In a room filled with devices that tease, contraptions that taunt, and a décor that is strange, as if made in a funky plastic factory, Haretoki traps you in a playful and spirited escape game that's sure to simultaneously delight and frustrate. Like other games in Haretoki's repertoire, Sometimes Sunny Fit feels as if you're stuck inside a funhouse and every dial you turn or mirror you shift does nothing more than distract you from your entrapment. Here, there are items that might baffle until you put them to use and puzzles that seem impossible until the subtle logic of the clues click together into a satisfying "Aha!" moment. Solve enough puzzles, though, and the key to freedom is yours.
With no textual references to explain what you're doing or why, you're left to point-and-click your way around the room, experimenting with the quirky contraptions that line the walls with seemingly no rhyme or reason. There is no changing cursor yet there are no pixel hunts. Even so, the trickery is much larger than what a few elusive pixels would provide.
Perhaps the greatest difficulty is looking past the red herrings to answers that are actually quite clear once you see them, although the abundance of puzzles makes it troublesome to decide what to do next. Luckily, a "save" button allows you to step away and clear your head. Don't get discouraged—as clever as this room is, you can outsmart these dodgy devices by using some tricks of your own, thinking outside the box and giving good consideration to the larger structure in which you're playing. If you haven't already played them, it might be best to warm up with Sometimes Sunny Reverse or Sometimes Cloudy Challenge to acquaint yourself with Haretoki's unique charm and sense of humor. Sometimes Sunny Fit is high on the challenge scale but the payoff is worth the headaches. "This is totally cool!" was never uttered with more truth.
Walkthrough Guide
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Walkthrough: Sometimes Sunny Fit
Starting Out: Exploring the First Room
When you start out, you're facing a locked door and a shelf hosting a roving satellite dish. There's nothing you can do here right now, so turn left.
Now you see a seemingly solid brick archway and a small square cabinet...
Two footprints mark where you can stand on a semi-circle platform and a four-button puzzle will probably activate it...somehow.
On the wall above the cabinet, there are four dials with various setting options.
A large coin is firmly secured by screws to the top of the cabinet.
For the cabinet itself, it appears to have only one door and this is locked and in need of a key.
Turn left from the brick archway to view a scene with a basketball hoop and bookshelves...
Pick up the RED KNOB from the shelf below the books.
Note that the books are numbered and divided into three sets.
The shelf above the books holds a device with a green ball inside.
A blue ball is taped to the basketball hoop.
And, lastly, some kind of plastic scroll under the hoop has a design worth making note of.
Turn left one more time. Here is a sports ball dispenser (maybe you can get a basketball for the hoop?), a panel with 5 circular insets on it, and another shelf...
Look on the shelf to see a digital display.
On first look, the 1-2 is lit blue and two line segments on the display are colored blue.
Press the large white button to change the number settings and watch as the lines shift in the digital display.
Now you should be ready to start solving puzzles.
Green Ball: 3-Letter Code
Turn right from the sports ball dispenser and examine the device on the shelf above the book case.
Enter the correct 3-letter code to open the device and get the GREEN BALL.
Use the books and the digital display device to determine the three letters. As you click the button on the device, you can deduce which line goes with which number.
Four Dials
Turn right from the basketball hoop view to face the brick archway and zoom in on the four dials on the wall.
Turn each dial to the correct setting to unlock the lid to the tube below the dials.
The "scroll" under the basketball hoop gives the answer. Pay attention to how many turns a dial has.
After opening the tube, take out the screwdriver and use it on the screwed-down coin on the cabinet top.
Take the COIN.
Four Buttons
Turn right from the brick archway/four dials scene and go over to the sports ball dispenser.
Put the COIN in the coin slot and press the basketball button.
Wait and watch.
Then turn left to see that a panel has opened under the satellite....
Open the box inside the new alcove and take the silver KEY.
Turn left. Use the KEY to unlock the cabinet and open the door.
Watch the arrows on the monitor.
Back up and go inside the brick archway and examine the four button puzzle.
Press the buttons in the correct sequence.
Don't think arrows; think of where they're pointing.
BR=bottom right; TL=top left; etc.
When correct, you can press the button and "spin" the doorway to enter the new room.
Exploring Room 2
After operating the spinning platform, back up twice from the archway to see where you are. Here you see a small square cabinet and a poster on the wall...
The cabinet looks suspiciously like the one in the first room but it has three doors.
Study the poster for clues.
Turn left from the brick archway and you'll see up/down buttons next to some railing. Looking up, there is a ladder that might be your way out?
Take another left to see a strange wall device that's guarding a yellow ball and a shelf table...
If you try to grab the yellow ball, you trip the light sensors which cause the cage to block the ball.
There's a button on the top of the table shelf, yet nothing happens when you push it.
Looking under the shelf, you see a cord that runs to a box that's screwed closed. Maybe that contains a way to operate the table?
Go left. In this view, two large grey pipes twist up from floor to ceiling and a multi-panel mirror hangs on the wall...
A small shelf under the pipes displays a blue dot. There's also a gear that doesn't turn.
Examining the mirror, you're able to remove FOUR MIRROR PANELS and add them to your inventory.
Now you should be ready to solve more puzzles...
Room 2's Cabinet, Bottom Right Door
Turn left from the mirrors and zoom in on the bottom right door of the cabinet.
Input the correct pattern on the 3x3 grid, clicking the correct tiles to turn them blue.
After taking the four panels from the mirror, slide the remaining panels around to find your answer.
Click on the tiles (marked by "X") to turn them blue, then click the rectangular button at the bottom to activate the solution.
- - X
X - -
X X -
Screenshot: Room 2 Cabinet
When done, open the door to get a VALVE. Note the instructions on how to use the valve in its detail screen.
Up and Down Arrows/Ladder (white ball)
From the second room's cabinet/brick archway, turn left to face the wall with the railing and ladder.
Examine the up/down arrows on the wall.
Press the buttons in the correct sequence to lower the ladder.
The poster above the cabinet in room 2 gives you the answer.
Just continue the lines on the poster until they form Up or Down arrows...
D � U � D � D � U � D � D � U � D - U
When the ladder lowers, climb up it to find the WHITE BALL. Take it.
Getting the Blue Ball
Go back to the first room and look at the hamper under the basketball hoop...
You need to remove the basketball to reach the BLUE BALL.
An item you get in room 2 will help you deal with the overly large basketball.
Use the AIR VALVE you got out of the cabinet in room 2 to deflate the basketball.
With the basketball out of the way, reach into the hamper and get the BLUE BALL.
Getting a Portable Screwdriver
There are several places you need a SCREWDRIVER but the only one you've found so far, the one that came out of the tube, is attached to a string.
Explore the cabinet area in the first room and the second room...until you can find a portable screwdriver.
The 4-button device is not an elevator but a spinning doorway, so the two rooms are side-by-side and share a common wall.
Note, then, the position of the cabinet in the 2nd room in relationship to that of the 1st room.
Go to the first room's cabinet and put the blue screwdriver back into the tube. Now you can access that screwdriver in the 2nd room's cabinet, using it to unscrew the box in the bottom left door and get a RED SCREWDRIVER.
Where to Use the Red Knob
HINT: The RED KNOB with a star-shaped base is on the shelf with the books. You'll need to use the RED SCREWDRIVER, though, to find a place to use it.
There is a table device jutting out of the wall in the second room (next to the yellow ball's prison). Use the RED SCREWDRIVER to take off the panel under the table. Insert the RED KNOB into the star-shaped hole to activate the table device.
4-Digit Number, Room 2 Cabinet (red ball)
HINT: After using the red screwdriver and red knob to activate the table device in room 2, press the button four times and note the information displayed.
Ignore the solid segments...
9 4 2 6
How to Get the Yellow Ball
HINT: You need a way to deflect the lights which activate the cage guarding the yellow ball.
Did you ever think about what would happen if your feet didn't stay planted after you pushed a button?
Press the button for the spinning door, then step back off the platform. Now you can see, on the other side of the door, a box. Open it to get the FRAMEWORK for the MIRROR PANELS.
Combine the FRAME and the MIRRORS in your inventory, then use that to deflect the lasers and prevent the cage from closing on the yellow ball.Now you can grab the YELLOW BALL.
Five Colored Balls (wall in first room)
Put the five balls in frame on the wall in room 1, inserting them in the correct position and the correct order.
HINT: The answer is provided in the second room, on the shelf under the pipes... the first ball is already showing on the device. You just need a way to turn the gear:
Use the RED SCREWDRIVER in the first room, on the "scroll" under the basketball hoop to remove the DIAL. Then, put the DIAL in the device and use it to turn the screen until you get all five balls, colors and positions...
When looking at the clue, note position of the color for where to put the ball AND the number of dots on the screen for the order in which to put the balls...
5th=Green -- 3rd=White
----- 1st=Blue -----
2nd=Red ---- 4th=Yellow
When correct, get the GOLD KEY, unlock the door, and press the red button. Now back up and take the ladder to escape!
Posted by: elle
July 31, 2013 11:50 PM