Connect the phone to the plugs at the back with the cable.
Click on the phone and start the game. Click to fire.
Click the screen and be told you might be able to move it. Start clicking the base of the tv until it moves. Get the key.
Use the key on the rightmost cabinet to get the last robot. Investigate the robots and click each to make them transform. Combine them.
Use the digger to the right of the toybox. Click it. Get the dice it digs up.
Investigate the dice and rotate it. Notice anything strange? There's two fives and no four. Click one of the middle dots of the fives and one will come off.
What was that noise? Sounded like a phone. Go check it.
An email tells you to look at the window. Check the window near the toybox. You should find a mark. Put the sticker there. Click it and watch the cut scene.
You've got the dice back. Investigate it. Now go look at the door. Click the sign to go to amazon.com
Now use the dice on the lock until something falls.
Go look at the light to the left. It turns. Turn it. Now click behind it. Get the coil of wire. Use the wire on the dice. Get the device.
Use the wire on the hole at the back corner of the device. Now it's a key.
Use the key on the door and escape.
Posted by: master_flea
February 13, 2008 9:33 AM
Hint-Through, Part 1: Getting Familiar With the Room
Play hints that are general to this game:
When something is completely used, it "greys out" in your inventory. This is helpful two ways: you know how many empty spots remain, and you know when you have or haven't used something to completion. Keep this in mind.
Not everything that yields a clue, yields it immediately.
This hint-through assumes that you will click and examine everything that can be examined or explored, as you first enter a scene. Also, this hint-through assumes that you will examine an item when it enters your inventory.
The Wall With Smiley-Face Drawers & Colored Cabinets (First View)
The Smiley-Face Drawers
Examine all the drawers, natch. (Wonder why that one won't open? Doesn't seem locked.)
Did you look into all the drawers you could?
Spy anything while you were looking?
Specifically, after you closed a drawer?
If you look in the drawers and don't find anything, you might still spot something you couldn't see before.
Something to the right of the drawer unit.
There's a toy tank on the ground.
The Colored Cabinets
Hmm. Mostly empty. One locked.
Find some gadgets on top of the cabinets? Wonder what those are for.
What is that above the cabinets? Some sort of screen? It's enormous.
View With Table and Chairs
There are many directions to look here. Be thorough.
The Table
Hmm. Plate of food. Can you get any of this? You'll need it for Energy Points. Just kidding, that's a different game genre altogether. :)
What can you take? Did you examine it?
How closely? Did you examine it closely enough?
Are you sure?
You'll know when you're done examining the sandwich. There will be an indicator.
So, if the sandwich is still "lit" in your inventory, look at the sandwich again. Closely.
The sandwich produces
three tarot cards. Did you examine them? They have a message for you.
Each card correlates to something you can see in the game.
The message from the tarot cards seems to start at the window.
You can go directly to the window if you want (See hints at "Reading the Cards", but be sure to come back to the table. There's more to a meal than just a sandwich!
Anything else here?
Did you check out the plate fully? There's more to do here.
Nice buns.
Look under all the buns.
Is that it for the table?
Are you sure? There's something else here. Rhymes with "table."
Look under the plate.
You should have a red memory card and a black TV cable by now.
The Chairs
Those crevices on the backs of the chairs are odd.
Deep enough to hide something.
Something you need to take.
There's a blue cell-phone on the top of one the chairs.
Of course you examined the phone closely, right?
And found... a slot for a memory card.
Wonder where you can get a small memory card?
Uh, that would be your inventory. (or, if you don't already have a memory card, go back to the table.)
Phone plus memory card doesn't seem to do much, does it? Maybe there's another application for these items.
View With Box of Toys
Lovely view. Doesn't seem like there's much to see here though.
But look closely.
Are you holding
three items from the table yet?
The tarot cards hold a message that will help you here. If you don't figure it out, check out the hints at "Reading the Cards".
The Wall with the Door
If you click the sign on the door, and something pops up, don't worry.
You don't need that website for the game.
Examine the door. Don't you want out?
Someone who really wanted out would try the door handle multiple times.
Click the door handle repeatedly. You'll get a message.
Did you find what fell? It's down there, somewhere on the floor around the door.
Examine the light.
Look behind the floor light next to the door.
Posted by: pineapple
February 13, 2008 3:05 PM
Hint-Through, Part 2: Solving Puzzles
Reading the Cards
So you found three tarot cards: Sun, Tower, Chariot
Did that Chariot look like anything familiar?
It was a drawing of a tank, with a red circle around the cannon.
Do you remember how the scene changed in the game when you found the cards?
You were shown the window.
Specifically, a glowing spot on the window.
Shaped sort of like the sun would be if it appeared right there in the sky.
And it beamed light onto a "tower", of sorts.
Which seemed to reflect light on... a spot on the floor.
So maybe the "sun" and the "tower" were pointing to where the "chariot" should go.
"The Chariot"
So, you've put the tank on the spot on the floor where the light beamed.
If you can't remember that spot exactly, click around in front of the toy box.
When the tank is in place, take a look at it.
Something happens! The tank does exactly what the card conveyed.
Surely that kind of pounding would have some effect on the drawer.
Especially a drawer that was really tight before.
Look inside the drawer.
You should have a new item in your inventory now. And you know what to do with new inventory items.
Cool! A Transformer.
Wonder if there are more drawers to be shot up by the tank.
Are you sure?
But, if you were done with the tank, I wouldn't be asking, huh?
Find something else?
"The Chariot Driver"
So, you've got a skeleton keyring.
Too bad it doesn't have a key on it, huh? Since you've still got a few locked doors.
What does one do with an empty keyring?
You could hang it somewhere.
There was a hook.
If you didn't see it, maybe you weren't looking closely enough.
In all directions.
If you go back to the table and chairs, and look in all directions...
...specifically, up...
You'll find a hook on a chain.
The Chariot Driver has a message for you. Examine him. Watch him.
His eyes will light up and show you something.
On the wall under the big screen.
Examine that.
Cool! Another robot. And you know what to do with robots.
Taking Inventory
So, that TV cable must do something.
Where could it go?
Don't make me spell it out for you.
L-O-O-K U-N-D-E-R T-H-E T-V.
A gadget with three sockets? A cable with three prongs?
Not much happened, huh?
The cable should probably be plugged into two fully functional gadgets.
That front gadget seems empty.
Like it's waiting to cradle something.
Like a cell phone.
The Mini-Game
Now that the phone is in the cradle, you've checked it out again, haven't you?
Seems to be "working" a bit better than before.
Shall we play a game?
The video game appears on the big screen TV above you.
Try not to lose. If you do lose, play again.
When you win, it tells you "game clear." And gives you a message.
A pretty explicit one: "maybe I can move this television." So, go for it.
You have to click all around to get the TV to move.
When it does move, it yields an item.
Taped to the back.
When the TV flips around, there will be a key taped to the reverse.
Where could you use that key?
The front door is still locked, of course.
But that would be too easy. Where is another locked door?
The cabinet under the TV.
So you've now found three robots.
And examined them to see what happens.
Do you remember the Transformer toys?
What did they do to get you to buy more of them?
Yep. The smaller Transformers could connect to make bigger robots.
Play around with the three small robots until they make one large item.
Cool! A digger. What can it dig?
There's no dirt here. There's certainly a pile that could be dug through, though.
Use the digger on the toy box.
What does it find?
Roll the Bones
So you've got a purple dice. (Technically, a die)
Where can you use that?
Can't find anywhere to use or place the dice? Maybe something is wrong with it.
Examine the dice closely. Does all seem to be in order?
It's not.
The die is incorrect. Check the numbers (did you know those dots are called "pips"?).
Check the five.
Or, "fives" plural.
The center pip of one of the fives is actually a sticker.
A small, round, sunny-yellow sticker.
Which probably goes somewhere small and round.
Like that spot on the window.
You have to do something to "unlock" the spot.
An item in the room will deliver a message to you. Then you can use the sticker.
Check the phone again. And get ready to pay attention.
Posted by: pineapple
February 13, 2008 3:40 PM
Hint-Through, Part 3: The End-ish.
Warning: Stop right here if you didn't just "place the sun" and watch the results. You aren't ready for the final puzzle.
Did anything unusual happen? (You know, other than puzzle pieces parachuting from a UFO that just slid through a building.)
Look around.
Interesting, why is the dice back in your inventory?
And you still haven't used that wire.
Use the wire on the dice.
Okay, another device. What does it do?
And why do you still have the wire?
Use the wire on the device.
A key! What remains to be unlocked?
Posted by: pineapple
February 13, 2008 3:47 PM