An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Tainted Olive: Chapter 2

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Tainted Olive: Chapter 2


It's been some time in the making, but fans of dark fantasy, point-and-click adventure games, and Black Olive Games's signature sketchy, hand-drawn style can finally dive into Tainted Olive: Chapter 2, the second installment in their Tainted Olive series. (And if you haven't played the first one yet, now's a good time to catch up.) In a world of magic and war, he who controls the olive oil controls the universe, as it's one of the most useful magical substances in the world. The series follows the adventures of Silvian, a magic-crystal-wielding accidental adventurer who, like many adventurers, is caught up in a conflict greater than he is. A lot bigger. Tainted Olive is a very text-heavy series that focuses strongly on worldbuilding, and it crafts a surprisingly large fantasy universe with its own history, culture, and brand of magic. Thankfully, it also brings a handful of tricky puzzles to go with it.

Tainted Olive: Chapter 2
Tainted Olive: Chapter 2 is a game very, very heavy on reading and exposition, which makes it fairly slow-paced for a point-and-click game. You'll be engaging with a lot of NPCs, and there's a lot of exposition and information hidden in their conversations, not all of which is strictly important to the gameplay. The prose is occasionally stilted and a little awkward, but it has an appropriately fantasy-ish feel, which does help contribute to the atmosphere of the game. If you're not a fantasy fan or don't really care for the world the game makers have established, though, it can be kind of a drag to sit through all of the game's many, many NPC conversations. However, this installment in the series does include a greater wealth of puzzles. Some of these actually do quite a good job from deviating from the usual standards seen in a lot of browser-based point-and-click games! For those who like a good brainteaser, this chapter definitely provides. But Tainted Olive is still a series about narrative, first and foremost, and your enjoyment of this game has a lot to do with how deeply you can engross yourself in the world the devs have created. You'll be most at home if you like a dramatic fantasy yarn full of references to pantheons of imaginary gods and mysterious kingdoms. But the puzzles definitely don't hurt.

Play Tainted Olive: Chapter 2

Walkthrough Guide

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Part I

Start by examinig the blood on the road. Go into the woods and cut the thick branches blocking the way to the forest, grabbing the logs on the ground.

Forest maze
If you get lost in the maze, simply use your gem and go back once. This should get you back at the entrance. The correct way through the forest is

right, left, right, forward, left, right, left.

Go inside the Kazun and grab the empty glass vial and the piece of flint. If you examine the book, you’ll find that a potion can be mixed here using olive oil, blood and ember dust.

Waking up the Emmissary

Go back into the den. Put the logs into the fireplace and combine the piece of flint with the sword. Use the sword to start the fire and then again to heat it up. Examine the Emissary and use the heated sword to stop his bleeding. Once he’s awake, talk to him until he asks you to put the remains of his brothers’ souls to rest by burning them.

Making the potion

Collect olive oil from the carts, where the bodies are. You’ll find the oil dripping from the tip of an arrow.
Collect blood from the road, at the starting position.
To get the ember dust ,talk to the Emissary and go to the cart again. Examine the blonde man on the ground and you’ll find he carries ember dust.
Go back to the Kazun and mix the oil, blood and ember dust in the mortar. Use the pestle twice and put the result in your vial. Go to the den and expose the glass vial to the fire. You can now use the mixture to burn the bodies of the Emissaries.
Follow the same path through the forest to get to the Kazun. Talk to the strange lady and she’ll take you away.

right, left, right, forward, left, right, left.

Part II

Use the knife to open the envelope. Since the location of the meeting is a “mystery shadowed by fire”, put some lather on the paintbrush and then on the letter. Finally, put the letter over the candle to reveal the strange words.
Use the map to go to the tavern and get the grid piece of paper. To decipher the message, put each word on the piece of paper. The solution to the puzzle should look like this:

from top to bottom: “ts”, “edeeb”, “aamce”, “sapol”, “tnlnl”, “ed”. “ts” and “ed” should be put 1 square away from the end of the line.

Use the map to get to the temple.

Part III

The lock

In the right corner of the cell a splinter of wood can be found. Use it to tear open the hidden pocket of your cloak and get the lock picks. The pattern for the lock can be seen on the key on the table and it is

from inside to outside – square, circle, circle, triangle, on the bottom side of the lock.

Go into the hallway and use the lock picks to open the door on the right. Grab your sword, put the lock picks in the oil and head forward in the hallway. Use the sword to grab your dice. Use the lock picks to unlock the double doors. Talk to Lydia and grab the needle. Put it in the black poison on the table. Use the poisoned needle to paralyze the woman. Go in the hallway and head left.


stuckinabasement August 13, 2015 1:22 PM

i got frustrated with the

maze and was about to give up when i randomly clicked my way through it.

now i'm frustrated again trying to get the ...

ember dust

time for a time-out ...

KonShinobu August 13, 2015 2:54 PM

@ stuckinabasement:

Getting the ember dust has something to do with the

wounded soldier in the den...

Take care of his wound and he'll wake up...

Heat the sword in the fire then click the soldier to cauterize his wound. He'll wake up after and tell you where to get the ember dust!

KonShinobu August 13, 2015 3:24 PM

Okay, now I am getting pretty frustrated with

picking the lock

Using the video walk-through does not help because there's no reset function and I have no method to my endless madness :(

mallonnicaud August 13, 2015 3:24 PM replied to KonShinobu

Thanks i was having trouble

KonShinobu August 13, 2015 3:26 PM replied to mallonnicaud

Oh yeah, no problem. Maybe you can help me out later on when the time comes, ha.

KonShinobu August 13, 2015 3:36 PM

Never mind, reloaded the game and was able to use the video walk through. Still don't understand why, oh well :/

BlackOliveGames August 13, 2015 3:37 PM

Hey guys! Some hints:

- in the maze, try using the gem with the map to find your way around.

- about the lockpicking. It resets every time you exit and enter the minigame. Also, the solution is deceptively easy, you just need to take a very, very good look around the room.

KonShinobu August 13, 2015 4:03 PM replied to BlackOliveGames

Thanks for the response! I guess the problem for me was how the "off-hand" and "main-hand" slots were thrown in without explanation... I should've expected to finally use those lockpicks, after all. I was so utterly lost on how they worked together, but it could've just been my dense skull :/

I knew the lock had something to do with the

key hanging above

but yeah, I guess I just couldn't get the hint :(

Nevertheless, this is a great plot so far - very awesome series! I'm not usually a fan of text-heavy games but Tainted Olive is an exception!

BlackOliveGames August 13, 2015 5:07 PM

No prob. The key actually

shows the combination (square, circle, circle, triangle)

but it is up to the player to figure out how that particular lock works. It was supposed to be trial-and-error. In this case:

The main hand turns the tumblers, the offhand stops the tumblers. And they're colour-coded.

So for instance, the yellow lockpick in the main-hand turns the yellow tumbler and a certain other tumbler. You can stop that certain other tumbler by putting the appropriate lockpick in the offhand. Therefore, you can finetune the tumblers until the desired solution.

stuckinabasement August 13, 2015 5:25 PM replied to KonShinobu

thanks, KonShinobu ... i think i was just overwhelmed by the text to notice the clue in that conversation ...

overall, i think there's not enough puzzle-solving in this one for my liking. too much reading.

i'll give it a pass, at least until one day when i'm more in the mood.

mallonnicaud August 13, 2015 5:43 PM

Its an amazing game but im confused on who:

ratface is and how he fits into this game


The only thing that led me in the wrong direction on the lockpick was that

the combination has to be lined up in the bottom ("six o'clock") position. In retrospect, it sort of makes sense, since that's often (though not always) the way you'd insert a key. Still, I think it'd have been better if there were five tumblers, with the outermost one locked in position. That would still leave it up to the player to figure out the key clue and the operation of the tumblers, which is enough of a challenge without that one extra "gotcha."

Really liking this series.

BlackOliveGames August 14, 2015 8:03 AM


The lock is actually slightly tilted if you notice at the bottom, and the tumblers correspond to that.

Thanks for the thumbs up :)


You should play Chapter 1 first to fully appreciate the story, since that was Ratman's first appearance.


I was so pleased to see this! I played Chapter one when it was posted here but I admit I'd forgotten about it... I replayed it now, and then Ch 2, and really like them both. I'm a big fan of text in games, and this story is gripping.

Getting to play the Ratman was excellent. Shifting points of view make stories so much more interesting, when it's done well.

Oh, and I discovered that I could

use the gem in the maze when I'd already mapped the whole thing. D'oh! Then again, I like drawing maps, so I don't mind too much.


This is the kind of excellence in click and point gaming that doesn't come around often. The art style and music are both unique and yet relatable.

mallonnicaud August 15, 2015 12:33 PM replied to BlackOliveGames


I did play the first chapter but im confused because:

The door behind ratface is his castle door and i was wondering if he is a king or a noble or something

BlackOliveGames August 15, 2015 2:06 PM


He is not. The door leads to a walled-off part of his garden and house which, while large, is not a castle or even a mansion.
In a certain way, Ratman considers Parentium 'his' city, and he likes to know everything that is going on inside.

Reply August 18, 2015 11:50 PM

Great story, and I like the changing POV. Can't wait for part 3!



Part I

Start by examinig the blood on the road. Go into the woods and cut the thick branches blocking the way to the forest, grabbing the logs on the ground.

Forest maze
If you get lost in the maze, simply use your gem and go back once. This should get you back at the entrance. The correct way through the forest is

right, left, right, forward, left, right, left.

Go inside the Kazun and grab the empty glass vial and the piece of flint. If you examine the book, you’ll find that a potion can be mixed here using olive oil, blood and ember dust.

Waking up the Emmissary

Go back into the den. Put the logs into the fireplace and combine the piece of flint with the sword. Use the sword to start the fire and then again to heat it up. Examine the Emissary and use the heated sword to stop his bleeding. Once he’s awake, talk to him until he asks you to put the remains of his brothers’ souls to rest by burning them.

Making the potion

Collect olive oil from the carts, where the bodies are. You’ll find the oil dripping from the tip of an arrow.
Collect blood from the road, at the starting position.
To get the ember dust ,talk to the Emissary and go to the cart again. Examine the blonde man on the ground and you’ll find he carries ember dust.
Go back to the Kazun and mix the oil, blood and ember dust in the mortar. Use the pestle twice and put the result in your vial. Go to the den and expose the glass vial to the fire. You can now use the mixture to burn the bodies of the Emissaries.
Follow the same path through the forest to get to the Kazun. Talk to the strange lady and she’ll take you away.

right, left, right, forward, left, right, left.

Part II

Use the knife to open the envelope. Since the location of the meeting is a “mystery shadowed by fire”, put some lather on the paintbrush and then on the letter. Finally, put the letter over the candle to reveal the strange words.
Use the map to go to the tavern and get the grid piece of paper. To decipher the message, put each word on the piece of paper. The solution to the puzzle should look like this:

from top to bottom: “ts”, “edeeb”, “aamce”, “sapol”, “tnlnl”, “ed”. “ts” and “ed” should be put 1 square away from the end of the line.

Use the map to get to the temple.

Part III

The lock

In the right corner of the cell a splinter of wood can be found. Use it to tear open the hidden pocket of your cloak and get the lock picks. The pattern for the lock can be seen on the key on the table and it is

from inside to outside – square, circle, circle, triangle, on the bottom side of the lock.

Go into the hallway and use the lock picks to open the door on the right. Grab your sword, put the lock picks in the oil and head forward in the hallway. Use the sword to grab your dice. Use the lock picks to unlock the double doors. Talk to Lydia and grab the needle. Put it in the black poison on the table. Use the poisoned needle to paralyze the woman. Go in the hallway and head left.


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