In Record Shop Tycoon your day is divided into two parts. You'll spend the first half getting your store ready. A local paper will be delivered that sometimes has information about local trends or events. After you read that, you can buy or upgrade equipment for the store and pay for different types of advertising. The most important thing to take care of is buying inventory. There's five genres and an amount of shelf space that depends on how many CD racks you have and how much you've upgraded them. You'll have to get to know your customers so you can find the most profitable balance of the genres. Once you have everything taken care of it's time to start your day.
This is the second half and mostly you'll just sit back, watch and pay attention. Your customers will come in and it'll quickly become apparent whether they're happy or not. If you don't have the genre they want or they get fed up waiting in line you'll see an icon next to their head telling you as much. At the end of the day, you'll get a report detailing things like CDs sold, sales you missed out on and popularity gained or loss. The next day you'll do it all again and don't think about taking a day off. The only sabbath you'll be honoring is Black Sabbath.
Analysis: Despite the challenges it offers, Record Shop Tycoon is very simple. At the beginning, you're presented with a manual explaining the game, but you can easily dive right in and understand everything. This ying-yang duality of challenge and simplicity help gloss over the game's few flaws. The font is sometimes hard to read and every so often you'll get an annoying high-score pop-up from MochiGames. Also, aside from a few achievements and buying new property, there's not much in the way of goals, but Record Shop Tycoon is engaging enough to carry you for awhile.
It needs to be said that earlier version of the game had some game killing bugs. Thankfully, Xeptic stepped up and fixed a lot of the problems. If you played a version before 2.3 and gave up because of any of the bugs, you might want to go back and give it another whirl. It's good that it's received so many fixes, because it's a great game. Everyday you'll have to make choices that will effect your business. What's more important: upgrading your CD racks to hold more product or using that money to ensure your shelves are full? Should you sell your stock of urban music CDs to make room for more dance CDs which will be super popular today? On top of that, each property has customers with different tastes, so you'll have to pay attention if you want to move your product.
Record Shop Tycoon is a lot of fun, but there is no perfect game, so even good games suffer from the "Wouldn't It Be Nice" syndrome (as first documented by the Beach Boys). It'd be nice if Record Shop Tycoon had even more to offer, more upgrades, more genres of music, more items to sell and more events in-store and around town. It'd be nice if you could manage multiple stores at once or sell everything in a store when you move to a location. There's a lot more you could want in Record Shop Tycoon, not because it's lacking, but because it's so well made it's fertile ground for additional gameplay and it leaves you wanting more.
There's not enough browser sim games out there and even fewer as good as Record Shop Tycoon. So, if you're looking for a good sim, or it's always been your dream to own a music store (or you just read/watched 'High Fidelity') then you should definitely give this game a spin.
Fun little game - although I found I lost interest once I got the best location.
The game got really easy once I bought the
DJ booth which is worth the extra money as your karma (which determines your ability to charge high prices) stays high all the time. This is critical since you may run out of stock and lose Karma if you are too popular!
The fact that you can go into negative money when ordering CDs means that, on a day with an event that will mean lots of customers or lots of one genre selling, it can be a good idea to buy a new rack/upgrade, and then fill it with CDs. You'll get back into positive, and won't miss lucrative sales.
I find it annoying how:
Customers can get annoyed in the later levels for waiting, even with hi-fi and fully upgraded cash register. There are just too many customers and theres nothing you can do...
The automatic price changer sometimes doesnt change it when you lose karma... and so you lose all your customers because the prices are too high
So, is it just me, or does the DJ booth crash the Mozilla Flash Plugin? Once I bought it and started the level the game froze and it crashed.
this game is way too short
I started it, I played it for a while, then I accidentally clicked on one of those stupid advertisements, wanted to start again and now it doesn't load anymore. Heeeeelp x(
I got immediately addicted to this game! After I
upgraded my cash register
my cash flow and karma shot through the roof. No wonder it's so expensive!
Anyone else witness the extremely hilarious glitch in which people sidestepped all over everything and walked through the walls? I know it's a problem but... It was pretty funny.
I played this for a few hours the other day, and I pretty much enjoyed it. However, in the later levels, even with the cash register upgraded completed, sometimes it just stopped working completely. Which, as you can guess, is INCREDIBLY annoying. Especially when it's early on and the day and then your karma plummets even though there's only one person at a time at the register.
It'd also be nice if for every store you could preset how many of each genre of CD you wanted to buy every time once you figured out what they like. It got pretty annoying to have to keep going back and restocking after every level, especially when you sell 100+ CDs a day.
And another possible solution to the whole too many customers at the cash register even when it's fully upgraded that the maker could have thought of was the ability to buy a 2nd cash register. It felt a little ridiculous that once I was in the biggest building with hundreds of CDs to have only 1 cash register.
I too had problems with Flash crashing and with prices not changing. Also, the required "logout" click in the office computer is just annoying even if it does add to the realism concept. Finally, I ought to be able to move the cash register where I want to and there should be an option to buy a second register after some point. Good game but needs some fixes and some refinements.
I found a cheat in the game that allow people to get money without starting a day!!!
first you need two stores wherever they are you buy some CDs on one of your shops, than dont start day just "move property" to the other shop, so you come back to the shop that you have bought CDs go to your stock and look at your money, its gonna be more than you had before you get the CDs!!!
this game is the only game in the tycoon tag thats not download. T.T
It is as hard as heck. I do well until I get second building :?O! I do well with
Cash Register upgrade 1 time and 2 fully upgraded cd racks.