I wish Lo.Nyan would decorate my house so I could live every day in gorgeous serenity. Plus, if ever I was bored... Boom! Try to open a cupboard and get clever puzzles to play any time; I'd never want to leave home. This is just as true with Lo.Nyan's Room Escape 11, whose pastel green peacefulness beckons you to stay a while, to curl up on the cozy-looking bed with a book and never take a second look at the outside world. But, of course, escaping the room is the point of the game. As you explore the room, pointing and clicking on every interesting surface to examine more closely or picking up useful objects, you'll discover creative clue presentations and puzzles that are too irresistible to not solve. Because the well-organized layout and photo-realistic aesthetics, the unchanging cursor is never a hindrance and all your focus can be on enjoying the scene and deciphering the clues. Then, despite your best intentions to just lie down and daydream, you'll soon be out the door.
Once again, Lo.Nyan's player-minded interface keeps the experience relaxed and pleasant. Pick up the camera and you can use it to take pictures of those clues you can't pick up; anything else not nailed down, you can carry with you. Then, you can highlight and use the clues in your inventory, referring to them with ease as you work on a puzzle. Being able to hold two items at once is a refreshing departure from other games which tie a hand behind your back. Because of Escape 11's smaller, four-walled setting and its overly straight-forward clue presentation, gameplay is more linear and escape comes quicker than in Lo.Nyan's 9th and 10th room escapes. Considering the quality design already discussed, it's disappointing to encounter some fuzzy graphics and still no "Save" function to experience both endings—determined by whether you grab the four leaf clover before using the door key—without starting from the beginning each time. Even so, it's well worth the second play through as the endings are about how you escape rather than what you see once you're out. When a setting is this lovely, any extra time spent in it is always a pleasure.
Walkthrough Guide
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Walkthrough: Lo.Nyan's Room Escape 11
Gather loose items:
To the left of the chair, get the Camera and Envelope #1
Above the chair, get Envelope #2. Take note of the purple circle thing and the glass shelf we can't open yet.
Go right and face the couch. Click on the window to zoom in and click on the pillows to get Book #5
Zoom back out and click on the shelf. In between the books is a Flashlight. Zoom back out and take note of the two cabinets below we can't open yet.
Turn right, click on the bed and then the pillows to get Book #2
Turn right, click on the plant to reveal Book #3
Clock puzzle:
The clock puzzle can be found next to the bed.
The color wheel mirror
The key to solving this puzzle is the color wheel mirror and it's clock-like positions.
Triangle is blue, Circle is red, Diamond is green
Take the key and go over to the locked cabinets by the books
Zoom in on the right lower cabinet and use the key to open it. Get Book #6.
Click in the back of the cabinet and use the flashlight to get 3 of Clubs. Take note of the empty space with four corner pieces.
Back out so you can view the window and click on the lower left cabinet. Use the key to open it and get Envelope #3
Click on the upper right cabinet to zoom in on the brown books with numbers
Place all books to complete the sequence (1 - 6) and unlock the shelf below
Get the Calendar and 5 of Diamonds
Dresser (part 1):
Now that you have the calendar, go to the dresser.
Click on the calendar and use the arrow to hold it on the left of your screen to make this next part easier.
The letters refer to months and the numbers to a day.
A13 is April 13. The symbol is a star.
M4 is May 4. The symbol is a diamond.
J11 is June 11. The symbol is a house.
This unlocks all three drawers to get a box with a Green Angel, a Tape, and the 6 of spades
If you haven't already done so, open each Envelope to reveal 3 pieces of paper. Use the Tape on the paper pieces.
Remember that empty section on the back of the lower right cabinet? Go there and click on the flashlight. Then click on the piece of paper to place it. Now, turn off the flashlight and make note of the numbers and colors. Numbers and colors:
Pink 4, Yellow 8, Blue 5
Below the mirror:
This puzzle is pretty straightforward. Just match the numbers with the correct color.
Pink 4, Yellow 8, Blue 5
Get the Screwdriver
Glass box:
Zoom in on the box and use the screwdriver to remove the glass.
Get the Red Angel, the Ace of hearts, and Two door pulls.
Click on the robot and get the rolled up piece of paper (NEWS with a Brass key inside. With the robot off still zoomed in, click on the green clover where the robot sat on the shelf.
Dresser (part 2):
Go back to the dresser and put the two door pulls on both left and right doors, respectively.
Get the Color box puzzle and the Lever puzzle
Lever puzzle:
The books we collected earlier hold a clue
The number books contain the key to the lever puzzle. There are gold stripes indicating either top, middle, or bottom
From left to right: Middle, Bottom, Middle, Top, Bottom, Middle
Now that you've opened the box, collect the Key and Symbol paper
Map box puzzle:
Use the NEWS paper. What does the symbol on the box look like?
The symbol on the box is a compass. The NEWS letters are compass directions.
Change the colors of each North, East, South, and West petals to match the paper. Fill in the remaining petals as you would a rainbow.
Starting at the North position going clockwise: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Light Blue, White, Purple
Push the pin on the box and get the Yellow Angel
Purple box:
Place each angel on their corresponding colors/symbols and open the box to get the Heart key
Card/number puzzle:
Go to the nightstand by the bed and use the heart key to open the drawer
Use the brass key to activate the puzzle
Examine the playing cards and pin them to the right of the screen. Do the same with the symbol paper.
The symbols and the playing cards each relate.
Match each card's number and enter it into the puzzle. Ace = 1 (btw)
Top left is 1, Top right is 6, Bottom left is 3, Bottom right is 5
Once you solve the puzzle, take the Door key
Inside the closet:
Click on the purple bag and look inside to get the 4 of diamonds
Click on the purple box to get the 7 of hearts. Click on the inside of this box again to get the Screwdriver and 2 of spades
Click on the box behind where the purple bag was and get the 8 of clubs. You should now have all cards.
Zoom in on the glass box and use the screwdriver to unlock it. Click the button to turn it blue.
Picture above the bed:
The picture above the bed should look a little different after pushing the button in the closet
Pin the cards to the right of your screen.
The cards tell you about the corners of the picture
To exit, you will need to click on the picture in the order of the playing cards. The order is from low to high card, top to bottom.
Heart, Spade, Club, Diamond, Diamond, Spade, Heart, Club
The door should open and you're out!
Posted by: fuzzboxer
June 11, 2014 5:08 PM