This week's Weekday Escape combines both classic room escape conventions (finding and using objects, puzzle solving) with the fun of a classic word riddle. Yes, Robamimi is at it again with yet another "Who Am I?" iteration, R20 Who Am I?
This is now the fourth "Who Am I?" we've seen from Robamimi, one of the best Japanese room escape designers out there. Once again you must search the room not only for puzzles and useful items but for five "hint" cards as well. Each hint card is a clue to the final riddle, "Who Am I?", which must be solved to escape the space. As with the others in this series, the answer to "Who Am I?" is pretty simple, but only a small part of the larger escaping whole.
Of course, Robamimi being what it is, you can expect top-notch controls, navigation, and inventory control. Also packed into this delightful little package is a save feature, a mute button, and even a hint feature if you get stuck. Best of all is something that other designers could stand to put in their games, textual clues for the color-based puzzle. Considering how prevalent red-green colorblindness is amongst the general population, it is nice to see something color-based that also has clear, concise English words explaining precisely what shade is present. There is also the choice (presented on the title page) of either playing in either Japanese or English.
R20 Who Am I? is a little more somber than the previous escapades of "Who Am I?". The space is darker, the music is rather sad, and the little screwdriver-wielding plastic man so familiar from previous escapes is nowhere in evidence. Like the other games in the series this is not a long nor complicated escape but still a lot of fun while it lasts.
What makes Robamimi escapes so great is of course the fantastic game design. You can have the hardest, most original puzzles out there, but if there is pixel hunting involved, or you have difficulty accessing inventory items, or the space is just so cluttered or pixilated that you can't tell what is important to examine, then what you will find is less praise from your players and more complaints. Granted, puzzles can make or break the enjoyment of a room escape, but good quality design goes a long way, and as usual Robamimi delivers in every way imagineable.
Not terribly difficult but with a lot of entertainment value, R20 Who Am I? is a great addition to the Robamimi catalog and an amusing way to break up the week. Nowhere near as difficult as, say, Smile For Me and without the sentiment of Dad or First Love, R20 Who Am I? is relaxing, mind-stretching escaping goodness wrapped up in a really well designed bow.
Walkthrough Guide
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Just as a guideline - most items you pick up have a "use" and a "view" half to the icon. "Use" the item to use it either on another item or something in the gameplay area.
Red Door
You start facing a door. What do we see?
Door requires a 4 digit code
SE = 7... what does that mean? Guess we don't know yet so...
Turn Right
Hey, a desk! What's there to find here?
Computer seems to control some water system
Clicking "Go" seems to indicate that we're missing a pipe
Ah, but there's a scrap of paper on the mousepad - two zeros, wonder what that means? Looks like there's another piece torn off.
Box has two buttons. Clicking on them doesn't seem to do anything. We'll come back.
Open the drawer - aha! A hint and a translucent sheet.
The sheet shows a star with a path drawn... let's check other areas of the desk.
Oh, some sheep on the right side, let's overlay the star. It traces a path... what's it mean?
The sheep are facing different directions.
Path traces sheep facing Left, Right, Right, Right, Left, Left
Let's try that on the buttons on the box. It opens! Got a spigot and another hint card.
Let's Turn Right again
Trapdoor - we have no keys, so we'll leave that.
Let's investigate the plants
Found a wrench and the other half of a piece of paper!
Let's match up the papers - zero, zero, ni, si... well that's senseless for now.
Done with that area, around to the right again!
Oooh look, balls!! One seems to have a key on it, but I can't get to it.
Hmmm, some pipes to the left. Missing a connection, though.
I can put the spigot on for now, at least!
Complete the Circle and turn right again! Back to the door.
We need a 4-digit code.
That paper has four indications on it, but only two are numbers - zero, zero then ni and si.
What's that Se = 7 mean?
Oh, the number seven starts with "se".
Great! So our code is Zero, Zero, NIne, SIx.
Hey, that doesn't work!
Oh, I get it, they're letter O's, not zeros!
Means the code is 1,1,9,6
Door opened - grab that ladder!
Turn around, let's check behind the door just for fun.
Glad I checked - got a pipe off the floor and another hint card!
Back Left again
Now that we have the pipe, let's put it in place.
Must not forget to tighten it down with the wrench!
Now that that's done, let's make a u-turn to the desk.
Remember our water control system?
Click the Go button - water fills up the big tube with the balls in it.
Back to the ball tube - they're floating at different heights - Orange, Pink, Blue, Green.
Hey, remember what was on top of the Orange ball?
Gotta get that key!
Use the ladder on the side of the tank.
Climb up and grab the key!
Climb back down - get the ladder back, never know when you might need a ladder!
Let's turn left
We have a key now!
Let's open up that trapdoor.
How do we get down?
Good thing I remembered to bring that ladder!
Into the hole!
Hmmm, nothing to the right. Let's go left. Ah, stairs! Head on down.
Ooh, a red pedestal - looks like we need four letters. Don't know that one yet.
Might as well check behind the pedestal too - ooh, another hint!
Turn right, aha! Numbers - 1, 1, 4, 5. Wonder what those mean? They are vertical...
Let's turn right once more - just the stairs... but what's behind them?
Aha, behind the stairs - another hint card. Now that we have them all, let's go back to the pedestal.
Vertical code here - but it's letters, not numbers. Any vertical letters we can think of?
Oh, right, the balls! Orange, Pink, Blue, Green - which letter's do we pick?
First letters (O,P,B,G) don't seem to work.
Aha, let's match it with the numbers!
Aha! Orange - 1, Pink - 1, Blue - 4, Green - 5... O...P...E...N - OPEN!!
Got the flower shaped panel.
Let's turn left
Look, a door and another pedestal.
Door has a 5 in a circle... hmmmm...
Check the pedestal... aha! A flower shaped hole.
Let's put the panel in there.
Who am I? Well how am I supposed to know?
Oh, those hint cards!
Let's read through the cards - long history; France, Spain, Italy; red, white, rose; more valuable with age; special glasses. I've got it!
Okay, now I've got another button. Pressing doesn't seem to do anything. What are those symbols below?
Press the button down with a circle... release on the x.... huh?
Oh... I get it, press and release - we have to hold it down!
Press and hold - the door says 5, so what until the number says 5.
Release and... we're out!! Hooray!
Posted by: DuncmanG
February 9, 2011 2:28 AM
R20 Who Am I? Walkthrough
General Information
You have to change the language on the title page. Look closely at the upper right corner and you will see "Japanese" in black text. Click on that until it changes to "English" then start the game.
The colorblind should have no problems with this escape, so no special directions this time around.
Remember to examine every object you pick up, it may have a vital clue.
There are five hint cards for the end riddle, Who Am I?
There is only one ending.
Good luck!
Exploration (Main Floor)
You begin facing a red door with Se = 7 on it. The door also has a four digit code lock.
Turn right.
You are now facing a low desk with a laptop and a mysterious brown box.
Click on the desk drawer to open it and take the objects inside (hint 1 and a translucent sheet). Click on the translucent sheet while it is in close up to unroll it.
Back up.
Click on the brown box for a close up and you will see that there are two buttons.
Back up then click on the laptop for a close up.
On the track pad of the laptop is a torn paper clue, take it (the clue is O O).
On the screen of the laptop is a button for the water control system labeled "go". Click on the button.
Okay, the pipe is not connected. Back up.
There's a clickable area to the right of the desk, click on it to see the side.
Okay, sheep. Wonder what it means?
Back up and turn right.
Now we're at a trapdoor in the floor (locked) and three plants on a shelf.
Click on each plant to pick them up and take the torn paper clue from under the middle one and the wrench from under the right one.
Back up and turn right.
Now we have a cylinder with colored balls hooked up to a pipe. If you click on the cylinder you will see that there is a key on one of the balls.
Look closely at the pipe, a section is missing as well as a valve.
Turn right to face the red door again.
Time to solve some puzzles!
The Brown Box
Turn right to face the desk.
Click on the right of the desk to see the side with the sheep.
Now pull up the transparent sheet from your inventory. If you haven't done so already, click on it to unroll it.
Use the sheet on the sheep and you will see that it is directions, starting with the upper left sheep and making the shape of a star.
Notice that each sheep is facing in a different direction, either right or left.
Starting with that upper left sheep, follow the star path along the sheep and make a note of which direction each sheep is facing as you cross them.
Back up and click on the brown box for a close up.
The sheep gave you the clue as to what order to push the buttons.
Push the buttons in this order: left, right, right, right, left, left.
If you get the sequence correct you will get a valve and hint 2.
Back up and turn left to face the red door.
The Red Door
There are three clues to open the door, the Se=7 on the door itself, and the two pieces of torn paper you picked up in the room.
If you match the pieces of paper together the entire clue reads: O O Ni Si.
How does that pertain to Se=7 and a four digit code?
Se=7, Se are the first two letters of the number seven.
So the clue includes either the first or first two letters of the four numbers to open the code lock. O = One, Ni = Nine, and Si = Six.
So the code is 1196.
Click on the code lock for a close up and enter the code.
If you entered the code correctly you will find yourself inside a closet, looking at a ladder. Take the ladder.
Back up and you will see the open door. Click on the door to close it (you should still be in the closet).
On the floor behind the door is a length of pipe, take it.
On the back of the closed door is hint 3.
Click on the door to open it and go back to the main floor.
The Colored Ball Tank
When you come back into the main room you should be facing the now open red door.
Turn left to face the tank.
Click on the pipe for a close up then put in the missing segment of pipe and the missing valve.
Use the wrench on the pipe to lock it into place.
Back up and turn right (or left) twice to face the desk.
Click on the laptop for a close up, then turn on the water system with the "go" button.
Water will run into the tank. Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the tank.
Notice that the colored balls are now floating in a vertical pattern, from the top: orange, pink, blue, and green.
Remember, there's a key on top of the orange ball.
Place the ladder on the left side of the tank.
Click on the top of the ladder for a close up and take the key.
Back up and take the ladder.
Turn left from the tank to face the trapdoor (and the plants).
The Underground Space
Click on the trapdoor for a close up, then use the key to unlock it.
Place the ladder inside the open trapdoor, then click on the opening to go down inside.
Turn left and you will see stairs going further down. Click on the arrow above the stairs to go down.
You are now facing a red console that appears to want a four letter code.
The console also appears to be concealing what looks like a flower-shaped object under glass.
Click on the right side of the console and behind it you will see hint 4.
Take the hint and back up.
Turn right.
You can see the stairs to your right, and the numbers 1145 on the wall in a vertical pattern.
Turn right.
You are now facing the stairs head on. Click to the right of the stairs to see behind them and get hint 5.
Back up and turn right.
Now here's a red door in the wall with a big number 5 on it and a small console to the right.
Click on the console for a close up.
Looks like it wants an object shaped like a flower to activate it. Where have we seen something like that before?
Back up and turn right.
The Large Red Console
Click on the large red console for a close up.
We need a four letter code here.
Think back to the colored balls in the tank. They were lined up in a vertical pattern, just like this code lock.
The numbers on the wall were also in a vertical pattern.
Maybe this is similar to the code for the red door upstairs?
The colored balls were, from top to bottom: orange, pink, blue, and green.
The number clue, 1145 refers to the position of letters in each color.
The first letter (1) of orange is o, the first letter (1) of pink is p, the fourth letter (4) of blue is e, and the fifth (5) letter in green is n.
Therefore the code is "open".
Enter the code and push the "ok" button and if you are correct the glass will pop open and you can take the flower-shaped object.
Back up and turn left.
Who Am I?
You are now facing the red door with the big 5 and the small console.
Click on the console for a close up.
Place the gold flower on the console and it will activate. You now have a clickable area where you can place a cursor and type in the answer to the "Who Am I?" riddle.
Let's review the clues.
Hint 1: You have a long history since BC 6000.
Hint 2: Many of you are from France, Spain, or Italy.
Hint 3: You have three colors which is red, white, and rose.
Hint 4: You become valuable with increasing age.
Hint 5: There is the glass of exclusively for you.
The answer is wine.
Type in the answer and click the "ok" button.
The console opens to reveal a button and a number 0 on the left.
Clicking on the button doesn't appear to do anything, but if you click and hold the number will change.
You probably want the number that is prominently displayed on the door, the number 5.
Click and hold the button until the number changes to 5.
Once the number hits 5 release the button and the door will open for you to escape.
Posted by: grinnyp
February 9, 2011 2:31 AM