An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

OUT file#01

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outfile01.gifAmidst a sea of room escape games that have flooded the Web of late, only a few seem to rise above the tide by offering a truly exceptional interactive experience. This next one is one of those rare titles, and yet it is of the most difficult I have seen.

The oddly named OUT file#01 is a classic Flash point-and-click room escape game, and it features all the usual suspects: locked doors, missing keys, pieces of paper with clues, and secret compartments galore. Your job, of course, is to escape by unlocking the mystery within the room that holds you captive.

Items found will appear in your inventory. Click on an item to use it within the room, or to combine with another item. Click the "item info" button to get a closer look. As you explore there may seem to be a puzzle at every turn and no clue in sight to help solve it. Keep hunting and examining and you will discover the secrets that await you.

Analysis: A lot of attention to detail went into the creation of this game and it reminded me of Toshimitsu Takagi's genre defining work as seen in the Viridian Room, and the White Chamber. This time we have Isomura Kai of Tonakai Interactive to thank. OUT file#01 has been brilliantly conceived and crafted to be a fully interactive room with a lot of functionality that is not immediately visible. The puzzles are thought provoking and cleverly designed, and at least one requires you to listen; however, the same puzzle may be solved by other means if hearing is not your strong suit. It's an excellent game, though not an easy game by any means.

Caution: it is possible to die in this game so be careful lest you be forced to restart from the beginning. Also, the game makes excellent use of audio, so be aware and use headphones if necessary.

Play OUT file#01

Cheers to Clancy for suggesting it. =)

Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

OUT file#1 Walkthrough
OMG that was a challenge. Here is a very long walkthrough for those who are stuck:


Click on bottom of pink stereo unit to zoom in.
Click under the desk pick up the GREEN SCREWDRIVER.
Zoom out once and click the area of blue wall that shows between the two left legs of the desk.
Plug POWER CORD in. Zoom out.
Click on the blue bookshelf to zoom in.
Click on top of the shelf and pick up the RED KEY.
Zoom out and click on the middle of the shaded area between the wall and blue bookcase to zoom in on a bracket.
Use the GREEN SCREWDRIVER and remove the bracket.
Still on the same screen click the upper side of the bookcase.
Pick up the WHEEL. But wait, there's something else in there.
Click further in and pick up the BLUE KEY.
Zoom back out until you're facing the bookshelf.
Use the BLUE KEY to unlock the cabinet and take the TAPE.
While you're there, note the 4 books and the order of their colors.
Zoom back out until you're facing the room the way you were when you started.
Click on the upper left corner of the carpet to zoom in.
Click the corner again. To reveal a trap door.
Click along the side of the rolled up carpet (near the top).
Pick up the red DVD. Zoom out once to face the trap door again.
Click on the trap door to zoom in. Use the BRACKET on the middle of the right edge to wedge the trap door.
Click the wedged bracket again to open the door.
Click on the middle of the wires to zoom in on the broken blue wire.
NOTE: If you don't click the right spot on the wires when trying to zoom in you'll find yourself in the trap space.
Get back out and start again. Good to know that you can hide there, you'll need it later.
Use the TAPE to repair the wire and zoom all the way back out.
Click right. Now you're facing a bare wall and the plant.
Click on the panel in the wall. Use the RED KEY to unlock the panel.
Switch all the power switches to the on position.
Zoom back out and zoom in on the plant.
Midway on the left side of the plant, click on the larger of the two middle leaves.
It takes a bit of doing to find the right pixel.
When you've done it, pick up the rolled up piece of PAPER. Unroll it.
Zoom back out and click to the right again to face the yellow sofa.
Zoom in once and click on the 3rd cushion. Pick up the PAPER and open it.
Click on the other piece of paper in inventory and the two will combine.
Click under the sofa and retrieve a BATTERY and zoom back out all the way.
Click on the wastebasket to zoom in.
Click on the floor near the sofa.
Pick up the yellow screwdriver from behind the sofa.
Zoom back out and click on the wastebasket once to lift it up,
and a second time on the left side on the rim to turn it over.
Keep clicking on the bottom of the bin until a CD falls out.
Take the CD. Zoom all the way out.
Click the green pipe.
The room view will move once to the right.
Zoom in on the pipe.
Attach the WHEEL to the pipe and click on the left side of the wheel.
Click until it can't turn anymore.
If it doesn't turn at all, then it's okay the way it is.
Remove the wheel.
Zoom out and zoom in on the cat picture.
Click on the left upper corner, then the right upper corner and the middle of the top frame.
The picture will fall off.
Click on the right side of the frame to flip the picture over.
Zoom in on the panel and remove the screws with the YELLOW SCREWDRIVER.
Open the panel and place the BATTERY you found under the sofa into the panel.
Close it all back up and put the picture in its place. Zoom out and click right.
Now you're facing the media shelf again.
Zoom in on the dvd player.
Turn the power on and play the cd.
Listen to the music and remember the tones.
Remove the cd and put the dvd in the player.
Zoom all the way out and zoom in on the guitar.
Click on the guitar neck to reveal a hole in the wall.
Click to zoom in. You can't see in there, so you use the CD,
which will reflect light into the hole. Now you can see a gas valve.
Click the valve to open it (little roundish thing on top).
Zoom all the way out. Click left to face the cat picture.
Zoom in on the picture.
Click on the cat's head.
The eyes will light up and two arrows will appear.
Click the down arrow and a projection screen will lower.
Turn to face the sofa and zoom in.
Click the back of the left armrest to zoom in on it.
Click the rounded end of the armrest to turn off the lights.
Also note that a tone is played.
You will see video buttons appear.
Click the Play arrow. The math works out to time=30.
Click the stop button and then the end of the armrest to turn the lights back on.
Zoom back out and go back to the cat picture.
Click on the head and then the up arrow for the screen to go back up.
Now zoom out and zoom in on the guitar. Remember the cd music?
It needs to be played on the guitar.
Zoom in on the strings.
By numbering the strings left to right from 1-6 from play the following strings: 164541645466655566654.
A compartment on the guitar opens, revealing an ORANGE KEY.
Zoom all the way out and click left.
Zoom in on the orange door.
Use the ORANGE KEY to unlock the door.
The door reveals a boarded up wall.
This isn't the way out.
Click in the very top right side of the third board from the bottom.
Takes some doing to find the right spot.
Take the paper wedged in the door and unroll it.
Combine it with the other papers.
Now when you look at the completed paper, reading the letters down each column reveal the first 3 letters of colors.
Number each color on your paper from 1-7.
Remember the books from the shelf?
Apply the corresponding color numbers from the sheet to the order of the colored books.
Remember those 4 digits.
Zoom out and turn left to face the sofa.
Zoom in on the sofa.
Remember the tone the arm rest made?
Click on the arm rests in this sequence: LLRRLRL (L for left, R for right).
A hidden panel opens to reveal a safe.
Take those 4 digits from the step above and enter them on the keypad.
The code is a 6-digit code.
The first digit is * and the last is # with the 4 numbers in between.
try *1257# or *6437#
The safe opens to reveal a TIMER.
Note: If you turned the lights off by clicking the arm rests for the code,
turn the lights back on by clicking the left arm rest.
Zoom out and click twice (right or left) to face the media shelf.
Zoom in on the plug.
Unplug the power cord.
Highlight the timer and click "item info"
Click the timer in the center so that it faces you.
Set timer for about 3 mins.
Plug timer into wall.
Plug power cord from dvd player into timer.
Open gas valve if not already open.
Go to cat picture.
Click on cat head and then on down arrow to bring screen down.
Go to green pipe and put wheel in.
When timer gets to 30 seconds.
Turn wheel 4 times.
Remove wheel.
Lift carpet.
Open trapdoor using bracket.
Climb into trap.
Close trap door and wait.
Listen for 2 booms.
Wait till it goes quiet.
Climb out of trap and go thro hole in wall
and bobs your uncle


If you're going to post comments here for help with this game, please sign into TypeKey if you wish your call for help to be immediately available for others to see.

Thank you kindly. =)
(I'm going to bed now)


ok this ones got me


I have both screwdrivers
the paper
the wheel
the angled bracket
Plugged in the dvd player ;)
turned the wheel on the pipes fully both ways but it doesnt seem to do anything
Activated the cat painting
It looks like something is behind the plant pot but I cant get behind it.

head scratching now.


Teebor, it sounds like you've reached the same place I have, although you haven't mentioned the dark hole in the wall.

So, where to next?



I've got the screwdrivers and the piece of paper .. how did you get the rest??


Okay, I've got the home cinema screen down - how do I start the movie?


sorry first post was badly formatted


Found yellow screwdriver

found green screwdriver

Two bits of paper


angle bracket


hatch under carpet

Battery and activated painting

Plugged in dvd player

I can see a hatch on the guitar but don't know how to open it, same for the one under the carpet.

not sure what to do with the hole behind the guitar


Aargh, that was hard, but I finally got the door open.


The secret is with the guitar and the CD


No point though, the door is boarded up


But I've discover that the CD has another use


Garwain June 9, 2006 6:04 AM

OMG, this game beats viridian, crimson, blue and white chambers with ease. Its long, its hard, sometimes pixel-teasing, but a thrilling ending. In my opinion, a new standard has been set.

Garwain June 9, 2006 6:09 AM


blue key


Look deeper into the place where you found the wheel.

hatchet under carpet


Open it with that hooked thingy you unscrewed.


lift the trashcan and while it is lifted click the top of the trashcan, do this for few times and you will get the CD

Hunterface June 9, 2006 6:32 AM

Ok I'm stuck

I have


yellow screwdriver
green screwdriver
wall bracket
battery (used on painting)
Red key (used on wall hatch)

Where do you find the



Alasdh3 June 9, 2006 6:56 AM

I haven't gotten much farther


The trash can in fact has something in it... And you don't need a tool to get it out. It holds the key to the guitar

Gabriel June 9, 2006 6:59 AM

I can't find the second piece of paper. Though I have found the following:


Blue key - just got to click some more in the blue box under the bookshelf/cabinet.
After that you find some friction tape in the blue cabinet


A blue CD in the trashcan - flip it over and keep dunking
Did play the CD but it didn't reveal anything I could make into a clue - for now

Davania June 9, 2006 7:45 AM

Hi - where do i find the wheel?


OMG this one is tough, good luck guys

Davania June 9, 2006 7:46 AM

Hi - where do i find the




where is second screwdriver????

Weeblie June 9, 2006 8:33 AM

You're doing better than me!

I only have ...


spoiler testing!!


ok got the 1 bit of paper, both screw drivers, put the cd in the machine listen to the music, activated cat picture, found the blue cable in the floor, messed around with the turn wheel found all the holes etc..but cant open the guitar one, or the one on the wall...and whats with the plant?


Okay these what I've found:

1. red key to open a hatch on the wall
2. green screwdriver
3. a hatch on the floor below the red carpet, but I can't open it.
4. a dark ventilation behind the guitar
5. a metal fitting
6. a piece of paper with some codes
7. an electric battery to activate the painting
8. a strange activated painting
9. a yellow screwdriver to open the battery box behind the painting

now, i'm stucked !!


I need help some post a spoiler or hints item location anything im tired :(

Steven Johnson June 9, 2006 9:34 AM

teebor, i'm in the same place as you, except I can't


activate the painting

and I haven't


found the 2d bit of paper

. Can you move the books (not that I can...). Any clues?


I am not much farther but:


You get into the hatch under the carpet using the bracket. You have to click at just the right spot.


I am also at the same place as teebor, except I have 2 batteries and the dvd player is actually on.

spazworrier June 9, 2006 9:45 AM

You can activate the painting by:


Clicking the cat's face (where the nouse would be), but only when you have put both batteries in.

amendment_xxviii June 9, 2006 9:48 AM

to activate the painting:


Click left edge of frame (painting will tilt), click right edge of frame (it will tilt the other way), click the top edge (it will drop), click on the canvas (it will spin around).

Steveness June 9, 2006 9:48 AM

Okay, I can't find the 2nd piece of paper either.

I was able to


push the top section of the blue cabinet after removing the angle bracket


which contained two items

It looks like


a screen drops down from the ceiling where the slit appears, and a projector will pop out from above the sofa

, but I don't know yet.

I'm also stuck with other things teebor mentioned...


I'm a bit further ahead (I say a bit!)


play the tune on the song and the rear hatch should open giving you a key. This key opens the main door, which is plastered and planked!

And Steven


you have to click three times in succession on the painting, once at the bottom left, once at the right and once at the top left. Then use the screwdriver to access the battery section. Not entirly sure what this does though

Steveness June 9, 2006 9:50 AM

Oh, and to


activate the painting,


click on the frame to move it, insert the battery, and click on the cat's face. I don't know what the arrows do.

waahoowaa June 9, 2006 9:52 AM

Teebor --

The guitar....


You'll need the CD.

Where's that?


Have you REALLY checked out the trashcan?

Once you've got it....


Listen closely -- you'll have to play the song on the guitar.

waahoowaa June 9, 2006 9:53 AM

Steven --

2nd Piece of Paper


Look at the plant's leaves -- it's a pixel click :-(

The books?


Can't move them -- but the colors are will be important


bitter party pooping ahead:
I have to admit I didn't even complete this one- Too many of those single-pixel hotspots which give you no clue of their existence. It's a cheap way of extending a game's longevity, and should be banned from all future games by law.

And anyway, where's the "truly exceptional interactive experience" ? it FEELS like every other "escape the room" game out there. True, the production values are somewhat higher than on most of the others, but it still fails to add anything significant to the experience - no unique atmosphere or story, no unique gameplay ideas, and no unique audio/visuals.


Where I'm up to:


I just finished playing the song on the guitar, and opened the door. There doesn't seem to be anything you can do with the boards, concrete, or the door itself, though. I have 2 slips of paper, 2 screwdrivers, the L-bracket, and the rotary valve in my inventory. I have no idea what to do with the arrows on the painting or which direction(s) to turn the rotary valve on the pipes.

I'll play around with it a little after work and see if I can figure it out.

waahoowaa June 9, 2006 10:11 AM

3:48 AM?

Jay -- You need some beauty rest! (Or less caffeine..)

amendment_xxviii June 9, 2006 10:13 AM

to activate the painting:


click the left edge of the frame (tilt left), then the right edge (tilt right), then the top edge (drop), then on the canvas (turn around).

waahoowaa June 9, 2006 10:18 AM

ZK -

Concrete & Boards


You'll find the third piece of paper... another pixel click :-(

And here's a suggestion if you are stuck...


Have you REALLY checked out the rug?


You have what you need in your inventory

After you finish that - things that may not have worked will!


where is the second srewdriver???????


Ok here is my status, I have


Both screwdrivers, 2 pieces of paper, the L bracket, access to the light switches (don't know what they do) I've turned the valve to the left (Don't know what that did either) and put the battery in the painting (don't know what the arrows are for). I've listened to the CD and I think I know the song but when I play it on the guitar it does nothing... you only use the 3 right strings correct? In terms of the 3 right strings and r=rightmost, l=leftmost, m=middle, I'm playing this...
Is this wrong? AHH!


Got the


cd from the trashcan, I didn't smack the bottom enough

Only problem is I am so tone deaf I make a house brick look musical so I am totally stuffed now.

Evilwumpus June 9, 2006 10:40 AM

1. I plugged in the DVD player but it still says there's no electricity.

2. I can't find where to click on the plant to get the paper! Can someone be clearer on where to click? I ran my mouse up and down the whole @%#%!ing tree!

waahoowaa June 9, 2006 10:50 AM

For the completely tone deaf....


I am calling the lowest string 1 and the top string 6. You need to play: 164541645466655566654.

MsGemini June 9, 2006 11:01 AM

I died..


use the cd to flash light into the black box behind the guitar its a gas-valve. And the wheel goes on the pipe. I turned it a certian way and the room filled up with gas and then i died.


Thanks Waahoowaa,

I did it logically and I got to exactly what you had their as well, but my game would not do what it was meant to so I had to start again from scratch :(

MsGemini June 9, 2006 11:07 AM

how do you open


the box on the floor under the rug


I fig something out not sure if it is helpfull but


If you put the peices of the paper you can see a code or at least I did. They are colours from left to right it reads
blu - blue
red - red
ora - orange
yel - yello
gre - green
bro - brown
vio - violet

also how do you turn on the painting??


I need some serious help.


Where's the yellow screwdriver, how do I plug in the DVD player, and where should I click on the boards to find the 3rd piece of paper?


The dark hole


the CD can reflect light


Yellow screwdriver = behind the sofa, click on the bin and then behind the sofa to get it

3rd piece of paper = about half way down the screen right next to the door

Click on the dvd player stand and then to the left of it to see behind and plug in the dvd player




I have the DVD and CD and opened the doorand have all three pieces of paper and understand they are colors, what do i do next?


bracket and further


use bracket 2 open lid in the ground, then fix wires with tape, then the cat will rock if you switch on the switch and have a dvd

MsGemini June 9, 2006 11:35 AM

The paper that u find in the door, the letters stand for colors. b-blue r- red.. and so on

Steven Johnson June 9, 2006 11:36 AM

I still can't


activate the painting. I've put the batteries in... what else?


What do I do now that the


door is open and I have the DVD and CD? I have all three pieces of paper and I assume they are colors but I don't know what to do with them!


Click on the face of the cat

I'm still stuck though, not sure what to do with the


colour patterns


hey ppl...
help me out with the CD and the 3rd piece of paper...
i have clicked every place possible in the trash can and havent got that CD :-(

Steven Johnson June 9, 2006 11:53 AM

Thanks teebor! I must have clicked around everywhere except there!
Same here for the


color patterns. It seems as though we're missing some books?


Urk. I still can't find the metal bracket or the wheel!

Any hints on where these are hidden?





Look at the blue cupboard and then look to the right of it.

Once you have undone the bracket you can push the top of the cupboard

Just make sure you look extra close after you find what you are looking for though

MsGemini June 9, 2006 12:19 PM

i still can't find the blue key and I can't open the door under the rug


if you start gassing yourself with the valve in the wall, you can turn if back off then wait (i had opened the pipes with the wheel to the left (traditionally; right is close and left is open on a gasket)) and the gas eventually filtered out of the room (i dont know if this means the pipes have soemthing to do with airflow or not)

MsGemini June 9, 2006 12:19 PM

i still can't find the blue key and I can't open the door under the rug


help me out!!!


Where is the tape for fixing the wires?
What about the color patterns?

MsGemini June 9, 2006 12:22 PM

nvm i got the blue key

MsGemini June 9, 2006 12:25 PM

walkthrought that i found.. I'm not gonna use it right now though, i like figurin stuff out on my own 1st


Beginning screen: click on bottom of the pink media desk to zoom in. Click under the desk pick up the GREEN SCREWDRIVER. Zoom out once and click the area of blue wall that shows between the two left legs of the desk. Plug POWER CORD in. Zoom out.
Click on the blue bookshelf to zoom in. Click on top of the shelf and pick up the RED KEY. Zoom out and click on the middle of the shaded area between the wall and blue bookcase to zoom in on a bracket. Use the GREEN SCREWDRIVER and remove the bracket. Still on the same screen click the upper side of the bookcase. Pick up the WHEEL. But wait, there's something else in there. Click further in and pick up the BLUE KEY. Zoom back out until you're facing the bookshelf. Use the BLUE KEY to unlock the cabinet and take the TAPE. While you're there, note the 4 books and the order of their colors.
Zoom back out until you're facing the room the way you were when you started. Click on the upper left corner of the carpet to zoom in. Click the corner again. To reveal a trap door. Click along the side of the rolled up carpet (near the top). Pick up the red DVD. Zoom out once to face the trap door again. Click on the trap door to zoom in. Use the BRACKET on the middle of the right edge to wedge the trap door. Click the wedged bracket again to open the door. Click on the middle of the wires to zoom in on the broken blue wire. NOTE: If you don't click the right spot on the wires when trying to zoom in you'll find yourself in the trap space. Get back out and start again. Good to know that you can hide there, you'll need it later. Use the TAPE to repair the wire and zoom all the way back out.
Click right. Now you're facing a bare wall and the plant. Click on the panel in the wall. Use the RED KEY to unlock the panel. Switch all the power switches to the on position. Zoom back out and zoom in on the plant. Midway on the left side of the plant, click on the larger of the two middle leaves. It takes a bit of doing to find the right pixel. When you've done it, pick up the rolled up piece of PAPER. Unroll it.
Zoom back out and click to the right again to face the yellow sofa. Zoom in once and click on the 3rd cushion. Pick up the PAPER and open it. Click on the other piece of paper in inventory and the two will combine. Click under the sofa and retrieve a BATTERY and zoom back out all the way.
Click on the wastebasket to zoom in. Click on the floor near the sofa. Pick up the yellow screwdriver from behind the sofa. Zoom back out and click on the wastebasket once to lift it up, and a second time on the left side on the rim to turn it over. Keep clicking on the bottom of the bin until a CD falls out. Take the CD. Zoom all the way out.
Click the green pipe. The room view will move once to the right. Zoom in on the pipe. Attach the WHEEL to the pipe and click on the left side of the wheel. Click until it can't turn anymore. If it doesn't turn at all, then it's okay the way it is. Remove the wheel. Zoom out and zoom in on the cat picture. Click on the left upper corner, then the right upper corner and the middle of the top frame. The picture will fall off. Click on the right side of the frame to flip the picture over. Zoom in on the panel and remove the screws with the YELLOW SCREWDRIVER. Open the panel and place the BATTER you found under the sofa into the panel. Close it all back up and put the picture in its place. Zoom out and click right. Now you're facing the media shelf again. Zoom in on the dvd player. Turn the power on and play the cd. Listen to the music and remember the tones. Remove the cd and put the dvd in the player. Zoom all the way out and zoom in on the guitar.
Click on the guitar neck to reveal a hole in the wall. Click to zoom in. You can't see in there, so you use the CD, which will reflect light into the hole. Now you can see a gas valve. Click the valve to open it (little roundish thing on top). Zoom all the way out. Click left to face the cat picture.
Zoom in on the picture. Click on the cat's head. The eyes will light up and two arrows will appear. Click the down arrow and a projection screen will lower. Turn to face the sofa and zoom in. Click the back of the left armrest to zoom in on it. Click the rounded end of the armrest to turn off the lights. Also note that a tone is played. You will see video buttons appear. Click the Play arrow. The math works out to time=30. Click the stop button and then the end of the armrest to turn the lights back on. Zoom back out and go back to the cat picture. Click on the head and then the up arrow for the screen to go back up.
Now zoom out and zoom in on the guitar. Remember the cd music? It needs to be played on the guitar. Zoom in on the strings. By numbering the strings left to right from 1-6 from play the following strings: 164541645466655566654. A compartment on the guitar opens, revealing an ORANGE KEY.
Zoom all the way out and click left. Zoom in on the orange door. Use the ORANGE KEY to unlock the door. The door reveals a boarded up wall. This isn't the way out. Click in the very top right side of the third board from the bottom. Takes some doing to find the right spot. Take the paper wedged in the door and unroll it. Combine it with the other papers.
Now when you look at the completed paper, reading the letters down each column reveal the first 3 letters of colors. Number each color on your paper from 1-7. Remember the books from the shelf? Apply the corresponding color numbers from the sheet to the order of the colored books. Remember those 4 digits.
Zoom out and turn left to face the sofa. Zoom in on the sofa. Remember the tone the arm rest made? Click on the arm rests in this sequence: LLRRLRL (L for left, R for right). A hidden panel opens to reveal a safe. Take those 4 digits from the step above and enter them on the keypad. The code is a 6-digit code. The first digit is * and the last is # with the 4 numbers in between. The safe opens to reveal a TIMER. Note: If you turned the lights off by clicking the arm rests for the code, turn the lights back on by clicking the left arm rest.
Zoom out and click twice (right or left) to face the media shelf. Zoom in on the plug. Unplug the power cord. Highlight the timer and click "item info" Click the timer in the center so that it faces you. Set the timer for as much or as little time as you think you'll need to get ready to gas the place. 3 minutes should be more than enough. Plug the timer into the wall and then reconnect the power cord from the dvd player into the front of the timer.
Now you've got to be quick. Note: If you didn't open the gas valve until this point, hurry up and do it now! Go to the cat picture, click on the cat's head and the down arrow to bring the screen down. Then go over to the green pipe and put the wheel in place. When you're down to 30 seconds click the wheel on the right side 4 times to make it turn right. Put the wheel back in inventory or you can't leave the screen. Now the room is filling with gas. Hurry!!! Get your butt into the trap (don't forget you need to use the bracket to open it). Close the trap door. 5..4..3..2..1…BOOM!!! BOOM again….quiet.
Climb out. Click huge hole in the wall. You're out…or are you?


hey MsGemini,
wheres the blue key????


did some extra testing and it seems;


The pipes and valve on the wall effects the flow of gas to the stopper in the wall behind the guitar. thuring it to the far right will shut off the gas entirely.


where is the green screw driver

i've looked eveerywhere

MsGemini June 9, 2006 12:30 PM



1. look under the computer table for a + screwdriver.

2. look on top of the bookcase for a red key.

3. look to the right of the bookcase. Use the screwdriver on the angle bracket. Click the horizontal line on the side of the bookcase to slide it open. Take the wheel. Click around the leftish side (i.e. front of the bookcase) of this "drawer" to look further in and get the blue key.

4. Use the blue key on the bookcase to get the tape.

5. go back to the main view of guitar/player/bookcase and click on the left corner of the carpet.

6. Use the angle bracket on the right edge of the trapdoor, around the middle, then click on the bracket to open.

7. Click the frayed-looking area of the cable (middle of blue one). Use your tape to fix it.

8. Close the trapdoor and back up once so you see the carpet. Click the edge between the carpet and its shadow, near the top. Pick up a DVD. Put the carpet back.

9. Back out of this view and turn to the right. Use your red key on the door up high on the wall. Turn all the switches up.

10. Zoom on the plant. There's a little paper on one of the leaves on the left (the one that is the 2nd longest, on left. Click it where it meets the leaf above it.)

11. Look under the couch for a battery.

12. Under the 3rd cushion on the couch is paper #2. Assemble with paper #1.

13. Click the wastebasket to lift it, click inside to turn it over, click its bottom a bunch of times to get the CD. Click again to place back on floor.

14. Same position and view. Click behind the couch for a - screwdriver.

15. Turn right to the picture. Click the corners: top left, bottom right, top left. Click the picture to turn it over on right frame. Use the - (screwdriver straight tip), open the panel, click screws to remove after unscrewing them. Put in the battery. Put lid back on, click screws, screw shut. Replace picture back on wall.

16. Click on the guitar, then top of its neck. Click the hole, then use the cd (blue) to see. Click the top of the valve to turn it on.

17. Close-up on the pink shelf with the player. Click to the left of the left rear leg and then click the plug to plug it in.

18. (Optional but worthwhile.) Pop in the DVD, click the cat's face in the picture, click the down arrow to lower the screen, go to the couch view, click the shadow on the left side arm, click the end of the arm to turn off the lights, click play. That will show you the formula x>=3, t = 480/x^2. (Solve: x=4 t=30)

19. Pop in the CD and play it. Duplicate the melody on the guitar.
6132 3613 2311 1222 1112 3, where 6 is the far left string.
If you done it right the guitar panel should pop open and give you the door key.

20. Go ahead, open the door!

21. Grab paper #3 in the boards somewhere between board three and four towards edge of door area.

22. out the code for the safe. Number the colors on your paper 1..7 from left to right. Your books are in the order blue, red, green, violet. This forms your code.
(Not all codes are the same) changes from game to game)
Very easy to figure out.

23. Go to cd player, play music again. Go immediately to the couch. Cick the ends of the couch arms:
When facing the couch straight on, click the arms in this order LLRRLRL, which works to open the safe.
(A safe panel in the lower middle of the couch will open.)

24. Zoom in on that and enter your code followed by the (#) symbol.

25. Take the timer.

26. Go back behind where the player plugs in. Set the timer first. Give yourself maybe 1:30 - 2 minutes. (I suggest 2 minutes) Plug the timer into the wall and the player into the timer. Turn on the cat (click cats face) and put the screen down.

28. If you timed it wrong and the screen starts getting half-white inside the hatch and you're still a long ways from the counter hitting 0, get out, pop the wheel back on the pipe and crank it all the way counter-clockwise. Raise the screen. If you manage this before it all goes white, the gas will disperse and you'll get another chance to try it. Otherwise... you die, of course ...

27. You need t=30 seconds of gas buildup. Pop the wheel on the green pipe and at around :38- 40 seconds, crank it clockwise x=4 times (if you looked the DVD, there's a five-armed symbol, just like the wheel, when it shows the formula for X.) Jump like Jack into the Hatch and close the lid.
(By the time you do all this I found it easier not to wait for formula X to show..just get in the hatch, Click door lid to close you in the hatech, Then wait.)

28. Blam blam and blam! Enjoy the ending music. Exit hatch and go through hole in wall. Have fun.

29. If you timed it wrong and the screen starts getting half-white inside the hatch and you're still a long ways from the counter hitting 0, get out, pop the wheel back on the pipe and crank it all the way counter-clockwise. Raise the screen. If you manage this before it all goes white, the gas will disperse and you'll get another chance to try it. Otherwise... you die, of course ...

MsGemini June 9, 2006 12:32 PM

the blue key is


where you got the wheel from, click the bottom left corner


ugh, i feel stupid, i plugged in the dvd player but it still wont work. anyone willing to hint?


chris - you need to find a screen to watch it on. ;)


Hey, long-time lurker. Last time I checked, nobody had figured out...


If you turn off the lights then look at your 3 pieces of paper you get a verse...


sorry, my previous spoiler is backwards. just switch left and right.


i loved this game. although i hated


the timing at the ending with the gas

that was the most complicated thing. i'm not very time savvy.
oh, and the walkthrough, which i believe was on lazylaces, has an error.


don't open the valve the first time it tells you to


(sorry, i meant the first walkthrough)

MsGemini June 9, 2006 12:56 PM

when you put the paper together you get


bro-brown red ora-orange yel-yellow gre-green blu-blue vio- violet this has somethin to do with the left arm rest of the couch

MsGemini June 9, 2006 1:41 PM

YAY i beat it!!!!


easy as 4u(k i beat it in like ten-12 mins my first try i didnt even use these spoiler things that you guys use, you are too dumb to get this game done *cough chris cough*

Shastanna June 9, 2006 5:37 PM

Thanks for another awesome game, Jay!! I've spent hours in front of the computer playing this morning, and it was great!!

Thanks again,


darn it!


i was playing with the painting and accidentally made the projection screen come down. i have the dvd but i can't get the screen back up to put it in the player. what the heck.


First off, I love this site. I've been visiting it for about a month now. I hate to pooh-pooh this game, given the glowing review posted on the front page, but at certain points it was a pain in the a**. The puzzles were reasonably inventive, which I liked, but there were some ridiculous pixel-hunting requirements to satisfy.

For example:


Opening up the hatch with the little metal clamp. I can see why, if something just has to be cliked on and is out in the open, you'd want a very small range on the screen to apply to it. But when you have to go through the trouble of selecting a specific tool to open a hatch with no dscernable hinge, haven't you done enough? I tried everything to get that door open, and used every tool. I had to check out the walkthrough to find out that you use the metal hinge on an impossibly small portion of the right-hand side. And while we're on that screen, this is also where you get the DVD. First off, I don't recall any visual clues that would suggest "Hey, there's something there." That's pretty standard with these games, however. On the other hand, if you click just about anywhere else on the rug, it unrolls and you have to click it again. That seriously discourages any exploration. Maybe I'm bitter because I had to check the walkthrough to figure out what to do =). That was also the problem with the blue key. You had to click on an area that wasn't unique at all. How in the hell do people beat these games without help? There's got to be a bit of luck involved...I hope

Was this a fun game? Yeah, it wasn't bad. Does it stand out among the other 'escape the room' games, as the review suggests? Not in my opinion; it has pretty much the same downfalls of the worst of the lot.


nevermind, i got it back up *is dumb*


Thanks to Waahoowaa for the hints and also to MsGemini for the walkthrough. I made it to the end...


...but I still died from the gas as I was waiting for the timer to count down; bad timing on my part, it seems. Oh well! :)

You know, I have to say that it's really disappointing to see more and more of these new point-and-click games deteriorating into frenzied pixel-hunts. Most of the time, I can't even complete these games on my own...not because I lack the necessary intelligence or problem-solving skills, but rather because I can't seem to find the correct pixel to click on, thereby missing out on some important item or plot event and getting confused and/or frustrated along the way.


The arrows


control the up or down of the media screen


I totally agree with the impossibly small and unnecessary pixel hunts.

I mean, if you really WERE in the room, would you really need to look for a "pixel" that small?



the part where you find the blue key in the same spot as the valve wheel. I mean, you'd really just be able to bend down and look inside, so why not make the clickable area larger?

I know these things have really become "standard" to escape the room games, but should they really be used?
It turns a rather well-done puzzle solving game into a click-and-hope-you're-lucky game, involving no skill.
I also have a beef with musical elements.
Games of the Simon-Says type are fine, as are those that employ one-note-at-a-time type devices that you have to replicate.


But giving a full musical piece with full chords and multiple instruments, and then asking the user to replay THAT on a guitar?

Come on, I'm pretty sure that most of the population is NOT that musically inclined.

Well, I have to return to the world of the mundane and do some laundry, but hopefully this message reached someone and convinced them that the purpose of puzzle games should be solving PUZZLES, not to frustrate players because they can't find the world's smallest clickable area.



the paper


after you put the pieces together


then click on the left arm and right arm of the couch, the lights go out and...


view the paper in the dark and it says


the start extinguishes all in all
and the key with very thin edge swallows all in all.


There is something more with the CD that no one has mentioned, i dont think.


If you put the CD in the player but DO NOT press play you can figure out the guitar string order and also the order in which you have to click the couch arms!!

After the CD is in the player go over to the couch and click on the left arm, when you are close up to it press on the tip of the arm and press play and read the track title!!


Wow... that was complicated, but fun :D I felt very James Bondish in the end. I thought I was going to


suffocate in that little hatch

. Great game! Thanks!


kokuou - the guitar puzzle was brilliant and not overly difficult as it employed a simple melody. I loved it, and I solved it by ear from listening to the CD and felt very gratified for doing so.

I say bring on more games like that because I'm tired of playing the simple Simon Says type games.


Er, I assume that the explosion is triggered by the electricity being let through into the room. Right? I wish we could have seen what happened in the room right about then.


uhhhh...still can't get the piece of paper from the door. i've clicked all over.

remister June 10, 2006 1:43 AM

Whoa, that was fun, I just completed it :)

Elizabeth June 10, 2006 3:52 AM

The tail end of this game was very cool (and really, really difficult), but the initial task of finding the items was very random-pixel-guessing heavy, and that annoys me. :/



Well, I suppose this wasn't the _hardest_ music puzzle we've ever come across, but even ones like this which you think are simple, I find extremely difficult.
This probably has to do with the fact that I am tonedeaf (don't ask me to sing if you value your sense of hearing - yet, I enjoy karaoke...), but I still think that this annoying "look for the one clickable pixel that is right beside the area that you click to go back!" stuff is WAY to overused.

Sorry if my rant sounded bitter--I was at the time with the game ;)

OTHER than those two things, I suppose the game was good :D


This is a pretty impressive game, except for the few things mentioned here that people have already complained about, like the pixel-hunts.

The other thing that concerned me, though, is that I died at least 3 times before I gave up. :( Not cool. That's why I almost gave up on that one point-and-click game that involved a yellow guy in a suit. The last puzzle was just way too hard! But at least it let you restart from that point, not from the very beginning.

Fairly nice play (minus the timer and restart from the beginning), excellent graphics. All in all a B from my standpoint.


Cheers, kokuou! =)

It's ok to disagree, and I do agree with the pixel hunting complaint, though the hotspots in this game weren't nearly as small as in some I've played that literally were one pixel in size.

However, after playing enough of these games, I've become quite good at knowing where to click, and I do click in every conceivable place to find items.

If some items weren't a bit difficult to find, there would be complaints that the game was too easy. Bottom line: there always seems to be something for someone to complain about. ;)


crap .. all my hard work :(
i died.


I did everything the walkthrough told me and I didn't hear any boom


tried to beat this game again.


after turning the wheel to let in the gas, i hid in the trap. i did this twice, since the screen kept starting to fade. i start turning the wheel to the right with 30 seconds left on the timer. what am i doing wrong? :(

squeak9312 June 11, 2006 1:14 PM



I cant find the pixel on the leaf plzz help!


I Need Code For The Safe Under The Sofa!


This is how to get the yellow screw driver:


Click the place where the trash can is, then, click to the left on the back part of the couch, and you'll see the yellow screw driver!


What color #s?



thanx for the info - even if I was rather slothish in replying :)


i can't get the red DVD out of the mat, where to click to on the mat to get the DVD?


WHY in the world would anyone like these horrible pixel-hunting games? I mean, to some degree they can be fun (I love room-escape/point-an-click games), but whent it's a SINGLE PIXEL...come on! Even with the walkthrough, it's nearly impossible to find each item. The game would be great if it weren't for that.


How do you Open the man hole thing I have been playing for about 7 hours on the same part!!!! I beg youuu


Having trouble figuring out the books-and-paper clue? It took me a while, even following the instructions from the walkthrough, so here it is spelled out in detail:

Interpreting the paper:


The order of the columns from left to right are your numbers.
For example,


if your paper says: "bro red ora yel gre blu vio" then that means:
1 - Brown
2 - Red
3 - Orange
4 - Yellow
5 - Green
6 - Blue
7 - Violet

Using the books:


Ok, so now you have seven numbers but only four books, right? How does this work?
Well, the books show you which numbers to use and what order to put them in.
For example,


if the books are (from left to right) Blue, Red, Green, Violet, then using the above example, your code is 6257. (And don't forget the * and # as indicated in the walkthrough.)

I had a tough time figuring out exactly what was meant in the walkthrough, so I thought I'd spell it out.


What is the point of making it completely illogical so that it can't be figured out WITHOUT a walkthrough? It doesn't make sense. Yep...pretty sucky that you die if you are going back and forth to the walkthrough and run out of time. I'm pretty disappointed with this one. Lucky for me, there are still another, what, 1500 games to play? <:p


after clicking 58 times all around the top of the rolled-up carpet, i gave up.
a game should be more fun than annoying.


I must totally agree with gotica (prev post); This game is not fun, it's just annoying. There is little common sense or logic behind it at all. e.g. why do i need a stupid bracket to open the hidden trap door, while i can't do it with the screw driver, which in real life would the appropriate choice. Where in the world do I need the armrest of the couch to switch of the light, only to find a "couch" build-in media player, while the room is separated by some weird screen. How more stupid can it get. There should be a "fil rouge" (common thread) all the way and not just some weird logic, who's solvents happens more accidentally then as a result of your own logic consideration. The so called escape seems to be rather a micro"soft" getaway than a good old escape game. What ever good "J a y" had to say about that game is in my opinion utterly irrelevant. Sure a good effort by the creator but far over the top. No way I would have spend hours and hours to waste some annoying time only to find a no way out.



OMG How do you get the right pixel on the plant. That is the only thing I cant figure out




I turned the wheel all the way to the *right* instead of the left.


Normally I'd start over, but this game just frustrated me to no end. There were a lot of things that I saw in the walkthrough where I was like "but, I actually thought of that, and it didn't work!" because the clicks need to be so exact. Hell, even with the walkthrough, I'd have to click on something many times before it would work, and if I'd been playing on my own, I would have assumed "well, there's obviously nothing there" and moved on.

It's also obnoxious that I keep accidentally clicking out of screen when I'm trying to do something.


i followed the walkthrough because i was stuck and i was hiding as it said but then i died?! what went wrong?

Telecommander May 26, 2008 8:49 AM

Hello! Can Anyone tell me how much time u needed to solve this game? THX A LOT


The same thing that happend to nomad, happend to me, I died. What was i doing wrong?


What Is The Real Code For The Safe In The Sofa?

Elmo Rogers July 6, 2008 6:35 PM

Number of turns isn't important: just turn wheel in the proper direction UNTIL IT STOPS. (i got 5)

oibaf12 July 8, 2008 4:47 AM

I did the walk through, turned the wheel 4 times to right at exactly 30 secs then went into that little trap door place and 30 secs later, i was still in there and it was filling with gas. i ended up dieing what went wrong are we sup[osed to flip the electric switches again or are we supposed to open that little panel above the sofa somehow?
what went wrong?


How do I put


the 3 papers together? I don't get it.


OK, so far so good but I turned off the light and now, not only I can't move but I can't find the switch again! arghhhh


i enjoyed the game - it was very clever. but i could NEVER have done it without the walkthrough. i got to a certain point and then that was it, i just had to follow most of the rest of the steps.

i agree with the two points that have been made:
the pixel hunting
the need for the walkthrough

are there any games that are similar that don't have these bad points that people could recommend?? i am a beginner at this sort of game so something easier would be better!!


sebastian January 16, 2009 9:09 AM

for those that follow the walkthrough and die,


turn the wheel right 5 times at exactly 30.00 seconds instead of 4, and you probability of surviving greatly increases. 4 times is also not wrong, but to survive the instructions of the walkthrough have to be carefully followed.


First of all: great walkthrough.
Second: do one for Out2: Out of File please?


I got to the end, when I was waiting for the two bombs, and than I died because of the air was so filled with gas...

nerdypants August 14, 2009 6:07 PM

So I get to the end, having done everything the walkthrough says, and I end up suffocating. Okay, I made a mistake. So now what? I'm supposed to do ALL THAT again? No. No, I am not doing all that again.

That, along with the confusing math problem and the pixel hunting, made this game almost completely unenjoyable. I couldn't even finish. Or rather, I could finish, I just refused to play the whole game all over again to fix my one mistake at the very end of the game.

Patreon VIP Chiktionary December 13, 2009 6:48 PM

I carefully followed the walkthrough, to the letter, and I also choked on the gas fumes...
Not going through all that again, but a great game nonetheless. Apart from the obscure '30 second' clue, it had nice crisp graphics, mildly irritating in the pixel hunting, great sounds. Quite liked the music on the cd.


Some escape games are merely bad, while this one is terrible.

Steel Denouement July 29, 2010 4:09 PM

I gave up after spending half an hour trying to find the right pixel on the plant. Can't somebody make a screen capture or just describe the location a little better?


Cannot turn off lights???


Clicking left armrest does not work


Oh my god, I hate this game.


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