So I said to myself, "Self, what makes a Link Dump Friday?" And I said, "Why, energy and creativity and warmth and humour, of course." But I don't have any of that because it's been a looooong week, so have some man-on-squid violence, instant death, sonic screwdrivers, and artist enslavement instead.
Doctor Who: Brilliant Game - Doctor Who, Doctor Who, friendly time-and-space Doctor Who! Point-and-click, proof of concept, alpha by Alexis Foletto, and Caroline Vic, this isn't the theme song to Doctor Who BUT I do whatever I WANT, play this and pass time for new Doctor Whooooooo!... in the TAAAAAAAARDIS, through all timey-wimey, Donna was THEEEE best, and OW, okay, okay, I'll stop.
Walkers - Rebelde's "CLICK NOW DUMMY NOW NOW oh sorry not fast enough try again" game could also be called "Sliders" since that's unfortunately what the movement feels like, but it's still a cool concept. Your handsome blocky avatar has both a white and a black side, and neither can touch terrain of the opposite colour, so you've got to jump and dodge in the nick of time to avoid being obliterated, using ramps in the terrain to flip yourself over. Neat!
Painter's Guild (Alpha) - Leonard who? Nobody yet! Lucas Molina knows even the greats have to start somewhere, and when it comes to history's most celebrated artists, that somewhere is your fledgeling guild, where you train them up and sell their paintings. It's your very own Renaissance sweatshop! Look for a full version with more artists and a sandbox mode later, and check it out on Greenlight.
Chicken Chaser - Eran Shabi apparently had a vastly different experience raising chickens growing up than I did, since I remember a lot less "chasing down and rescuing the birds from an evil race of anthropomorphic squid by laying a severe beatdown" and a lot more running around the backyard pretending I was trying to reach a distant heart piece in a Zelda game. It's cute, simple, and excessively violent. Sort of like actual chickens.
Yeah, in painter's guild, made it all the way to
Leo being accused of sodomy
without angering/disappointing a single patron. That's a fun game
Like above
I also suddenly got arrested of sodomy
even if I completed all 3 goals. I guess there's no way to avoid it for now.
Painter's Guild is great, but adding a vertical scroll to a horizontal game is terrible for my wrists. It's cute, but so anti-functional. Add some birds and olive oil instead. is scary that I was actually singing your Doctor Who version of the Spidy theme song right along from almost the first word without even thinking about it?
The Doctor Who game has a lot of potential!