In Room Fake, shockingly enough, you find yourself trapped in a room with an eclectic collection of objects, both whimsical and useful: among other things, a painting depicting nursery rhymes, a toy dog statue, a number puzzle and the usual collection of screwdrivers and keys all aid you in finding a way out. The puzzles are mainly intuitive and of moderate difficulty, a nice way to spend a lunch break or unwind from work. And, to what I am sure will be the delight of some and the disappointment of others, the [tab] key cheat has not been disabled. You probably won't need to make much use of it, though; except for a few instances, pixel-hunting is no where to be found.
Room Fake is admittedly not quite as ingenious, nor quite as pretty, as the absolute best and most innovative escape games out there. It is still, however, quite good and more than worth a play through.
For those hankering for a nice, tasty escape-the-room steak, Room Fake might be just the perfect burger:
Walkthrough Guide
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Click on the dresser, click underneath it, and get the battery.
Back out, turn right, get the number 4 tile and the wadded paper out of the garbage can.
Examine and uncrumple the wad of paper.
Back up so you're looking AT the can, click on it to lift it, and click it again near the base to find the color for the letter O.
On the desk, near the left side of the plant, will be a green 3 cylinder. Get that.
Click on the bed, turn back the blanket, and get the number 6 tile from the edge of the blanket. At the bottom of the bed is a red 3 cylinder, get that as well.
Back out, turn right again. Between the bed and the cabinet on the floor is the number 7 tile.
The top drawer of the green cabinet has a clue but nothing to get. The middle drawer has a safe that we don't have the combination for yet. The bottom is locked. Open the cabinet at the top and get the battery from the right side of the second shelf, and the scrap of paper from the top shelf. That should tell you the color of the letter C.
Turn right again, open the curtains. On the curtain rod will be a blue 3 cylinder.
Next to the curtains is a diagram for the magic sqare. Click the bottom corner: Taped to the back is a scrap of paper that has the safe code (196 - it's shown upside down).
Go back to the green cabinet - put the combination in the safe, and get the number 7 tile and the screwdriver. Examine the screwdriver and pull the cord to extend the bit.
Turn right, click the wall plate, and use the screwdriver to remove the cover. Take the screws.
Turn right again, and look at the SIDE of the small wooden dresser. Unscrew the screws (and take them!), return to the front, and open the stuck bottom drawer. Take the battery charger and the red 3 cylinder.
Examine the battery charger and put the batteries in it, then go back to the left to the outlet. Plug the charger in, click away, click back, and take the charger and charged batteries. (That was fast!)
Turn right again, click on the little dog statue, and put the batteries in the holders. Press the button on the front to turn its head and get the number 9 tile.
On the desk is a magic square puzzle - put the tiles in so the grid becomes:
8 3 4
1 5 9
6 7 2
and press the button. This will give you the color of the K.
When you back up, the picture will have fallen. If you turn left, two circles of light on the side of the dresser will give you a time, and the controls behind the painting are to set the clock. Set the short hand to 5 and the long hand to 6 (30 minutes).
When you turn left again, there is a small box extended under the clock. Click it and get the silver key and the blue 2 cylinder.
The silver key opens the bottom drawer of the green dresser. Open it and get the pink tissue and the small red sword.
On top of the small wooden dresser is a vase - knock it over and use the pink tissue to absorb it. Turn left, open the curtains, and clean the window off with the tissue. This will show you the color of the L (on the right), and a secret about the door (on the left).
Return to the dog statue, put the red sword in its neck slot (as marked) to get a red 1 cylinder. Pull the string left over to get the gold key.
Turn to the door, click on the bottom left corner to zoom in, and again to take off the panel. Plug the door into the wall outlet. Get the blue 3 cylinder.
The gold key opens the safe behind the paper to the right of the window. Open it, and get the doorknob, and the green 2 cylinder.
Click the door, use the doorknob on it, and the screws to secure it. Pressing it will open a panel with the word "LOCK" above it.
THE COLORS CHANGE, but the puzzle works like this: Any two colored cylinders of the same value will blend (blue and red become purple, red and green become yellow, blue and green become teal). If you kept note of the colors each letter should be there will only be one combination of the cylinders that will fit and make the right colors for each letter. Place the cylinders so the colors are right, and OPEN SESAME!
Now you can exit through the cabinet, OR, find the REAL exit...
Clicking the bottom right of the green cabinet should show you the side - get the hammer out from behind the drawer.
Turn around, break open the vase to reveal the color of the letter A.
To your right, the magic square on the desk can be clicked and turned over - that reveals the color of the backwards K.
The back of the cover from the electrical panel will give you the color of the letter E.
Believe it or not, with this, you have enough information to re-solve the puzzle for "FAKE". Go back to the door, and solve the puzzle again. FAKE will turn to TRUE, and there will be one gold cylinder now - a token with a dog on it. Take that.
Return to the dog statue, detach the head, put the dog token in the neck slot, and reattach the head. He will open the TRUE exit for you.
The end!
Posted by: bdj
April 30, 2008 2:33 PM
Might as well take a crack at making another one of my narrative walkthroughs...
I don't know why people want to keep me confined. I can't go a week without getting trapped in some crazy room that I have to solve puzzles to escape from. Today was no exception.
The door didn't appear to be locked, but the doorknob was missing. I scanned the room and picked up what I could: a battery under the nightstand in the corner (I accidentally spilled the flowervase on top while getting it), a green shape from a potted plant, a number 4 and a crumpled-up sheet of paper from the trash can (always something in the trash can... must be a rule), another battery and a sheet of paper from the shelves of the cabinet's main compartment, a number 1 between the bed and the cabinet, a blue thing stuck under the curtain rod, a number 6 hidden under the bedspread (I also spotted and grabbed a red thing under the bed while I had the covers turned), and a scrap of paper taped to the underside of a poster next to the window.
After I got what I could, I got to work. The slip of paper from the poster seemed to read "961", but I turned it upside down so it fit with the scrap of paper from the cabinet (it was a perfect fit), and it read 196. A little lockbox in the cabinet's middle drawer required a three-digit code, and the number 196 opened it nicely. Inside I found a 7 and a tool that at first looked like a bizarre flashlight, but when I pulled on the strap I found that it was actually a funny screwdriver.
I'd tried to open the nightstand's drawer before, but it wouldn't give even though it didn't seem to be locked. I found out why when I checked the side: two screws held it in place. I undid them with the screwdriver, and picked the screws up for future use (I'm eccentric like that, picking up everything that seems useful and sometimes things that don't). Now the drawer opened easily, and inside I recovered a red thing and a battery charger, which I naturally put the two batteries in.
Near the door, a white panel covered something, held on by two screws. I took the screwdriver to those as well, revealing an electrical outlet. After pocketing the screws (bringing the total to four), I plugged in the charger with the batteries inside. Strangely, it took less than a minute to charge (it must've been a high-voltage outlet). The batteries were full, so I took them out of the charger.
Next, the little dog statue on a shelf caught my eye. I put the charged batteries in, and when I turned it on, it turned its head and its eyes lit up. I recovered a 9 from the side of its head and noted the pattern it projected onto the side of the nightstand: 05:30. I also saw a small slot that looked like something belonged to it, like a toy sword...
After that, I peeked at a little puzzle on the desk. It was one of those magic squares where you had to make every direction equal 15. I plugged in the numbers I had so that it read 834-159-672, then pressed the button. I was presented with a colored letter K, and heard something drop. Indeed, a painting that'd been on the wall fell off, revealing two dials.
The two dials matched the hands of the clock I'd seen on the wall. It read 3:00; I spun them until it read 5:30. Then, I looked at the clock, and by some miracle of mechanics a tray had popped out, presenting me with a blue thing and a key. The key fit into the bottom drawer of the cabinet, in which I found a red cloth and a toy sword. The former I dipped in the water from the flowervase and used to wipe off both panes of the window, revealing some sort of code.
The toy sword fit perfectly into a slot on the dog statue, and its head popped off. Inside I discovered another red thing and a key on a string. The key matched a safe under the poster by the window, and inside I found a doorknob and a green thing. Returning to the door, I attached the doorknob to the door with the help of the four screws. I also found a panel in the bottom of the door; a blue thing and a power cord greeted me, and I plugged the latter into the outlet.
The door wasn't a door. I pushed on the doorknob and was greeted with a puzzle: L-O-C-K. The L's color was revealed by the windowpane I'd cleaned, the O color was under the trashcan, the C was on the torn sheet of paper from the cabinet, and the colored K was from the magic square puzzle. I remembered the colors and matched them by inserting the red, blue, and green cylinders I'd picked up (I had eight by now). If two cylinders had the same number, their colors were mixed; if not, the higher number dominated. I mixed and matched them until I figured out the solution.
When I eventually got my result and pressed the rectangular button, I was treated with an "OPEN" display, and the cabinet opened up to reveal a passage. I was free.
...But I didn't leave. I suspected that someone was trying to trick me, so I hesitated.
I peeked at the side of the cabinet, and found a hammer. I used it to break the flowervase, revealing an A.
Suspicious, I pressed the doorknob again, and found myself with another color puzzle: this one was F, A, backwards K, E. The F was the key I used to open the safe under the poster; the A was from the flowervase; the K was the color of the underside of the magic square puzzle; the E was on the underside of the panel that'd covered the electric outlet. Once I figured THAT out, I received a strange golden thing with a dog's face on it.
Of course this doodad went with the dog statue, which did something strange when I put it in and replaced the head over it. It drew out the sword and slashed the wall, revealing a second exit. This, I knew, was my TRUE way out.
It isn't every day I find not one, but two exits from a room I'm trapped in. I'm just that awesome.
Posted by: SonicLover
April 30, 2008 2:55 PM