Use logic to solve the mysteries that await you in this room of RGB that includes a standard point-and-click interface with inventory, as well as two different ways to escape. Like its predecessor, the graphics really pull you into the game and give special meaning to "graphic adventure," a classic description for games of this type.
Unfortunately, as the name implies, color perception is required for a couple of puzzles in this game, so you may experience difficulty getting out of the room if you experience colorblindness. An integrated save feature allows you to pick up the game later if you cannot finish in one sittting, and there are both English and Japanese versions available to play.
Walkthrough Guide
(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)
I managed to complete the game on my own, and though the author requested that no walkthroughs be published until August, I wrote up a walkthrough anyway. If the moderators want, of course they can hide this message until then. All the information to complete the game appears to occur in these comments already, so I figured that it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
I put a good deal of effort into making it nice and nesting the spoilers so that not too much gets revealed all at once, so I hope you enjoy it. The structure reveals the way that I thought about things as I went through the game (tidied up a bit, of course), though in hindsight, there are other ways to think about parts of it.
The numbering scheme reflects the hierarchical nature of the thought process, but the spoiler tags are more deeply nested in places to allow for some things to be revealed sequentially.
Part I: Escape
1. Open the box on the couch and take its contents.
1.1. Look at the box on the couch. Notice the colours and shapes of the buttons on it.
1.2. Find equations around the room relating the coloured letters of words to buttons on the box.
1.2.1. Click the small orange flowers, and write down the equation you see.
1.2.2. Click to the right of the couch to zoom in and get a second equation.
1.2.3. Click on the pot of the large green plant to get a third equation.
1.2.4. Click on the tissue box (the box itself, not the paper) to get a fourth. Notice that the letters are yellow.
1.3. Find the target word for opening the box.
1.3.1. Remove the middle painting from the wall. Burn the pattern into your mind, and then click it a few times to take it down.
1.3.2. Press the lightswitch to turn off the lights, and look in the place where you took down the picture. Make sure to notice both the word and the colours of letters used. Turn the lights back on.
1.4. Use your equations to work out the buttons to press to open the box.
1.4.1. If you have any trouble with this, make sure that you've found all the equations, and that you've paid attention to the colours of the letters involved. Blue square, yellow triangle, green circle.
1.5. Get the bottle opener and diagram.
2. Use the machine on the wall.
2.1. Collect four coins from around the room.
2.1.1. A copper coin labelled with V is sitting on top of the painting on the easel.
2.1.2. Look closely at the clock to find a gold coin labelled VII. Nine o'clock.
2.1.3. A silver coin labelled with II is hiding in the couch. Click underneath the right hand part of the couch and look closely at the fabric to notice the faint outline of a coin. Zoom back out and examine the right hand painting closely to determine the location of a secret. It is a diagram of the room. Relate each of the shapes in it with some feature of the room. In particular, notice the black triangle in the corner. Click to the right of the couch, and click the corner of the carpet to lift it up and reveal a knife. Use the knife to cut the coin out of the couch and take it.
2.1.4. A red coin is hiding in the box of tissues. You can pull tissues out of the box by clicking on them. Pull out 5 tissues. The coin has fallen on the floor behind the shelf, zoom out and click on the shelf to find it.
2.2. Find the screwdriver.
2.2.1. The plant on the left hand side of the couch is looking droopy.
2.2.2. We should water it.
2.2.3. Open the left hand side of the cabinet to reveal a bottle of water.
2.2.4. Open the bottle with the bottle opener.
2.2.5. Pour it on the plant, step back and then click to the left of the couch again to reveal that the plant has stood up.
2.2.6. What's that in with the plant? It's a screwdriver, take it.
2.3. The screwdriver isn't used for screws.
2.3.1. Look closely at your diagram and at the machine on the wall. What's missing from the machine on the wall?
2.3.2. That's right, its handle is broken.
2.3.3. Attach the screwdriver to the machine for use as a handle.
2.4. Put the coins into the machine and pull the handle.
2.4.1. Notice the order of the coins on the diagram.
2.4.2. Don't read them left to right -- the diagram is sideways, so that means you'd be reading them bottom to top. Read them right to left.
2.4.3. Copper (V), gold (VII), silver (II), red (III).
2.5. The left painting is gone!
2.5.1. It has fallen down, take a look to the left of the couch.
2.5.2. Pick up the small key.
2.5.3. The key opens the right side of the cabinet.
3. Remove the right painting from the wall and examine it carefully.
3.1. It looks like it's held on by small wires.
3.2. So we need something to cut them.
3.3. There is a pair of wire snips in the right portion of the cabinet. If you can't open that yet, see section 2.
3.4. Cut the painting down using the wire snips on each corner.
3.5. Look at the back of the painting to find a key.
3.6. The key goes into the device on the right hand door and turns it on.
4. Open the right hand door.
4.1. Assuming that you've already turned on the device on the door, you see a row of green dots on it. (If you haven't turned it on yet, you need a key from section 3.)
4.1.1. Notice that one of them is shaped like a heart.
4.1.2. Click on them and notice that they change colours: green, blue, red, yellow, purple.
4.2. If you've been following along, we've now taken down all the paintings on the wall. The first one revealed a password to us...
4.3. Turn the lights off to see that we've revealed a declaration of love!
4.4. Note that the letters are coloured, and the v is heart shaped.
4.4.1. This is the code to the locking device on the right hand door. Copy the sequence of colours into the device. P BBBP RRY GGGYGG.
4.5. Open the door to reveal a bewildering array of tissue boxes.
5. Find three statues and use them to get a key.
5.1. One with blue eyes is on the shelf, you probably found it already.
5.2. One with green eyes is in the cabinet. You also probably found it already.
5.3. The tissue boxes in the closet have a secret.
5.3.1. Notice the overall shape of the boxes. Have you seen this shape before?
5.3.2. The middle painting.
5.3.3. Note that the middle painting has a golden box in it, second column from the left, third row from the bottom.
5.3.4. Look at the corresponding box of tissues. Click the top of the box to pull up a sheet. Remove seven tissues. Click the top again to reveal a statue with red eyes.
5.4. Look closely at the statues, and at the box with indentations on top of the cabinet.
5.4.1. Different feet for different places.
5.4.2. Set the statues in the box.
5.4.3. Press the button to get a key.
5.4.4. The key opens the left hand door! You can escape, but if you want to do that, save the game first.
Part II: Escape Again
1. The eyes have it.
1.1. Play with the box with the three statues.
1.2. With the three statues still in the box, press the button a few times to see that the eyes light up and turn off.
1.3. What might they illuminate?
1.3.1. Turn the lights off. The message on the wall now has red, green and blue dots in its background, corresponding to the blue, green and red eyes of the statues.
1.3.2. Notice that the message is written in colours that contrast the lights.
1.3.3. It would be nice to swap the lights around to see how much we can obscure. The left part of the message is written with mostly blues, the middle with mostly reds, and the right with mostly greens. The lights on the wall should shine blue, red, green. To get that, the statues' eyes will have to be green, red, and blue from left to right.
1.4. Swap the statues around to reveal a new message.
1.4.1. What's that, you can't put them in other places, because the feet are the wrong shape? Maybe the heads will have to come off.
1.4.2. Perhaps we've ignored that painting sitting on the easel for too long. Have a look at it. Two joined circles at the top, then a sequence of triangles, then two detached circles at the bottom. Perhaps the triangles are arrows? They're directions for removing the heads of the statues. Left and right pointing triangles mean to turn the head one step in that direction. The downward triangle, well, what's on the bottom of each statue? It means to push the button.
1.4.3. Detach all the heads, and put them back on the right bodies. Remember that the eyes go green, red, blue. That is, the green eyes on the frog head go with the webbed feet, the red eyes on the cat head with the paws, and the blue eyes on the monkey head with the with the monkey feet.
1.4.4. Put the statues back, make sure the eyes are lit up, and turn the lights off.
2. Supposing that went well, you should have six digits.
2.1. What could they mean? Well, the 3, 7, 5, and 2 should be familiar.
2.2. Those are the numbers that were on the four coins in Roman numerals.
3. Find another coin.
3.1. Hmm, what's the only place that you couldn't have looked so far?
3.2. Well, you opened the door, but it just exits the game... or does it?
3.3. Step into the doorway, but don't go all the way in. Click the arrow at the bottom of the screen to turn around and see back into the room.
3.4. Close the door.
3.5. That's not a peephole, it's a new coin, labelled with an X.
4. Use the coin to find the hidden exit.
4.1. Put the new coin into the machine and pull the lever. All the coins will pop out.
4.2. X is the Roman numeral for ten.
4.3. Put the coins into the machine in the sequence given by the obscured message.
4.3.1. 10, 3, 7, 5, 2
4.3.2. X, III, VII, V, II
4.3.3. Blue, red, gold, copper, silver.
4.4. Pull the lever to reveal the true exit! Nothing hidden in the door frame this time.
Posted by: Cale Gibbard
June 21, 2007 3:52 AM