Quick Escape - Jail
Come on, come on! Hup hup hup! No time for resting, eye of the tiger buddy-o! Mobest Media wants to whip you into fighting shape with a series of short and snappy free escape games for your Android designed to sharpen your wits. You know, in case someone tries to trap you in a room filled with elaborate MacGuyver tools and puzzles or something. Quick Escape - Jail is exactly what it sounds like, a brief little game where you find yourself locked inside a jail cell... a stinky jail cell, as the game points out. You'll need a whole bunch of keys to get out, and they're everywhere, with some hidden in plain sight, and others will need you to solve puzzles to get at them.
Just tap the little arrows in the bottom corners of the screen to navigate, and tap to zoom in or pick up items. Some objects can be combined in your inventory by tapping on first one and then the other, and using them is as simple as tapping once to highlight the item, and then again whenever you want to use it. True to its name, Quick Escape - Jail is, by design, not going to take you very long. As part of a planned series that releases a new installment about every other week, it's intentionally a very tightly designed little game, and the perfect size and scope for escape fans looking for a quick fix. The downside is that the puzzles aren't particularly elaborate or cunning, and the lack of a cursor to change and indicate interactive areas means you're probably going to be doing a lot of random tapping around if you're stuck. Fortunately, the game is well designed enough that getting stuck shouldn't be a problem, and as long as you keep your eyes peeled the puzzles have a pleasant sort of "ah-ha!" quality to searching your environment and cobbling solutions together. While it won't prove much of a challenge to veteran escape gamers, it's still a great free mental exercise for you to snap up and defeat to get yourself pumped up, and then enjoy a slow-mo run around the room while "We Are The Champions" plays in the background and your boss questions your qualifications.
NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on an HTC One X. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.
Walkthrough Guide
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Quick Escape - Jail Walkthrough
Examine the desk and collect the cheese off the plate.
Back up, then examine the nearby bookshelf.
Make note of the number of books in each pile, then back up.
Examine the area below the bookshelf.
Tap the bricks in each column to match the piles above.
3, 1, 4, 2
Collect the key and back up.
Turn right to face the bunkbeds.
Examine the top bunk and move the pillow.
Collect the magnet and back up.
Now examine below the bunks and tilt your device to move the brick.
Once the mouse hole is uncovered, use the cheese.
Collect the second key and back up.
Examine the spiderweb in the lower right and collect the twine.
Back up and turn twice to face the sink/toilet.
Now examine the calendar and make note of how many days are crossed off.
After backing up again, examine the sink and collect the third key.
Back up and examine the toilet.
Combine the twine with the magnet and use that on the toilet to acquire a fourth key.
Now back up and turn left to face the jail door.
Examine the area left of the door where you see lighter colored bricks.
Tap the bricks to write a number of hashes matching the number of days crossed off on the calendar.
13: 5 on each of two left bricks and 3 on the rightmost
(and, yes, after tapping the left bricks for the fifth time, it actually shows 6 hashes, but I assume that's a mistake)
Collect the fifth key and back up.
Examine the picture on the right and tap each square to form a picture of a girl (it may be easiest to start with the top center square since you know what its orientation should be).
Back up and collect the last key off the ground.
Now examine the jail door and use all six keys on the lock.
Head through the open door. Congratulations! You've escaped!
Posted by: Kyh
November 6, 2012 6:19 PM