Nani-Quest, the newest of the many not-so-typical escape games that Detarou is so famous for, dumps you into the middle of what looks like a Dungeons & Dragons dungeon raid gone awry, with an adventuring party consisting of a mage and swordsman who just can't sort out their differences, a martial artist who seems to have really bad luck with mimics and traps, an archer who's always kneeling alone in the corner... and you, apparently the party's only useful member... rogue, maybe? As is the custom, use the mouse to navigate and interact; a changing cursor will alert you to what you can tinker with. Click the edges of the screen when the bars appear to turn left and right, or to back away from a close-up view. When something's in your inventory, click once to use it or double-click to examine it. Expect several clues and gadgets to be used more than once, and don't forget about the SAVE button.
Detarou has a knack for combining surreal elements with surprisingly logical puzzles, and such is the case in Nani-Quest as well... albeit this one's a little easier on the surreal than, say, Dayori or Office. It's an excellent piece of escape work, so go in there and salvage this dungeon raid so the party can recuperate at the nearest tavern. Hope you've got your +5 Mouse Cursor of Puzzle-Solving equipped.
Walkthrough Guide
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Room 1:
1. turn to the right. You should see 3 statues
2. take the paper from the wall. It contains a 3x3 grid of symbols.
3. look at each of the statues. Note the direction their eyes are pointing
up, left, right
4.turn right twice, and look at the box. You can input 3 symbols. These are the same symbols as the paper- but which 3 do you need?
5. Combine the statue eyes directions with the paper to determine the symbols
sword,shield, ring
6. input the symbols based on their positions, and push the button
shield, ring
7. take the candle
8. look at the candle- it has symbols on it
9. turn to the door, and look at the panel next to it
10. It has the same symbols as the candle. Input them, top to bottom
11. orientation does not matter
down arrow
down arrow
down arrow
up arrow
down arrow
12. go through the door
Room 2
13. Look at the shield above the swords
14. each has a symbol from your paper, and several bars
15. the position of the bars relates to one of the cabinets.
16. move the positions of the swords to match any one of the bar patterns to unlock the corresponding cabinet.
17. search through all of the cabinets that you have access to- you should find a green sphere, a red sphere, a heart medallion, a second candle, and a bag full of stuff. You will also find several symbols, note their positions. You will also find a code mechanism, note its position for later.
18. to access the middle cupboard, you have to get a bit trickier
19. on each of the columns, one sword is always down.
20. on each of the rows, one sword is always down.
22. This means each pair of swords down indicates a row/column combination
21. Look at the two combinations you do have for the middle column, and determine the common down sword. Then look at the combinations you have for the middle row, and determine the common sword. Use this to determine the code for the middle
down up down up up up
22. take the moon medallion from the center cupboard.
23. turn to the door. Look at its code
24. it requires a sequence of four symbols from your paper.
25. you found 4 symbols in their cupboards. Each symbol had a different number of sticks, from 1-4. 26.Correspond their number of sticks to their order, and match their positions with the paper to determine the code
tree, boot, star, eyes
27. enter the next room
Room 3
28. go to the horned device in front of you
29. There is a stone beast, and two buttons
30. take the star from the horned beast
31. This reveals the crown symbol on the beast's forehead
32. turn left to the beast doorway
33. There is a down sword to its left, and an up sword to its right
34. go back to the second room, and look at the sword combination for the crown
35. translate this into left and right button pushes, and input it into the stone beast
right left right right left right
36. the beast slides open. Go look at the panel behind it
37. take the candle, and note the symboled device
38. back up. Look at the beast doors
39. they have protrusions on the inner side, some on the left side, some on the right side
40. input that sequence into the stone beast
left right right left left right right left
41. the door to the next room will open. go through it.
Room 4
42. turn to your left. there are fires burning in the wall
43. use them to light your candles.
44. look at the pedestal next to the fires
45. it has slots for your medallions. Put them in.
46. a compartment opens up above it. Take the rope from inside.
for the good ending:
Use the rope to rescue the guy from the pit
47. Turn to the other side of the room.
48. Look at the nook. There are 3 candleholders. Put your candles in them.
49. Go back, and tie your rope to the lever. This holds the candles in the elevated postion.
50. look at the sequence of 3 symbols now illuminated.
Finishing up
51. go back to the second room, and open up the cupboard with the code device(middle right)
52. Enter the symbols you saw
rectangle with a notch, triangle with lines next to it, doorway
53. take the blue sphere
54. return to the first room
55. look at the nook with the box
56. You can see the candles through the 3 windows
57. put the 3 colored sphere into the slots
58. turn around and look at the statues
59. they have symbols illuminated on them
60. go to the third room, and input that sequence in the panel behind the beast door.
triangle with triangle inset, circle with a line through it, triangle with lines next to it.
61. this reveals the key-take it.
62. go to the fourth room, and use the key on the door.
Posted by: Mystify
November 4, 2011 7:22 AM