An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Terra Realms

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Terra RealmsSteve Hutchins and Patrick Bradford of Specular Arts have produced a magnificent point-and-click adventure with 3D graphics and puzzles very similar to those found in the original game of Myst. The Shockwave game contains beautifully rendered scenes with mechanical levers, buttons, sliding doors, and other contraptions to manipulate, and sound effects that set the mood and atmosphere of the game. And while the game is not very long, it will challenge you and keep you busy for some time solving all of the puzzles. If you get stuck there is even a hint section available on their site, where you can also purchase parts 1 and 2 of Terra Realms for a mere $7 via Paypal. If you like games like Myst, Samorost, Viridian Room, etc, you will enjoy this game very much.

Play Terra Realms


I don't know what to do with the puzzle. Will someone help me please

Kinestra May 21, 2005 11:26 AM

In the first cave, look at the ceiling, it gives you a hint about how to set up the puzzle. Doing the puzzle opens the second cave.


I finished the game - e-mail me if you need any help at all!! I'll be glad to! On the subject just put "Terra Relms Help" so i know what its about!


I have gotten into the large cave but only see one door, and 2 rock scenes. I've been going in circles seeing these 3 things for what seems like forever. where the heck is the first door with the handle?? Please help :-(

Kristofski June 21, 2005 10:14 AM

I hate that this doesn't give you any intro. I hate games like this, like "You wake up in a room, you can't remember how you got there and the door's locked". And I'm like "I really don't care". I need some sort of story to make me actually want to put the effort into solving the puzzles, this one just dumps you in the middle of a forest with no explanation.


Ok did the mixing. Now how do I go in the Maze room? I irrigated the roots and the door of the maze room still does not open. Any hints?


dose anybody know the code of mixing?
i saw the sign on the shelf, it looked like 1:2
but i just can't get it through
any help??


ok, i've gone through the whole thing
and the price you pay is $7.00 for the ending
well, i won't go there anyway

SpaceMan August 1, 2005 1:38 PM

what is the mixing code? help!


Hey Spaceman - the mixing code is certainly the most difficult puzzle of that game, and the answer lies in the shelves with the clay pots on it. Examine the shelves closely for a pattern. =)


Like a lot of others, I'm stuck in the mixing room. My quandry is that my vats will not let me click higher than 4. I've tried clicking the negative way, closing out and starting all over again,
but nothing seems to work. Is the code truly between 0 and 4?
Thank you. I hate to be asking for help so early on.


I am stuck in the mixing room, too. The pots on the shelf are arranged 2, 3, 4, 3 so I'm thinking i need to set the mixture of LUM-H2O to 2-3 and the mixture of H2O-MeG to 4-3. After that, I make sure just as much of the first mixture goes into the big pot as of the second mixture. No luck there, however.

By the way, in the power room, the clock is set to 10 past 3 (2-3) and the calendar to fourth of march (4-3) Same code... coincidence? I think not!


The magic of the post strikes again

Susan, the code is truly between 0 and 4. But you have to regulate how much of each mixture goes into the large pot. There is a hint on the shelves, again.


Okay, I'm going to sound stupid but whats up with the round room colored pieces? Is it random?


NM :)


agrrhhhhh!!i have found the cave, but i'm stuck!!!i can't move!!!help me?


When you reach the cave with the colored beads, trying shutting the doors behind you.


im still in the forest, i know the fingers 3,4,4,2 but there are just 12 objects? what can i do?


I am stuck in the cave. I got the handle off of one door, and pu it on the other, but now Im stuck, I dont know what to do next, Please help!


Im stuck in the cave. I took the handle off one door and put it in the other, opened the door.......... what next? plase help!


Merry Xmas every1!


Hey people, I haven't actually finished the game yet, but i've gotten pretty far.

Spencer: You already know that the numbers are 3,4,4,2. Try looking to see which squares the numbers belong in, by looking at the picture on the wall in the small cave. If your still stuck, here's the spoiler...


3 triangles go in the top left square, 4 triangles go in the top right square, 4 triangles go in the bottom left square, and 2 triangles go in the bottom right square. When you're done, press the red button. This should open the door into the big cave.

Feyzul: You need to go to the room with all the barrels, the clock, and the calander, there is your next puzzle, it should open the dor to the mixing room.


that game is not worth $7.00 an episode/level. it was ok but not that good.


This is the mixing room code:


LuM 2, H20 3


H20 4, MeG 3


Let 4 parts LuM/H20 down


Let 5 parts H20/MeG down


hey all!

I'm stuck in the room with the colored beads. what are they used for. can anyone help


completed - alex, look behind the door u came in on! (bat dont turn too far!


i still cant get the right combination of the LuM, h2o and the MeG... im going to bed.. Cya!


where is the colored stone things suppost to stand?


I finally got the mixing part right. So now the problem do I turn on both valves at the end? Or am I doing sth wrong?

btw, that buzzing sound is extremely annoying!


D; I got to the weird eye room but I have no idea what to do with these color things! I hate asking for help but I was so desperate I even tried to look in the elevator for answers.


Shut the doors.there is another room that may help you


the fact that you dont always have 4 sides to look at makes it VERY confusing.

i would have gladly apreciated a wall to just be able to count my sides.

i keep thinking that there are 4 possible sides, and when i only see 3 i just get so confsued and keep turining in circles...

good game.


hm i figured out the one in the plant room, it looks like, but nothing happened. can someone clue me in to what was supposed to come next?


after the sink filled with the liquid, and the one plant by the tanks is glowing now, but nothing else seems to have changed? I must be missing something?



After you get the liquid mix correct to make the plant glow...


Go back out the doors of the mixture room.
Note that the plant in the room across the way is glowing. But the door won't budge.
The main power needs to be on to open that door...

bmesch2k March 8, 2008 3:01 PM

i need some help with the "evil eye" door room where all you have is a piller with four colored tokens on it with lines and arrows. i take it the tokens are suppose to go some where on the piller, but where??




turn around and try to close the door between you and the elevator. Then look around again, you may find two other rooms.


When i click on link to play i get a page that says server not found.

[Edit: Looks like Spectral Arts is no longer. A shame this game has disappeared from the Web. I'll remove it from the recommended section and the tag listings. Thanks for the heads-up about it. -Jay]


I have tried every combonation possible and i cant gat the cave to open, Is there a bug in this game???


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