A playground is a place of wonder, magic, and tons of knee scraping fun. During the day a crowded playground filled with laughing (and falling) children can be a beautiful (albeit noisy) thing to witness. However, at night, something seems to change and what was once innocent fun becomes quiet, moody, and mysterious, something to be avoided even. Unfortunately for you, you've become locked into one tonight and the creepy doll-thing at the gate seems disinclined to help you out in Park Escape.
Dassyutu, creator of The Ninja, has captured the eeriness of a playground at night, not helped at all by that very strange doll which seems to follow you in every scene as you investigate your way out. Navigation in the park is accomplished with bars at the sides and bottom of the screen, but will seem a bit strange at first due to the fact that it can take about 10 turns to see the whole park and get back to where you started. The puzzles are a fun mix, mostly use of found objects and observational skills involving colors and shapes. There is almost no dialogue, but what's there is in English, so no worries.
If there is a downside to Park Escape it is the lack of a changing cursor, which means that with the dark backgrounds there is some pixel hunting, and while the puzzles are logical, they don't flow as well as they could. These are minor quibbles, though, and Park Escape is a great little mid-week break. The set-up seems a little Stephen King after a while, and you might find yourself looking nervously over your shoulder, especially if you play with the lights off. Can you find your way out before you become totally creeped out by that doll-thing and the lack of sound? Give it a try!
Walkthrough Guide
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This is my first walkthrough, so I hope it's a good one.
Park Escape Walkthrough
Colorblind help will be provided for the color puzzles.
Swing Set
Click each swing. Make a note of what colors are on each swing.
Click the space between the blue poles in the middle. Pick up the bucket.
Go right.
Click the dark square to the left of the gate to get the memo.
Does that shape on the memo look familiar?
It's a swing.
What could those numbers have to do with the swings?
Didn't the swings have colors on them?
The numbers tell us what order to look at the swings.
The order is blue, red, yellow, green.
Go right.
Zip Line
Click on the gray block. There's something there, but we can't get it yet.
Click on the shadow under the structure. There's a block of stone here. Pick it up.
You can't do anything else here yet, so go right.
We can't do much here yet, so go right.
Tall Grass
Click the stone block to pick it up. You should now have two stone blocks.
We can't do much here. For now, go right.
Click the top of the slide to go up. If you click the different-looking tree, you'll notice something green that you can't get.
Click in front of the boy to go down the slide. Click the memo here to pick it up, then back up twice.
Maybe we can get the thing in the tree from down here. Click under the blue ladder to zoom in on the tree, then get the green thing. It turns out to be a tire.
There's nothing else we can do here, so back up and turn right.
There are three tires in a row and a dark patch of dirt. Do we have anything that could go on the dark spot?
Put the green tire on the patch.
We can't do anything about the tires right now, so go right.
Monkey Bars
Click on the monkey bars for a close-up.
They're dirty. Maybe we can find something to clean them with.
Click over the boy's head. Make note of the shape and the number in it.
Click on the tree that's farthest to the right and pick up the iron bar.
Go right.
There's a large sandbox here, but we can't do anything with it yet.
Click on the base of the righthand lamp post. Make note of the shape and the number in it.
Go right.
Jungle Gym
If you click the top of the gym, we can see there's something up there we can't get at.
Click the right-side corner of the gym. You'll notice there's something missing and you'll need an iron bar, a spanner, and bolts to fix it.
While you're on this screen, check behind the tree on the right and you'll find a dustcloth. Maybe we can use this to clean the monkey bars.
For now, back up and go right.
There's something under the see-saw! I wonder if we could weight the other end down and get the thing.
Use your stone blocks on the end of the see-saw that's in the air.
Now you can pick up the spanner.
If you click the yellow pole in the middle of the see-saw, you'll find another number in a shape. Make note of what they are.
If you look behind the tree on the far right, you'll find some bolts.
Now it's time to solve some puzzles!
Fixing the Jungle Gym
Now that you have the iron bar, spanner, and bolts, got back to the jungle gym and click on the right corner.
Select one of the three items needed and click the corner again. The gym will be fixed.
Zoom out, then click on the top of the jungle gym. Pick up the shovel.
Before you zoom out, click the top right corner of the jungle gym to find another number in a shape. Make note of these as well.
Digging in the Sandbox
Go left from the jungle gym to the sandbox. Use the shovel to dig and you'll find a strange box with four colored buttons on it.
Don't these colors remind you of something?
They're the same as the colors on the swings, aren't they?
But what order should they be pressed in?
Remember the memo?
Press the buttons in this order: blue, red, yellow, green.
For the colorblind: click the top left button, then the top right button, then the bottom left button, then the bottom right button.
You'll get a scythe.
Go left.
Cleaning the Monkey Bars
Zoom in on the monkey bars. Now that we have the dust cloth, why don't we clean these?
Look, the monkey bars are colored! Could this be important?
Make note of the order of colors.
Go left to the tires.
Hey, aren't these tires the same colors as the monkey bars?
If you click on the tires, you hop up onto them.
Let's try jumping on them in the order of the colored bars.
Jump on the green one, then the red one, then the white one, then the blue one.
For the colorblind: jump on the fourth, the second, the first, and the third.
There's something lit up next to that tree, but we can't do anything with it yet.
Mowing the Lawn
How about we do something with this scythe/
Go left twice until you reach the scene with the tall grass.
Use the scythe on the grass to cut it down.
Hey, what's that weird box?
If you click it twice, you'll see it needs a four-digit code. Do we have anything that could help us with this?
Remember that memo with the shapes on it? Maybe it has something to do with this.
There are four shapes and four numbers.
Maybe those shapes with numbers in them have something to do with this.
The first number is the one in the square, the second is the one in the circle, and so on. The code changes every game, so you really do have to make a note about those shapes with numbers.
Click the switch and you'll hear rushing water. Maybe something happened at the fountain!
Draining the Fountain
Go left.
Nothing seems different here, but looks can be deceiving.
Use your bucket on the fountain to empty it.
Click on the red thing at the base of the fountain's lamp post to get a magnet.
If you click the bottom of the now empty fountain on the right side, you'll see a knife. Click it to pick it up.
Zoom out twice.
Getting the Key
Remember that lit up pole by the tires? Maybe we can cut it down with the knife.
Turns out it wasn't a pole at all, but a rope!
Back up and go left four times to go to the zip line.
Click on the red thing to zoom in.
Use the magnet and the rope on the zip line to make a magnet line.
Zoom out so that you can see the other side of the gap, then click on the gray block. The magnet line will go across to it and come back.
Zoom in on the magnet line to get the key from the magnet.
Go left one last time and use the key on the lock to open the gate, then click on the open gate to leave.
Congratulations, you've escaped from the park!
Posted by: Zanoushe
August 15, 2012 11:04 AM