What would you do if the house of your dreams was haunted? And not just by some paltry poltergeist, but an entire infestation of unearthly manifestations? Well, if Bill Murray is unavailable, your next best bet is probably Hobblepop,
the tiny man who shows up at your front door with a lot of strange equipment and seems suspiciously knowledgeable about the whole ordeal. Mishap: An Accidental Haunting, from Namco, is a ghostly hidden object romp through one unbelievable house. With eight chapters, 32 hidden object scenes, riddles, mini-games, and a host of unfortunate spirits, the game is as fun as it is gorgeous, which is saying quite a lot.
The ghosts, as Hobblepop explains, have left a lot of spectral energy about the house, so you'll need to seek out items they've interacted with to draw them out. Discovery Channel would have you believe this is done with forty minutes of two grown men stumbling around in the dark yelling, "Did you hear/see/smell that?!" (Spoiler: NO.) In reality, everyone knows the best way to make contact with the restless dead is by going through a list of items cunningly placed throughout the environment. That rubber chicken over there? Oh yeah, the ghost totally imbued that with spectral... whatever. Pick that baby up. Don't worry, it's not all junk; Hobblepop will use many of the items you find to build weird and wonderful machines to help you solve the chapter. If your cursor changes to a door, that means you can click on that place to move to a different area.
In each chapter, you'll uncover information that will tell you more about the spirit you're dealing with, but you'll also need to solve a riddle before you can reach them. Each time you finally coax the main spirit of a chapter out of hiding, you'll have to play a different mini-game to help put the ghost to rest. If you find a particular mini-game too difficult, or if you just don't want to play, you can hit "Skip Game" after the first round and move right to the next chapter.
Since you spend so much of your time crawling through hidden object scenes, it's a relief to find that they're so well done. Rendered in delightfully twisted environments, objects are carefully and sneakily placed and do a fantastic job of fitting in. While Namco does a good job of hiding things in plain sight, it's often the environments themselves that work against you. Since the house is so charged with ghostly energy, in any given scene you'll find ordinary objects warped and twisted, and their strange movements do a lot to distract you. You may find yourself reaching for the hint button once it's recharged, but be careful... too many mis-clicks and you could get an unpleasant surprise.
In addition to your star specter, each chapter also features five more ghosts you can track down using Hobblepop's device and playing a game of hot-or-cold. They don't impact the story, but most of them have an interesting story to tell. While exaggerated and deliberately ridiculous in their design, some of the central storyline ghosts are a little, uh, ghoulish, and might upset some younger children.
Analysis: There is a story at work behind Mishap beyond "here there be ghosts", and your quest to get rid of them. As you progress you'll find a mysterious diary that will begin to provide insight into just why all these seemingly unrelated ghosts have taken up residence in the same place. Most of you will probably figure out the Big Twist™ a few chapters in, but who cares? All the characters are so wonderfully bizarre that you'll want to keep playing just to see the next one. It's like Thirteen Ghosts, but without the guy from Scooby-Doo, and the need to hide behind a pillow. I was delighted virtually every minute I spent with it, and there aren't many games I can say that about.
While some of the character models look a little stiff and unpolished, Mishap on the whole presents an absolute feast for your eyes. Environments are absolutely stunning. A particular favourite of mine was the foyer, with its jaw-droppingly beautiful grand organ. The soundtrack is also pretty easy on the ears, with catchy tracks that fit each locale perfectly. And while it also features what might be the worst fake French accent I've heard all year, the voice acting is on the whole well done.
I have to say, I really appreciated the attempt to break up the gameplay by introducing the various mini-games at the end of each chapter, but it doesn't always work, and some are definitely more enjoyable than others. One, for example, involves recreating a complicated recipe by working from a list of instructions with a machine that looks like it would probably prefer to be tenderizing your face. It's weird, and it's mostly fun, and it's a bit of a let down that the others are just sort of... eh? Most of them are concepts that aren't quite as well fleshed out as they could have been, and feel a bit awkward in their execution, or simply fall back on being reflex tests. And, brace yourself; Mishap does feature one mini-game firmly entrenched in the defense genre, but the good news is if that makes your lip curl, you can always skip it.
If you're a fan of hidden object games, Mishap: An Accidental Haunting should be a no-brainer buy for you. You can expect to sink at least several hours into it, depending on how finely trained your ocular orbs are. Mishap throws all pretensions of seriousness out the window and gets straight to the ridiculousness, and the result is a very satisfying experience. If you're looking for a cerebral, thoughtful game to challenge your intellect, this one might not be for you. But if you're looking for a fun, funky good time, the sort that involves dancing around in your bathrobe, then Mishap: An Accidental Haunting won't disappoint.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Mishap: An Accidental Haunting - Walkthrough
Each chapter contains four rooms - the main room and three others.
The other rooms you will have to find - hover your mouse over the scene - when a door appears at the cursor you can click to enter the room.
The main room is always a scroll scene - place your cursor at the right or left side of the scene and it will move.
The search list is random except for the special items.
You will always have to to find one object, that belongs to one of Hobblepop's gadgets, one note, that tells you more about the spirits in the house and one object is part of a riddle.
After solving all riddles
To find the spirits, first click the magnifier low right. The scene appears in kind of green.
Look at the bar at the bottom of the scene.
While hovering the mouse over the scene the bar will change from blue to red - when it is red, click once to let the spirit appear and a second time to remove it.
Do this three times and the spirit will be captured.
Each main room has two spirits, the other three rooms of a chapter only on.
Your hint will recharge slowly but it will help when you find objects.
After solving a room completely the hint will recharge, so that you will go into the next room with loaded hint.
Clicking "log" low left corner will show you:
The riddle scroll - click it to solve the riddle.
The ghost sheet - click it to see the spirits you captured - clicking the picture will give you more information about this special spirit.
The list - here you can see, what you still have to do in a room.
The gadget - here you can see, what you already found.
After finishing a room you will see a green arrow above the word "items" low left corner - click it to leave the room.
Bedroom & Co
Find the items from your list.
The bee on top of the closet left next to the bed will be part of your riddle.
The belt on top of the closet is part of Hobblepop's gadget.
The poster tube right next to the bed is your note
You will have to find 2 ghosts in here.
The door left side of the room goes into the bathroom.
The closet will bring you inside the closet.
First spirit will be princess, apearing on the bed's end. Now Johnny will hide between closet and nightstand, appearing on the cinema screen and at last hiding under the bed, right side.
Now princess will appear again, right next to the projector and right above the boudoir - entrance.
After solving all rooms and the riddle, you will have to play a minigame with Barbara Taylor.
She will continually appear in the scene for a few moments. Click on her while she is on the screen to film her. Click Barbara's head to earn more points.
Avoid clicking Valerie Harlot, which will also appear a few times.
You will have to play three rounds, but when you do not like to play, you can also skip.
After finding all objects, capturing all spirits and solving the riddle in a chapter, you will be brought to a mini game.
Read the instructions and click to start the game, each game contains 3 round.
You will have to play each game at least one time, but after this you may skip it.
Find the items from your list.
The handcrank left side above the roses is part of H.'s gadget.
The envelope on the floor under the sink is your note.
The pill on the make up table is part of the riddle.
Me-shell, the spirit, will hide on the tub, on the toilet and in the sink.
Find the items from your list.
The lightbulb top left is part of the riddle.
The one pound left side, second shelf from top is part of the gadet.
The newpaper clipping, left side, second shelf form the bottom, is your note.
Pinkie, the spirit, will hide on the stool, left side between the clothes and top right.
Find the items from your list.
The match on the icebear's tongue is part of the riddle.
The small note left next to the mirror on the right side is your note.
The binoculars on the stool are part of the gadget.
Click left side the log and there the riddle.
The solution is: Check behind the matching round pillows.
Click the green pillows on the bed to get a nearby view.
Click to move them and you will find the last part of the gadget.
Kitchen & Co
Find the item from your list.
The crumpled paper, right side of the scene in front of the trash bin is your note.
The map of China, left side of the scene above the window, is part of the riddle, same as the blue crayon at the oven handle, right side.
The tenderizer, on the floor in front of the oven, right side, belongs to the gadget.
The shuriken at the pole above the working table (middle) is also part of the gadget.
You will have to capture two spirits:
First Mousey appears on the plates right side of the working table.
Now Jaques hides left side of the fire place and Mousy apears on the pan at the pole above the working table.
Find Jacques right side of the scene, left above the oven, Mousey left side of the scene on the ground, in front of the stove.
Last is Jacques left side of the scene at the windown.
On the far left you will find the door to the freezer, low left the door to the pantry and right side of the scene the door brings you into the dining room.
After solving all rooms and the riddle, a mini game appears:
Follow the recipe card instructions and prepare the dishes to chef Le Fronge's standard.
Click and drop the correct ingrediences from the conveyor belt to the appropriate place on the Culinator and use the right buttons at the right time.
Chef Le Fronge's values efficiency, so try to multi task - gadgets can be started while others are still running.
You can skip this mini game.
Find the items from your list.
Top right at the shelf you will find the car grill for the gadget.
The note will be the newspaper in the barrel lower part.
The goldbar, bottom shelf right side, is part of the riddle.
Freezeburn, the spirit, appears left side in front of the cauldron, top left corner and on the barrel low part of the scene.
Find the items from your list.
The paper scrap, middle - top shelf, is your note.
The propane tank, right side outside the pantry, is part of the gadget.
The apple core will be part of the riddle.
Sal, the spirit, appears left - third shelf from bottom, middle - top shelf and right side above the handle.
Find the items from your list.
The notebook paper on the chair low left corner is your note.
The oar far left corner belongs to the riddle.
Remington, the spirit, appears on the chair in front of the cabinet, in the far left corner and on the plate on the table, low left side.
Riddle solution: Smash the china in the correct order: blue, gold, red.
Enter the diningroom and click the china cabinet.
You will see a hammer at your mouse - click the plates in the middle shelf according to their colors in the order blue, red, gold.
You will receive a iron as last part of the gadget.
Foyer & Co
Find the items from your list.
The envelope right top next to the grandfather clock right side of the scene is your note.
The tape, part of the riddle, you will find left side of the stairs on the stairs. Same as the tennis ball you will find left top of the organ in one of the pipes.
Xylophone and violin, both to find right side of the scene, are parts of the gadget.
The manly spirit, Alex, appears middle bottom of the scene and left side on the stairs. After this you will find Lilian, the female spirit, right side of the scene, left to the mirror.
Alex appears at the top of the organ, Lilian at the left side of the scene in the window and right sige of the scene at the grandfather clock.
Left side you will find a door to the livingroom, right side bottom you can enter the ballroom and right side on the top there is a door to the guestbedroom.
After solving all rooms and the riddle, you can play a mini game.
Click the corresponding instrument as the falling notes reach the green target zone. Single notes only require on click, double notes two. Notes that have lines behind them, must be clicked and held down for the entire time.
You may skip that mini game by clicking the skip button.
Find the items from your list.
Goldy, the spirit, will apear at the far left between couch and chair, low right side on the tea trolley and in the tub with bottle, far left.
The flute on the chair is part of your riddle
The locked diary low left on the table is your note.
Find the items from your list.
Maria, the spirit, will appear on the dance floor, left side on the bench and at the low part of the mirror far right.
The grammophone, far right, is part of the gadget.
The kneebrace, far right, is part of the gadget.
The music sheet , left side behind the bench, is the note.
Find the items from your list.
Crocket, the spirit, will appear on the couch, on the floor in front of the couch and on the drawer cabinet, right side of the scene.
The envelope, between the chains on the floor, is your note.
The cymbal, on the floor low middle, is part of the gadget.
The glasses, low left side, are part of the riddle.
Riddle solution: Tap the glasses, high and ball, pony, flute.
Your cursor shows a spoon - click first the glass with the music note right, then the glass with the tennis ball, now the glass with the pony, left side and once again the glass with the music note.
You will receive the last part of the gadget.
Parlor & Co
Find the items from your list.
Cookie, your first spirit, can be captured right side of the scene - right stool, right side of the scene - left next to the bar, middle part of the scene -behind the beam.
Louie, your second spirit, can be captured left side of the scene - at the poker table, right side of the scene - behind the bar, upper right corner of the billard table.
The notebook paper, right side on the poker table is the note.
The top, located at the top above the Black Jack table, is part of the riddle, same as the corn in the middle hole of the billiard table.
The battery, on the chess table in front of the bar, is part of the gadget.
The door right side of the bar brings you into the trophyroom.
The door left side of the bar allows you to enter the lounge.
Right side of the scene you will find a door to the libary.
After solving all rooms and the riddle, you can play a mini game.
Object of the game is to wind up with the lowest hand total card value at the end.
Choose your fourd cards from the spread and look at two of them.
Select a card from the spread or the discard pile by clicking the target card and replace on of your cards to the discard pile.
When you feel having the lowest hand, knock out to end the game - Jack might knock out any time as well.
You may use the lucky lens twice per hand.
Click the button, hovering with it over the spread allows you to have a short look at the cards. As this you might choose the card, that can help you to win.
After the first round you may skip the mini game
Find the items from your list.
Bumper, the spirit, appears left side on the table, behind the barrel and tof left at the wall.
The betting sheet at the back wall half hidden by a shield is your note.
The eight ball, below the candles on the table, is part of the riddle.
The dental mirror, top right corner, is part of the gadget.
Find the items from your list.
King Mervin, the spirit, appears left from the fire place, low left on the cahir and top right in the mirror.
The laser pointer on the table is part of the gadget.
The flyer rigth side at the wall is your note.
The locket, left side at the lamp, is part of the riddle.
Find the items from your list.
Pinderschoosh, your spirit, can be captured at the desk, low right side and right above the fire place.
The rope, bottom of the scene, is part of the riddle.
The magnifier, botton of the scene, is part of the gadget.
The instruction manual, low right corner, is your note.
Riddle solution: Drop the eight-ball in the top right corner pocket.
Your cursor shoes a hand - grab the eightball and drop it in the right corner pocket of the billard table.
You will receive the last part of the gadget for solving the riddle.
Garden & Co
Find the items from your list.
Glenny, your first spirit, appears left side of the scene - in front of the door, middle part of the scene - on the bench, right side of the scene - top right corner.
Koukaburra, your second spirit, appears left side - top left corner, in the middle - above the gong and left side above the couch.
The sun, left side of the bench, is part of the riddle.
The shears, middle of the scene on the pathway behind the benche, is part of your gadget.
The postcard, middle of the scene right under the skull, is your note.
The door at the right side of the scene brings you to the Greenhouse.
The door in the middle allows you to enter the Fountain.
The door at the left allows you to enter the Toolshed.
After solving all rooms and the riddle, you can play a mini game.
You will have to save Dorothy's garden.
Activate one of the bug blaster buttons on the left and place them near the pathways. Each one will cost you one coin - during the pest attack you can earn more coins by squashing ghostly critters.
Diffrent pests need different strategies.
In emergency cases you can use your curser as a fly swapper.
Mirrors are good against ants.
Trimmers help against bees.
Honey helps agains bugs.
Bug Zappers are good against flies.
After the first round you may skip the mini game
Find the items from your list.
George XIV, your spirit, appears top middle, left above the table and right above the barrel.
The pickaxe will be part of the riddle.
The journal on the right side of the shelf will be your note.
The honey jar, right side on the table will be part of the gadget.
Find the items from your list.
Soggy, your spirit, will appear right bottom of the fountain, in the back on top of the mushroom and on top of the fountain.
The flyswatter will be part of the gadget - find it on top of the fountain.
The #2 will be part of the riddle - find it at the bottom of the fountain column.
The envelope, top right at the tree, is your note.
Find the items from your list.
Sweetgums, your spirit, appears in the middle of the scene, top right and right side inside the glass tank.
The Botanical Chart at the lower back wall is your note.
The book on the ground, middle of the scene, is part of the riddle.
The Bug Zapper, top right corner, is part of the gadget.
Riddle solution: Pick a bouquet of roses, tulips and sunflowers.
Use the riddle in the middle of the garden scene, low part at the flower beed.
Your cursor turns into shears - cut the flowers in th mentioned order.
You will receive the last part of the gadget for solving the riddle.
Garage & Co
Find the items from your list.
Crash, your first spirit, can be captured right side on the stairs, midlle part of the scene at the car, left side of the scene - right next to the soda vendor.
Shazzmo, your second spirit, tries to hide left next to the soda vendor, middle of the scene - hanging from the ceiling, right side of the scene - car vendor.
The lawnmower, left side of the soda vendor, is part of the gadget, same as the innertub - left side of the scene laying on the tires.
The bbq fork you can find right side of the scene at the bag part of the green truck - it is part of the riddle. Same is the dress, you will find insde the green truck.
The calendar, far middle at locker door is your note.
The door left side of the scene goes into the showroom.
The green truck invites you into the bus.
Click underneath the red car in the locker area to enter the undercarriage.
After everything is done, you will have to play a mini game.
Go for a race, but first you will have to make sure having the right speed.
All four gauges have to be stopped, when the needle reaches the green part of the gauge.
Green - the dragster speeds up.
Yellow - the dragster slows down.
Red - the dragsters stops.
The nitro gauge has to be green, otherwise Vito will automatically.
After the first round you may skip the mini game
Find the items from your list.
Allan Bond, your spirit, can be captured at the blue car, at the yellow car and inside the blue car.
The ship wheel, left side at the tire, is a gadget.
The 1 ton on the ground is part of the riddle.
The racing program right side on the car hood is your note.
Find the items from your list.
Uncle Halfy, the spirit, can be found right side at bottom, at the table left side and at the window in the middle.
The cigarett butt, on the table left side, is part of the riddle.
The order ticket far right is your note.
The blow torch on the table is part of the gadget.
Find the items from your list.
Vito Viper, your spirit, can be found left side, top right and low right corner.
The envelope in the lower right is your note.
The had far middle is part of the riddle.
Riddle solution: Press the button and the lever four times
Enter the undercarriage scene and click the electric device low left.
Press first the blue button, then the lever.
Do this four times - button - lever, button - lever, button - lever, button - lever
You will receive the last part of the gadget for solving the riddle.
Attic & Co
Find the items from your list.
Bones Malone, your first spirit, can be captured low left corner, middle part of the scene on the table and left part right above the merry-go-round.
HootHoot, your second spirit, can be found top left of the merry-go-around, right side of the scene above the left book shelf and above the door left next to the merry-go-round.
At the left side of the scene you will find an ace at the doll - it is part of your riddle.
Te hose left on the floor is part of the gadget as well as the paintbrush - right side of the scene at the desk.
The envelope in the middle part of the scene, right above the easel is your note.
The vent, left side - top left next to the knight is part of your riddle.
The door left brings you into the art room.
Right side of the scene on top of the ladder you will find a door to the loft.
The door right side of the scene will let you enter the supplyroom.
After solving all rooms and the riddle, you will have to play a mini-game.
Using your mouse you have to guide the Art-O-Matic targeting reticle over Judith's brush.
After the first round you may skip the mini game.
Art Room
Find the items from your list.
Splotchy, your spirit, can be captured low right on the table, far left on the easel, top middle at the ceiling.
The clock far middle at the top is part of the riddle.
The eraser low left on the book is part of the gadget.
The envelope top left is your note.
Find the items from your list.
Rudy Red, your spirit, can be found at the end of the bed, at the ceiling above the bed and left side on the tv - screen.
The nailfile in the low right corner is part of your riddle.
The notebook on the bed is your note.
Find the items from your list.
Old Willis, your spirit, tries to hide low left, top right and lower middle.
The sketchbook on the left side is your note.
The backpack in the low left corner is part of the riddle.
The paint brush far middle is part of the gadget.
Riddle solution: Knock bent nail back into place.
Enter the loft and click above the window.
Your cursor becomes a hammer - click the three nails in the middle till all are in place again.
You will receive the last part of the gadget for solving the riddle.
Basement & Co
Find the items from your list.
Your first spirit, Arrow Head, tries to hide right side in front of the lab, middle part of the scene at the middle beam and low left corner.
The second spirit, Phyllis, can be captured right side at the right beam, right side above lab entrance and top left - hanging from the ceiling.
The fire extinguisher left side under the table is part of the gadget. Same is the fishing pole, right side next to the lab entrance is part of
The sword, right side at the trolley is part of your password.
The bow tie, left side, next to the table, is part of the riddle.
The door to the left brings you to the boiler.
The trapdoor on the floor in the second niche will let you enter the cellar.
The right door brings you into the lab.
After solving all rooms and the riddle, you will have to play a mini-game.
You will need to fish out all rings - click the left mousebutton to cast out the magnet into a direct line.
When catching a ring, Frank will throw fire balls. Use the fire extinguisher to extinguish them - when the fireballs hit the rope, you will loose the ring again.
Find the items from your list.
Slarf, the spirit, will try to hide low middle, top left and top right.
The spool of wire at the left side is part of the gadget.
The key at the third chain seen from right is part of the riddle.
The photo in the low right corner is your note.
Find the items from your list.
Sheik Achoo, your spirit, will be found right side at the stairs, top left and low left.
The penny jar on the top stair is a part of the riddle.
The envelop on top of the barrels is your note.
The cork screw on top of the barrels is part of the gadget.
Find the items from your list.
Frank, the spirit, can be found left side, far middle and low right.
The urn - far left side is part of the riddle.
The blue prints on the barrel low right corner are your note.
Riddle solution: Turn the center key and type the passwort.
Click the screen low middle in the lab and turn the middle key at the right side.
Enter with your mouse the word "ELLEN" at the keys of the game's keys.
The password can be find on the blue prints found in the lab.
You will receive the last part of the gadget for solving the riddle.
Congratulations! All spirits have been captured. After playing the mini-game, you can enjoy the ending!
Posted by: Kayleigh
December 29, 2009 3:11 AM