I bet you think Link Dump Fridays just happen, don't you? You never stop to think about all the work and research that goes into them, all the blood, sweat, and tears... why, it's a highly scientific process that involves a laptop, reruns of Pawn Stars playing in the background, several popular portals, and staring into space at irregular intervals while thinking up tired jokes just like this one!
Dude and Zombies - [Parental Warning: Contains violence and gore.] The Dude abides in this zombie defense shooter... or a Dude, anyway. When your car gets into a rather spectacular accident on a lonely country road, it's up to you do repair it while simultaneously fending off the waves of flesh-eating monsters headed your way. A miserly checkpoint system and lack of variety hold it back somewhat, but ultimately it's got a winning style and charm that make it worth checking out. Plus, zombie bunnies! D'awwww, lookit its little OHMYGODYMYFACEITSONMYFACEANYAWASRIGHT
Farm Hero - Small is Beautiful brings us this aggressively adorable spot the difference game about a chicken and a very special egg. Despite some easy gameplay and a blink-and-you'll-miss-it hint system, this is the perfect game to pull your child onto your lap to enjoy the beautiful artwork together. Or, if you're like me and you don't have kids, play it anyway and then kick back and think about how awesome it is nobody is making you wipe anything off their person and you don't have to share your Playstation with anyone. Awwww yeaaah.
100th - There's nothing at all sinister about this charming little platformer about a boy and his balloon. After all, balloons aren't scary! They're shiny, they're squeaky, they make your hair stand on end if you hold them above you, they can stick to you, and... most importantly... they float. And what's so scary about that? After all... We all float down here.
Wheelbox: The Fallen Star - With a style strongly reminiscent of Little Wheel and gameplay strongly reminiscent of something that makes you want to set something else on fire, this little platformer wants you to guide a little uniwheel robot in search of a fallen star. The cludgy controls and unforgiving gameplay ultimately work against it, but if you have the patience and zen-like skillz, you'll be able to immerse yourself in the beautiful swanky atmosphere... right up until the umpteenth time you go rolling gaily into yet more spiky death. Wheee!
Colormixer - [Note: People with colorblindness may find this game difficult to play.] Since my artistic talent can be summed up solely by a picture of a stickman with a lopsided head, I was never good for much in high school art class aside from mixing colours. And, surprise! Here's a game that speaks directly to those colourful skills. (Or, rather, colorful. You Americans is so crazy.) You'll be presented with a particular colour and shade, and then, depending on the mode you're playing in, be tasked to replicate it as best you can by mixing other colours together. It's simple and occasionally maddening, but for some of us, it's as close to artistic glory as we're going to get.
The controls in Wheelbox made me legitimately annoyed. They copied the art style and gameplay of several other games but the only thing they contributed and the only thing that makes it challenging at all are the touchy and spazzy controls and physics. If that's what you were going for, congratulations, I guess?
Is anyone else having trouble in Level 6 for Wheelbox? It's literally impossible to beat for me. I keep falling through the floor at the last part after you lower the beam to make a bridge over the green laser.
Has anyone managed to get to the end of 100th with the red balloon? Or--perhaps impossible--the red balloon and all 8 gifts?
Has anyone managed to finish 100th with the red balloon? OR, if its even possible, the red balloon and all the gifts?
Is there a cheeckpoint system in Dude and Zombies at all? I gave up after getting the so close with best gun and almost having the car repaired and then... dying having to start from scratch.
If Colormixer had a button to reduce the amount of a color, it would simply be a boring game with annoying music. But this way, that you can only increase the amount a color and have to reset ALL THREE colors even if all you want is reduce one color one notch - that makes it a boring game with annoying music PLUS a very badly planned gameplay.
Sorry, but that's the way it is.
Hm. I'm stuck in 100th because I can't let go of the balloon!
Dora, I love you for the Stephen King reference. That is all.
I can't access the walkthrough in 100th. Nothing happens when I press "W" from the menu screen.
JIGuest, you have popup blockers on.
There's a glitch in 100th (or with my keyboard setup?) that doesn't allow me to use (up arrow) + (left arrow) simultaneously in 100th, so it's extremely difficult
Oh, and By the way JIG guys, your pre-game ads are completely unnecessary. Remember we have to watch the games' ads, too. No one wants to wait an entire minute just to play a game. Jeeze.
[Actually, they are very necessary, or we'll soon go out of business. Expenses keep increasing, unfortunately, and we don't make anything on the in-game ads. We'll only deliver them once in a while to you, and if you're logged in with a Casual Gameplay commenting account we'll deliver them even less, so please support us if you want to see us continue doing what we do here. -Jay]
I'm experiencing the glitch too, can't get past the first bit with the blue person. Very frustrating!
I gave up on Wheelbox early on because of the finicky controls. Too bad because I liked the art.
I refuse to believe dora's suspiciously specific denial, and therefore will not play 100th until someone tells me what's going on and what horrors await.
To anyone playing Dude and Zombies, if you click replay after dying and you passed a checkpoint, you return to it.
Colormixer was awesome, but would've been better if the mentioned 5, 15 and 17 gradations needed would've been counted for you. I usually over did my colors and would've tried to make them again if I knew they went over. Or might be that I missed the instigator for them :D
The zombie game was really fun until the lag made it impossible to procede...
Fail skills on my part. I gave up on 100th.
@adam gunderloy:
There is no specific horror that awaits you. The game actually ends somewhat abruptly and a little anti-climatically, given how difficult it is. There is, however, a definite feeling of unease throughout the game, brought on by some cryptic (although not at all scary) dialogue, and some vaguely threatening level designs. You get the sense that something is...off, but nothing scary at all happens.
It is really REALLY hard, however, especially if you try to keep your original red balloon. I recommend playing through if you like super challenging platformers.
Dave Lopo:
It's likely that your keyboard does not allow the combination of X + left + up or something like that. My keyboard has a similar problem and I needed to use Ctrl rather than X. Another way, though somewhat annoying to use, would be to trick it to "autofire" by holding down X then clicking outside the game, and then click back in. However, as you often need to release the balloon this will require a lot of back and forth clicking.
I managed to get 6 gifts, though can see how I could have gotten 7. I'm guessing there are 3 more that I have no idea how to get. I tried playing using only the red, but even without getting any presents it's ridiculously hard.
Big Lewbowski reference.
As far as I know, there is a checkpoint system. When I played it it gave me checkpoints.
Aww, that's cute.
Happy birthday green dude! Man, I wanted to get all the presents because I feared I would see HIM devour my character if I didn't, but nope!
Also, my entire experience can described like this: Oh, hello blue dude, oh, look, a puzzle with the Xs! AAAAAH WHAT'S THAT oh. It's the text telling me I can get to the menu and walkthrough with enter. Thank you, text.