YAWWN! It's a brand new day, time to go out exploring! Level Up! is an RPG-like platformer by Nifty Hat all about exploring the world and discovering your past. In an odd world where the Squarians and Roundians are in a constant and bitter battle, your goal is to collect gems and exchange them for tools to help you restore your memory.
As the game opens, you find a strange boy who seems to have crashed through the fence outside your home. If you bring him gems, he may be able to help you in your quest. By using the [arrow] keys to move and [X] to jump, you can explore the area around your home, but not very quickly, at first. As you play, your skills level up in many different categories, including running, jumping, healing, sleeping, and even taking damage. You can also use your gems to purchase skills from the Squarians and Roundians, but act quickly, because nightfall comes quickly...
YAWWN! It's a brand new day, time to go out exploring! Level Up! is an RPG-like platformer by Nifty Hat all about exploring the world and discovering your past. In an odd world where the Squarians and Roundians are in a constant and bitter battle, your goal is to collect gems and exchange them for tools to help you res— wait, what's going on here?
Analysis: On its surface, Level Up! might look like just another pixel-laden platformer with characters that break the fourth wall to give you instructions every once in a while. But if you play through a full day or two, you realize that the plot line does go a lot deeper. Who is this mysterious boy, and why does your memory consistently vanish from day to day?
As of the time of the writing of this article, there are still a couple of bugs that still need ironing out. One such bug occurred when (oh, how to say this without spoilers...) I returned to a certain finishing point in the game after completing the game, but without having achieved full marks in the game... That's the best I can give you with out spoiling too much. Suffice it to say that it's a bug that happens after you beat the main portion of the game. Luckily, the developers are still working on fixing the kinks in the game, so it may be fixed by the time you read this.
Unfortunately, one definite non-bug is the main character's movement as though she were on ice. With a bit of practice (and a lot of leveling up), this problem can be reduced (although not eliminated). But if you're willing to let a few tiny flaws slide by (heh), Level Up! is a fun platformer with a plot that can suck you in pretty quickly.
Walkthrough Guide
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First: CODEX (Access your menu with C). Move around in your MENU with UP and DOWN, and select CODEX by pressing X. Scroll with UP/DOWN. ??????? MEANS YOU HAVE NOT FOUND THIS THING!
RUNNING - press LEFT or RIGHT. You will receive this CODEX information.
JUMPING - Press X. You will get this info.
HEALING - Hit any enemy without dying. Afterward, find a safe spot and just stand there (Don't press ANYTHING). You will heal.
FORTITUDE - Hit many enemies (Preferably without dying). Your fortitude ("DEFENCE LEVEL") will go up a level eventually.
COLLECTING - Run into a gem! You will get the gem, and eventually level up. An increase in level enables you to collect gems without touching them if you are close enough.
RELATIONSHIP - You must go to sleep to get this one. Afterward, talk to the boy who crashed your fence. You will be able to increase Relationship now. Gather 50 gems and speak with him, and you can increase relationship.
INTERACTION - Press DOWN on many things (Water Pump, People, Gem collector, Lever, etc.). You will increase this level.
SLEEPING - When it gets late (On Day 0, the time you go to sleep is 6:00), you will go to sleep. Then you dream about fighting a dark shadow. You are expected to die on the first day, so DON'T BE DISCOURAGED! You can also go to the menu (Press C) and go to END DAY.
IDLE - Stand still. You will level up and get some "IDLE ACTIONS" (Like the girl using a Yo-Yo or being dazzled by a gem… It's Pointless, but its there).
KNOWLEDGE - TALK TO PEOPLE! You will find out about a war between 2 races, and you will know more than just that… The more you know, the easier it is to level up! So get out there and KNOW STUFF! (Knowledge also corresponds to adding things in your CODEX).
AIR RECOVERY - When you get hit, immediately press X! you will recover in mid-air if you press it in mid-air.
DOUBLE-JUMP - Look below at QUESTS. You will get this skill after one of the quests.
DASH - Look below at QUESTS. You will get this skill after one of the quests.
REGEN - Look below at QUESTS. You will get this skill after one of the quests.
HARDINESS - Look below at QUESTS. You will get this skill after one of the quests.
RADAR - Look below at QUESTS. You will get this skill after one of the quests.
THE GIRL - You already know this… what is there to know?
THE BOY - Talk to the boy - you will know this.
FLEET - A ROUNDITE. He lives underground. The easiest way to get there is by jumping to the left when you are at your house and falling down (NOT DOWN THE BIG DROP) and jumping over the 2 SPIKERS (Enemies). He is right after that.
JOY - A ROUNDITE. Jump up to the left from your house and fall down (YES - DOWN THE HUGE DROP) until you reach the civilization. Run left all the way and he is up on a ledge.
NAILS - Jump up to the left from your house and fall down (YES - DOWN THE HUGE DROP) until you reach the civilization. He is located on top of the Lava Container with 2 pipes attached.
HULKER - Located beneath the bridge underground in the ROUNDITE civilization.
MOMMA ROUNDITE - Located beneath JOY.
JOE - SQUARITE at the top of the TOWER.
FINGERS - Just to the left of JOE.
JOHN - Inside the CHURCH. Keep climbing from your home and you will reach either the CHURCH, TREE, or TOWER. Go RIGHT from the TREE (Jumping over every ledge) or go LEFT from the TOP of the TOWER (Jumping over to the CHURCH).
BRAINS - Located above FINGERS.
JUNIOR - Above JOE. You have to jump high to reach him.
COMPUTER - From your home, go to the right (to climb regularly), and once you have to climb left, keep going left (and keep climbing!). You will reach a door with a box connected to it. Pay the box 100 Gems and enter. Jump over a wall and press down on the base of the computer.
MAIN WATER SUPPLY - from the ROUNDITE civilization, go right until you reach the middle of the lava area. Once you get here, there should be a ledge above you. Find the ledge and climb up until you find the LEVER. Press down on the LEVER.
OILER - an enemy. Easy to find because he is everywhere (the MINES, UNDERGROUND, ABOVE GROUND, TREE, CHURCH, TOWER, ETC.). He is BLACK and walks around in a limited space.
SPIKER - Second most powerful "normal" enemy. He sits in one place (usually hidden). He has spikes on his head. You can find him near HULKER, in the TOWER, to the left of your HOUSE, and other places.
BIG OL WASP - flies around and comes down to attack. He's Weak, but watch out. He is Located to the right of the TREE, the CHURCH, to the right of the TOWER, and other places (Mostly above ground).
FRISBEE WORM - Located UNDERGROUND only! Look for a hole in the ground and wait for 1 second. They will pop out. Get hit to have knowledge! They can be found dominantly in the MINES, but you can also find them above the ROUNDITE civilization.
TYRANT - The most powerful "normal" enemy. He is only located in one place, which is below the CHURCH. They shoot balls of dark fire, so hitting them is a problem (seeing that they are the most powerful enemy).
SHADOW - The most powerful enemy of ALL! He's (She's) Only located in your dreams. SLEEP and you will find him! CAUTION: HE CAN LEVEL UP!
MY HOUSE - your starting point in the game. Where you sleep, where the boy fell on your fence.
OVERGROUND - Keep climbing until you find yourself above the ground and near the CHURCH and TREE. Search up there! (Near the TYRANTS too!)
TUNNELS - Go to FLEET, the ROUNDITE. Go to the left of your house and fall, but NOT DOWN THE BIG DROP! When you get there, go right into the TUNNELS! (Fleet located here :D)
MINE - Find Fleet. Do his challenge, which consists of running to the mines. You will drop down from him, hit the ARROW sign, and pass through some enemies. Keep running and do not drop down anything! You will find a postbox and then the MINES farther to the right.
MAGMA CAVE - Go to the LOWEST POINT POSSIBLE and then to the right. There will be lava. You found it! The MAIN WATER SUPPLY is here too!
SKY VILLAGE - The SQUARITE village. It is located at the top of the TOWER and to the right of the CHURCH. Jump from the TOP of the CHURCH (Having Jump and run both help) over to the right and onto the village.
EARTH VILLAGE - The ROUNDITE village. It is located at the BOTTOM of the MAP and farthest to the LEFT as well. Near the MAGMA CAVES and TUNNELS!
CHURCH - Climb all the way up! It is located to the right of the TREE and is where JOHN is located. TYRANTS BELOW!
SACRED GROUNDS - the COMPUTER is located here. It is located RIGHT ABOVE the Spiker to the left of your house. If you have JUMP LEVEL 5, you can jump through a passage leading up to the SACRED GROUNDS, but that's cheating (Not really, but Use the door). You can get here by running right from your HOUSE and then climbing all the way up by GOING LEFT! You will pass a SPIKER and a POSTBOX on your way.
MAGICAL GEMS - Red small gems. Most common gems. Collect all 660 of them!
DARK GEMS - Located in your dreams. These are required to get in order to beat the SHADOW in your dreams. To get them, wait until he does magic in the middle of the area and summons rocks. Run around until shadows appear on the floor. Get the SHADOW to walk underneath the rocks that fall. He will die and respawn, but leave behind DARK GEMS. COLLECT TO LOWER HIS HEALTH!
HUGE GEMS - There are only 5 HUGE GEMS. One is located at the top of the MINES, One at the bottom of the MINES, one by the TYRANTS, one on the CHURCH, and the last one HIGH ABOVE THE GROUND ON THE RIGHT WALL. You need DASH to get it. ON THE TOP OF THE TOWER, double tap right and jump as well until you reach the wall. You will get some gems. Stay along the wall as you fall more and you will get the last gem.
POSTBOX - These are checkpoints! There are 10 in all. They are located: ONE while you climb at the beginning, One below the SACRED GROUNDS, One just above the door to the SACRED GROUNDS, One to the left of the CHURCH, One to the right of the TOWER, One to the left of (while falling down the first possible fall spot) the postbox to the right of the TOWER, One to the entrance of the MINES, One at the bottom of the mines (to the right and above the MAGMA CAVES), One in the EARTH VILLAGE, and One in the SKY VILLAGE!
LAVA - Go jump in the lava at MAGMA CAVES! Its FUN!
LOCK - Located at the DOOR to the SACRED GROUNDS. You need 100 gems to get in.
CODEX - The thing you are using already! Its ok, you know about it.
INTERNET AWARENESS - talk to the BRAINY SQUARITE a lot. He will eventually tell you about people who developed this game, and you will know stuff!
NOW FOR LEVEL! (just the 5 basics)
RUN AROUND A LOT, JUMP A LOT, STAND STILL WITH LOW HEALTH A LOT, COLLECT LOTS OF GEMS, and GET HURT A LOT! This will increase all 5 of your regular levels, and once they are all level 5, talk to the COMPUTER to beat the game!
NOW FOR QUESTS - Do them for the SKILLS!
Double-Jump -
JOE can give you this skill for 100 gems, or you can get it from JOY for 50 gems and having an "air-time" of 2.6 seconds.
Dash -
Talk to FLEET and do his challenge, which is running from him to the MINES. I recommend having High RUN, JUMP, and FORTUTUDE. Run from the ARROW SIGN past the zig-zag, over the hole where the SPIKER is, up to the POSTBOX at the entrance to the MINES, over the large gap while CLIMBING, past the 3 WORMS, and touching the pole with 2 red flashing dots on it. If you do it in one minute, FLEET gives you DASH! However, you could get it from FINGERS for 150 gems.
Regen -
Go to JOHN and pay 100 gems for it, or you can go to MOMMA ROUNDITE and buy it for 50 gems and a challenge of healing 15 points in one go.
Hardy -
Either talk to HULKER and do his challenge, which is getting hit 5 times without touching the ground (use AIR RECOVERY with a full jump level and VERY HIGH FORTUTUDE AND HEALTH LEVEL!), or you can go talk to BRAINY. HULKER costs a challenge and 50 gems, but BRAINY costs 150 gems.
Radar -
The SQUARITE JUNIOR can give you this skill for 150 gems, or you could give NAILS 400 gems. I would get it from JUNIOR. :D
TO BEAT THE SHADOW GUY, you must wait until he does his magic. Then, while dodging him by jumping off the ledges over him, get the rocks that he summons to fall on him. Then, while dodging him yet again, collect the dark gems that come out. WATCH OUT THOUGH - he levels up! His attacks become much stronger, and dodging them gets difficult. Recovery from getting hit is important as well, but if you do it too early, sometimes you get hit afterwards as well! Time your dodging and recovery!
Posted by: nikk29
December 18, 2009 12:30 AM