Mrs. Daruma's Room
Despite the fact that they are a good luck symbol, Dharma dolls (or daruma dolls, for those sticklers in the audience) are a bit creepy, what with the empty, blind eye or eyes staring out at you and following you around the room. Who or what could make them creepier? Glad you asked, and if you answered Detarou, then you have won the prize of their latest escape game, Mrs. Daruma's Room. Just, you know, don't be creeped out by the living Dharma doll who not only watches but physically seems to follow your every move. I'm pretty sure he's harmless...
If the Dharma doll doesn't get to you, well, there are stranger things to be found in this amazing house. Darker things. Twisted things. Things that will haunt your dreams...well, what do you expect if you're playing a Detarou game, anyway? Mrs. Daruma's Room features some pretty challenging and intriguing puzzles to go with the usual disturbing folks who populate the space. Solving your way out of this madhouse will take a little luck, a lot of brain power, and a dash of hairdressing skills. What, you didn't think hair grooming was a prerequisite for escape games? Well, now you know. Navigation feels a little clunky, even with the usual bars and arrows, and some of the solutions, well, let's just say your successful exit depends on your willingness to go spelunking into some guys shorts pocket and leave it at that, shall we?
This is Detarou, so along with the creepy inhabitants be ready for more than one ending to this little romp, and brace yourself for at least one fairly disgusting sight. But if you can stomach the visuals, Mrs. Daruma's Room is stocked with some pretty entertaining brain teasers to go with the eccentric residents. And hey, compared with some of the other things you'll see, maybe that living daruma doll isn't so bad, after all.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Mrs. Daruma's Room Walkthrough
You start looking toward the kitchen, make a note of the spades on the counter.
Turn right once, and zoom in on the shelf. Make a note of the positions and numbers. Also notice one is missing.
Zoom in on the three guys, the middle one has a bulge in his pocket. Relieve him of his comb and zoom back out.
Turn right once, and zoom in on the unit. Count the hearts, make note of the clock, and the position of the white balls on sticks. The lower cupboard needs a 3-digit code. Zoom out.
Check the little red panel, play with the buttons a bit, but it isn't solveable just yet, so don't mess for too long.
Turn right once again, and notice the four dolls.... and the empty space. There's also a panel underneath, but it doesn't do anything.
Another right turn, and we see a picture. There's a little green shape, and six 7's. Note down their orientation.
Click to go up the stairs, once there we see two llamas, spitting on a dude... nice.
Lets go left this time, you'll see a guy with a mohawk meditating.
One more left, and make a note of the hanging picture, the layout of the picture should seem familiar.
Last left now. You'll see three guys sitting on a settee. Note the colour of their shirts. Zoom in here, and you'll notice their hair is a bit messy. It could probably do with a bit of a comb. When you've done playing, go back downstairs.
Do two more lefts (sorry), and now we have the scary Daruma doll, standing on a unit. Zoom in on the unit, and note the number of diamonds, also note the strange shapes. We also need a 4 digit code four the left hand cupboard.
Zoom out, and one more right will have us facing the Kitchen again.
Click twice to go to the kitchen, and you'll see a cat, click somewhere near there to look down, collect the note, and ignore the dude... for now. Zoom out.
There's 3 doors to the left of the kitchen (you can only see two from here). 1 is the exit, the other contain strange Detarouisms... you can check them out if you wish.
Solving the puzzles
3-Digit Code
The main clue is the note you just picked up, where else have we seen that layout?
Check the shelves with the daruma dolls.
You'll also need to figure out an order.... maybe the colours are important?
Remember the guys on the couch upstairs?
Enter the three digit code
Guy's shirts, left to right, are yellow, green, blue.
The positions of the dolls give us the numbers 8, 6 and 2.
Collect the wig, and note the number on the club.
The Three Guys
You'll need the wig. The main clue is on the diamonds.
The pictures are of partings, use the wig on the middle guy, and then use the comb to put the parting in the order shown.
Left to right, it's middle-right-right
Turn to the new puzzle, note the extra heart, and also the 4 symbol puzzle....
4-Digit Code
The main clue is the picture hanging upstairs.
You'll need to count the number of each shape, and enter it in.
You'll also need an order
The poisition of the shapes refers to the dolls on the shelves downstairs
Enter the 4-Digit Code
The diamond is in the position of the #3 daruma, the heart #1, club #4 and spade #2.
With the numbers, (and the x2) the order is:
5 hearts, 2 spades, 6 diamonds (3 x 2), and 8 clubs (remember the number written on it?).
Enter 5 2 6 8
Collect the daruma doll (wow, does it seem heavy to you?)
The red panel
The main clue is the daruma dolls on the shelves, is there anything there that is black and white?
Check the eyes, and fill in the circles to match the dolls
Hit the orange button, watch the quick short, and it's on to the next.
Explore Part 2
Go into the new room (now would be a good time to save).
Ahead we have a device which needs a key (and holds a key).
To the right we have a strange green shape with four pushable buttons.
Right again and we have what looks like a code, and a circle with a dot in it. Make a note of them.
Also, that daruma is watching you!
One more right and..... ARGH THE PANDAS!!!! ok, leave them for now.
Puzzles Part 2
The green shape
The main clue is where you have seen this shape before.
check the picture with the sideways 7's
Ok, this bit took some Trial & Error, but see the 7 that's the right way up? the top bit has a little dangly bit to the left. THAT is the side that counts.
Use the orientation of the little dangly bit to press the right burrons on the shape.
The code is: Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Up.
Take the doll part and zoom out.
The 4 shape code (upstairs)
The main clue here is the code on the wall of the secret room.
Have you seen that shape before??
Check the clock
Enter the code
Ok, picture each of the four shapes as a clock, and each of the four codes as numbers on that clock.
If you went clockwise from the first number to the second, colouring in as you went, you'd solve this puzzle.
9~3 - 6~9 - 9~6 - 12~6, so colour from 9 to 3 on the first (the top half), 6 to 9 on the second (the bottom left corner), 9 to 6 on the third (all except the bottom left corner), and 12 to 6 on the last (the right half).
Collect the doll head
The dolls
Assemble the doll, and stick it where it belongs. Notice they now move up and down, in 3 positions each: Top, Middle, Bottom.
Have we seen anywhere else with 5 objects, positioned similarly?
Turn left once, and check the third shelf down.
Position the dolls
The posititions given are: Top, Bottom, Middle, Middle, Bottom.
Collect the Silver Key (Almost There!!!!)
The locked device
Go use the silver key on the device, notice we have a pressure sensitive shelf here.
If only we had something heavy to put on it and hold it down.
Go grab the #7 Daruma doll
Grab the gold key.
The Endings:
Bad Ending
Save the game, and go play with the pandas upstairs, press the right button (go on, they're BOTH nodding yes).
Good Ending
Save the game, use the gold key on the door downstairs, and exit.
Happy Stamp Ending
Save the game, use the key to unlock the door but DON'T EXIT.
Go back to the main room, face the kitchen (as you were when you started), and notice anything different?
Check the positions he stops in. Notice anything?
It relates to the dolls.
The positions are Top, Middle, Bottom, Middle, Top. Go and position the dolls like that.
Grab the stamp, and go exit
Posted by: MattOG
October 5, 2012 4:34 PM