Perhaps you wouldn't think it to look at it, considering all the lessons in school regarding the importance of looking at an issue from multiple perspectives, but a lot can be happening in one point of view. This is especially true when that viewpoint comes from Robamimi in this picturesque escape-the-room game, One Scene 2.
The premise here is simple, just as in Robamimi's first One Scene: explore everything possible along this singular wall to gather clues, solve puzzles, and enter codes until you can eventually make your way out that cleverly locked door. There's no turning around or navigating; just click on something you'd like to examine more closely and, if possible, pick it up. Items in your inventory can be used or viewed more closely; if an object is currently unusable, then figure out how to alter or change it into a more useful something. How well and how quickly you can turn subtle-yet-logical hints into solutions will determine how soon you can escape. Yet not every "Why is it so?" is obvious or even obviously reasonable. Some things just have to happen in a certain way—like in Want You: Who Am I?—or, in this case, at a certain time. That's overcome by moving on to another task if things aren't happening when you think they should.
Being stuck in this room is no chore, though; its clean lines, pleasant aesthetics and abstract piano composition add serenity to the scramble for answers. You'll find yourself out before you know it, probably sooner than you wish. It was fun while it lasted, though. If that wasn't enough, you could always hit "replay" or take a look through our escape game archives for something you might have overlooked.
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Walkthrough Guide
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One Scene Two, A Walkthrough
General Tips and Info
This walkthrough is designed to provide step-by-step instructions to guide you through the game with gentle nudges. More direct hints and outright solutions are embedded in separate spoilers in the sections where they're needed.
Use your mouse to explore the scene and keep notes of anything that can be a clue (and a clue can be most anything).
Some objects you can pick up but can't be used, only viewed. These will be clues, but you'll need to change them somehow by using a usable item on them.
Unless you have a very good memory, have a paper and pencil handy to keep track of information such as numbers and order and size.
Use the save button any time you use to leave the game; when you come back, select "LOAD" to return to your previous spot.
If you get stuck, use the "HINT" button at the bottom of the game screen; it will tell you where you should look next.
Some things will not happen until you do other things.... even if they seem unrelated. So if you find nothing is happening as you think it should, go do some other task then return to check on what you put aside. Specifically:
The incense will not burn down to ashes until you've completed everything else you can do up until that point. So, if you're stuck with an endlessly burning incense cone, check the walkthrough for which steps you might be missing.
Step-by-Step Guidance
Starting out you're facing a yellow wall...Zoom in on the chest of drawers by clicking once. Then, click again to view the UPPER LEFT DRAWER:
You need a three digit number to open this drawer. Back up to take a else along the wall.
Something on the door looks like a possible clue...
what could M infinity N mean?
The notation underneath indicates you should do something with this figure...
Turn it... Now this makes sense, it looks like a number.
3 8 2
With this information, go back to the UPPER LEFT DRAWER and enter in the code to open the door.
With the correct code entered (see spoilers above), open the upper left drawer to get:
a ZIPPO lighter.
Then back out. Now let's go for the big BOTTOM DRAWER; zoom in on it:
For this you'll need four digits. First, try to find what those four numbers could be...
Go to the small table by the door. On it, you'll see a CALENDER. Take a closer look at the calendar:
Ignore the circled dates at this time, they're just a bit of misdirection and won't help you right now.
Each page of the calender is numbered -and- each page has a picture of a plant. Don't those plants look familiar? Back up and have a look.
Yes. The plants on the shelf above the couch match the plants on the calendar.
You should now have enough information to crack the code.
The months provide the numbers.
The plants tell you the order.
5 4 3 6
Go back to the BOTTOM DRAWER to enter the code and open it.
With the correct four-digit code (see spoilers above), you can open the BOTTOM DRAWER to access two things:
an INCENSE cone. Grab it.
a beaded necklace. Probably a clue. Make note of it.
Ready to open the TOP RIGHT DRAWER? You bet you are!
The TOP RIGHT DRAWER has three buttons and each button has a dot: big, medium, small.
Recently you saw something else with big, medium and small circles, didn't you?
Take a close look at that necklace in the bottom drawer.
There's a pattern and a clue as to where to start and where to end.
Don't bother with the colors or the number on the center circle.
Click the buttons in this order:
small - big - medium - small - big - medium - small - big - small
Once you open the TOP RIGHT DRAWER (see spoilers above), you can get the...
Look for something to use the KNIFE on. Back up and go back to the small table by the door. On it is a wicker basket. Look inside:
a MAGONSTEEN fruit.Take it.
With the magonsteen in close-up view, use the KNIFE on it to cut it open. From inside the magonsteen get the...
CUBE. Put it aside for now.
On the table's bottom shelf is a GREY BOX. Time to open it:
The GREY BOX has two buttons: black and white. In your exploration, where else did you see black and white squares like that?
Go back to the chest of drawers. On its right side is a picture that has black and white squares. Unfortunately, that's not the answer yet. There must be some other pattern...
HINT:Notice the picture. What is it showing you?
Back up and then zoom in the white incense bowl on the left side of the chest.
Put your INCENSE in the bowl, then use the ZIPPO lighter to burn it. Back up.
How about doing some reading while waiting for it to burn?
NOTE: the incense will not finish burning until you've completed other tasks...See the previous steps in this walkthrough.
Head over to the white chair. Shoved inside the magazine, there's a...
If you put a few things together, you should be prepared to solve the code on the grey box.
1. Go back and collect the ASH from the incense bowl.
2. Pour the ASH onto the STICKY PAPER (from the magazine on the chair).
3. Notice the pattern on the sticky paper? Match it up with the design on the picture frame.
Press the buttons in the above sequence, then hit the dark grey bar to open the box.
When you've entered the correct code (see spoilers above), you can open the GREY BOX to get another...
Go back to the chest of drawers and look underneath—there's light-colored wood 7x5 GRID BOX titled "2 Cubes." Luckily, you happen to have two cubes (if you've solved everything up until now).
In order to open this box, you'll need to put the cubes in specific slots.
Look around the room for a clue, something that resembles the pattern on this box.
This grid is 7 spaces across, 5 spaces down. What other grid or chart has that same structure?
Have a look on the small table...
The calendar.
Look for spots marked on the 7x5 grid that is the calendar pages that would indicate where to place those cubes.
Starting from the uppermost square on the left...
1. Down to the second row, then go over to the third column (i.e. Tuesday, 10 April). Place one CUBE in that spot.
2. Go down to the fourth row, then over to the second column (i.e. Monday, 21 May).
VISUALLY it should look something like:
x x x x x x x
x x Cb x x x x
x x x x x x x
x Cb x x x x x
x x x x x x x
With the cubes in place, click the brown bar on the bottom edge to open the box.
When this box is open, it will yield...
Go over to the LOCK DEVICE ON THE WALL by the door and insert the FUSE (see spoilers above). The "scope" will unlock.
You can use the information gathered from looking out the scope to open the BROWN BOX on top of the chest of drawers:
In the middle of the door is a "peep hole"; a little green light will indicate it's working if you've inserted the fuse in the locking device.
Look through the door scope/peep hole and take note of two things:
The information on the signboard.
The design in the adjacent wall/fence.
Which that last bit of information, you're ready to open the BROWN BOX.
The levers on the brown box should resemble what you see when looking out the peep hole.
Position of the levers (from left to right):
1st lever = middle
2nd lever = low
3rd lever = high
4th lever = middle
5th lever = high
When you move the levers correctly (see above spoiler) on the BROWN BOX, you'll get a:
Back up and move right to the BLUE FLOOR LAMP. Insert the LIGHT BULB into the socket at the top of the floor lamp...
The lamp lights up and provides one of five important clues to solving the UNLOCK CODE for the DEVICE BY THE DOOR.
The pattern is circle, heart, star, and pentagon.
Look around the scene for more circles, hearts, stars and pentagons...
Inside the bottom drawer is a circle.
There's a heart in the picture frame.
The magazine has stars.
Look out the peep hole for the pentagon.
Circle = 4 (on the necklace in the bottom drawer).
Heart = 5 (in the black and white picture on the bureau).
Stars = 3 (the magazine cover has 3 stars).
Pentagon = 1 (the signboard seen out the peephole/door scope).
Using the order shown on the lamp, the exit code is:
With the help of the lighted floor lamp and four clues scattered about the scene, you have the exit code (see above spoilers). Input the numbers into the device by the door. Hit enter and the device will now read "Unlocked."
Now, just back up and click on the door when you're ready to leave. Ta da!
Posted by: elle
March 22, 2012 2:14 AM