Just click on the screen to interact; items you take will appear in your inventory, and to use them, just click once on the item, and then again whenever you want to try using it onscreen. The biggest issue for some players might wind up being having to troll the screen with their cursor looking for hotspots, since it isn't always visibly apparent when a portion of the screen will have an area transition or something to interact with. The game is also fairly short with relatively straight-forward "use item here" puzzles, although if you want to stroke your own ego you could just convince yourself that any ease is because you missed your calling as an International Man/Woman of Mystery. (Yeah, baby!)
But these are admittedly minor quibbles with what is a solid bit of adventuring to get you in the right frame of mind for your weekend. (You never know when you're going to need to infiltrate something.) The artwork is gorgeous and moody, even if the darkness might be a little hard on your eyes, and the atmosphere is that perfect blend of creepy/desolate that makes for great evening gaming. The ending is a little abrupt, but if you're looking for a tasty bite of What If?-style point-and-click gameplay, you could do a lot worse than Owl's Nest.
Walkthrough Guide
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Walkthrough for Owl's Nest
Note that you don't need to collect all the pictures and documents to win the game, but you do need to collect all the seals and bullets. Consult the two sections below only if you are having trouble finding all these items.
Bullet locations
Bookshelf, first room, on the top shelf.
Panel in the red secret passage, in the room with the stairs.
Near the elevator shaft in the red secret passage, on the right side.
Note that once you go down the elevator, you can't go back to get these first three bullets.
On the console in the elevator, after you jump through the hatch down the elevator shaft.
Console to the right of the switch room, where you get the machine code.
In the locker room, on the right side.
In the recess at the bottom of the stairs.
On the debris pile to the right of the door that leads to the passage with the soldiers (the door with the big "3" painted next to it.
In the room with the console for the punchcard.
Next to the rightmost of the first two soldiers you kill.
Seal locations
In the recess in the top right corner, once you exit the elevator.
In the lower left corner, once you enter the door with the "3" painted on the left.
Two seals on the bodies of the third and fourth soldiers you kill.
In the pocket of rightmost of the last soldiers you kill.
Find the passage
Click on the bookshelf with the flashing red light.
Use your flashlight with the blinking console to shut down the alarm.
Click on the lighter-colored book on the top shelf.
Click the book and take the spigot-looking key on the left page.
Take the bullet on the top shelf. It's sort of hidden, but it's rusty brown against the blue background.
Zoom out, then click on the desk.
Open the long middle drawer and take the dagger.
Open the third door from the top on the right side and take the note.
Click on the side of the desk. Pry off the wooden panels with the dagger. Take the other key, third panel from the left.
Zoom out, then click on the fireplace on the left side.
Use the keys with the two circular indentations. Enter the secret passage.
Down the hatch
Click to move down the hall. Pick up the picture in the bottom left quadrant of the screen.
Click on the panel on the right and take the bullet.
Click to the right and take the bullet on the right side (gray against the red background).
Zoom in on the left indentation and take the hose.
Zoom out, then click on the dark doorway. Use your flashlight with the door to see.
Tie the hose to the blue cables so you have a way down.
Before heading down, make sure you have three bullets, as you won't be able to get them again. Head down the passage.
Use the dagger with the screws on the hatch to gain access. Click again to jump down.
Open Pandora's Box
Take the bullet from the console to the left of the door on the right.
Go through the door, then take the seal in the recess in the upper right corner.
Go right, then zoom in on the console to the right of the door. Take the bullet resting on the bottom right corner of the console. Note the code on the top right.
Zoom out, then enter the door. Take the picture on the left and the door handle on the right.
Exit, then go to the left twice. Enter the door on the left.
Take the bullet sitting in the right corner of the room on the floor. Open the middle locker and take the rifle.
Exit the room. Use the door handle on the door on the right, then enter.
Take the punch card resting on the machine on the left.
Click on the console at the bottom of the machine, with the five circles. Enter the code you found earlier.
Zoom out and click the screw-like switch on the console on the right. This gives power to the machine in the next room.
Exit, then go to the right twice. Enter the doorway again.
Push down all the switches, then exit.
Go to the right, down the stairs. Take the bullet from the recess in the middle of the wall.
Go right and take the picture on the floor.
Go right twice and take the bullet on the debris on the far right of the screen. Enter the open doorway.
Take the seal in the lower left corner. Enter the door on the right.
Take the bullet and picture on the right side of the screen. Use the punchcard from the machine room on the lighted console on the left.
Enter the door that opens. Use the rifle with the end of the passageway.
Secret of Owl's Nest
At this point you should have 9 bullets. See the first spoiler of this walkthrough if you missed some.
Click on the two "soldiers" to dispatch them. If you aren't fast enough, or you run out of bullets, the zombies get you, but you get to play again from where you left off.
Exit and head down the passage.
Take the bullet to the right of the rightmost soldier. Take the key from the belt of the leftmost soldier.
Use the key with the keyhole to the right of the doorway and enter.
Use the rifle with the end of the passage and shoot two soldiers. Exit and head down the passage.
Take the two seals, one held by each soldier.
Again, use the rifle with the end of the passage. Shoot three soldiers, exit, and head down the passage. Take the picture from the middle soldier.
Once more, use the rifle with the passage. Shoot three soldiers, exit, and head down the passage.
Take the seal from the pocket of the soldier in front.
Zoom in on the insignia in the middle of the room. Use the seals with the five round spots. If you don't have five seals at this point, see the second spoiler in this walkthrough.
Take the book to finish the game.
Posted by: Mike
March 18, 2011 8:13 PM