Remember the 90's, when blocky graphics and bleepy sound were among the best available on home computers, and adventure games were all the rage? Survive Quest, a slice of retro by 2BAM, is an attempt to recapture those days. Use the mouse and/or keyboard (click "Help" in the lower right for the exact controls) to help poor Captain Copy Mayhem escape his malfunctioning ship before it crashes, preferably without dying in the process. There are several ways to screw up and bite the space dust, every one of which forces you to start from scratch, although the game is short enough that this isn't TOO much of a setback. The puzzles are a little on the illogical side and some deaths are impossible to avoid on a blind run, but these flaws just serve to perfect the old-fashioned Sierraesque atmosphere. Survive Quest is a small bite of the past that many 90's computer gamers will love... or hate... or love to hate.
Survive Quest Walkthrough
There are three ways you can die right off the bat: push the red button in the center of the console, step on the hatch open button (the round button by the hatch), or press the button to lower the bed (lower left). Don't do any of those... yet.
Talk to the computer (top center) twice. It'll activate the teleporter.
Note the fly buzzing around the teleporter chamber. Those of you familiar with old movies should take that as warning enough not to teleport anywhere just yet. You've got to find a way to get rid of that fly.
Check the three alcoves in the right wall, each one leading to a different room. From left to right, they're the storage closet, the bathroom, and the food dispensary. Check (use) the first two to get a broom, an air pump, and a toothbrush. You'll deal with the food dispensary later.
If you examine the broom, C.M. will note that it has a long handle. Use it to prod the bed button (remember, lower left) and open the bed safely.
Use the box at the foot of the bed to check it. Take the wine (which disintegrates, leaving only the cork) and the blow-up doll. You can't take the glasses.
Check the food dispensary now. Take (use) a paper cup for later, and plug the dispensary tube with the cork. Then press the dispense button several times until a hole is blown in the wall.
Check (use) the hole. You'll find a dirty ball of something. Use the toothbrush on the dirty ball to clean it off, revealing a petrified rat head.
Examine the rat head. Hm, sounds like it could be used as a tool. Use it on the grating in the food dispensary to remove it.
Yuck. Use the paper cup on the old, sticky food to take a sample.
If you've already inflated the blow-up doll by using the air pump on it, use the air pump on it again to deflate it.
Combine the cup of sticky food with the air pump to load it in, then use the air pump filled with sticky food to fill up the blow-up doll with the sticky stuff.
Put the blow-up doll on the hatch (bottom center). The sticky food will ensure that it sticks in place.
If you're navigating by mouse, select the "go to" verb now! Then step on the hatch open button and keep walking away from the hatch until it closes.
The suction got rid of the fly! Use the teleporter keyboard to teleport to safety. Congratulations!
Ways to Die
Press the big red button in the center of the console.
Press the bed button without the broom.
Step on the hatch button without placing the blow-up doll.
Use the teleporter without getting rid of the fly.
Fill the blow-up doll with ordinary air and put it on the hatch, then step on the button.
Fill the blow-up doll with sticky food and put it on the hatch, then step on the button, but don't keep your distance from the hatch.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Survive Quest Walkthrough
There are three ways you can die right off the bat: push the red button in the center of the console, step on the hatch open button (the round button by the hatch), or press the button to lower the bed (lower left). Don't do any of those... yet.
Talk to the computer (top center) twice. It'll activate the teleporter.
Note the fly buzzing around the teleporter chamber. Those of you familiar with old movies should take that as warning enough not to teleport anywhere just yet. You've got to find a way to get rid of that fly.
Check the three alcoves in the right wall, each one leading to a different room. From left to right, they're the storage closet, the bathroom, and the food dispensary. Check (use) the first two to get a broom, an air pump, and a toothbrush. You'll deal with the food dispensary later.
If you examine the broom, C.M. will note that it has a long handle. Use it to prod the bed button (remember, lower left) and open the bed safely.
Use the box at the foot of the bed to check it. Take the wine (which disintegrates, leaving only the cork) and the blow-up doll. You can't take the glasses.
Check the food dispensary now. Take (use) a paper cup for later, and plug the dispensary tube with the cork. Then press the dispense button several times until a hole is blown in the wall.
Check (use) the hole. You'll find a dirty ball of something. Use the toothbrush on the dirty ball to clean it off, revealing a petrified rat head.
Examine the rat head. Hm, sounds like it could be used as a tool. Use it on the grating in the food dispensary to remove it.
Yuck. Use the paper cup on the old, sticky food to take a sample.
If you've already inflated the blow-up doll by using the air pump on it, use the air pump on it again to deflate it.
Combine the cup of sticky food with the air pump to load it in, then use the air pump filled with sticky food to fill up the blow-up doll with the sticky stuff.
Put the blow-up doll on the hatch (bottom center). The sticky food will ensure that it sticks in place.
If you're navigating by mouse, select the "go to" verb now! Then step on the hatch open button and keep walking away from the hatch until it closes.
The suction got rid of the fly! Use the teleporter keyboard to teleport to safety. Congratulations!
Ways to Die
Press the big red button in the center of the console.
Press the bed button without the broom.
Step on the hatch button without placing the blow-up doll.
Use the teleporter without getting rid of the fly.
Fill the blow-up doll with ordinary air and put it on the hatch, then step on the button.
Fill the blow-up doll with sticky food and put it on the hatch, then step on the button, but don't keep your distance from the hatch.
Posted by: SonicLover
July 25, 2013 9:27 AM