WEEOOOOO! What's that? Why, it's the sound the Internet Police make, and unfortunately for you, they know all about that thing you did that one time! (And frankly, we are shocked and appalled but also slightly intrigued.) Do not pass "GO", do not collect your weekly Link Dump games, go directly to Monday. I'm serious, now. Don't click those games, they're not for you! Wh... HEY. NO. BAD. I said NO. Oooohhh, you're gonna be so mad at yourself when you go to Internet Court. The judge is the U MAD guy, and the jury is just twelve of the Caramelldansen girls... let's see how cute and catchy you think it is after fourteen hours, buddy.
Droid Assault - These aren't the droids you're looking for... unless the droids you're looking for are in an arena shooter, in which case they're totally right here! Indulge in a little fast-paced pew-pew-pew action as you blast your mechanical brethren to smithereens and then cannibalize (... robotilize?) them for scrap to upgrade yourself. It's like if Buffalo Bill lived in the Star Wars galaxy! It puts the gears on its chassis or else it gets the EMP again...
Mr Strange and the Core - Fans of floppy, skinny teddy-bears... unite! Mr Strange, who is apparently a gentleman, needs to solve a series of physics puzzle sliding mazes in order to escape from a mad scientist's lair. Because, you know, that's the sort of thing mad scientists do when they don't even have any ill-tempered sea bass laying around, which is kind of sad when you think about it. Aw.
The Pied Piper of Hamelin - Minoto puts a signature point-and-click puzzle spin on the classic tale of rats and pipes, and the little lads who love them. You'll need to figure out how to save all the mice being menaced by various predicaments in order to proceed, and it's all done in wonderful, typical, surreal Minoto fashion. It's funny that I can't think of this without remembering that one jerk in Black and White who totally used to run off with all the village's children, but I suppose that was probably a better fate than being eaten by a giant, ill-behaved mystical cow.
Bazooki: A Silent Affair - Twirl your mustache and don your ironic monocle for this easy yet stylish physics projectile puzzle. Just make sure you do it quietly, since this is all old-timey and whatnot, and we don't have noise back in the day... just black cards with sound effects written on them we'd hold up to communicate. It was like Hush, but nowhere near as terrifying. Tru fax, yo,
Mia's Happy Day - Hamumu's latest platformer is all about an adorable puppy having a good time performing stunts for high scores. The dedication is a little bit heartbreaking, but I'm sure any dog would be happy being able to frolic, leap, dig, wall-climb, and backflip for all eternity. You can also grind along telephone wires, which makes me wonder if Mia has been taking lessons from Cole MacGrath, in which case I look forward to the level where she has to save Zeke from himself again.
Jedi mind tricks only work on the weak of mind! What do you think of us, then?
I don't get it, is there more than one ending to every minoto game?
Dealing with Bazooki's mouse frame issues makes me want to murder someone.
Unable to complete set 22 in Bazooki due to the frame issue scarrow mentioned.
For the sake of my sanity, if someone has done this level PLEASE tell me how!!!
For level 22 of Bazooki:
For my second shot, I released the mouse button while it was over the leftmost of the five rating stars. It seemed to work.
Droid assault is kinda fun, except that it's incredibly annoying when you don't notice that your cursor has moved off of the game field and suddenly you've got popups because you've accidentally clicked on a banner ad.
some of Minoto's really old games had more than one ending, but he hasn't made any like that for a while; he should get rid of the 'only one end' line. If there were more than one ending, it would say 'end one of two', or somesuch.
I think Minoto used to say "one ending of one".
Did you guys already do the bazooki one?
Add me to the list of not being able to complete level 22 of Bazooki. I'm using Firefox on a Windows machine, if that matters. Once I scroll out of the frame, I can't release the mouse and fire the bazooka. Game can't be finished near as I can tell, fail developer.
I can't relate with people on the Bazooki glitch. My only complaint is that a lot of the levels were really, really simple. No troubles with level 22, or any of the rest for that matter. Fun game to be done with in ten minutes.
the first thing i did in bazzoki was shooting the bottle (which was actually a nuke), needs instructions and a story (if you don't want us to play these games don't post them!)
Having loved the puppy/ kitty/ robot games, I tried Mia, only to be disappointed by level 2. There is a mechanic there that I can't quite seem to figure out, where if you jump while sliding on the wires you go faster. Even doing this, I can't make the jump to the ledge to get the additional bones in that level.
Bazooki was fun, didn't have frame issues like some. Quick, easy game.
Had the same issue on Set 22 in Bazooki too. Shame really, it was a fun lil' game...
I'm also using Firefox, dunno if that could be the issue...
Is that your second Buffalo Bill reference this week? Maybe I just use that line too often and I'm having some jkind of mental recursive loop.
Oh Dora. We love you, you dork. So much awesome.
Off to actually play the games now... the droid one looks fun!
Re: Bazooki:
I wonder if embedding the game does something to the dynamics of aiming. When I loaded and played the game at Newgrounds I was able to aim while taking my cursor out of the game area, and was able to finish the game normally. None of the problems I had on the jayisgames.com embed were present.
[I changed the links to point to the Newgrounds hosted version due to your comment here, but Newgrounds embeds the game on a webpage as we do. I'll take a look at it tomorrow to see if I can figure out what's causing the different behavior. Thanks for pointing that out. -Jay]
I was successful in reproducing the issue on Windows (it wasn't happening on a Mac) and I figured out the difference between the embed code we were using here at JIG and what NG was using, and I've changed our embed code accordingly.
The issue has been resolved and should no longer happen on any games hosted here at JIG. Thanks again for bringing this to my attention.
When the piper led the mice off the cliff, I was ready to lose it.
Glad to see the Bazooki problem resolved, and thanks to SonicLover for the hint.
Nice to see a site respond to user comments!