"Why would I eat candies?" "Because they're good for your health!" TomaTea has a sweet tooth, too, and has opened a pretty new sugar shop to tempt you, treat you and delight you: Choco Challenge. Once inside, though, you can't get out so you'll need to point and click around, assembling tile mosaics, making good use of clues and gathering up handfuls of little chocolates in order to escape this room. As if! The soothing music and lovely aesthetics make this place so relaxing and enjoyable, you might lose track of what you're supposed to be doing.
But, as long as we're nom noming, there's no reason we can't solve a few puzzles in between bites, right? I mean, might as well. Luckily, there's plenty of the usual TomaTea-style puzzles sprinkled among the charming decor to keep us occupied. Which is good, or bad if you don't like subtle color hues or clues too well hidden in the design. A glowing cursor tip points to active areas as well as those items you can pick up, as long as you can eye them first and hover the cursor over them. Access your inventory for use by one-click, or view them more closely with tiny "i" button. There's much to sort through but the "I have no clue" messaging will turn you away from futility and help make this little escape substantial enough to satisfy without gobbling up all of your time—just the right bit of mental stimulation to sweeten up your day!
Walkthrough Guide
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Choco Challenge Walkthrough
When you begin, first look around for all the clues and things you can pick up...
Zoom in on the middle of the "Sweet Delight" cakes cabinet:
Get TILE 1 (of 10).
Get CHOCOLATE 1 (of 8).
Check out all the other goodies in the cases. You can't reach them yet until you unlock their doors, but careful observation will be your pal when it comes time to figure out these codes.
Turn right and examine the table with the green doilies:
Look at the teacup, note the clue: "Delight."
Get TILE 2.
Back up and then zoom in on the table with the red doilies:
Pick up CHOCOLATEs 3 and 4.
Turn right again and look each of the cakes held by the mannequin:
Take the middle CANDLE out of the cake in her right hand.
While focused on the candle cake, note that there are two burnt candles.
Also, look on the chair...here's CHOCOLATE 5!
Note that the cursor glows over her heart necklace, but you can't just take it.
In her left hand, look at the "Happy Birthday" cake and take off some of the letters: PARTY
Back up, go right...and check out the table with the blue doilies:
Move aside the doily on the left to find a PAPER with numbers on it; pick it up.
Last table: yellow dollies. Search this detail view to get...
CHOCOLATE 6 which is sitting on a yellow doily,
and TILE 3 which is partially hidden under the left side of the table.
Finally, move to the kitchen door in the corner of the room:
Notice that there are 8 pieces of chocolate missing. You'll need to find them all before you can open this door.
Now you can solve some puzzles; turn back to the cake cabinet and focus on the upper case...
4-Digit Number Code
Enter the correct four numbers then press the little button to unlock this case.
A word you saw on a teacup will point you in the right direction.
HINT: change your perspective and look between the lines.
Image: 4-Digit Number Code
Once you open this case, pick up CHOCOLATE 7.
Now back up and zoom in on the case with the milkshake and lemonade in the lower left corner...
Change the patterns on each of the four buttons, then click the little button to unlock this case.
The way these buttons have a blank in the middle is a clue as to where to find your solutions.
HINT: think of sweet stuff.
Image: 4 Patterns
When you get this case open, take the SCISSORS.
Now that you have the scissors, go back to the mannequin...
Use the SCISSORS to steal her HEART PENDANT.
Examine the pendant in your inventory to get two items:
a HEART decoration.
Now go to the kitchen door. You should have 7 chocolate squares but where is the 8th?
Make the 8th chocolate using items in your inventory...
Put the HEART decoration (it has a point on its backside) on the PLAIN CHOCOLATE SQUARE...
Open up the other seven CHOCOLATES in your inventory, then add the newly-constructed 8th piece to the set.
After you've gathered all 8 squares of chocolate, put them into the grid on the kitchen door...
To unlock the kitchen, you need to play a game of concentration. Just in case you don't know the rules, here they are:
Click a square to turn it over and see the piece. Then, click another square to turn it over.If they match, they'll be removed from the grid. If they don't match, they'll hide again and you'll have to keep looking for matches.
Remember where you see a design and try to find its mate under the other squares.
The game changes each time you play it, so you're on your own for this one.
After completing the memory game, open the door to enter the kitchen.
When you first enter the kitchen, take a good look at the scene, making a note of everything you see. Then, head to The Refrigerator:
The fridge is locked. Maybe you can spell out another word on the door?
Use the letters you took off the "Happy Birthday" cake...
Re-arrange them to spell: PARTY.
With the right word, the fridge door opens up:
Get TILE 4 from the top shelf.
Take a good long gander at that delicious-looking cupcake on the middle shelf. Then, let's move on.
Step back from the fridge and go over to the stove area...
Pick up TILE 5.
Study the green number pad. This looks similar to the green numbers on the paper you found earlier.
Move back and examine the drawers under the kitchen counter...
Top Left Drawer
To open the top-left drawer in the kitchen, you'll need the right 5-letter word.
Change each letter by using the up or down arrows, then click the little button to unlock the drawer.
HINT: a piece of paper and a number pad by the stove.
Image: 5-Letter Code
Open the drawer and get a KNIFE.
Let's open another while we're here, the middle right drawer...
3x3 Grid
Click on the buttons of the 3x3 to make them dark or light. Create the correct pattern on the grid then click the little button to open the drawer.
HINT: it's something you can see in the other room.
Image: 3x3 Button Grid
From inside this drawer, get TILE 6.
Step back and check the time. Maybe there's something special about...
The Clock
The big and little hands of the clock can be moved about its face.
Setting the clock to the correct time will reveal a hidden panel.
Click the big hand first because it also changes the position of the little hand; then you can click the little hand without moving the big hand.
HINT: the answer can be seen on something round in the other room.
Image: Clock Solution
Open the clock's panel and get:
Just below the clock is a brightly colored cake, take a closer look....
Two Cakes and Four Colors
First, grab TILE #8 from beside the colorful cake.
Insert the CANDLE (from the mannequin) in the center of the colorful cake.
Now, turn the dials to form a picture.
When it's all properly lined up, the image will give you the code to the four-color code needed in the other room...
Image: Cake Design and 4 Color Code
Head back out to the front room, zoom in on the big cake in the lower right case...
Enter the four color shape code as seen in the other room:
Open the case and use your KNIFE to cut open the cake. Note its colorful layers.
You need to make one more trip into the kitchen now. So head there and zoom in on the lower left drawer...
Enter the colors of the layer cake, from top to bottom:
Blue, Yellow, Red, Green.
Get TILE #9.
At this point, you should have 9 of 10 mosaic tile pieces. The last case needing to be opened is the upper left side of the cake cabinet...
Left-Right Buttons
Click the left and right buttons in the right sequence then click the little button below to unlock cupcake case...
HINT: the answer is clear and bright inside the kitchen.
Look at which side the green glass is located in each pane of the window in the kitchen...
Left, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right.
Get the last TILE (10/10) from behind the cupcakes and slice of tort.
Turn left from the cake cabinet and examine the messed up Tile Mosaic on the wall...
Place all 10 TILE PIECES on the mosaic, then re-assemble the picture.
Once that's complete, you need to color each part of the picture correctly.
HINT: the answer is not in this room.
Image: Tile Mosaic Completed
When the picture is complete, it'll slide aside, revealing a set of hinges and a panel in the wall...
Use the STRING from the mannequin's necklace to tie the hinges together, keeping the panel open.
Now you can take the KEY.
Use the KEY to unlock the front door and escape!
Petite Chocolates Locations
They look like chocolate, so that's what I call 'em!
Middle shelf of cake case.
Table with green doilies.
Table with red doilies.
Same table as #3.
On the chair by the candle-laden cake.
Table with the yellow doilies.
Inside the number-locked cake case.
This one is made with items in your inventory...
Cut HEART off mannequin's necklace, place it on CHOCOLATE with hole in middle. Then, open the other chocolates in your inventory and add this piece.
Mosaic Tiles Locations
Middle shelf of cake case.
Table with green doilies.
Table with the yellow doilies.
In the fridge.
On the stove.
In the middle righthand drawer in the kitchen.
Behind the clock.
By the colorful cake in the kitchen.
Inside the top left case of the cake cabinet.
Posted by: elle
October 29, 2013 3:58 PM