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Weekday Escape

GrinnypOnce in a blue moon a fantastic room escape passes us by without notice, but sooner or later in our efforts to bring you the best of the best we eventually get a clue and present it on Weekday Escape. This week's game is by one of our favorite and most popular designers, Petithima, and we are proud to finally present Mugcup, their latest effort, for your mid-week break.

MugcupA gentle tune wafts in the background as you explore the lovely pastel colored world of Petithima in their latest effort. The changing cursor and navigation bars aid you, the player, as you explore the lovely space and the usual quirky Petithima objects and puzzles. Petithima designs are delightfully minimal in style and execution, which makes the gameplay stand front and center as always. The logic flows nicely from one puzzle to the next, drifting on the currents of the mellow music as you solve your way out of yet another amusing escape. With an easy to use inventory, a mute feature, and a save feature, Petithima's games, although short, feature everything we like to see in a room escape.

The one color-based puzzle has an interesting clue, a piece of paper that not only shows the colors but the order that they appear when a particular button is pushed, making the game more accessible for the colorblind. The only complaints you should have is that (a) the game is still shorter than it could have been, and (b) it's been a while since Petithima has graced us with one of their lovely designs. Well, they're here now, so sit back and enjoy the mellow escaping.

Play Mugcup

Walkthrough Guide

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Mugcup Walkthrough

  1. You'll start off facing the door and a computer. There's nothing you can do at this view yet, so turn right.

  2. Now you're facing a table with a few papers taped to it, three drawers, and four mugs on top. Note the outlet to the right, but it's not important yet.

  3. Close up on the mugs. They're rather interestingly oriented, eh? Up, down and left, down and right, up and left� write that sequence down, you're going to need it later.

  4. Back off and turn right again. You'll face a shelf and a table, as well as an air conditioner. You can't reach that ball of paper up on top, and since you're not Winston Churchill, you can't climb the shelves to reach it, either. Remember it for later.

  5. Note the doll on the bottom shelf; click it to set it upright, then take the remote hiding behind it. It goes to the air-conditioner, but it doesn't seem to be working. Click the bottom corner of it to flip it over, and open the battery compartment. Hm, there's your problem.

  6. Okay, enough fooling around with that. Zoom in on that thing on the table. Yum, chocolates� but if they've been sitting open for that long, they're probably stale. Note the three that've been left out: pink, blue, green. Write that down.

  7. Back off and turn right one more time to face another table with an alarm clock and a plant. There's not much to mess with here besides that little box on the middle shelf. Click it to zoom in on it: it wants a combination of directions. The ones you got from the mugs across the room will do nicely: up, down-left, down-right, up-left. Then click OK, open it, and take the pentagon.

  8. That done, note the panel in the wall to the left (hard to see, you can zoom in on it but can't do anything with it yet) before turning right again.

  9. You're facing the door again. See that pad on the left? You can input a series of colors there. Why not try the ones from the candies (pink, blue, green)? Put that in and hit ENTER. It worked, so zoom out and open the hatch just below the keypad to get the batteries.

  10. Put the batteries in the remote and� what, it still doesn't work? They must be dead. Take them out again and turn right to face the mugs again. I think there's something there we haven't done yet.

  11. You know what we haven't given a good look yet? Those things taped to the table. That one on the left looks interesting. 43534553? Odd, but probably important. Make a note of that and turn right again to face the air-conditioner.

  12. Examine that box on the shelves below the air-conditioner. It's missing something pentagonal, but you've got something pentagonal to place there. So do just that. Now what's the combination? Well, one shape has three sides, one has four, and one has five� are you thinking what I'm thinking? Yep, 43534553 becomes square-triangle-pentagon-triangle-square-pentagon-pentagon-triangle. Enter that and click OK, then open the box and take the DVD.

  13. Turn around again to face the door, then approach the computer and put the DVD in the drive (near the top of the black thing on the right, there's a changing cursor so it's hard to miss). Click the icon that appears on the desktop to play an animation. It looks like a white ball tracing out a series of letters. Z, M, L.

  14. Now go try those drawers beneath the mugs. The top one needs a three-letter combination, so use what you got from the DVD: ZML. It should click when you've got it. Open the drawer and take the wooden object and the charger.

  15. Back away and approach the outlet. Plug the charger in and put the batteries in it; don't worry that it apparently takes four and you've only got two. Go wander around the room, and keep checking it until the light turns green. Take the charged batteries and plug them into the remote.

  16. The remote works now! Turn right and use it on the air-conditioner to get it running, then take the crumpled paper and look at it. Those of you familiar with certain sequences should get this one quickly, but the fact that the first column of squares is red should push you along, especially if you've looked at the calendar. It's the days of the week: Sunday, then Monday, Tuesday, and so on. The marked letters are O, W, and R.

  17. But what the @#%$& does that mean? You've already opened the drawer that requires three letters, so that can't be it� hm, look at those things taped to the table with the mugs again. The one on the right this time. O, W, and R happen to be the first letters of three colors on that list: orange, white, red.

  18. Well, can't hurt to try it. Go back and access the color keypad near the door where you used the first three colors. This time enter orange, white, red, and press ENTER. Check the little hatch below again and you'll have a screwdriver. Awesome!

  19. Remember that little hard-to-see panel to the left in the view with the calendar? Go and unscrew it with the screwdriver to get a cell phone and a strange "N - M" hint. Also, use the screwdriver to pry apart that odd wooden cube and get four wooden pieces.

  20. If you open the cell phone, you'll note that you can enter numbers on it. Try following the directions indicated by the N and the M in the compartment. You should get 7415963 and 7415369, respectively. And 7415963 minus 7415369 happens to equal� borrow from the hundreds place� 594.

  21. Turn around and enter 594 on the middle drawer under the mugs to get an ink pad. This, the wooden pieces, and the paper should be the only things left in your inventory by this point. This puzzle might be a stumper since it's not immediately obvious what you've really got.

  22. If you turn over the paper (click the corner), you'll see four blank squares. What you want to do is use the wooden shapes on the ink pad, then on the paper. You have to do this four times, one for each shape. You'll stamp four numbers: 8372.

  23. Try 8372 on the bottom drawer and it'll be open. You've now got a key; use it on the door and you're out! Now go outside and get some fresh air.

Thanks to SonicLover for the walkthrough!


can't get the remote to work on the air conditioner.


Lim: What're the #1 things always missing from remotes of any sort in room escapes?

And what condition are those things sometimes in when you find it?

vulpisfoxfire September 26, 2012 1:12 AM

Hrm. Stuck on what to do with the odd box-shape and the crumpled note. Also need a screwdriver, a 3-digit number, and a 4-digit number.


I figured out what the

crumpled paper

to an extent...

it correlates to the calendar, with the far-left, red column being Sunday on both.


Okay, solved that part:

the wall lock with the 3 color buttons can be used multiple times, it seems.


Mouse, but did you figure out the actual, you know...result? That's where I'm stuck :-(

vulpisfoxfire September 26, 2012 1:18 AM


There are multiple things the color lock can give you. Crumpled note + calender days + listing on the cabinet is the key.


Unfortunately, my screen is too small to read the clock or calendar. When I zoom in, it's too blurry to read. Harumph ...


You don't have to be able to read it.

Count how many letters are in each day of the week's name, and compare them to the number of boxes in each column. Notice a connection?

Once you've got that, you'll have

3 letters that have something to do with your color clue.

vulpisfoxfire September 26, 2012 1:26 AM

Gah, so close.

I have the odd box disassembled into what I presume are 4 stamps, the little container which I think is a red ink pad, and the four blanks on the back of the crumpled note..but for the life of me I can't figure out how to combine them--and it's obvious that that's going to reveal the 4-digit number for the third drawer.



Where'd you find the thing you think is an ink pad? If you found it in the wall behind the screwed-in panel, that's a cell phone. Click on the bottom to open in.

While I'm on that subject, is anyone having any luck figuring out

what the "N - M" arrow clue means?

vulpisfoxfire September 26, 2012 1:28 AM

Ah, power of posting, it seems.

Examine the ink pad, then use the stamps on it, and then use the stamps on the paper.

vulpisfoxfire September 26, 2012 1:29 AM

And...a bit of annoyance.

You have to ink each stamp separately, you can't do them all at once and then stamp one after the other. So you have to cycle through multiple times.

vulpisfoxfire September 26, 2012 1:31 AM

That's an easy one, Onyx--what did you get just before you saw that? :-)


I must be reading that wrong.

I tried punching that in as a phone number, but what I'm trying to put in


is 2 digits too big.

vulpisfoxfire September 26, 2012 1:35 AM

Whee, out.

The ink-pad is in the middle drawer. Take a good lock when you open the phone...though I will note that all but the last three digits of the numbers you should get will cancel out.


AH! I see what I was doing wrong now!

Need to go along the whole line, not just the corners!

And, assuming this key opens what I think it does...YES! I'm out! :D


I'm a bit stumped right near the start. I have a... remote? And some batteries that I put in it which doesn't seem to do anything.

There's an arrow puzzle that I thought was related to the mugs, but whether I treat the handles as the arrow direction or its opposite that box doesn't open.


Ah, I see, clicking OK doesn't make the box open. Thus, without any visual clue that the answer was successful I'm to know to click the box after clicking OK to open it.


Aside from the box not automatically opening when unlocked, and the screwed-in-panel on the wall being hard to see, it wasn't a bad escape.



i know, i already have the batteries, just nothing happens when i use it on the air con.

jonomcleish September 26, 2012 8:41 AM

I noticed something at the end...

You can flip the key around ;)


Mugcup Walkthrough

  1. You'll start off facing the door and a computer. There's nothing you can do at this view yet, so turn right.

  2. Now you're facing a table with a few papers taped to it, three drawers, and four mugs on top. Note the outlet to the right, but it's not important yet.

  3. Close up on the mugs. They're rather interestingly oriented, eh? Up, down and left, down and right, up and left� write that sequence down, you're going to need it later.

  4. Back off and turn right again. You'll face a shelf and a table, as well as an air conditioner. You can't reach that ball of paper up on top, and since you're not Winston Churchill, you can't climb the shelves to reach it, either. Remember it for later.

  5. Note the doll on the bottom shelf; click it to set it upright, then take the remote hiding behind it. It goes to the air-conditioner, but it doesn't seem to be working. Click the bottom corner of it to flip it over, and open the battery compartment. Hm, there's your problem.

  6. Okay, enough fooling around with that. Zoom in on that thing on the table. Yum, chocolates� but if they've been sitting open for that long, they're probably stale. Note the three that've been left out: pink, blue, green. Write that down.

  7. Back off and turn right one more time to face another table with an alarm clock and a plant. There's not much to mess with here besides that little box on the middle shelf. Click it to zoom in on it: it wants a combination of directions. The ones you got from the mugs across the room will do nicely: up, down-left, down-right, up-left. Then click OK, open it, and take the pentagon.

  8. That done, note the panel in the wall to the left (hard to see, you can zoom in on it but can't do anything with it yet) before turning right again.

  9. You're facing the door again. See that pad on the left? You can input a series of colors there. Why not try the ones from the candies (pink, blue, green)? Put that in and hit ENTER. It worked, so zoom out and open the hatch just below the keypad to get the batteries.

  10. Put the batteries in the remote and� what, it still doesn't work? They must be dead. Take them out again and turn right to face the mugs again. I think there's something there we haven't done yet.

  11. You know what we haven't given a good look yet? Those things taped to the table. That one on the left looks interesting. 43534553? Odd, but probably important. Make a note of that and turn right again to face the air-conditioner.

  12. Examine that box on the shelves below the air-conditioner. It's missing something pentagonal, but you've got something pentagonal to place there. So do just that. Now what's the combination? Well, one shape has three sides, one has four, and one has five� are you thinking what I'm thinking? Yep, 43534553 becomes square-triangle-pentagon-triangle-square-pentagon-pentagon-triangle. Enter that and click OK, then open the box and take the DVD.

  13. Turn around again to face the door, then approach the computer and put the DVD in the drive (near the top of the black thing on the right, there's a changing cursor so it's hard to miss). Click the icon that appears on the desktop to play an animation. It looks like a white ball tracing out a series of letters. Z, M, L.

  14. Now go try those drawers beneath the mugs. The top one needs a three-letter combination, so use what you got from the DVD: ZML. It should click when you've got it. Open the drawer and take the wooden object and the charger.

  15. Back away and approach the outlet. Plug the charger in and put the batteries in it; don't worry that it apparently takes four and you've only got two. Go wander around the room, and keep checking it until the light turns green. Take the charged batteries and plug them into the remote.

  16. The remote works now! Turn right and use it on the air-conditioner to get it running, then take the crumpled paper and look at it. Those of you familiar with certain sequences should get this one quickly, but the fact that the first column of squares is red should push you along, especially if you've looked at the calendar. It's the days of the week: Sunday, then Monday, Tuesday, and so on. The marked letters are O, W, and R.

  17. But what the @#%$& does that mean? You've already opened the drawer that requires three letters, so that can't be it� hm, look at those things taped to the table with the mugs again. The one on the right this time. O, W, and R happen to be the first letters of three colors on that list: orange, white, red.

  18. Well, can't hurt to try it. Go back and access the color keypad near the door where you used the first three colors. This time enter orange, white, red, and press ENTER. Check the little hatch below again and you'll have a screwdriver. Awesome!

  19. Remember that little hard-to-see panel to the left in the view with the calendar? Go and unscrew it with the screwdriver to get a cell phone and a strange "N - M" hint. Also, use the screwdriver to pry apart that odd wooden cube and get four wooden pieces.

  20. If you open the cell phone, you'll note that you can enter numbers on it. Try following the directions indicated by the N and the M in the compartment. You should get 7415963 and 7415369, respectively. And 7415963 minus 7415369 happens to equal� borrow from the hundreds place� 594.

  21. Turn around and enter 594 on the middle drawer under the mugs to get an ink pad. This, the wooden pieces, and the paper should be the only things left in your inventory by this point. This puzzle might be a stumper since it's not immediately obvious what you've really got.

  22. If you turn over the paper (click the corner), you'll see four blank squares. What you want to do is use the wooden shapes on the ink pad, then on the paper. You have to do this four times, one for each shape. You'll stamp four numbers: 8372.

  23. Try 8372 on the bottom drawer and it'll be open. You've now got a key; use it on the door and you're out! Now go outside and get some fresh air.

Thanks to SonicLover for the walkthrough!


Fun puzzles, but some weird quasi-pixel hunting. For example,

you need to click in exactly the right place to open the cellphone, the drawers, etc.

At times, it left me thinking I couldn't do something, when in fact I could. I still can't figure out if we're supposed to be able to

zoom in on the calendar or not



Right code for the box, can't open the box. My stupid mouse is double-clicking somewhere, but no matter how carefully I do it, it won't accept the code.


Ok, that's the second puzzle where that's happened. I enter the correct code and it doesn't work. Then I randomly fiddle with it -- and I don't mean the OK button, I mean parts of the puzzle -- and it pops open.

There is something strange going on here.


For the 3 digit drawer you can get the code two different ways but the drawer only opens after you find the number the right way.

The code can be worked out from the crumpled page or from the cell phone. When I entered it before finding the cell phone it didn't work but the same number works fine after working out the cellphone math.


Quasi happy coin ending:

Once you get the key to escape, click it to turn it over. It says "GPR". Use this on the color lock (green, pink, red) and get a "Thank you for playing!" certificate to look at.


This was a lovely game, the look was great and I actually kinda enjoyed the background music! I really only have a couple of gripes, like how difficult it is to interact with some items (you need to click in juuuust the right place). Also....

Towards the end, the puzzles became a little bit of guess work. The calendar should be something you can zoom in on (I don't know if you can actually, maybe it's one of those things you need to click just right), because it made the days of the week puzzle impossible. I could only just make out that there were different colours on the calendar, and it's not always clear whether people start the week on Sunday or Monday. And then the stamp thing... eh, I didn't know what that the black container with the red stuff *was*! I had to end up using the walkthrough to figure out what the heck was going on. It looked like make up to me.

But these are just minor things, overall the game is really neat, a very clean and crisp Room Escape game!


Gee! I was completely stuck until I realized:

the chocolates sitting on the table was the first of 3 clues for the color lock

but after that, everything else fell right into place quickly enough I never needed to give the walkthrough a second look!

JetSetVegas September 27, 2012 6:43 PM

I absolutely LOVE Petithima games, but unfortunately this game didn't impress me much. The calender clue was a bit of a stretch especially considering it was almost too small to see and from what I did see the Saturday column was blue on the calender but not on the clue. Also the other clues were what I'd expect from lesser games not Petithima. And what was the point of labeling the stamp blocks if you only had to click them and the ink pad and the numbers would appear where they were supposed to? Petithima's been gone a while, but I wouldn't have minded waiting a little longer if it meant getting a game up to their usual standards. :-(


Mike missed a step in his walkthrough.

After you have the key:

Flip the key around to get a 3 letter code.

You should hopefully know what to do with it.



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