One of the five love languages is gift giving and no gift speaks from the heart more than home baked cookies. But when you live inside Lo.Nyan's house, baking involves more than opening a bag of Pepperidge Farms onto a plate and spreading frosting on top (this method works in other situations, though; believe me, no one would ever question you). Not only do you have to find all the proper cookie ingredients and bake them up proper, you must also escape the room. Ergo making your way out of the lovely and whimsical Lo.Nyan's Room Escape 12 means donning your sleuth's cap under your baker's hat, finding useful items and solving the puzzles sprinkled about the room. This is done easily because of Lo.Nyan's user friendly UI—with a simple point-and-click you can explore your surroundings, pick up items, examine and combine inventory, and even use a camera to take pictures of clues. Any inventory item that works as a clue can be "held": use "about item" then click the arrow to shift it to the left so neither screenshots nor note-taking are needed to solve puzzles. Instead, you can relax a bit in these gorgeous surroundings and concentrate efforts where the fun is at.
One of the complaints in previous Lo.Nyan escapes was the inability to save progress, which meant finding both endings required playing the game twice. This time around, you only need remember to use "Save" before picking up the lucky clover, although there is one other catch: you must also pick up the clover before you open the oven. With that drawback out of the way, there's not much to dislike about Room Escape 12 although crisper graphics would be appreciated and there are times when it's not clear where items should be used. Things don't always go along as you'd expect in real life (a good thing, really, because if I had that lightening quick oven, I'd never stop eating). It's not always purely sensical or intuitive, but everything can be solved by applying inference and a bit of experimentation. The puzzles themselves are logical and fun, with a number of delightful touches to elevate the experience into surreal whimsy. With its pleasing aesthetics and playfulness, Room Escape 12 is like a gift to all room escape fans and is sure to put a warm smile on your day.
Walkthrough Guide
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Walkthrough: Lo.Nyan’s Room Escape 12
Starting Out: Five Color Code and Left Cabinet
As you begin, you’re facing a sofa. Zoom in to examine the items on the coffee table…
Pick up the RED BOOK:
Flick through the red book to note all of the clues it contains (pay attention to the colored tabs)…
Apple on yellow tab; banana on red; cat on blue; dog on green; egg on light blue.
Notice the clipboard on the table; it’d be a good place to hold a piece of paper with instructions on it.
Back out.
On either side of the sofa are two glass cabinets….
The right cabinet needs a key; the left cabinet needs a color code. You should already know this color code…
Use the information from the RED BOOK to solve this code:
blue= C (cat)
yellow= A (apple)
green= D
light blue= E
red= B
Once you have the code correct, press the grey button to unlock the cabinet.
Back up and open the glass cabinet to take out some items…
A PICTURE of a blue angel holding a red gem.
PINK ENVELOPE…open the envelope and get PAPER SCRAP and a KEY.
Chest of Drawers, Dresser and Music Box
Turn right from the sofa and you’ll see a chest of three drawers. Use the KEY you just obtained on the chest.
Look inside each of the three drawers to get…
A box with a WHITE CRYSTAL ANGEL inside.
Back up from the drawers and turn right twice to face a dresser. Zoom in on the dresser…
Remove the 2 ROUND HANDLES from their package and use them to open the dresser doors:
Inside the right side of the dresser you’ll find a CAMERA and a BLUE MUG.
Inside the left side you’ll find a BLUE ANGEL
You need to find a red/blue code for the dresser drawers. You have red and blue coffee mugs, so why not make coffee?
Turn left and enter the kitchen. There you’ll find a coffee maker.
Put the RED MUG and BLUE MUG in the coffee maker and note what happens.
Return to the dresser and zoom in on the top drawer:
Enter the code from the coffee maker…
After you put the mugs in the coffee maker, numbers show up on them… Click the red and blue buttons in this order:
After you’ve entered the correct code, you can back up and open the dresser drawers. Take out these items…
A box with a RED ANGEL inside.
INSTRUCTIONS BOOKLET for the music box
A ring box with an EMERALD RING inside (remove the EMERALD from the ring).
From the frames on the dresser top, take a PICTURE of angels on the music box.
The Music Box:
You now have these items: two pictures, a music box instruction book, three crystal angels (white, blue and red), and an emerald.
To the right of the dresser is a window. Zoom in closer to examine it…
Take the RED GEM and BLUE GEM from the curtain ties.
Now return to the dresser and follow the clues in your inventory to arrange the angels properly…
First put the gems on the angels: red angel=blue gem; white angel=green gem; blue angel=red gem.
Then, put the angels on the music box (from left to right): red angel, white angel, blue angel.
When the three correct angels are on the round music box, press the button on the front of the box…music plays and the box opens:
Get the BLUE KEY.
Right Cabinet, Kitchen Cupboards, Clock Code
After getting the blue key from the music box, turn right to face the sofa. Go over to the glass cabinet on the right side of the sofa…
Use the BLUE KEY to unlock the cabinet and get:
A purple envelope with a third PAPER SCRAP inside.
Back up from the sofa area and turn to the kitchen.
Zoom in on the cupboards and cut the pink ribbon with the SCISSORS. Open the cupboards:
From the left cupboards get a ROLLING PIN and blue box of COOKIE CUTTERS.
From the right cupboard, you’ll see a robot….
SAVE YOUR GAME before picking up a secret item from the robot.
get the last PAPER SCRAP from the robot.
Turn the robot around to find SCOTCH TAPE.
Look under the robot to get the lucky clover. Don’t pick it up without saving your game because the clover changes the way you end the game.
Use the TAPE to piece together the 4 PAPER SCRAPS
Back up from the kitchen and turn right to face the clock view… zoom in on the clock:
Use the clue from the four paper scraps to solve the clock code…
(5, 8, 3, 9, 6, 12)
When the numbers on the clock are pressed correctly, a color code will be displayed. Use the CAMERA to take a picture.
Fridge, Oven and Regular Ending
To get the regular ending, open the oven before you get the lucky clover.
Turn to the kitchen after solving the clock code and examine the refrigerator.
Enter the colored numbers as highlighted on the clock…
When you have the correct code, the fridge unlocks.
Back up to open the fridge. Take out these items…
A rolling MAT with colored alphabet design.
Prepare your cookies for baking:
Use the COOKIE CUTTERS on the rolled out COOKIE DOUGH.
Open the oven:
Back up from the kitchen and face the sofa. Zoom in on the coffee table…
Put the ALPHABET MAT on the clipboard.
Close the curtains.
Examine the mat on the clipboard to see which letters/colors are highlighted. You can use the CAMERA to take a picture.
Turn back to the oven and enter the correct 4-letter code:
red= D
blue= I
green= G
black= E
Open the oven and take out the PINK BAG. Open the bag and get a BOX.
Put the COOKIES in the oven.
Wait a second for them to bake then take them out….burnt already!
Examine the little wood box in your inventory….
Enter the code from the burnt cookies:
star= 7
diamond= 1
house= 2
heart= 0
Get the KEY.
Use the key on the door to exit.
Using the Oven for the Perfect Ending
To get the perfect ending, get the LUCKY CLOVER from the bottom of the robot (inside the cupboard) before you open the oven
With the clover in your possession, zoom in on the oven and enter the code from the alphabet mat.
Open the oven and take out the pink bag.
When you open the bag to get what’s inside, the bag doesn’t go away.
Bake the cookies and put them in the bag. Use the heart sticker to seal it. Use the code on the front of the bag to open the box and get the door key.
Posted by: elle
September 5, 2014 3:03 PM