The usual room escape story forms the basis of O Cofre: you're trapped and must solve puzzles to get out. The game begins where O Quarto left off, though you don't have to play the first game to understand the sequel (but it's highly recommended!). Use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to navigate the room and the mouse to click and examine objects.
The inventory system has been upgraded to make item management a much easier affair. To mix items, simply click the "mix" icon to the right of the screen, then click the two items you want to combine. No more fumbling! And now, whenever a mini-screen covers your view with a close-up of an item or location, moving the cursor outside of the window restores your normal view. Subtle touches that make the game even more playable.
Analysis: O Quarto dug its hooks into me earlier this year with very well-balanced puzzles that offered just enough challenge to keep me interested in solving them. O Cofre pushes the difficulty up a notch or two with more complex mathematical-based puzzles to solve, which may turn some players away.
The atmosphere in O Cofre is decidedly darker as well, with mature-themed language and violence inserted to match the horror atmosphere. We're hoping the next installment in the "O" series will be a little more family-friendly to let more players experience the piece of gaming bliss the series brings.
Room escape games are normally carbon copies of the same formula, but O Cofre breaks the mold right where it counts. Great visuals, excellent puzzles, and loads of replay value with four different endings to uncover.
Note: Several people have noted that this game contains mature themes that may be suitable for persons age 17 or older only. Please use discretion when recommending this game to younger game players.
Walkthrough Guide
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Complete walkthrough with all endings
Room 1
Get the piece of paper underneath the vase
Get the red book, notebook, corousel, speaker, and big piece of paper from the book shelf.
Click the set of books and click the far right one note 2x + y = 18
Examine the speaker, click around the top and get a magnet
Examine the corousel, click the bottom drawer and get a piece of paper
Examine the corousel, click one of the top circles and get a letter opener.
Examine the red book, click it and get a gun
Use the magnet on the mouse hole to get a bullet
Shoot the dog in the hallway
Get the blue tape from the bench in the hallway
Examine the blue tape and get a piece of paper
Room 2
Get the piece of paper from the plant
Get the key from behind the vase for the plant
Move the rug something is in the vent (note z=6)
Open the right desk drawer with the key from behind the plant
Get the piece of paper and the real brazilian coin from the drawer .. note z=(x+y)/2
Click the dark spot inside the drawer and note x = y = z
Get the rub from the picture on the wall .. its at the bottom left
Look at the diploma on the wall note x > 5
Room 1
Get the mp3 player by putting the ruby into the lion statue on the bookshelf
Click on the safe and hit buttons 1,2,5 for the light puzzle
Enter 6,6,6 for the safe combo
Take the string from the safe
Combine the string and the magnet
Room 2
Use the new magnet on the vent to get the silver key
Use the key on the black door in this room
Room 3
Use the letter opener on the Teddy Bear and get the ID card
Click on the box and get the piece of paper and the T-Socket
Combine the big piece of paper and the small pieces of paper line up the colors with the dots to get your passwords
Here is where you decide which ending you want 1-4
Ending 1
Go back to room one and enter the passwords snow, fire, blue
Use the id card in the slot
Put coin into the slot and choose the freedom key
Go back to room 2 and exit through the big door with the key
Ending 2
Go back to room one and enter the passwords snow,fire,blue
Use the id card in the slot
Put coin into the slot and choose the apple
Get the key
Go to the second room and use the key on the left drawer in the bench
Get the battery from the drawer
Combine the batter with the mp3 player
Examine and mp3 player and hit play this is your passcode to the big circle door. (its a random code so you do have to get it yourself)
Ending 3
Talk to the guy in the room with the teddy bear
Ask who he is and about the guy in the bathroom. He will deny killing that guy.
Leave that room and go towards the big door in the second room. You will hear the metal door in room 1 open.
Go back to room one and pick up the keys that say HE LIED
Go to the safe and enter the passwords snow,fire,blue
Use the key in the top and get the red tape
Use the id card in the slot
Put coin into the slot and choose the apple
Get the key
Go to the second room and use the key on the left drawer in the bench
Get the battery from the drawer
Combine the batter with the mp3 player
Go watch the red tape on the VCR. Note he did kill the guy
Go back into the room with the guy and tell him you watched the tape and ask about the lady. He will eventually give you a bullet.
Examine and mp3 player and hit play this is your passcode to the big circle door. (its a random code so you do have to get it yourself)
Shoot the lady
Ending 4
Talk to the guy in the room with the teddy bear
Ask who he is and about the guy in the bathroom. He will deny killing that guy.
Leave that room and go towards the big door in the second room. You will hear the metal door in room 1 open.
Go back to room one and pick up the keys that say HE LIED
Go to the safe and enter the passwords snow,fire,blue
Use the key in the top and get the red tape
Use the id card in the slot
Put coin into the slot and choose the apple
Get the key
Go to the second room and use the key on the left drawer in the bench
Get the battery from the drawer
Combine the batter with the mp3 player
Go watch the red tape on the VCR. Note he did kill the guy
Go back into the room with the guy and tell him he is a liar and ask about him and call him a monster.
Leave the room towards room one and BANG.
Go back to the room where the guy was and pick up the rings
Examine and mp3 player and hit play this is your passcode to the big circle door. (its a random code so you do have to get it yourself)
Give the lady the rings
Posted by: jesse
April 27, 2007 11:56 AM