An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Smile Escape

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Smile Escape

DoraIf there's a better way to brighten your day than a TomaTea escape game, I don't know what it is. Some people might tell you the sound of a child's laughter would do the same thing, but personally I'd rather have the unexpected joy of finding an extra Jolly Rancher in my jacket pocket. Speaking of ankle-biters, Smile Escape takes place in a playroom, and let's face it... there's only so much time you can spend stacking rubber rings and driving a toy car around while making brrrrrrrmmmm noises, so it's time to find a way out. Just click to interact with things, using the glow at the tip of the cursor as a guide to find things you can use or take a closer look at, and hover over inventory items to get a closer look at them by clicking the little "i" that appears. Like most TomaTea games, solving puzzles means finding clues to their solutions, so if the message "I have no clue how to solve this!" appears when you're examining something, you know you haven't yet spotted something crucial. I mean, you couldn't just experiment or try to figure it out on your own, after all... this is a game, and games are serious business!

Smile EscapeIf you're like me, Smile Escape's sleepy lullaby soundtrack will have you scrambling for the mute button under the game menu after just a few repetitions, but that's a minor complaint all told. Smile Escape actually focuses more on puzzles than using items to make progress, with a lot of the puzzles holding clues to the next rather than something for your inventory. Based on the room and decoration it seems like the sort of place you'd put a toddler so they didn't chew the wires or scratch the furniture or whatever it is babies do, and it seems to me like you're asking a lot of someone who can't go to the bathroom on their own when they have to solve complex grid puzzles just to open cabinets. It actually offers a nice progression in difficulty, a balance between simply being enough aware of your environment to spot hidden solutions, and having to crack codes. It's definitely a lot more devious than it may appear despite its cuddly style, and hopefully you're familiar with a certain of visual logic puzzle to know it when you see it. Smile Escape is just challenging enough to kick your brain into gear so you'll be raring to go for the day... providing the soundtrack doesn't have you down for a nap.

Play Smile Escape

Walkthrough Guide

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TomaTea's Smile Escape: Escape Guide
This is not a step-by-step walkthrough.
Guide to Item Locations

Each of the four room views is named for the color of the "Castle" shelving unit against its wall. I tried to make the hidden object names obscure so as not to spoil for those who haven't found them yet.
A * indicates a puzzle that needs to be solved first.

Red View
WOODEN BLOCK 1, beside the stuffed bear on the shelf
RED DUMBBELL inside the left door behind the *shape puzzle
ELECTRONIC inside the middle door behind the *Goldilocks puzzle
COLORED CARS inside the right door, behind the *left-right puzzle
FISHY CLUE inside the *balloon.

Blue View
COIN inside the *piggy bank.
WOODEN BLOCK 4 inside the middle door behind the *nonogram
SHARP TIP inside the middle door behind the *nonogram
BATTERY from the car on the right shelf (you have to *unscrew the battery cover)
MOBILE inside the right door. You have to solve the *Pooh puzzle

Yellow View
WOODEN BLOCK 5, inside the left door, behind the *3 animals puzzle.
WOODEN BLOCK 6, inside the middle door, behind the *four letter puzzle.
BLUE FISH hanging above the unit. You have to solve the *four letter puzzle and the *ring puzzle.

Green View
POOH BUCKET, on the floor to the right of the unit
WOODEN BLOCK 2, on top of the unit above the clock
WOODEN BLOCK 3, inside the right door
TAIL inside the middle door (you have to *unscrew to open)
SCISSORS inside the left door behind the *Ring puzzle

Guide to Puzzle Solutions

On the middle Blue door. This puzzle requires no in-game content to solve it. Here is the Wiki article on how to solve nonograms.
Once you have the solution, make sure all the blocks are either blue or empty, no question marks. Press the button to open.

Make the following squares blue.
Row 1: 1, 3, 5
Row 2: 1/2/3/4/5
Row 3: 1/2/3/4/5
Row 4: 2, 4
Row 5: 2, 4
Row 6: 2/3/4, 6, 8, 10
Row 7: solid blue
Row 8: solid blue
Row 9: 1/2, 4/5/6, 9/10
Row 10: 1/2, 4/5/6, 9/10

It's a castle!

Piggy bank

Shake the pig until the coin falls out. Then zoom in on the carpet.

Screws without Screwdrivers

Use the coin as a screwdriver to unscrew the underside of the car on the right Blue shelf, and to unscrew the middle Green door.

Balloons Were Meant for Popping

Pull open the red dart TAIL from inventory and attach the SHARP TIP. Use your new DART to shoot the string-less balloon floating in the corner. Then zoom in on the carpet.

Three Animals

The left door on the Yellow unit has three animal faces and a down arrow. For the clue, note the top-to-bottom order of the three stuffed animals in the corner of the Red/Blue views.

rabbit, bear, elephant. Press the button.

4x4 Grid

The right Yellow door has a 4x4 grid. The clue is on the unsolved block puzzle on the middle Red shelf. The pattern of the empty block slots is your solution.

Four Letter Word

For the middle Yellow door with the four-letter code. For your clues, note the four symbols you found in the right Yellow door, and note the tic-tac-toe format of the "YES ONE TOY" blocks above the clock. For example, a " ] " symbol would indicate the middle left on a tic-tac-toe grid, indicating the letter "O" on the blocks.

The tic-tac-toe symbols are "center" "bottom middle" "bottom right" "upper left" so the letters are N E S T


Zoom in on the Red middle shelf. Place your six WOODEN BLOCKS that you have collected into the puzzle, and swap them around until the picture is right.

Four Colored Rings

The left Green door requires a four-circle color code with each of the circles having a different sized-ring around it. For your clue, note the toy on the left Blue shelf. Note sizes and colors of the rings.

For example, the first circle on the door code has the second-largest ring around it. If you look at the toy, the second-largest ring on the toy is blue. So, the first circle of the code is blue. And so forth.

blue, red, green, yellow

Four Colored Numbers

The left Blue door requires a color-coded four digit number. For your clue, note the clock on the top Green shelf.

Note the colors behind each number on the clock face. For example, the color yellow corresponds to the number 4.

red, green, orange, purple indicates 2 5 3 7

Four Little Shapes

The left Red door needs a four-shape sequence. For your clue, note the four-digit number on your coin (pull up the coin in your inventory and click it to turn it over), and note the shapes on the clock for each of those digits. For example, the digit "7" would indicate the oval shape.

the number on the coin is 1986, so the corresponding clock shapes would be flower, trapezoid, pentagon, triangle

A (Pooh) Bear of Very Little Brain

Zoom in on the left side of the Blue unit. Hang the POOH BUCKET on the bear lever, and insert the RED DUMBELL into the bucket.

Too High!

Is that fish still too high to reach? You have to open the middle Yellow door first by solving the four letter puzzle. Once the door is open, zoom in on the inside of the cabinet and push the red button to activate a ladder. Use the SCISSORS on the string.

Fishy Business

Pull up the FISH MOBILE from your inventory and add the BLUE FISH. Hang the MOBILE on the string over the Yellow unit. You need to swap the fish around until they are in the right order. Use the 6-digit FISHY CLUE and the colors/numbers on the clock to determine the order of the colored fish.

For example, the first digit on the fishy clue is 3, and the clock's 3 has orange behind it, so the first fish on the mobile needs to be orange. And so forth.

3 5 2 6 4 1 indicates orange green red blue yellow pink

Left Right Left

The right Red door requires a left-right sequence. Your clue is the result of the Fish Mobile puzzle. Note the directions that each of the six fish is facing.


All Aboard!

Place the COLORED train CARS on the track at the base of the Yellow unit. Put the BATTERY into the ELECTRONIC controller, and use the controller on the train. A close-up view of the controller will appear allowing you to control the colors of the traffic lights on either side of the Yellow unit. You need to arrange the colors on both traffic lights in the proper sequence. Your clue is in the abacus beads on the bottom left Blue shelf.

There is no clear clue for which beads to note, other than the fact that the traffic lights are on the far edges of the Yellow unit. Note the three beads in the middle of the far left column and the three in the middle of the far right column of the abacus.

left side, top to bottom: green, green, yellow
right side, top to bottom: green, yellow, red

Push the red button

That's an elaborate door key. And you earned it.

Whew, all that escaping was hard work! I feel like a Naptime in the sun on that picnic blanket. :)


shanisek June 30, 2014 10:36 AM

I am enjoying this so far, but I am stuck (of course). I have:

A bear coin, 5 of the 6 blocks, scissors, the inflation needle and a fish mobile

I am suck on finding or recognising the clue for the

4x4 grid puzzle

... any ideas?

shanisek June 30, 2014 10:37 AM replied to shanisek

Also, I found the

5x5 coloured ball grid thing

but am flummoxed as to its purpose.



check the bear blocks. the empty spots are the answer


For the 4x4:

Remember seeing a puzzle that you couldn't do anything with? It was 4x4 too.


the inflation needle is pretty sharp. Where might a sharp, pointy object come in handy in this room? Hint:

combine it with another object.

I'm stuck on the four letters needed for the lower middle door in the brown cabinet. I'm sure it has to do with the

3x3 thing on top of the green cabinet

but I'm not sure what I'm missing.

mrjprive June 30, 2014 10:56 AM

I am stuck on the red/green/orange/purple number puzzle. I should have the clue, but I can't figure out where it is.

Patreon Contributor Questioner June 30, 2014 10:56 AM replied to kurt

For the 4-letter code in the brown cabinet:

You have to use the code from inside the lower right brown cabinet (that you unlock with the 4x4 code) on the 3x3 thing on the green cabinet.

mrjprive June 30, 2014 10:58 AM replied to mrjprive

never mind

Patreon Contributor Questioner June 30, 2014 10:58 AM replied to mrjprive

For the red/green/orange/purple code:

Look at the clock with the symbols and colors.

shanisek June 30, 2014 11:23 AM replied to kurt

I understand what you are saying about

combining the needle with something

... but I have nothing to combine it with!

VoxPopuli42 June 30, 2014 11:27 AM

Struggling with the color-circle code.

I was pretty damn sure that the clue was

The clock above it

But I can't get it to work.

VoxPopuli42 June 30, 2014 11:32 AM


You'll need to solve the Shapes lock to get a second piece.

Hint for that

Where have you seen a collection of shapes?

and also:

Do you have something in your inventory that has an indication of which shapes to use?

shanisek June 30, 2014 11:39 AM replied to VoxPopuli42

I'm not being clear, I think.

I have a coin, a needle, and a remote with no battery. the only locks I have left are the physical locks on the center of the green shelf, and the right-left lock on the bottom right of the red shelf.

No clue what to do next.

VoxPopuli42 June 30, 2014 11:39 AM

Thanks Dora- and I'm out!


Enjoying this so much. I'm a bit stuck at the moment but I don't mind a bit. These puzzles are fun to think about.


yeah! another tomatea game. can't wait for a walkthrough for this :)

baileydonk June 30, 2014 12:18 PM

I'm with shanisek. What's the

abacus-like colored bead thing

a clue for?


I can't get the remote to work. I put the battery in, but now what? I'm also missing the clue for the left/right puzzle and I think I know what to do with the completed fish puzzle, but I still "have no clue to solve" it, even with the rolled up number paper

Patreon Contributor Questioner June 30, 2014 12:26 PM replied to baileydonk

It's for the last puzzle.

Patreon Contributor Questioner June 30, 2014 12:29 PM replied to silliee

The remote:

It's for the last puzzle.

The fish puzzle:

You have to hang the fish-holder on the hook where the blue fish was, and then swap the places of the fishes so that they are in the order described by the scrolls note and the color clock.

baileydonk June 30, 2014 12:29 PM

I so want to

pop the balloon

with the

inflator needle

but I guess I can't reach it? Nothing to climb on or launch something with... Running out of clues and items. Been clicking and going 'round and 'round... This is starting to lose it's charm.

Patreon Contributor Questioner June 30, 2014 12:31 PM replied to baileydonk

You have to combine the inflator needle with another object to get a dart.

baileydonk June 30, 2014 12:33 PM

But Questioner, I don't have any other object except the remote.

silliee June 30, 2014 12:40 PM replied to baileydonk

the back half of the dart is inside one door that is unlocked by pulling down the bear handle on the side of the blue castle


Any suggestions on how to make the train move?

Patreon Contributor Questioner June 30, 2014 12:52 PM replied to silliee

The train:

Use the remote on the train, and set the lights to the outmost parts of the abacus.


(The tiny circles = lights)

silliee June 30, 2014 12:55 PM replied to silliee

Never mind. I got it! The code for the remote/train is...

Hidden in the abacus.

baileydonk June 30, 2014 1:00 PM

Gack! Even with silliee's perfectly clear hint, I can't find another piece to combine with the

inflation nozzle to make a dart!

What am I missing???

Patreon Contributor Questioner June 30, 2014 1:02 PM replied to baileydonk


To get the part you will need:
- a bucket
- a red hantle

Then you have to put the bucket on the handle, and then put the hantle within it.

baileydonk June 30, 2014 1:06 PM

I did that, fairly early in the game - and it opened up a door... I can't remember what I got out of that door, but it sure wasn't what you're talking about. I'm starting to think I'll have to start the whole game over, like there was a glich or I did something wrong. Has this happened to anyone else?

grander June 30, 2014 1:11 PM


To get the inflation nozzle, you have to solve the piccross puzzle that's in the middle lower door of the blue cabinet. I think it's a standard piccross. Just remember to turn the remaining question marks grey.



I found the back half behind a different door.

There is one door that needs something other than a code to open it, in addition to the lever-bucket door.

It may take a different object than you think to open it!

Patreon Contributor Questioner June 30, 2014 1:15 PM replied to baileydonk


Oops, just realised that i messed the cabinets up...

The part is in the green cabinet. (lower middle)

Use the coin to unscrew it.

shipoopie June 30, 2014 2:17 PM

Woo! I got out without help! That doesn't usually happen with Tomatea games. Some of the puzzles needed you to jump to a conclusion about what the clue is or where a clue you found applies rather than it being obvious, but it's still awesome to get through all by myself. WOO! :-D

shipoopie June 30, 2014 2:22 PM replied to Questioner

I always though the thing you guys are calling an inflation nozzle was one of those spiky stabby tools woodworkers use.

shipoopie June 30, 2014 2:28 PM replied to shanisek


I had the coin for a while before

I realized that in real life, I would probably use it to open things when I didn't have a screwdriver! Pretty sneaky.


Finished this this morning, one of the very few escape games that I figured out without cheating ;)

JudyJetson June 30, 2014 10:33 PM

Yessssss! TomaTeaaaaaaaa! What a lovely suprise after a long double shift at work! I should wait till morning to play this, but I can't.

JudyJetson July 1, 2014 12:08 AM

That was fun! A lot of the puzzles were very creative multitaskers

like hiding the 4x4 code in the block puzzle before it is solved

and multi-stepped

like requiring you to get a fish, unlock a door, and interpret a paper clue in order to get the left-right clue. Most of the previous games, the left-right clue is in plain sight or apparent upon solving a single puzzle.

Just challenging enough to be satisfying. And the graphic was beautiful as usual.

I got stuck a couple places, but I figured most of them out on my own. The only one I couldn't figure out was the final puzzle. I knew what I needed to manipulate and I knew where the clue was, but I just didn't know how to interpret the clue. I had to look at some of the comments here for the answer. :( Maybe next time.

Such a satisfying game. TT only comes out with one once every few months, but it's worth the wait.

Reply July 1, 2014 8:35 AM

Hey. Can someone help me on the

4 letters code at the middle brown cabinet??

I've been stuck there for a while (^.^;;)


I reset the game because

I had shaken the pig and the animation showed the coin falling out, but I could not for the life of me figure out how to actually get the coin

Probably did it wrong, but oh well.

4 letter code hint:

Unlock bottom right hand cabinet in yellow/cream colour cupboard.
The picture indicates which letter in the 3x3 grid you should use

4 colour code

There's a toy on the shelf with 12 colours, including the 4 you need...

VoxPopuli42 July 1, 2014 10:25 AM

Bollocks, I'd made a very detailed walkthrough and there was a posting error. It's a slow day at work though- I'm remaking it.


four-letter code

The clue for this is in two parts. One part is above the clock. For the other clue, you need to have opened the left Yellow door. It has a white piece of paper taped inside with four symbols on it.

Those symbols tell you which letters above the clock to use. Think of the 9x9 letter formation as a tic-tac-toe board.

JudyJetson July 1, 2014 11:43 AM replied to Catherine Kissmyarsefb


zooming in on the carpet. Click the very bottom of the screen in ANY view.

VoxPopuli42 July 1, 2014 11:53 AM

Smile Escape Walkthrough (with colorblind help)

Note: All color-based puzzles have instructions for getting correct combinations


Red Shelf View

Left cupboard: Needs a 4-shape puzzle. We can't solve it yet

Middle cupboard: No lock here- but it seems related to the 4x4 block tray above it. Maybe we should pay attention to the missing blocks.

Right cupboard: Needs a left/right combination that we don't have yet.

From this view we can see a corner shelf with three stuffed animals. And we can collect Block 1/6

Blue Shelf View

Left cupboard: Needs a 4-digit code, and is colored, in order, Red-Green-Orange-Purple. We are allowed to solve it, but I think we need to look around a bit more.

Middle cupboard: Oh look, a Picross puzzle! We can solve this now.

Right cupboard: Hm, it won't open, and no puzzle... but what's that gold lever on the the left of the shelf? That opens the door, but it won't stay yet.

On the shelf: A piggy bank! What riches are in here?

After you shake it, check the carpet on the floor for a Coin

Finally, look at the ring-stacking toy. These colors may come up again.

Yellow Shelf View

Left cupboard: Needs a three-animal code. I think we have everything we need for this one.

Middle cupboard: Needs a 4-letter code that we don't have yet.

Right cupboard: This has a 4x4 button lock. Hmm, 4x4? That sounds familiar...

Also note the train tracks, and the blue fish that we cannot reach

Green Shelf View

Left cupboard: Wants a color code of 4 circular objects. I think we know this one.

Middle cupboard: Hmm, stuck with screws. Is there something in our inventory that could open this?

Use the Coin and receive a Feathered Piece

Right cupboard: It's open! Collect Block 3/6

To the right, we can collect an adorable Pooh Bear Bucket.

To the left, we can see several balloons. The highest seems to have something inside it- maybe we'll be able to get it down later.

Be sure to note the pink Clock in the middle of the shelf- this will certainly be useful, with all these numbers, colors, and shapes.

Finally, note the 3x3 grid on top of the Shelf- and collect Block 2/6

Solving Puzzles


Is this type of puzzle completely unfamiliar? Here's an explanation.

The numbers on the left of rows and top of columns give hints to how many blocks of that color are in that column or row. In this case, they are all the same color- but be sure that you turn all the blocks black so that the question marks are gone.

Be aware that the numbers at the left and top will not each tell you of every color block in that row- you have to use both to get the final picture.


Receive Block 4/6 and Pointed Piece

Three Animal Puzzle

This hint comes from the arrow on the side, and the corner shelf.


Left-to-right: Rabbit, Bear, Elephant

Receive Block 5/6

4x4 Puzzle

This hint comes from the uncompleted block tray on the Red Shelf


You can now see a blocky-looking series of 4 shapes.

Color Rings Puzzle

The hint for this comes from the stacking-ring toy, and the circles around the buttons.

The circles around it show the position of ring on the toy.

Solution: (with colorblind instructions)

Blue (4 clicks), Red (2 clicks), Green (1 click), Yellow (3 clicks)

Receive Scissors

4 Number Puzzle

This hint comes from the colors in the actual code and the Clock.


Red-Green-Orange-Purple = 2537

You can now see a 5x5 grid of colored balls.

4 Shape Puzzle

This hint comes from the Clock and an item in your inventory

On the back of the Coin, there's the number 1986. Match it to the shapes that correspond to those numbers around the clock face


Flower, Trapezoid, Pentagon, Triangle

Receive Dumbbell

4 Letter Puzzle

This hint comes from the blocky shapes in the right cupboard of the Yellow Shelf, and the 3x3 grid above the Green Shelf

The shapes make up the outline around the letters you want- i.e., an L shape is around the 'Y'



Receive Block 6/6

Block Puzzle

Once you've collected all 6 Blocks, place them in the tray, and complete the picture.


The whitish bits should all be at the bottom of the picture, and the final picture will have Goldilocks at the bottom-right, and three bears standing above her.

Receive Remote Control- but if you check the back, it has no batteries.

Balloon Popping

We'll need something sharp, and something that can get it up high.

Combine the Feathered Piece and the Pointed Piece to make a Dart

Throw the Dart at the balloon to pop it- then check the carpet on the floor to find a rolled-up piece of paper- the Fish Hint

Opening the Blue Right Cupboard

You'll need two items from your inventory to weight down the gold lever.

Put the Bucket on the lever, and weight it down with the Dumbbell

Receive the Fish Mobile

Fish Puzzle

To be able to reach the blue fish, you'll need to press a red button inside the middle cupboard of the Yellow Shelf. It will make a ladder, and a flashing arrow will be at the top of your screen

Then use the Scissors to cut it down and receive Blue Fish

Hang the Fish Mobile on the cut string and then attach the Blue Fish

You now have to arrange the fish in the correct order. The hint comes from your Fish Hint paper and the Clock

The colors of each fish corresponds to a number on the Clock, and the Fish Hint gives the order of those numbers.

Solution: (with colorblind help)

Final order is Orange, Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Pink

Colorblind aid:

Switch #1 and #6
Switch #2 and #4
Switch #3 and #5

The fish will rearrange into a new order.

Left/Right Puzzle

This hint comes the finished Fish Mobile and the directions the Fish are facing


Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Left

Receive Toy Train

Train Puzzle

You'll need a Toy Train and a Remote Control.

But first, you need a battery for the Remote Control

If you inspect the toy car on the Blue Shelf, the bottom has a screwed-on panel. Again, use the Coin to unscrew it. Receive a Battery and place it in the Remote

Place the Toy Train on the tracks in front of the Yellow Shelf, and select the Remote Control and bring it out by clicking the train.

Notice that the lights on either side of the remote (3 balls in a column) match the lights on either side of the Yellow Shelf.

We need to change these to a new combination- but where's that code?

This hint is from the 5x5 grid of colored balls. You'll need to find two vertical combinations of 3 colored balls in the colors the lights can be: Red, Yellow, and Green.

Solution: (with colorblind help)

On the left of the 5x5 grid, you'll find a combo of Green, Green, Yellow.

On the right of the grid, you'll find a combo of Green, Yellow, Red

Put in these combos

Colorblind aid:

Left lights:
Click top button TWICE
Click middle button ONCE
Click bottom button TWICE

Right lights:
Click top button TWICE
Leave middle button as is
Click bottom button ONCE

Press the big button on the remote for the train to drive away.

The train will return with the Door Key. Congratulations!

Reply July 1, 2014 12:49 PM

I understand how to move the fish, not how to turn them though?


You don't need to

turn the fish: once you have them in the correct order, they'll turn the correct way.

JudyJetson July 1, 2014 1:37 PM replied to Catherine Kissmyarsefb

TomaTea's Smile Escape: Escape Guide
This is not a step-by-step walkthrough.
Guide to Item Locations

Each of the four room views is named for the color of the "Castle" shelving unit against its wall. I tried to make the hidden object names obscure so as not to spoil for those who haven't found them yet.
A * indicates a puzzle that needs to be solved first.

Red View
WOODEN BLOCK 1, beside the stuffed bear on the shelf
RED DUMBBELL inside the left door behind the *shape puzzle
ELECTRONIC inside the middle door behind the *Goldilocks puzzle
COLORED CARS inside the right door, behind the *left-right puzzle
FISHY CLUE inside the *balloon.

Blue View
COIN inside the *piggy bank.
WOODEN BLOCK 4 inside the middle door behind the *nonogram
SHARP TIP inside the middle door behind the *nonogram
BATTERY from the car on the right shelf (you have to *unscrew the battery cover)
MOBILE inside the right door. You have to solve the *Pooh puzzle

Yellow View
WOODEN BLOCK 5, inside the left door, behind the *3 animals puzzle.
WOODEN BLOCK 6, inside the middle door, behind the *four letter puzzle.
BLUE FISH hanging above the unit. You have to solve the *four letter puzzle and the *ring puzzle.

Green View
POOH BUCKET, on the floor to the right of the unit
WOODEN BLOCK 2, on top of the unit above the clock
WOODEN BLOCK 3, inside the right door
TAIL inside the middle door (you have to *unscrew to open)
SCISSORS inside the left door behind the *Ring puzzle

Guide to Puzzle Solutions

On the middle Blue door. This puzzle requires no in-game content to solve it. Here is the Wiki article on how to solve nonograms.
Once you have the solution, make sure all the blocks are either blue or empty, no question marks. Press the button to open.

Make the following squares blue.
Row 1: 1, 3, 5
Row 2: 1/2/3/4/5
Row 3: 1/2/3/4/5
Row 4: 2, 4
Row 5: 2, 4
Row 6: 2/3/4, 6, 8, 10
Row 7: solid blue
Row 8: solid blue
Row 9: 1/2, 4/5/6, 9/10
Row 10: 1/2, 4/5/6, 9/10

It's a castle!

Piggy bank

Shake the pig until the coin falls out. Then zoom in on the carpet.

Screws without Screwdrivers

Use the coin as a screwdriver to unscrew the underside of the car on the right Blue shelf, and to unscrew the middle Green door.

Balloons Were Meant for Popping

Pull open the red dart TAIL from inventory and attach the SHARP TIP. Use your new DART to shoot the string-less balloon floating in the corner. Then zoom in on the carpet.

Three Animals

The left door on the Yellow unit has three animal faces and a down arrow. For the clue, note the top-to-bottom order of the three stuffed animals in the corner of the Red/Blue views.

rabbit, bear, elephant. Press the button.

4x4 Grid

The right Yellow door has a 4x4 grid. The clue is on the unsolved block puzzle on the middle Red shelf. The pattern of the empty block slots is your solution.

Four Letter Word

For the middle Yellow door with the four-letter code. For your clues, note the four symbols you found in the right Yellow door, and note the tic-tac-toe format of the "YES ONE TOY" blocks above the clock. For example, a " ] " symbol would indicate the middle left on a tic-tac-toe grid, indicating the letter "O" on the blocks.

The tic-tac-toe symbols are "center" "bottom middle" "bottom right" "upper left" so the letters are N E S T


Zoom in on the Red middle shelf. Place your six WOODEN BLOCKS that you have collected into the puzzle, and swap them around until the picture is right.

Four Colored Rings

The left Green door requires a four-circle color code with each of the circles having a different sized-ring around it. For your clue, note the toy on the left Blue shelf. Note sizes and colors of the rings.

For example, the first circle on the door code has the second-largest ring around it. If you look at the toy, the second-largest ring on the toy is blue. So, the first circle of the code is blue. And so forth.

blue, red, green, yellow

Four Colored Numbers

The left Blue door requires a color-coded four digit number. For your clue, note the clock on the top Green shelf.

Note the colors behind each number on the clock face. For example, the color yellow corresponds to the number 4.

red, green, orange, purple indicates 2 5 3 7

Four Little Shapes

The left Red door needs a four-shape sequence. For your clue, note the four-digit number on your coin (pull up the coin in your inventory and click it to turn it over), and note the shapes on the clock for each of those digits. For example, the digit "7" would indicate the oval shape.

the number on the coin is 1986, so the corresponding clock shapes would be flower, trapezoid, pentagon, triangle

A (Pooh) Bear of Very Little Brain

Zoom in on the left side of the Blue unit. Hang the POOH BUCKET on the bear lever, and insert the RED DUMBELL into the bucket.

Too High!

Is that fish still too high to reach? You have to open the middle Yellow door first by solving the four letter puzzle. Once the door is open, zoom in on the inside of the cabinet and push the red button to activate a ladder. Use the SCISSORS on the string.

Fishy Business

Pull up the FISH MOBILE from your inventory and add the BLUE FISH. Hang the MOBILE on the string over the Yellow unit. You need to swap the fish around until they are in the right order. Use the 6-digit FISHY CLUE and the colors/numbers on the clock to determine the order of the colored fish.

For example, the first digit on the fishy clue is 3, and the clock's 3 has orange behind it, so the first fish on the mobile needs to be orange. And so forth.

3 5 2 6 4 1 indicates orange green red blue yellow pink

Left Right Left

The right Red door requires a left-right sequence. Your clue is the result of the Fish Mobile puzzle. Note the directions that each of the six fish is facing.


All Aboard!

Place the COLORED train CARS on the track at the base of the Yellow unit. Put the BATTERY into the ELECTRONIC controller, and use the controller on the train. A close-up view of the controller will appear allowing you to control the colors of the traffic lights on either side of the Yellow unit. You need to arrange the colors on both traffic lights in the proper sequence. Your clue is in the abacus beads on the bottom left Blue shelf.

There is no clear clue for which beads to note, other than the fact that the traffic lights are on the far edges of the Yellow unit. Note the three beads in the middle of the far left column and the three in the middle of the far right column of the abacus.

left side, top to bottom: green, green, yellow
right side, top to bottom: green, yellow, red

Push the red button

That's an elaborate door key. And you earned it.

Whew, all that escaping was hard work! I feel like a Naptime in the sun on that picnic blanket. :)

JudyJetson July 1, 2014 1:39 PM replied to Catherine Kissmyarsefb

Oops! I accidentally posted my walkthrough as a response to someone. Sorry! Moderators, please delete it! I will repost.

JudyJetson July 1, 2014 1:45 PM

TomaTea's Smile Escape: Escape Guide
This is not a step-by-step walkthrough.
Guide to Item Locations

Each of the four room views is named for the color of the "Castle" shelving unit against its wall. I tried to make the hidden object names obscure so as not to spoil for those who haven't found them yet.
A * indicates a puzzle that needs to be solved first.

Red View
WOODEN BLOCK 1, beside the stuffed bear on the shelf
RED DUMBBELL inside the left door behind the *shape puzzle
ELECTRONIC inside the middle door behind the *Goldilocks puzzle
COLORED CARS inside the right door, behind the *left-right puzzle
FISHY CLUE inside the *balloon.

Blue View
COIN inside the *piggy bank.
WOODEN BLOCK 4 inside the middle door behind the *nonogram
SHARP TIP inside the middle door behind the *nonogram
BATTERY from the car on the right shelf (you have to *unscrew the battery cover)
MOBILE inside the right door. You have to solve the *Pooh puzzle

Yellow View
WOODEN BLOCK 5, inside the left door, behind the *3 animals puzzle.
WOODEN BLOCK 6, inside the middle door, behind the *four letter puzzle.
BLUE FISH hanging above the unit. You have to solve the *four letter puzzle and the *ring puzzle.

Green View
POOH BUCKET, on the floor to the right of the unit
WOODEN BLOCK 2, on top of the unit above the clock
WOODEN BLOCK 3, inside the right door
TAIL inside the middle door (you have to *unscrew to open)
SCISSORS inside the left door behind the *Ring puzzle

Guide to Puzzle Solutions

On the middle Blue door. This puzzle requires no in-game content to solve it. Here is the Wiki article on how to solve nonograms.
Once you have the solution, make sure all the blocks are either blue or empty, no question marks. Press the button to open.

Make the following squares blue.
Row 1: 1, 3, 5
Row 2: 1/2/3/4/5
Row 3: 1/2/3/4/5
Row 4: 2, 4
Row 5: 2, 4
Row 6: 2/3/4, 6, 8, 10
Row 7: solid blue
Row 8: solid blue
Row 9: 1/2, 4/5/6, 9/10
Row 10: 1/2, 4/5/6, 9/10

It's a castle!

Piggy bank

Shake the pig until the coin falls out. Then zoom in on the carpet.

Screws without Screwdrivers

Use the coin as a screwdriver to unscrew the underside of the car on the right Blue shelf, and to unscrew the middle Green door.

Balloons Were Meant for Popping

Pull open the red dart TAIL from inventory and attach the SHARP TIP. Use your new DART to shoot the string-less balloon floating in the corner. Then zoom in on the carpet.

Three Animals

The left door on the Yellow unit has three animal faces and a down arrow. For the clue, note the top-to-bottom order of the three stuffed animals in the corner of the Red/Blue views.

rabbit, bear, elephant. Press the button.

4x4 Grid

The right Yellow door has a 4x4 grid. The clue is on the unsolved block puzzle on the middle Red shelf. The pattern of the empty block slots is your solution.

Four Letter Word

For the middle Yellow door with the four-letter code. For your clues, note the four symbols you found in the right Yellow door, and note the tic-tac-toe format of the "YES ONE TOY" blocks above the clock. For example, a " ] " symbol would indicate the middle left on a tic-tac-toe grid, indicating the letter "O" on the blocks.

The tic-tac-toe symbols are "center" "bottom middle" "bottom right" "upper left" so the letters are N E S T


Zoom in on the Red middle shelf. Place your six WOODEN BLOCKS that you have collected into the puzzle, and swap them around until the picture is right.

Four Colored Rings

The left Green door requires a four-circle color code with each of the circles having a different sized-ring around it. For your clue, note the toy on the left Blue shelf. Note sizes and colors of the rings.

For example, the first circle on the door code has the second-largest ring around it. If you look at the toy, the second-largest ring on the toy is blue. So, the first circle of the code is blue. And so forth.

blue, red, green, yellow

Four Colored Numbers

The left Blue door requires a color-coded four digit number. For your clue, note the clock on the top Green shelf.

Note the colors behind each number on the clock face. For example, the color yellow corresponds to the number 4.

red, green, orange, purple indicates 2 5 3 7

Four Little Shapes

The left Red door needs a four-shape sequence. For your clue, note the four-digit number on your coin (pull up the coin in your inventory and click it to turn it over), and note the shapes on the clock for each of those digits. For example, the digit "7" would indicate the oval shape.

the number on the coin is 1986, so the corresponding clock shapes would be flower, trapezoid, pentagon, triangle

A (Pooh) Bear of Very Little Brain

Zoom in on the left side of the Blue unit. Hang the POOH BUCKET on the bear lever, and insert the RED DUMBELL into the bucket.

Too High!

Is that fish still too high to reach? You have to open the middle Yellow door first by solving the four letter puzzle. Once the door is open, zoom in on the inside of the cabinet and push the red button to activate a ladder. Use the SCISSORS on the string.

Fishy Business

Pull up the FISH MOBILE from your inventory and add the BLUE FISH. Hang the MOBILE on the string over the Yellow unit. You need to swap the fish around until they are in the right order. Use the 6-digit FISHY CLUE and the colors/numbers on the clock to determine the order of the colored fish.

For example, the first digit on the fishy clue is 3, and the clock's 3 has orange behind it, so the first fish on the mobile needs to be orange. And so forth.

3 5 2 6 4 1 indicates orange green red blue yellow pink

Left Right Left

The right Red door requires a left-right sequence. Your clue is the result of the Fish Mobile puzzle. Note the directions that each of the six fish is facing.


All Aboard!

Place the COLORED train CARS on the track at the base of the Yellow unit. Put the BATTERY into the ELECTRONIC controller, and use the controller on the train. A close-up view of the controller will appear allowing you to control the colors of the traffic lights on either side of the Yellow unit. You need to arrange the colors on both traffic lights in the proper sequence. Your clue is in the abacus beads on the bottom left Blue shelf.

There is no clear clue for which beads to note, other than the fact that the traffic lights are on the far edges of the Yellow unit. Note the three beads in the middle of the far left column and the three in the middle of the far right column of the abacus.

left side, top to bottom: green, green, yellow
right side, top to bottom: green, yellow, red

Push the red button

That's an elaborate door key. And you earned it.

Whew, all that escaping was hard work! I feel like a Naptime in the sun on that picnic blanket. :)


I appreciate that judy. I just hope someone will write a step by step for me as well. :)

JudyJetson July 1, 2014 6:34 PM replied to Paul

@Paul, it's hard to write a step-by-step walkthrough for escape games like these, because the game progress is not linear and a lot of the puzzles can be solved in any order.

You can treat part of my walkthrough like a step-by-step. First, collect the following objects

WOODEN BLOCK 1, look in the corner between the red and blue castles, the block is beside the stuffed bear on the shelf
POOH BUCKET, it is on the floor to the right of the Green castle unit
WOODEN BLOCK 2, it is on top of the Green castle unit, above the clock, to the left of the letter blocks
WOODEN BLOCK 3, inside the right door on the Green castle unit

Now open the Guide to Puzzle Solutions section. You can now go through each puzzle just like a step-by-step process, and you shouldn't have any trouble. Just pick up all the items you can every time you solve a puzzle. If you can't pick something up, don't worry. The walkthrough will tell you where to use it as a clue when you get to that step.

If you have any questions or get stuck anywhere, just ask and someone can help you out.


ok i'll try judy.

mittudomain July 3, 2014 6:01 AM

Maybe for the first time, I have to say I didn't fully enjoy a TomaTea game. And the culprit is the fish-puzzle. IMHO it was fully unnecessary to make the hint a to-stage one, where you had to combine the scroll AND the clock to understand the hint. That was not characteristic of TomaTea's games so far - no wonder I never thought it would be a two-stage hint...

and also: unless you have a really good graphic memory, using this hint requires to write down the colors of the digits on the clock - something you need your preferred hand for - and it's very probably the same hand you operate the mouse with - and you have to hold down the mouse button to bring the clock's face in closeup - the result: you can't really write down the number-color pairings at once, because the cloc is in close-up only while you're holding the mouse button down. That minor annoyance could easily be eliminated if the clock stayed zoomed in until you click again - that way it wouldn't require your preferred hand which you could use to write down the hint...

Dear developer, if you're reading this by any chance... please consider.

Otherwise it was the same old TomaTea-quality: great.

mittudomain July 3, 2014 6:04 AM

Hmmm... I see the fish-puzzle is even worse than I thought: I have all the fish placed, I have the whole rack put up on the string, I have the scroll, I can of course see the clock - I do have the solution to the puzzle - and still the right/left puzzle says I have no clue to solve the puzzle...

Is it a bug, or is something else really required to solve the puzzle I could already solve?

mittudomain July 3, 2014 6:11 AM replied to mittudomain

Yep, seems like it was a bug: reloaded the page and it let me solve the puzzle imemdiately. From the on, it was straightforward.

Well... I think I won't rate this game because TomaTea is one of my absolute favourite developers, so I would hate to give it anything less than a four - but I absolutely, utterly hated the fish puzzle in this one... Eveything else was real TomaTea-quality, but that fish puzzle alone ruined it for me :(

I still trust the guy though.

lilymay July 7, 2014 11:28 AM

Need some help. The game doesn't come up for me. When I click on the link, it opens up the Tomatea page, but all that shows, it the title of the game on a black background.
Love the Tomatea games, so would love to play it.
Any help, much appreciated. Thanks. =)


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