Intrigued yet? What if I were to tell you there's an awesome song at the end of this game? Okay, now we're all on board!
Shift 4 is the sequel to episodes one, two, and three. In this puzzle platformer, your goal is to work your way from point A to point B by unlocking gates, manipulating the direction of gravity, and, oh yeah, Shifting yourself through negative space. (If you're not sure what that's referring to, I'd strongly recommend going back and playing through the first few games, or else you'll get stuck rather quickly.)
If you're familiar with the Shift series so far, a lot of the elements in this game will seem very familiar. However, twists do come, as you will eventually find yourself having to Control more than one silhouetted fellow. (How, you ask? Just think about it.) You've now got to use a team of folks to reach the exits and advance. Luckily, it only takes one to reach a door, and the rest are pulled in automatically, but the death of even one crew member means you've got to restart the level. All this and more await our intrepid hero(es) in an outer space adventure that's still monochromatic in every amazing way possible.
Along with the main game are two sets of user-made levels and a level editor for creating your very own classic Shift levels and sharing them with your friends (sorry, not yet compatible with the new multiple-man system), multiple achievements to unlock, as well as the traditional sense of humor and flair for flipping through floorboards. The School of Shift is back in session, and it's time for another lesson in puzzle escapology.
Also, just released in the iTunes App Store, the original Shift experience now in handheld mobile form so you can take Shift with you wherever you go. The on-screen controls for running and jumping are unique and work surprisingly well (move left and the right arrow turns to a jump button; move right and the left arrow becomes jump). An excellent port of a now classic Flash game series original. A free Shift Lite is also available.
There's a shift 4? Consider my day made!
I really like the overall concept, even not having played the other games of the series.
Maybe it's just me, but I have a problem with those circular buttons. When I touch them something happens, ok. But when I walk out of them, something 'unhappens'! I tried all possible ways; jumping, waiting, pressing something... there's no way to not unpress those kind of buttons or I'm doing something dumb :D Maybe there's something to do with Firefox, or the Flash version I'm using. I stopped playing then.
Shift 4. I love it already and haven't even started yet! Loved Shifts 1, 2 and 3. Roll on Shift 5. Just love it all!
Shift 2 was enough... boring, Armor Games. You can do better!
You need to hold the button with one family member, and switch control to another one.
I'm stuck on Room 11, the one with
the pit of spikes, saying 'this level is impassible'
Do I need to do something in another level to get through?
General Hint:
go to the green rooms on the map to make it to the end
Probably the best Shift of the series. The
Shaft Parody
was kinda awesome.
And the circular buttons need to remain set.
Best ending ever! LOL :D
Great game, as usual. Even the music was stepped up! Wish there was a way to quit a level for when you go back to get to the extra rooms.
For those of you how can't get to the end, the end song is to Issac Hayes' "Shaft" theme song. Here are the "Shift" lyrics:
Who's the game that's all about bein' black n' white and flipin out?
You damn right.
And aint' talking about no Ikaroogi either.
He he.
Who is the game that risks it's rep on sequel shame?
Will you dig it?
Cause er... we really need the page veiws...
I'm bein' serious!
Who's the game that might just crash-save files lost because it's Flash?
Right on!
Unless of course you get on one of those er... what do you call it?
Fancy iPhone!
It's just a complicated mess that noone understands except its coder...
Code Fudged!
room 16
was this made by the guy that made closure because 16 is an ad forclosure.
Stuck in Room 17. Seriously, some of these puzzles are unfair. :/
I can't get past chapter 3-9!
nvm I got it.
last 3 levels:
I nearly won them. Unfortunately there is one real timer.
Great game, as usual. Still looking for the Foreclosure and Fake Timer medals.
I won! The secret is to not think for the final 3 levels, just do. I got all the medals put hardclass....
blahhh on my mac pressing the ctrl key and arrows takes me to different spaces....kind of ruins the ability to play the game
Help on room 13?
Bflatt, I think on the Mac the Option key functions as the Window's Ctrl key. If not, then try the Command key.
There's a problem with the "music: off" setting. That is, it doesn't work. The music keeps coming back on. It can be frustrating.
The Ctrl key isn't working for me.
It keeps crashing in Challenge mode when I try to shift really quickly.
I feel like an idiot, but I'm completely stuck on room 6 after you free the first person. I feel like I've tried everything...
I can't figure out 3-21. Help!
What do you have to do to get the Appreciator, Foreclosure and Hardclass medals?
I got all the trophies, but...you mean to tell me...
The CC isn't a lie anymore?
This game gets worse and worse for each release. The first one was good. Since then, it's just been less good every time. Crappy programming and finish.
Finished the really final level with:
0 seconds on the clock. So tense!
And the timer's actually real on those levels, too.
Is there a reward for getting all the medals? I didn't see one.
I'm a huge Shift fan, and I'm liking this one so far... But I do have a slight complaint. I can't turn the sound off, I try and a minute or so later, it comes back on. Very annoying.
Does anyone know how to get past room 9? I can't figure out how to hit the second switch!
Got the trophy with 23 seconds left on the timer!
For fake timer trophy:
just let the 10-minutes timer run out
For appreciator trophy:
view credits
For hardclass trophy:
complete players pack hard
Ah, Power of Posting!
Err - does anyone else find that pausing the game doesn't stop the Time-o-meter?
Crashed my browser after 7 min of play.
I'll give a skip just for that.
Is there anything more to do in the "trofii" room? It feels like a tease.
Eh, Shift 4 was a disappointment to me. I LOVED the previous versions, but this one just... lacked. It seemed rather short (especially considering it has four "chapters") and the storyline was lacking in comparison to previous Shift titles, especially Shift 3. Also,
both endings felt awfully anticlimactic to me, especially the "good" ending... again, mostly in comparison to Shift 2.
Also, though not a huge problem, a quality setting would've been nice considering this one hits a bit harder than previous titles and lagged on my computer a bit.
I can't get to do the conclusion. Once I get through two or three rotations, the script wants to stop running. Pleh. Oh well, I enjoyed it up to here and just sad that I can't finish!
Okay, how do I get the Foreclosure and Hardclass medals? Someone said to play the players pack hard, where is that?
I think you have to get to Room 16 - it's a dead-end room you wouldn't normally visit, anyway.
The Players' Pack is an option under the Chapter Selection menu, I believe. There are Easy and Hard choices, although I don't think either are that bad. Maybe I'm just used to Shift by now, but several of them seem to be less concerned with puzzles and more concerned with aesthetics. One of them was just a single-player reworking of one of the Shift 4 campaign levels.
For the guy wondering about the cirle buttons...duh? That's part of the puzzle; when you ove off the switch, whatever happened 'unhappens.' That's why you have more than one person to ctrl, so the second person can get across after switch is activated.
I'm terribly sad to say that I can't seem to work out room 7. I can't get to that cage over there, open it up, use the magic button to switch control... what am I missing? >_
Wait, no... I feel stupid. Never mind :P
I'm on a Mac, and no key is working to control the other player, not CTRL, not Option, not Command. VERY FRUSTRATING! Anyone got a suggestion?
NM, power of posting and all that.
Realized I had to let the 2nd person out of the cage before I could control them.
I'm stuck. I've already rescued the other person but I don't know how to get back to room 1.
Never mind. Power of posting. And by the way:
The timer
is fake
I can't play the final challenge. It keeps lagging and causes my Flash player to run slowly.
Just finished em. Feeling very happy.
If you get the bad ending, you hear a nice little French tune. Does anyone know what that tune is, or where I might get it? It's stuck in my head now.
@Steven: The French tune you hear at the ending is Charles Trenet's "Boum". Find it on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0KWyWwVp0E
So you mean to tell me...
That Mel Gibson isn't making an appearance in this game as well?
Mel Gibson = Fancy Pants Man
Ah well. It was a fun ride while it lasted.
Is it weird that 'Mom' looks more like a man and 'Dad' looks more like a woman? And didn't they have a son in Shift3?
I get a bug where I can't move for about 2 seconds after I hit a gravity changing button. In places where you don't fall off the button, I never get to move, and can't do anything but reset the level. This makes some levels completely impossible. (Firefox, WinXP, Flash
i have the same problem as you Nathanielk if there is a way to get past this please let post it so i can make it through:)
same problem (and set up) as the 2 above, love the shift games, but this one got completely unplayable b/c of this bug.
I am getting stuck inside door 7. I don't know if it's a glitch in the game, or what. Help?
Jen using a mac,
You can change the keys that control your spaces in the Spaces preferences window - I change mine to one of the other options just while I'm playing, then I go back in and change them. It'll allow you to use the CTRL key like it's meant to.
Hope that helps!
I'm using Internet Explorer, but I get stuck in room 7. I get the 1st arrow but can't move anywhere after that. Is there anyway to fix this and does anyone else have this problem?? :S
To Pinktoad: I am having the exact same problem and so have alot of people. I have no idea how to fix it. Anybody?
I have the same problem.
It was working fine a few days ago but now the guy gets stuck on the arrows in all browsers I have: IE, FF and Google Crome.
Very unfortunate for a good game.
I'm stuck in Chapter 1, room 7.
Stuck trying to get to any other room in room 2 Chapter 1. Room 1 is highlighted green.
Any hints?
I have the same problem. how do u get back to room 1?
omg the i was stuck on the last chapter trying to get to like 21 or somehting. i dont remember, but the challenge thingy, was so hard. i am still trying to do it. i keep getting like one or 2 rooms away, and run out of time. its crazy hard!!
My level is
room 13??
I'm stuck on level 13
wath's forclosur and how can I acceed to
hard class ?
heyy um can i hav help on room 6? i can't beat it & i feel pretty stupid...
My Level:
To Pinktoad, what computer do you have? By that I mean do you have a mac? If so, then just use Safari. Everything is fine and dandy on Safari. Also, to anyone that can help, how do I get to Room 17 through Room 9? I have both Mom and Dad unlocked. I can't figure it out. Please help, thanks.