An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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Mikecandystand-logica-screen1.jpgBefore a couple days ago, if a grizzly vagabond accosted me and started ranting that 2 plus 3 equals orange, or that yellow and blue make seven, I would have privately made some conclusions about his sanity and made a tactful withdrawal. But now that I have played a certain color and number based puzzler from Candystand, I would realize that this person has been playing Logica. I would also know why he was crazy, for Logica is fiendishly, maddeningly difficult, enough to push even the sanest, most well-adjusted grizzly vagabond over the brink.

The core concept is simple enough. Each level sports a field of Wheel-of-Fortune-style tiles, and occasionally some sort of hint or other accoutrements. Clicking on the tiles reveals a colored keyboard-key with a number on it from 1 to 9, and you can usually cycle through the various numbers and colors embedded in each tile. Each number is always matched with the same color, and every tile contains only a certain set of numbers. You will quickly learn these associations and limitations, and internalizing them is important to solving the puzzles.

The goal is to follow the instructions each level provides, and sometimes the point of the puzzle is in figuring out what those instructions are. There are three tiers of difficulty with ten levels each, plus a useful five level tutorial. If you defeat five levels in one tier, you can move on to the next. Steel yourself if you choose to do so, because Logica doesn't coddle.

Analysis: I like puzzle games to have a solid theme and a mechanic that doesn't require a lot of extra stuff on the periphery, and here Logica delivers. It's amazing how easily I learned to start adding colors and associating them with numbers, like I imagine a synesthete might. The persistent use of this mechanic and the keyboard-key look reminds me of the presentation of a Bart Bonte game.

The look of the game is not as slick as a Bonte project, but it's serviceable. The navigation is a little clumsy. There never is any indication of what level you are on, and you have to go back to the level menu each time you complete a puzzle, instead of immediately navigating to the next. However, it is easy to tell what levels you have completed, which is important as you will likely have to skip between levels quite frequently.

candystand logica screen 2Yes, the difficulty. Maybe it's all the M&M's and pudding cups I've been binging on, but on the Medium and Hard puzzles especially, I found myself veering between successfully solving after a satisfying bit of consideration, and being completely addlepated and dumbfounded. It shames me to admit how often I had to consult the walkthrough Candystand provides, but even this was of limited utility, as it merely reveals the answers without explaining the logic behind them. On seeing some solutions I thought, "Not sure I would have come up with that, given the sugar high I'm on, but I must admit that is one clever puzzle. Well played, Logica!" Yet on others I could only think in disjointed waves of purple bewilderment and red frustration. An opaquely difficult puzzle is one in which the solution sows more confusion than the original puzzle.

Even the puzzles I did solve did not always make me happy. I want to make clear that there were many puzzles with nice, logical, satisfying solutions. A few rely on prior knowledge of other sorts of puzzles, though that isn't a huge problem. But several puzzles, I am pretty sure, relied on narrowing the field of solutions and brute-forcing them until one worked. One involves an impossible degree of visual acuity that I could only solve by screen-capturing the game and zooming in. I don't find these contortions fun; I find them tedious.

I'm being harsh on a minority of puzzles, and it's enough that it detracts from the experience. But there is still a good gameplay experience here. At it's best, when the difficulty curve isn't a wall, Logica provides several excellent puzzles. The theme is good, the concept well-conceived and usually the puzzles are clever and a solid application of the concept. But if you find yourself on the street, shouting that Neptune is blue, except that it's red, don't say you weren't warned.

Play Logica

Walkthrough Guide

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Logica Hint-through
These are hints for each level - not full solutions.


If you really need a hint, well, try clicking on the squares…see how they turn into "1's"?


The missing square is movable.


You can click multiple times on a square to change its color.


When a red line and a yellow line cross, what color do you think the intersecting square will be?


More color addition for you…what color would you get when you mix a red "2" square and a yellow "3" square?


Be positive…hmm…maybe something symbolic of your positive outlook? Forget numbers and colors for just a moment - it'd be a plus.


S, blank, U, V…what could possibly go in that blank?


Okay, back to colors…


If you got Training-3, this should be a snap.


Okay, look at those lines. Pretend they're parts of a circuit. You might think about assembling them alongside the grid of boxes so that you can complete a circuit of each color using lines and boxes. But that's just my suggestion.


Stop clicking so gosh-darned fast and pay attention to what the scrolling message to the right is telling you.


All right, you need one path connecting the reds, one path connecting the yellows, one path connecting the blues. One guess what colors the intersections are.

Bonus hint:

There's one purple, one orange, and two green boxes in the solution.


Start in the middle and pay close attention to the directions. Too much pressing will get you in trouble.


That lonely box moves.


We just practiced drawing one of the letters you'll need.


Okay, look, have you noticed yet how when you click a square you get both a letter AND a number? No? Really want to keep playing this game, do you?


I'd DIE for a solution to this one.


Math time. You've got operations along the top and the side. Now, to what might those operations apply? Hey, look at that grid of numbers below…


Lift the blinds and let in a little light. And some more contrast might help too…


I see numbers, I see colors, I see they're the same thing… What do you get when you add yellow and red? What do you get when you add green and green?


Okay, this one's cute. Remember, there's the color OF the clue, and the color IN the clue. Don't ignore either unless you're told to.

Bonus hint:

Which clues apply to which boxes? Which month of the year is September? How many corners does the Earth have (thanks ray9na!)?


This one's kind of complicated.

Don't just start moving stuff around! Click, then think, then move!

You need to fill in the missing boxes in the sequence from 0-9; the movable boxes below fill in those gaps (spaces 1, 2, 7 and 8).

Which movable box goes where? Well, that depends on the box to the left of each movable box (hope you didn't start moving them around already).

Only one box to the left of a movable box can be made an "8," so put the corresponding movable box in the "8" position…get the idea?

I'll let you take it from here…


Count? What is there to count?

Lots of sevens here…seven boxes, seven words, seven possible colors…


Does the layout of those keys, er, boxes remind you of anything?


BOOM! Wish I'd placed some flags around those red squares…


Go look at the hint for Easy-7.


Make sure you label your axes correctly before you start plotting points.


Okay, look at those instructions. Clearly, your starting point needs to be one square to the left and two squares down from one of the blank spaces in the grid. Wait, that wasn't obvious?

Up turns with you.


This is a multistage puzzle, and the first stage does NOT involve clicking. Just get your hand off your mouse and think for a moment.

On each row we have a colored letter, some boxes, and a number. Notice any sort of correlation between the color of the letter and the boxes?

If you figured out the last hint, this one should make sense: the numbers on the left indicate which element of each row you will need.

Put it all together, and THEN you can follow the instructions to solve the level…


18, 5, 4…I'll need my decoder ring to solve this puzzle.


Okay, remember Medium-9? Those keys, er, boxes can spell stuff…

Wouldn't it be keen if what they spelled was the right color?

Not enough letters? Well, one can do double duty, but it will add up…


You're going to have to go back to the Easy puzzles if you can't get this one. No shame in it.

When you come back, you might need to scramble a bit to catch up.


Just trace my steps and you'll do fine…


Okay, these puzzles are crazy, but this one's a puzzle craze.

Bonus hint:

It helps that not every box can be every number.


This isn't picross, sorry. Close, but no.

By this point, your eyes might have started blurring boxes of the same color together. Luckily, that will help here.


2 puzzle games that names are only a few letters long and begin with l and end with a in a row?


Does anyone know the solution to the tenth problem in the easy set? I can't seem to figure out what it means...


@fishy Easy 10 below

the instructions have shifted the two 'L's from look and like - if you put them back (so to speak) you are left with 'what does water look like'. Water is h20 so if you draw an O (oxygen) in the top box and 2 H's (hydrogen) in the bottom boxes you drawn what water looks like.


Any clue what the logic is behind Medium 2? I can look at the walkthrough, but that only gives me the answer... and I'm worried it'll come up again.


grrr. Easy 5... hard.


This game isn't hard in a good way. Puzzles are hard in a good way when you don't get the answer because you were thinking one way and you were supposed to think another way, but all the pieces were there, like Easy 6. But most of these are of the sort where seeing the answer and understanding the mechanics behind it just makes you confused about the pieces. Like medium 10. I looked at the answer, saw what was going on, but only made the connection way later that

mine = the explosive kind of mine. Then to make the leap from there to Minesweeper. It's a stretch.

I don't understand medium 8 at all, and most of the hard ones. Most of the puzzles, you get a clue that has many different legitimate ways to be applied, and only one is what the game's looking for. And sometimes you'll get what it wants but the answer is just slightly different, like in Hard 2, where

you need to include the axes.


I couldn't get it either at first. I thought the solution it gives us comes from trying to spread 1-6 through the cross without reusing a number (only four possible ways to do it, one is right), but I just realized that you're supposed to place the numbers the way they'd be on a die (if you folded the cross into a cube).


It took me a while, but I realized that you're not supposed to put the lines ON the grid, but around it, so that the same-color lines link up and show where the ends of chains in the grid are supposed to be.



You count the number of letters in the hint phrase. (you = 3)


In Medium-6:

shouldn't "Earth" be "Mars"?


I do wish the "walkthrough" was just hints. Like Mike said, having an explanation of the logic behind the answers would be great, but I think having some way of getting additional hints (besides coming here and begging for them) that still allowed us the opportunity to solve the puzzle would be even better.


I went to see the solution on easy 6, but I don't understand the logic of it. Does anyone do?


For Easy 6,

Look at the Pattern to the right, it changes all the time. If you put the patterns next to each other, it reads "ALL BLUE!".


Anybody understand the logic behind Medium-6 ? I saw the solution bad that doesn't help me to understand.


I enjoyed this game - being able to percieve the puzzle in many cases gave a great sense of achievement. That said, I had to skip many of them as I worked through the game this morning.

Now I return to it, and it doesn't seem to have saved my progress on which ones I solved. What a pain.

I haven't looked at the solutions yet, but I might be about to for some of these. I can't figure out Easy 8 - the punctuation and order of words (at the end) in the little line of instructions is OFF, and I don't know if that's a hint, a bad translation, poor proofreading, whatever.


Let's add some more gripes while I'm at it:

the colour of 9 and 8 are indistinguishable on my screen, and I also can't see

the non-1 numbers on Medium 4.

I looked at the solution to Easy 8 - I get it now. Hint:

There's no mistakes in the instructions. Take them literally.


OK... Hard 2 has got to be the first one that I take issue with vis-a-vis the hint given only points the user towards one part of the solution.

Though I guess it fits with the description on the game's webpage - the Hard ones are meant to be pretty ridiculous.

Patreon Crew SonicLover January 15, 2010 10:28 AM

I've solved every puzzle except Medium-5, Medium-6, Hard-3, and Hard-4. Here's what I've got for each one:


Each square displays an addition of terms when moused over. Some terms are numbers, others colors. The center is "1 + 1" but it can only be 1 or 0, and that's what throws me off.


Each "clue" refers to a specific square. Monday is the first square, Helium is the second, and so forth. But I can't interpret the clues.


The grid rotates 90 degrees with every click. I have no idea where to start pressing, or how to interpret the clues with the rotation!


Each square can only be 2/3/4. The number of squares in each row equals the number of letters in the color of the preceding letter; for example, the first row has an orange "A" and five letters (O-R-A-N-G-E). But where do the numbers come in?


I get Medium 2:

It's an unfolded die. Opposite sides of a die add up to 7.


I figured out Medium 5:

It's not numerical addition, modulo or otherwise. It's straight color mixing. Thus 1+1=1, 3+3=3, and 7+7=7.

Patreon Crew SonicLover January 15, 2010 10:56 AM

Funny, I thought I'd tried that... all right, how about the others?


Finished all training, easy, medium & hard levels, but didn't get the "All Clear" there a puzzle I'm missing somewhere?

Patreon Crew SonicLover January 15, 2010 11:03 AM

Aha! I've got Hard 4 figured out...

As I mentioned previously, the key is the colors spelled out. Look at each color word, then the letter in the position indicated by the number (for example, the "3" and orange A mean the third letter in "orange". Those letters will spell something.



Some hints:


The color of the clues matters.


Locating the correct starting square is is:

(2,2) on the grid in its original orientation.


This is a two stage puzzle, and the first level has nothing to do with clicking.

In the first stage, the color of the letters on the left, the number of squares in the rows, and the numbers on the right all work together.

Notice something about the number of squares vis-a-vis the color of the letters?

Now, suppose you wrote out those colors, one letter into each box -- what might the number at the right of each color indicate?

Take the letter of each color specified by the number at the end of the row. Put the letters together, and that will tell you what you *actually* need to do in the second stage in terms of clicking on the boxes.

"ALL RED" -- so turn all the boxes red.


Oh, and on Hard-3:

Interpret the instructions as applied to the original orientation...i.e., "up" rotates as the grid rotates.

Patreon Crew SonicLover January 15, 2010 11:15 AM

All that's left for me is Medium-6. And I'm no closer to solving it than I was before.

I've tried setting each square to the color of the clue that refers to it (for example, when it said "Neptune is blue" in red text, I made the eighth square red), but no dice.


Some more on Medium-6:

The coordination of clues and boxes is:

1. Monday
2. Helium
3. Three
4. Earth (why? who knows)
5. E
6. Six
7. Seven
8. Neptune
9. September

As for the colors for each:

Add the color of the clue to the color specified IN the clue. However, if the clue says that a particular item is NOT a color, ignore the color stated and just use the color OF the clue itself.


Well at least I got a single Hard puzzle (Hard 9) done, and that took a huge stretch of logic as well. This was a distraction, could have been better, worth a look I suppose.


My conjecture based on Fritware's correspondences for Medium 6:

1. Monday - the first day of the week by European calendars, or just the first day of the work week.
2. Helium - its atomic number.
3. Three - straightforward.
4. Earth (why? who knows) - perhaps because it has "four corners"?
5. E - the fifth letter of the alphabet.
6. Six - straightforward.
7. Seven - straightforward.
8. Neptune - the eighth planet of our solar system.
9. September - the ninth month of the year.

For Medium 7 (the method, since the objective seems pretty obvious):

At the bottom, click the boxes in the left column to determine their highest rank. The boxes to their right get moved into either that corresponding place or the value closest to it. From top to bottom, those values are

7, 4, 1, 9

The numbers 0 and 9 at the ends of the long row indicate that the boxes will count from 0 to 9, thus the box to the immediate right of the 0 will be 0, or unclicked, and the box to the immediate left of the 9 will be 9. So from the columns at the bottom, the box to the right of the 1-box (third one down) goes in the first blank space, the box to the right of the 4-box (second one down) goes in the second blank space, the box to the right of the 7-box (first one) ... well, you get the idea. Just arrange them from lowest to highest in the available blank spots.


Does anyone understand Medium 9? It makes even less sense to me than Medium 6 did at first.



I had a different, although similar, take on Medium-7:

You need to fill in the missing boxes in the sequence from 0-9; the movable boxes below fill in those numbers (1, 2, 7 and 8).

Which movable box goes where? Well, that depends on the box to the left of each movable box (hope you didn't start moving them around already). Only one box to the left of a movable box can be made an "8," so put the corresponding movable box in the "8" position. Only one box to the left can be made a 7, so the corresponding box goes there. Only one remaining box to the left can be a 2, so the corresponding box goes there, and the last goes in the 1 position.

Once properly placed, the movable boxes become clickable. Just click on the boxes in the row so they are in order from 0 (unclicked) to 9.

It amounts to the same thing, I guess.




Does the layout of the keys, er, boxes mean anything to you?

SmileyRiley January 15, 2010 12:24 PM

aargh! I can't even do #5 in training. Not a game for me I fear!!


Working on a hintthrough now...


Fritware, re: Medium 9--

Oh, for crying out loud! *sigh*

Is it just me, or is anyone else getting a GodTower/Not Pr0n vibe from this?

@SmileyRiley, Training 5--

You need to mentally overlay the three grids at the bottom and add the numbers where they appear in a same box, then make the corresponding boxes display the resulting number.



Most "Way too hard, try again please and maybe come up with a game that can actually be played" type games on JIG are actually good in some way. They're pretty, novel, or could have been really fun to play if they weren't soul-crushingly impossible.

This isn't one of those games.


Logica Hint-through
These are hints for each level - not full solutions.


If you really need a hint, well, try clicking on the squares…see how they turn into "1's"?


The missing square is movable.


You can click multiple times on a square to change its color.


When a red line and a yellow line cross, what color do you think the intersecting square will be?


More color addition for you…what color would you get when you mix a red "2" square and a yellow "3" square?


Be positive…hmm…maybe something symbolic of your positive outlook? Forget numbers and colors for just a moment - it'd be a plus.


S, blank, U, V…what could possibly go in that blank?


Okay, back to colors…


If you got Training-3, this should be a snap.


Okay, look at those lines. Pretend they're parts of a circuit. You might think about assembling them alongside the grid of boxes so that you can complete a circuit of each color using lines and boxes. But that's just my suggestion.


Stop clicking so gosh-darned fast and pay attention to what the scrolling message to the right is telling you.


All right, you need one path connecting the reds, one path connecting the yellows, one path connecting the blues. One guess what colors the intersections are.

Bonus hint:

There's one purple, one orange, and two green boxes in the solution.


Start in the middle and pay close attention to the directions. Too much pressing will get you in trouble.


That lonely box moves.


We just practiced drawing one of the letters you'll need.


Okay, look, have you noticed yet how when you click a square you get both a letter AND a number? No? Really want to keep playing this game, do you?


I'd DIE for a solution to this one.


Math time. You've got operations along the top and the side. Now, to what might those operations apply? Hey, look at that grid of numbers below…


Lift the blinds and let in a little light. And some more contrast might help too…


I see numbers, I see colors, I see they're the same thing… What do you get when you add yellow and red? What do you get when you add green and green?


Okay, this one's cute. Remember, there's the color OF the clue, and the color IN the clue. Don't ignore either unless you're told to.

Bonus hint:

Which clues apply to which boxes? Which month of the year is September? How many corners does the Earth have (thanks ray9na!)?


This one's kind of complicated.

Don't just start moving stuff around! Click, then think, then move!

You need to fill in the missing boxes in the sequence from 0-9; the movable boxes below fill in those gaps (spaces 1, 2, 7 and 8).

Which movable box goes where? Well, that depends on the box to the left of each movable box (hope you didn't start moving them around already).

Only one box to the left of a movable box can be made an "8," so put the corresponding movable box in the "8" position…get the idea?

I'll let you take it from here…


Count? What is there to count?

Lots of sevens here…seven boxes, seven words, seven possible colors…


Does the layout of those keys, er, boxes remind you of anything?


BOOM! Wish I'd placed some flags around those red squares…


Go look at the hint for Easy-7.


Make sure you label your axes correctly before you start plotting points.


Okay, look at those instructions. Clearly, your starting point needs to be one square to the left and two squares down from one of the blank spaces in the grid. Wait, that wasn't obvious?

Up turns with you.


This is a multistage puzzle, and the first stage does NOT involve clicking. Just get your hand off your mouse and think for a moment.

On each row we have a colored letter, some boxes, and a number. Notice any sort of correlation between the color of the letter and the boxes?

If you figured out the last hint, this one should make sense: the numbers on the left indicate which element of each row you will need.

Put it all together, and THEN you can follow the instructions to solve the level…


18, 5, 4…I'll need my decoder ring to solve this puzzle.


Okay, remember Medium-9? Those keys, er, boxes can spell stuff…

Wouldn't it be keen if what they spelled was the right color?

Not enough letters? Well, one can do double duty, but it will add up…


You're going to have to go back to the Easy puzzles if you can't get this one. No shame in it.

When you come back, you might need to scramble a bit to catch up.


Just trace my steps and you'll do fine…


Okay, these puzzles are crazy, but this one's a puzzle craze.

Bonus hint:

It helps that not every box can be every number.


This isn't picross, sorry. Close, but no.

By this point, your eyes might have started blurring boxes of the same color together. Luckily, that will help here.


On the hint for Hard-4, spoiler 3:

That's the numbers on the RIGHT, of course.

EccentricFlower January 15, 2010 1:12 PM

Note that although tutorial 1 is easy as pie,

apparently they revised the look of the screens at some point, and when they did, they got the key under the help grid backward. Not that it's hard to try both the pattern and its opposite ...


ray9na --

GodTower/Not Pr0n? You bet, to the extent that I started right-clicking and checking the page source.

That said, looking back on it, I think most of the puzzles were logical (if quite a bit lateral in many cases). The original review notes one puzzle that required extreme "visual acuity" -- if that's the puzzle I think it is, the vision problem can be resolved within the context of the game, and indeed the real puzzle is:

figuring out how to make things clearer by moving the panel that's obscuring what you need to see (Medium-4)

All in all, I enjoyed this one.


I'm having trouble getting some of the Hard ones even with hints: 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9.

For 3, I get what to do. The question is where to start.

4 makes absolutely no sense, especially when I compare the hint-through with the solution.

7 and 8 are just too confusing.

Now, for 9 I completely understand what the puzzle is and what I need to do, but holy cow, did someone say "super evil"?


ray9na --


It helps if you trace out the route on graph paper, and then figure out where that path can fit on the grid.

The only place the path fits is if you start at (2, 2) in the grid's original orientation.


Write out the color of each letter in the boxes on the respective row.

From the word you just wrote, take the letter corresponding to the number at the end of the row -- so if you just wrote "orange," and the number is "3," you'd take letter "a."

Do that for all rows, and you get "ALL RED."

The solution is to turn all the boxes red.


The jumble at the bottom is an anagram.

Find the unscrambled word in an Easy-level clue.

Note the number of boxes on Hard-7 equals the letters in the unscrambled word.

Note the color/letter associations from the Easy clue, then put those colors in the boxes in Hard-7 -- BUT in the jumbled order that you see on Hard-7.


The instructions that appear below each box when you scroll over are directions for drawing the number that goes into that box.


On Hard-9:

It helps a great deal that, like other boxes in the game, not every box can be set to every number. Some can only be 1, some can only be 2-4, some can only be 1, 8 or 9, and some can be 2-7.

A box that can be set to 2-7 will never be a 2, 3 or 4, because if a square is a 2, 3 or 4, the puzzle uses a box that only goes up to 4.

Similarly, all of the 1's in the puzzle will be in boxes that can ONLY be set to 1, meaning that all of the 1/8/9 boxes will either be 8 or 9.


If a box can be set to 2-7, it must be a 5, 6 or 7.

If a box can be set to 1, 8 or 9, it must be 8 or 9.

If a box can be set to 2-4, it must (of course) be 2, 3 or 4.

If a box can only be set to 1, it's a 1.


I still have no clue what's going on in hard-6, and hard-3 (the rotation one) is completely stupid. How are you supposed to know the starting point, try every square until the directions are possible, just hoping you are interpreting the directions the correct way?


keith --


This is another keyboard puzzle. If the boxes were keys on your keyboard oriented around the letters T, H, I and N, what letters would go in those boxes? What two colors can you spell with those letters?


I found the starting point by tracing out the whole path on a scrap of paper and then comparing that path to the grid. There's only one place the path as a whole can go that fits.

The path starts at (2, 2).

EccentricFlower January 15, 2010 3:12 PM

ray9na re hard 9:

Sudoku is super evil?

Especially when it's very easy to find where all the 1s on the grid are?

Not getting in your face, just kind of amused at what others think is evil here and what isn't. That was probably the only hard puzzle here where I knew immediately what the gimmick was.

I've actually sort of come to hate intuitive-leap puzzles like this, where a group of people can stare at the same starting conditions and yet be utterly disagreed on which ones were too evil to live.


Okay, I tried doing Easy 5 according to the hint-through & still got nowhere. This game is just too bloody difficult.


i still don't get hard 2. I came up with a

square root of 4 sign

but don't know what to do next


I seem to have completed all the puzzles, but I did not get the "All Clear" Achievement.


Since when is Earth the fourth planet?
What happened to third rock from the sun?
Furthermore, when was a new planet discovered and why didn't anybody tell me...?


I dont understand Medium 8.

I got the numbers all seven


Chris (Easy-5):

The lines have to be assembled so the flat ends contact the edge of the grid. The yellow one is arranged along the left side, the blue runs down the middle between the top and bottom of the grid, and the red is arranged along the right.

If it helps, the weird right-angled yellow line goes in the lower left corner of the grid.

Adam (Hard-2):

You need to make sure you're plotting points in the right place. Notice anything about the boxes on the bottom row and left column when you click them?

The bottom row and left column are the axes. Make sure they're labeled properly, and then plot above them.

In other words, set squares 1-9 in the bottom row to 0 (unclicked) through 8. In the first column, set the squares from 0 to 8 from bottom to top.

Then, plot points above the axes. In other words, point (2, 2) is in fact at (3,3) on the grid as a whole.


Yeah, I can't get the "All clear" either. Weird. I hunted for a hidden puzzle for a while, with no luck.


What is the logic behind Medium 8? What does 7 have to do with it?



If the first word related to the first box, how might you decide which number/color to make that box?

Count the letters in the first word, put that number in the first box, and so on.


Hint for Medium 7

When you are putting the numbers in one throught 9, the first box is supposed to be a ZERO(OR NOTHING) And the Last box should be a nine.


I have no idea what to do on Hard 5. Decoder rings are before my time, so I don't know what the hint is supposed to mean.

Also stuck on Hard 10... my brain hurts too much to spend anymore time staring at it.


Power of posting... I got Hard 5 and 10.


MaddiJ --

Seven words, seven boxes...maybe each word tells you which number to put into each box?


I still don't get the easy 5... someone show a picture of the solution because all the hints you give I order them and still can't complete



On the game page, above the actual game, is a link to a visual solution guide.


I'm following directions for Hard 3 to the letter, and it's still not working out.

The enemy's gate is down, right? "Up turns with you" means that up is always defined as where the top of the numbers point, yes? Thus right, left, and down are all relative to up? I'm following all this oh so very carefully, but I invariably end up positioned over a hole with nothing to press, and I assume holes count as spaces when moving in a given direction. In the spirit of experimentation, I've tried every interpretation, and then I once again try as I said above. Something always goes wrong.


I love hard9,

Sudoku is my favorite!


ray9na thank you I missed it completely:D


Wow... I can't even get past training 1... I arranged it entirely according to both the key and its opposite (since they conflicted) and both times nothing's happening... is there a "submit answer" button I can't find?


this game didn't make me feel happy




Maybe you missed one? Does this help? (link to visual solution guide)


ray9na --

Hard-3: You're reading my hints correctly, I think. Maybe the problem is that

there's one spot where you move twice without clicking?

Here is the sequence of points to click on in form (x, y), taking rotation into account (i.e., you don't need to rotate your coordinate system after each click):

(2, 2)
(4, 5)
(5, 2)
(2, 3)
(4, 5)
(4, 3)
(3, 4)
(4, 3)
(2, 3)
(3, 6)


For those having big problems : it may be not your fault, but the conceptor's one :

1/Earth is NOT the fourth planet of the solar system, but do as if !
2/addition(or substraction) and multiplication(or division) are NOT distributive, so doing one before the other doesn t give the same result. Well, forget that : you ll have to make a choice in the order, but sometimes you ll have to make the other choice : too bad and happy tries !


Fritware, re: Hard 3--

Okay, now I'm utterly stymied. Hard 8 I can sort of kind of see once I compare the hints to the solution, but this one just leaves me scratching my head.

How in the world, in any rotation of the coordinate system, do you get from <2,2> to <4,5> based on the given instructions? It says, "Press Up Right Press ..." so starting at <2,2>, I click, go up one, right one (for a certain definition of "up" and "right"), click, etc. I admit I hadn't yet considered that the first box that gets clicked, <2,2>, remains <2,2>, but going "up" and "right" from there would put us at <3,4> (using an unchanging coordinate system).

~ray9na the more confused than evar before


can someone PLEASE give me an actual WALKthrough with actual ANSWERS???

Anonymous January 17, 2010 2:59 AM

my take on a few medium-6 clues:

helium is box #1 (helium = 'sun') and monday is box #2 ('sunday' is the first day of the week on most calendars). earth is actually the 4th 'object' in our solar system if you count the sun as #1.


Gah! I found a solution to hard 10, but it didn't take it. I had to look at the solution guide to figure out there was a different intended solution using the same logic.


ray9na --

You're absolutely right. While the points I gave you work, they are not at all consistent with the instructions. Specifically,

I went the wrong way around the loop.

This is what happens when I recreate the solution from memory.

Let me try again:

Start at (2, 2)
"Up, Right" to (3, 4)
"Right" to (3, 4)
"Up" to (3, 4)
"Up" to (4, 5)
"Left" to (5, 4)
"Left" to (5, 2)
"Down" to (3, 2)
"Down" to (2, 3)
"Left" to (3, 6)

chrishorse January 17, 2010 4:57 PM

I do not understand hard 5 at all.
The walkthrough on Candystand is just a bunch of gibberish to me.


chrishorse, re: Hard 5 --

Try taking the alphabet and assigning each a number value, i.e. a=1, b=2, etc. Now spell words that way.


pyc --

There's no error at all with the math one. Just apply your standard order of operations. I do agree, however, that "Earth" really should be "Mars."


i still couldnt figure out hard 10... :S what does it mean by blurring boxes of the same colour together?


claire --

The numbers for each column and each row show which numbers should be entered into that column/row. So if the row numbers said "5 7 3 5 7," you'd just enter 5, 7, 3, 5, 7 across the row.

But it looks like there aren't enough numbers to fill each square in a row or column individually. And what can you do if the numbers for a row tell you to enter a number higher than 9? And what do you do if it tells you to enter an "8" and the squares don't go up to 8?

Maybe two or more squares next to one another can add up to another number?

So to get 14, say, maybe you could enter an 8 and a 6 next to one another. But a little experimentation shows that doesn't work. Hmm.

Maybe there needs to be some other connection between numbers you're trying to use additively.

Only the same numbers put next to one another add up. Thus, two 7's in a row next to one another add up to 14.

But note that each 7 will still be a 7 for the column that it's in -- unless there's another 7 in the column above or below it.

This gets tricky when you're told to enter numbers with lots of factors like a 12 (three 4's, four 3's, or two 6's?) or an 8 (two 4's, four 2's, or one 8?), which is why you need to work between columns and rows to see what fits.


Could someone help me on Hard 5 and 8?



Hard 5:

What color is the square off to the left? It's red. R is the 18th letter of the alphabet, E is the 5th letter, and D is the 4th.

Now click the square under the 2/red until it's a color that, when spelled out, will fit the line to its right.

Spell out that color the same way the first one was.

Repeat this process for the remaining two.

Hard 8:

This one involves some physical pen-and-paper sketching.

Mouse over the first square. It says "step step." So place pen (or pencil) to paper, go one unit in a direction, then go another unit in that same direction.

If need be, rotate the paper by 90 degree increments until what you drew resembles a number. Now click the square until it reads the number you drew.

Repeat this process for the rest of the squares.



Addendum/clarification to Hard 8, my third spoiler point:

Depending on where you start drawing, in the end you may need to rotate and/or mirror image. Keep in mind, though, that left and right are relative. Pretend you're following driving directions.


Since a number of people have requested a more explicit walkthrough, I'm working on typing one up. It's also going to include help for people who are colorblind.

It should be ready by tomorrow.


Ok, could someone explain what kind of non-mathematical non-logic you have to use to come up with Medium 3's "solution"?


If Fritware's hint-through wasn't enough, or if you're colorblind, here's an explicit walk-through. Much thanks to Fritware for providing so many excellent explanations along the way. I'm mostly just typing and consolidating. To see what the end results should look like, follow this link, provided on the game page.


1 = gray
2 = red
3 = yellow
4 = blue
5 = orange
6 = purple
7 = green

You may want to note this down somewhere for quick and easy reference.



Make the grid of squares look just like the help grid off to the right. Click once to make a square read 1, leave it alone if the help grid reads 0. If you accidentally click something you shouldn't, the squares cycle through available values, so don't worry.

1 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 1


Move the errant square into place to make an unbroken line, then make all of them read 1.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


This is where we start to learn color correspondences. Click from red to red (top row if you're colorblind) to make the squares 2/red. Click twice each from yellow to yellow (left column) to make the squares 3/yellow. Click three times each from blue to blue (bottom row) to make the squares 4/blue. Leave the rows in the middle alone. There should not be any overlap.

. 2 2 2 2
3 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
. 4 4 4 4


Same as before, but with color mixing. If you're colorblind, red goes along the top row, yellow goes along the left column, and blue goes along the bottom row. Red and yellow overlap in the top left corner and yellow and blue overlap in the bottom left corner.

2/red and 3/yellow make 5/orange; 3/yellow and 4/blue make 7/green.

5 2 2 2 2
3 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
7 4 4 4 4


Overlay the mini help grids at the bottom and add together any numbers that end up sharing a square. If you need to work this out with pencil and paper, go for it. The square in the top left combines 2 and 4, so that should end up reading 6. Same for the square to its immediate right.

6 6 2 5 5
6 2 2 2 2
4 4 4 7 7
4 3 3 3 3



Make a plus sign.

0 1 0
1 1 1
0 1 0


The sequence of letters is S, ___, U, V.

Make a T.

1 1 1
0 1 0
0 1 0


Make just the squares in the middle row — from red end to red end — 2/red. Don't touch any of the other squares.


If you're colorblind:

The blue caps are atop the leftmost tall column, to the left of the topmost long row, atop the rightmost short column, and below the rightmost short column.

The red caps are to the left of the bottommost long row and beneath the leftmost tall column.

The yellow caps are to the left of the middle long row and beneath the rightmost tall column.

Order doesn't matter, but we'll do it this way for simplicity's sake. Start with the 4/blues in the upper left. This should only take three squares. Now do the 4/blues along the right edge. This should also take only three squares. Now do the 2/reds in the lower left. This should take only three squares. Now it's easier to see how the 3/yellows should go. Keep it simple: no fancy paths, no overlapping. This should take six squares.

. 4 0 0
4 4 0 0 4
3 3 3 3 4
2 2 0 3 4
. 2 0 3


Again, order doesn't matter, so we'll do this the easy way.

Take the blue cap with the loop on top and place it above (but touching) the middle and right tall columns. Now take the blue cap with the loop below and place it below (but touching) the middle and right columns. Go ahead and make all the squares in those two columns 4/blue.

Now take the red cap with the line coming out of the top and angling to the right and place it atop the short column on the right side. Take the red cap with the line coming out of the bottom and angling to the right and place it below the short column on the right side. Take the red line (the shorter one) and connect the red caps' lines. Go ahead and make those three squares 2/red.

Take the yellow cap with the line coming out of the top and angling to the left and place it above the short column on the left. Take the yellow cap with the line coming out of the bottom and angling to the left and place it below the tall column on the left. Take the yellow line (the longer one) and connect the yellow caps' lines. Now take the remaining piece and nestle it in the corner made by the square at the bottom of the left short column and the square at the bottom of the left tall column. Now make the sqares in the short left column and the bottom square of the tall left column 3/yellow.

. 0 4 4
3 0 4 4 2
3 0 4 4 2
3 0 4 4 2
. 3 4 4


Before you start clicking, keep an eye on the help grid to the right. It keeps changing. If you string together the different configurations, it spells "ALL BLUE."

Make all the squares 4/blue.


If you're colorblind:

All the caps along the leftmost side are red.

The caps at the bottom of the second column are yellow.

The cap at the very bottom of the bottommost square is blue.

Going down the right-hand side, the caps are blue, yellow, yellow, red.

We've encountered puzzles like this before, just less complex. Remember to add where colors overlap. Start with the blue, as it's the most straightforward. The 3/yellow trail makes a somewhat squashed "C" shape, with two 7/greens where it overlaps the 4/blue trail and one 5/orange where it overlaps the 2/red trail. The 2/red trail makes a somewhat deformed "2" shape, with one 5/orange where it overlaps the 3/yellow trail and one 6/purple where it overlaps the 4/blue trail.

2 2 2 . 4 4 4
. . 2 . 4
2 2 5 3 7 3 3
2 . 3 . 4
2 . 3 3 7 3 3
2 . . . 4
2 2 2 2 6 2 2
. . . . 4


Make note of the multi-color "CONNECTION" at the top. A later puzzle refers back to this.

If you're colorblind:

C is red (2)
O is orange (5)
N is green (7)
N is green (7)
E is purple (6)
C is red (2)
T is blue (4)
I is yellow (3)
O is orange (5)
N is green (7)


Start in the center square. "Press" means "click." Follow the instructions underneath the grid to the letter.

0 1 1
0 0 1
1 0 0


Move the errant square to the center of the grid and draw the letter H.

1 0 1
1 1 1
1 0 1


They're trying to be clever here, but we're on to them! The text at the top means to say, "What does water look like?"


In the top grid, click all of the squares except the center one to make an O. In the two bottom grids, make both of them H just like you did in the previous puzzle.



This one arguably belongs among the easy ones. It's almost exactly like Training 1, except the numbers count higher. Make the grid look like the little help grid. You should know by now that 0 means don't bother clicking.

Really? Oh, all right.
5 2 6
0 3 0
2 4 7


This is an unfolded six-sided die.

Remember that opposite sides must add to seven. Follow the hint and make the uppermost square 3. This means that the square two below it must be 4. If you happen to have a six-sided die on hand, you can use it for reference. Otherwise, you can use this image. (It's slightly shifted, but that's because you can unfold a cube any number of ways. The relative positions are still valid.)

The square between the 3 and 4 can only be 1, thus the square below the 4 must be 6.

The rightmost square has a maximum value of 4, which means it must be 2 and the leftmost square is 5.

. 3
5 1 2
. 4
. 6


Use the help grid below and apply the mathematical operations to the numbers in each square. Standard order of operations apply.

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

More relevantly: Multiplication and division are done before addition and subtraction.

Starting at the top and going left to right:

3x0x2 = 0; 2x2x2 = 8; 5x2-2 = 8
9x0+1 = 1; 4x2+1 = 9; 2-2+1 = 1
4x0/2 = 0; 1x2/2 = 1; 4/2-2 = 0

0 8 8
1 9 1
0 1 0


Something is obscuring the help grid below, preventing you from seeing the entire picture. Move it out of the way to reveal not only a plus sign made of 1s, but also the upper left and lower right quadrants filled with 8s and the upper right and lower left quadrants filled with 9s. It's Training 1 and Medium 1 all over again.

8 8 1 9 9
8 8 1 9 9
1 1 1 1 1
9 9 1 8 8
9 9 1 8 8


There are hints, but you have to mouse over each square to get them. This is where we really start to equate numbers and colors, because color mixing here trumps any numerical addition.

Any number added to itself will not change, because we're really adding the color value associated with the number to itself. If you add red to red, you don't get blue. It stays red.

If you're colorblind, refer to the very first spoiler in this walkthrough for number-color correspondences.

rd+ye = or; 2+rd = rd; 4+rd = pu
2+3 = 5; 1+1 = 1; 4+3 = 7
4+2 = 6; gr+7 = gr; 3+3 = 3

5 2 6
5 1 7
6 7 3


Fritware figured this one out. The clues are not in order and need to be calculated.

1. First is Monday, because it's the first day of the work week.
2. Second is Helium, because its atomic number is 2.
3. Third is Three.
4. Fourth is Earth. We don't know why, but everything else fits and this is left over. Perhaps it alludes to the old thing about the "four corners of the Earth."
5. Fifth is E, because it's the 5th letter of the alphabet.
6. Sixth is Six.
7. Seventh is Seven.
8. Eighth is Neptune, because it's the 8th planet of the solar system.
9. Ninth is September, because it's the 9th month of the year.

More color mixing. Take the color the clue is actually written in and add to it the color it states. If the clue says it's NOT a color, then only use the color it's written in.

If you're colorblind:

1. "Monday is green(7)" is written in green (7).
2. "Helium is blue (4)" is written in yellow (3).
3. "Three is red (2)" is written in blue (4).
4. "Earth is not green (7)" is written in red (2).
5. "E is yellow (3)" is written in yellow (3).
6. "Six is red (2)" is written in red (2).
7. "Seven is not yellow (3)" is written in blue (4).
8. "Neptune is blue (4)" is written in red (2).
9. "September is red (2)" is written in yellow (3).

1. Green+green=green, or 7.
2. Blue+yellow=green, or 7.
3. Red+blue=purple, or 6.
4. NOT green+red=red, or 2.
5. Yellow+yellow=yellow, or 3.
6. Red+red=red, or 2.
7. NOT yellow+blue=blue, or 4.
8. Blue+red=purple, or 6.
9. Red+yellow=orange, or 5.

7 7 6 2 3 2 4 6 5


At the top, there's a 0 to the left and a 9 to the right. This means that the squares will count up in order from 0 to 9.

Start by clicking the squares down the left column to determine their highest values.

From top to bottom, this is 7, 4, 1, 9.

Drag the squares to the right of these numbers into the row above, ordering them from least to greatest in the available spaces. Now make all the squares count from 0 to 9 (you should know how to do this by now).


Ooh, secret code! Nah. "You may count on this level too." Seven words, seven squares. Going in order, make each square the number of letters in each word.

3 3 5 2 4 5 3


The arrangement of squares is based on a standard QWERTY keyboard, letters only. Using these squares, "type" the word SOMETHING.

If you're colorblind:

Just pay attention to the numbers: S is letter 1, O is letter 2, M is letter 3, etc.

0 0 4 0 5 0 0 7 2 0
.1 0 0 9 6 0 0 0
..0 0 0 0 0 8 3


This one is a serious challenge if you're colorblind, because it's a 7x7 Minesweeper grid with the mines in place, and your task is to mark squares with the number of mines surrounding it. Using X to represent a mine, the grid looks like this:
o o X X X o o
o o o o o X X
o X o X X o o
o o X o o o o
X o o X o X o
o X o o o X o
o o o X o o o

This is really just all about careful counting. The only square not touching any mines is the one in the top left corner.
0 1 x x x 3 2
1 2 4 5 5 x x
1 x 3 x x 3 2
2 3 x 4 4 2 1
x 3 3 x 3 x 2
2 x 3 2 4 x 2
1 1 2 x 2 1 1



If you're colorblind:

The caps down the right side are blue, yellow, red, blue.

The caps at the bottom are red and yellow.

The hint tells you that there are exactly three points of intersection, creating one purple, one green, and one orange.

0 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
0 . . 4 . . 0
2 2 2 6 2 2 2 3 3 3
2 . . 4 . . 2 3 . 0
2 . . 4 0 0 2 5 2 2
2 0 0 4 . . 3 3 . 0
2 . . 4 . . 3 . . 0
2 0 0 4 4 4 7 4 4 4


It's always helpful to label your axes before you start plotting points. Makes figuring out where you are so much easier.

8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
4 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
3 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Similar to Easy 8. This is the only puzzle where looking at the end result will not tell you how to achieve it. Every time you click (or "press" as the instructions say), the grid rotates 90 degrees.

Much thanks to Fritware for explaining this one. The secret is two-fold:


Re-define up, down, left, and right. The top of the number always points up, and the other directions are relative to that.


Pretend you're driving in a car. The world is turning, but you remain relatively stationary.

This means

As soon as you click a square, it will move. Follow the instructions relative to the last square you clicked. This is easy at first, but gets more challenging the more clicked squares there are in the grid. Pay close attention, then!

Start on the square second from the bottom, second in from the left, or (2,2).

Using an unchanging coordinate system, it's


If you're colorblind:

The first A is in orange.
The G is in blue.
The second A is in yellow.
The I is in red.
The N is in purple.
The ? is in red.

You might need pencil and paper for this, or just Notepad will work fine. Write out the names of the colors the letters are written in and use the number at the end of the line to select that letter.

What does it spell?


Make all the squares 2/red.


We start off with a 2, followed by 1 8 5 4. By now, we should know that 2 = red.

R is the 18th letter, E is the 5th letter, and D is the 4th letter.

Does this perhaps help explain why some of the squares seem fused together?

The square under the 2 can only be 1. Spell out its color in the same manner as above.

G is 7th, R is 18th, A is 1st, Y is 25th.

7 1 8 1 2 5

Time to start thinking just a little differently here. What color do we have that's spelled with a 1-digit letter, a 2-digit letter, a 1-digit letter, a 1-digit letter, and a 2-digit letter?

7/green: G is 7, R is 18, E is 5, E is 5, N is 14.

Now what color do we have that's spelled with a 2-digit letter, a 2-digit letter, a 1-digit letter, a 2-digit letter, a 1-digit letter, and a 1-digit letter?

5/orange: O is 15, R is 18, A is 1, N is 14, G is 7, E is 5.


We've seen SOMETHING like this before: Medium 9.

What color names can be spelled using those keys?

Where do they overlap?

6 2 T . 4 I
.2 . . H . . 4
. . . 4 N


Go back and take another look at Easy 7 (or the Bonus Note in this walkthrough).

Re-arrange the letters of CONNECTION and you get NONETICONC, or "no net icon (C)."

Write "n o n e t i c o n c" using the colors from CONNECTION.

7 5 7 6 4 3 2 5 7 2


As with Medium 5, there are hints, but you need to mouse over each square to get them. Pencil and paper are strongly recommened here.

As with Hard 3, right and left are relative (pretend you're following driving directions), but there's no rotation to worry about. Although depending on where you start, the figure you end up drawing might be rotated.

1 4 7 2 0 3 8


Okay, you do recognize that this is Sudoku, right? Good. But man, this is evil-hard!

Let's review what we've picked up about how the number squares work:

They cycle through their possible values. If a square won't go beyond a certain value, that really narrows down what it could be.

Especially if it's a 1 or a 1/8/9 square.

A 1/8/9 square will be either 8 or 9.

Does that help make it a little easier?

The solution:

3 2 9 6 4 8 1 5 7
4 8 5 1 2 7 9 6 3
7 6 1 3 5 9 8 2 4
2 4 7 9 8 6 3 1 5
8 1 3 2 7 5 4 9 6
5 9 6 4 3 1 2 7 8
1 5 2 8 6 4 7 3 9
6 3 8 7 9 2 5 4 1
9 7 4 5 1 3 6 8 2


At first, this looks as though it's vaguely similar to Picross. I won't discourage that notion. There is a conceptual similarity.

The question is: "How do we get the squares to reflect the numbers along the top and sides?"

Try splitting numbers up so that rather than, for example, one square that says 6, two squares that add up to 6.

The different parts must be equal. 6 can only split into 3 and 3 or 2 and 2 and 2.

This means that odd numbers cannot split.

3 3 4 4 4
3 4 4 2 4
4 4 2 2 2
4 4 8 8 8
7 7 8 1 8


on another site, in med 6, the planet listed is Mars and not Earth. Makes more sense.


I agree with trish916, Hard-9 is my favorite!


Please note, the current link has gone out of use. I get a 404 error.

This page seems to work, though.


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