Use your mouse to interact with Panda's environment. If something can be picked up or used, its name will display when you place the cursor over it. Click on an object to interact with it, and click on your inventory at the bottom of the screen to pocket an item, or to use one. As before, keep your eyes peeled for the little one-eyed Critters because... well, because! Honestly, when have you ever needed a reason to collect things in video games before?
Analysis: Oh, Panda. Time-travelling bear of my heart. By and large the Panda series of games has always been a prime example of goofiness in gaming. There are no dead ends, no game overs, just you, Panda, and a super villain suspended over a tank of sharks. You know, the usual. Like the original, the game is chock full of sly humour. But unlike the original, the environments this time around feel a little empty and a bit less fantastical. It's hardly a deal breaker, but flushing DaVinci's toilet somehow isn't as exciting as facing down a T-Rex or pulling the Sword in the Stone.
Panda's latest adventure isn't what you might call difficult, since most of its puzzles are simply a matter of swapping back and forth between several time periods. Stymied in ye olde Italy? Hop around through the other areas and try the various items you've picked up somewhere else. Which... is admittedly a little easier said than done, given how bloated Panda's inventory can get. Because the game helpfully identifies with text points of interest, it does eliminate a lot of frustrating clicking, but the gameplay is still largely trial-and-error based. Thankfully, with the exception of a compass themed lock with an oddly phrased solution, none of the puzzles are particularly difficult.
In fact, you almost wish the difficulty were stepped up a bit, since Panda's BIGGER Adventure is still pretty short. (And disappointingly lacking a scene involving a DeLorean.) While it may not be the sweeping epic you were hoping for, and may prove too little of a challenge for some players, this latest installment in Panda's adventures is still a quirky, fun game for the adorable, bamboo munching mammal in us all. (And make sure you stick around until the very end!)
Thanks to Cyberjar88 for sending this one in!
Walkthrough Guide
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Quick and Dirty Walkthrough (No Critters)
Pick up the bone.
Use bone on locked toilet.
Enter time machine.
Click on the screen in front of Panda.
Pick up oil can and screwdriver.
Use oil can on all four screws on the panel on the right side of the room.
Use screwdriver on all four screws on the panel, then click on panel to remove it.
Take circuit board from behind panel, give to the prisoner.
Return to time machine, replace old fried circuit board with new one. Now you can click on the arrows on the screen to visit different eras!
Not-So Wild West
Pick up gun and coin.
Give coin to Duck Shoot man. Click on stall to play.
The object of the game is to shoot all the yellow ducks by clicking on them. Don't worry about running out of bullets. The more you shoot, the faster the ducks spin. Just take your time and aim. Shoot all ten yellow ducks to win. If you lose, you can find other coins in the same area to try again.
Take the hat from the top of the stall. Put hat on Panda.
Go back to time machine. Click the left arrow to navigate to the warehouse and go there.
Al Copops Moonshine Warehouse
Use the screwdriver on Panda's bonds.
Pull the lever.
Go into the next room.
Pick up the paint can, the key, the spanner, and the bottle.
Return to the time machine and click left on the screen to navigate to...
1944: World War 2 Trench
Pick up the grenade, the bullets, and the cat.
Combine the bullets with your gun.
Combine the paint with the cat.
Go back to the Warehouse!
Al Copops Moonshine Warehouse
Return to the shark room and give the cat to the supervillain.
Go into the other room and use the bottle on the tap attached to the large, flat barrel.
Use key on locked cabinet.
Click on the interior of the cabinet to sort out the pipes. Basically, you're just rotating the pieces so that each barrel at the top of the screen winds up connected to a line at the bottom. Once you're done, click the arrow to move back to a view of Panda.
Click on the moonshine recipe in your inventory to read it. The recipe may vary, but just click each appropriate tap the number of times indicated in the recipe.
Use the spanner in your inventory on the spigot attached to the flat barrel.
Click on the tap to fill the bottle. If done correctly, Panda will sip it, burp, and comment that it'll put hair on your chest. Time to go back to...
Not-So Wild West
Give the moonshine to the man hanging around outside the inn to get him drunk. You can't win against him otherwise.
Click on the gun in your inventory, then on the drunk man to challenge him to a pistol duel. The goal is to click the screen when the referee yells SHOOT! Click too soon and you'll be disqualified. Don't worry about aiming, if your timing is right Panda will automatically shoot the hat off the man's head and you'll win. If you're too slow, just challenge him again until you win.
Take the cigar and go to...
1944: World War 2 Trench
Give the cigar in your inventory to the man with the glasses. Take the bread and go back in your time machine. Click the navigation screen all the way to the left to...
Leonardo Da Vinci's Workshop
Click on the cord hanging by the window to lower the blinds.
Click on the clock. Spin the clock hands so that the big hand and the little hand are in the proper spots as shown by the white outlines. If you've done it right, you'll hear a chime.
Go into the next room and take the razor from the cup above the sink.
Go into the other room and take the scrap of paper on the bookshelf. Click on it in your inventory to read it.
Click on the box on the bookshelf, and use the code in your inventory to open it. The code is North-NorthEast, SouthWest, and NorthWest. So, going clockwise from the top, the top-most button being button number one, click: Number 2, Number 11, and Number 15, then click the red button.
Take the string and hook, combine them, then combine them with the bread.
Use the fishing bait on the fish in the tank to get the fish, then go back to...
1944: World War 2 Trench
Use the razor on the bearded soldier, and input the code Panda reads aloud into the lock on the crate beside him.
Take what's inside back to...
Robo-Fortress Prison
Put the enigma machine into the slot on the display screen next to the prison cell.
Click on the fish in your inventory. The numbers displayed aren't the code you need to enter, but to help you decipher the code displayed on the screen you put the enigma machine into. Decipher the screen's code by matching the displayed symbols to the numbers on the fish, and enter the results into the enigma machine.
Time Machine
Click on the power lever. Success!... or is it?!
After the "End"
Click on the big red button three times until the time machine's door is shot off.
Click on the door so Panda picks it up.
Click on the big red button to open the panel. You need to hit the red buttons below until all the lights are green.
Posted by: Dora
March 23, 2010 11:45 PM