Upon first beginning
PonPon House 2, you may find yourself with a strange sense of déjà vu—those rounded, almost huggable graphics, those cutely surreal furnishings, they just seem so
familiar. As well they might; the initial environment is nearly identical to the
original PonPon House. Fear not, however; not only are the initial puzzles different (and a bit more original, in my opinion), the new PonPon House greatly expands upon the first game by adding several different locations to explore and puzzles to solve.
This game is a pure pleasure to play. The whole experience is gentle and dreamy, without any sense of urgency or danger. There is some Japanese text, but none of it is essential to comprehending or solving the puzzles. I also quite liked the continuity between the first and second games; it was neat going back to the first PonPon House and seeing many of the new game's items represented in the original. All in all, a lovely, not-too-tough respite from an increasingly hectic world.
Play PonPon House 2
Walkthrough Guide
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Part One: The gathering (of items)
Enter the house. Or you can look around outside the house. There's nothing really important out here though.
Go left once. Zoom in on the table with the clock and lamp on it. Get the Crystal heart. Open the book. Get the bookmark. View the rest of the pages and note what's on them:
A fish going into water and the sun shining on plants above a zig-zaggy pattern.
Go left once more to face the door. Zoom in on the table to the left and grab the "plants". Go back out one screen.
Click the hat to take it off the wall. Click the panel that was under the hat. Zoom in on the thing inside and take the flower in the middle. Move back out one screen so you're back looking at the door.
Go left one screen. You should be viewing the TV. Zoom in on the shelf above the TV. Open the candy dish and take a piece of candy. Zoom back out to viewing the TV.
Go left one more time. Zoom in once on the table then once again to the top of the table. Put the "plants" from your inventory onto the white base in the sunlight. Grab the scissors (it's the rightmost "plant"). Zoom back out.
Go left two screens and zoom in on the door handle. Use the scissors to cut the string tied to the key. Look down and pick up the heart key. Zoom out.
Go back to the table (go right two screens). Zoom in, push the chair out, and click the left side of the table to see a hidden compartment with a lock. Use the heart key on it and grab the fish key and paper from inside. Zoom back out.
Go left one screen so you're looking at the locked briefcase. Zoom in on the lock on the briefcase and use the fish key on it. Grab the toy fish and the winder from inside.
If you've done everything correct up to this point, you get your first cutscene.
Part Two: A couple leagues under the sea
Click on the person to follow her (?) to the end of the dock. Give her the toy fish and it turns into a submarine!! Click on it then click on the hatch and follow the person inside.
Put the winder (the second item you got from the briefcase) in the little whole at the back of the submarine and wind it four times.
Go to the black panel at the front of the ship. Put the crystal heart in its place above the panel. HERE WE GO!! When the short cutscene is over, note the two numbers on the screen (they're different each time). The space for the third number is blank, but will be filled in later. Zoom back out for another cutscene.
(Cutscene here)
The person is looking through the left porthole of the submarine. Look out the right porthole for a short animation, then zoom back out for another custcene.
(Cutscene here)
After the cutscene, the third blank on the black panel is filled in, but with a symbol. Look at the piece of paper in your inventory and note what number it represents. Also note the conical symbol in the middle of the black panel. Zoom out, go up the ladder, and turn around to look at the person.
Part Three: Back on solid ground
Click on the person several times to follow her onto land, up the stairs, and to a wall with dots on it. Use the bookmark to figure out what dots should be on and what dots should be off. BIG HINT:
Holes represent "off" or "dark".
Follow the person through the door, up more stairs, and through another door.
(Cutscene here.)
You're now trying to find a key that isn't where the person expected it to be.
Click the person on the bench and give her the candy from your inventory. A squirrel comes along and trades it for an acorn (which goes into your inventory).
Go to the water fountain screen, but don't zoom in on the fountain. Instead, click the white arrow on the ground so you're looking only at the tree with a hole on it. Click the hole and trade the squirrel the acorn for the yellow gem it's holding. Pick up the gem from the ground.
Look around until you're facing the leftmost part of the brick building. There are two handles on the brick. Click them to remove a panel reveiling a mechanism with some familiar symbols. Put the gray flower in the center, then put the yellow gem in the center of the flower (as per the diagram on the piece of paper).
Flower puzzle tip:
To solve the puzzle with the flower and yellow gem, you have to remember the numbers and symbols from the black panel in the submarine. You can get back to the submarine by finding the door to the far right of the brick building and going back down.
The outer ring of the puzzle represents the first number from the submarine. The inner ring is the second number. The flower petal is the last symbol. You have to translate symbols and numbers appropriately. It's pretty straightforward. The piece of paper in your inventory could be helpful. Once you've correctly solved it, the other green light above the mechanism will light up and the first one will turn off.
Go to the fountain. It's now turned off and a little drained. Zoom in to the inside and turn until you can grab the flower key (you couldn't do this before if you looked at the water fountain while it was on and full). Give the flower key to the person on the bench. Awww, you've made her so happy!!
Posted by: LSN
August 13, 2008 1:52 PM