no1game's POKO escape game traps you in a room that doesn't have much in the way of creature comforts... unless, of course, all you really need to relax and thrive is a bunch of cryptic clues and strange puzzles. Then you're all set! Click around to explore, and click the question mark on an item you're carrying to view it up close, which may let you manipulate it further. Some items can even be used on or combined with one another, so if you're stuck, try fiddling with your inventory. POKO is one of those games where getting the ball rolling might initially be more tricky than solving the rest of the game, and you'll need to remember that some items may be used more than once, or for, um, odd things. Despite this, there's a lot of charm to be had from the mildly offbeat way the puzzles are presented, and there's actually a nice amount of cleverness to them to appreciate. It won't take you very long, but, well, time flies when you're having fun, right?
Green box with yellow star
1. Examine the 3rd page of the book on the table
2. Examine the clock
3. Examine the blue H on the tray
4. Enter the code on the green box
Clock = O = 15:30
5. Take white key
6. Use white key on brown box (same screen as green box)
7. Take axe
Chain lock
8. Examine the 1st page of the book on the table
9. Examine the spines of the books on the table
10. Enter the code on the chain lock
Clockwise, starting from the left square: black, red, blue, green
11. Take the stairs and unfold it (red button)
12. Take the green leaves from the pot on the tray
13. Examine the green leaves (including their backside)
14. Use the axe (step 7) to remove the bar in front of the painting
15. Enter the code on the painting
From left to right, eyes facing: down, left, up, right
16. Take the bread
17. Use the axe to slice the bread
18. Insert the bread into the toaster
19. Wait a bit for the bread to get toasted (you'll hear a ping-sound)
20. Take the toast, and get a triangle out of it
21. Examine the 2nd page of the book
22. Take the red ball from the tray
23. Use the axe to cut the red ball and get a yellow seed
24. Put the yellow seed in the pot
25. Use the stairs (step 11) to take the spade from behind the clock
26. Use the spade to dig up a watering can below the tree
28. Examine the grey panda-head (middle tray on the left, no clue what it is supposed to be)
29. Activate the sink
Press in the correct order: top-left button, faucet, left-side of sink, top-right button, right-side of sink
30. Fill watering can (step 26) underneath the faucet
31. Water the yellow seed, and take it from the pot
32. Put the sprouted yellow seed (step 31) underneath the tree
33. Water the seed using the watering can (step 30)
34. Move up and use the stairs (step 11, step 25) to take the triangle
35. Combine the two triangles (step 20, step 34)
36. Place the combined triangle on the door and escape
Hints for POKO:
The code for the padlock on the blue step ladder:
The clues are the colours of the books on the desk (from left to right) and the notes on the first page of the open book on the desk.
Where to use the blue step ladder (once you've opened the legs in the inventory):
On the floor next to the desk so that you can look behind the clock.
Then later:
In the attic.
How to turn on the tap above the sink:
The clue is the numbered teddy-bear head on the shelves next to the sink.
How to open the star box:
The clues are the third page of the open book on the desk, the times shown on the two clocks in the room, and don't forget to convert to 24-hour time.
Where to find the watering can:
Buried next to the tree.
How to get into the attic:
Make the seed sprout:
The clue is the second page of the open book on the desk. You will also need the axe and watering can from other puzzles
Pick up the sprouted seed, replant it in a more useful location, and water it again.
How to solve the picture puzzle:
Smash the locking bar with the axe. The clue to how to move the eyes is on the back of the leaves which were in the pot on the shelves next to the sink.
How to find the down triangle:
Once you have the bread, cut it with the axe, and put the slices into the toaster on the desk. Look around the room once to make time pass, pick up the toast, and then eat it.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Green box with yellow star
1. Examine the 3rd page of the book on the table
2. Examine the clock
3. Examine the blue H on the tray
4. Enter the code on the green box
Clock = O = 15:30
5. Take white key
6. Use white key on brown box (same screen as green box)
7. Take axe
Chain lock
8. Examine the 1st page of the book on the table
9. Examine the spines of the books on the table
10. Enter the code on the chain lock
Clockwise, starting from the left square: black, red, blue, green
11. Take the stairs and unfold it (red button)
12. Take the green leaves from the pot on the tray
13. Examine the green leaves (including their backside)
14. Use the axe (step 7) to remove the bar in front of the painting
15. Enter the code on the painting
From left to right, eyes facing: down, left, up, right
16. Take the bread
17. Use the axe to slice the bread
18. Insert the bread into the toaster
19. Wait a bit for the bread to get toasted (you'll hear a ping-sound)
20. Take the toast, and get a triangle out of it
21. Examine the 2nd page of the book
22. Take the red ball from the tray
23. Use the axe to cut the red ball and get a yellow seed
24. Put the yellow seed in the pot
25. Use the stairs (step 11) to take the spade from behind the clock
26. Use the spade to dig up a watering can below the tree
28. Examine the grey panda-head (middle tray on the left, no clue what it is supposed to be)
29. Activate the sink
Press in the correct order: top-left button, faucet, left-side of sink, top-right button, right-side of sink
30. Fill watering can (step 26) underneath the faucet
31. Water the yellow seed, and take it from the pot
32. Put the sprouted yellow seed (step 31) underneath the tree
33. Water the seed using the watering can (step 30)
34. Move up and use the stairs (step 11, step 25) to take the triangle
35. Combine the two triangles (step 20, step 34)
36. Place the combined triangle on the door and escape
Posted by: Crouch
February 24, 2015 10:31 AM