An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Level Up!

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4.6/5 (352 votes)

YAWWN! It's a brand new day, time to go out exploring! Level Up! is an RPG-like platformer by Nifty Hat all about exploring the world and discovering your past. In an odd world where the Squarians and Roundians are in a constant and bitter battle, your goal is to collect gems and exchange them for tools to help you restore your memory.

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Walkthrough Guide

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First: CODEX (Access your menu with C). Move around in your MENU with UP and DOWN, and select CODEX by pressing X. Scroll with UP/DOWN. ??????? MEANS YOU HAVE NOT FOUND THIS THING!

RUNNING - press LEFT or RIGHT. You will receive this CODEX information.


JUMPING - Press X. You will get this info.


HEALING - Hit any enemy without dying. Afterward, find a safe spot and just stand there (Don't press ANYTHING). You will heal.


FORTITUDE - Hit many enemies (Preferably without dying). Your fortitude ("DEFENCE LEVEL") will go up a level eventually.


COLLECTING - Run into a gem! You will get the gem, and eventually level up. An increase in level enables you to collect gems without touching them if you are close enough.


RELATIONSHIP - You must go to sleep to get this one. Afterward, talk to the boy who crashed your fence. You will be able to increase Relationship now. Gather 50 gems and speak with him, and you can increase relationship.


INTERACTION - Press DOWN on many things (Water Pump, People, Gem collector, Lever, etc.). You will increase this level.


SLEEPING - When it gets late (On Day 0, the time you go to sleep is 6:00), you will go to sleep. Then you dream about fighting a dark shadow. You are expected to die on the first day, so DON'T BE DISCOURAGED! You can also go to the menu (Press C) and go to END DAY.


IDLE - Stand still. You will level up and get some "IDLE ACTIONS" (Like the girl using a Yo-Yo or being dazzled by a gem… It's Pointless, but its there).


KNOWLEDGE - TALK TO PEOPLE! You will find out about a war between 2 races, and you will know more than just that… The more you know, the easier it is to level up! So get out there and KNOW STUFF! (Knowledge also corresponds to adding things in your CODEX).


AIR RECOVERY - When you get hit, immediately press X! you will recover in mid-air if you press it in mid-air.


DOUBLE-JUMP - Look below at QUESTS. You will get this skill after one of the quests.


DASH - Look below at QUESTS. You will get this skill after one of the quests.


REGEN - Look below at QUESTS. You will get this skill after one of the quests.


HARDINESS - Look below at QUESTS. You will get this skill after one of the quests.


RADAR - Look below at QUESTS. You will get this skill after one of the quests.


THE GIRL - You already know this… what is there to know?


THE BOY - Talk to the boy - you will know this.


FLEET - A ROUNDITE. He lives underground. The easiest way to get there is by jumping to the left when you are at your house and falling down (NOT DOWN THE BIG DROP) and jumping over the 2 SPIKERS (Enemies). He is right after that.


JOY - A ROUNDITE. Jump up to the left from your house and fall down (YES - DOWN THE HUGE DROP) until you reach the civilization. Run left all the way and he is up on a ledge.


NAILS - Jump up to the left from your house and fall down (YES - DOWN THE HUGE DROP) until you reach the civilization. He is located on top of the Lava Container with 2 pipes attached.


HULKER - Located beneath the bridge underground in the ROUNDITE civilization.


MOMMA ROUNDITE - Located beneath JOY.


JOE - SQUARITE at the top of the TOWER.


FINGERS - Just to the left of JOE.


JOHN - Inside the CHURCH. Keep climbing from your home and you will reach either the CHURCH, TREE, or TOWER. Go RIGHT from the TREE (Jumping over every ledge) or go LEFT from the TOP of the TOWER (Jumping over to the CHURCH).


BRAINS - Located above FINGERS.


JUNIOR - Above JOE. You have to jump high to reach him.


COMPUTER - From your home, go to the right (to climb regularly), and once you have to climb left, keep going left (and keep climbing!). You will reach a door with a box connected to it. Pay the box 100 Gems and enter. Jump over a wall and press down on the base of the computer.


MAIN WATER SUPPLY - from the ROUNDITE civilization, go right until you reach the middle of the lava area. Once you get here, there should be a ledge above you. Find the ledge and climb up until you find the LEVER. Press down on the LEVER.


OILER - an enemy. Easy to find because he is everywhere (the MINES, UNDERGROUND, ABOVE GROUND, TREE, CHURCH, TOWER, ETC.). He is BLACK and walks around in a limited space.


SPIKER - Second most powerful "normal" enemy. He sits in one place (usually hidden). He has spikes on his head. You can find him near HULKER, in the TOWER, to the left of your HOUSE, and other places.


BIG OL WASP - flies around and comes down to attack. He's Weak, but watch out. He is Located to the right of the TREE, the CHURCH, to the right of the TOWER, and other places (Mostly above ground).


FRISBEE WORM - Located UNDERGROUND only! Look for a hole in the ground and wait for 1 second. They will pop out. Get hit to have knowledge! They can be found dominantly in the MINES, but you can also find them above the ROUNDITE civilization.


TYRANT - The most powerful "normal" enemy. He is only located in one place, which is below the CHURCH. They shoot balls of dark fire, so hitting them is a problem (seeing that they are the most powerful enemy).


SHADOW - The most powerful enemy of ALL! He's (She's) Only located in your dreams. SLEEP and you will find him! CAUTION: HE CAN LEVEL UP!


MY HOUSE - your starting point in the game. Where you sleep, where the boy fell on your fence.


OVERGROUND - Keep climbing until you find yourself above the ground and near the CHURCH and TREE. Search up there! (Near the TYRANTS too!)


TUNNELS - Go to FLEET, the ROUNDITE. Go to the left of your house and fall, but NOT DOWN THE BIG DROP! When you get there, go right into the TUNNELS! (Fleet located here :D)


MINE - Find Fleet. Do his challenge, which consists of running to the mines. You will drop down from him, hit the ARROW sign, and pass through some enemies. Keep running and do not drop down anything! You will find a postbox and then the MINES farther to the right.


MAGMA CAVE - Go to the LOWEST POINT POSSIBLE and then to the right. There will be lava. You found it! The MAIN WATER SUPPLY is here too!






SKY VILLAGE - The SQUARITE village. It is located at the top of the TOWER and to the right of the CHURCH. Jump from the TOP of the CHURCH (Having Jump and run both help) over to the right and onto the village.


EARTH VILLAGE - The ROUNDITE village. It is located at the BOTTOM of the MAP and farthest to the LEFT as well. Near the MAGMA CAVES and TUNNELS!


CHURCH - Climb all the way up! It is located to the right of the TREE and is where JOHN is located. TYRANTS BELOW!


SACRED GROUNDS - the COMPUTER is located here. It is located RIGHT ABOVE the Spiker to the left of your house. If you have JUMP LEVEL 5, you can jump through a passage leading up to the SACRED GROUNDS, but that's cheating (Not really, but Use the door). You can get here by running right from your HOUSE and then climbing all the way up by GOING LEFT! You will pass a SPIKER and a POSTBOX on your way.


MAGICAL GEMS - Red small gems. Most common gems. Collect all 660 of them!


DARK GEMS - Located in your dreams. These are required to get in order to beat the SHADOW in your dreams. To get them, wait until he does magic in the middle of the area and summons rocks. Run around until shadows appear on the floor. Get the SHADOW to walk underneath the rocks that fall. He will die and respawn, but leave behind DARK GEMS. COLLECT TO LOWER HIS HEALTH!


HUGE GEMS - There are only 5 HUGE GEMS. One is located at the top of the MINES, One at the bottom of the MINES, one by the TYRANTS, one on the CHURCH, and the last one HIGH ABOVE THE GROUND ON THE RIGHT WALL. You need DASH to get it. ON THE TOP OF THE TOWER, double tap right and jump as well until you reach the wall. You will get some gems. Stay along the wall as you fall more and you will get the last gem.


POSTBOX - These are checkpoints! There are 10 in all. They are located: ONE while you climb at the beginning, One below the SACRED GROUNDS, One just above the door to the SACRED GROUNDS, One to the left of the CHURCH, One to the right of the TOWER, One to the left of (while falling down the first possible fall spot) the postbox to the right of the TOWER, One to the entrance of the MINES, One at the bottom of the mines (to the right and above the MAGMA CAVES), One in the EARTH VILLAGE, and One in the SKY VILLAGE!


LAVA - Go jump in the lava at MAGMA CAVES! Its FUN!




LOCK - Located at the DOOR to the SACRED GROUNDS. You need 100 gems to get in.


CODEX - The thing you are using already! Its ok, you know about it.


INTERNET AWARENESS - talk to the BRAINY SQUARITE a lot. He will eventually tell you about people who developed this game, and you will know stuff!

NOW FOR LEVEL! (just the 5 basics)

RUN AROUND A LOT, JUMP A LOT, STAND STILL WITH LOW HEALTH A LOT, COLLECT LOTS OF GEMS, and GET HURT A LOT! This will increase all 5 of your regular levels, and once they are all level 5, talk to the COMPUTER to beat the game!

NOW FOR QUESTS - Do them for the SKILLS!

Double-Jump -

JOE can give you this skill for 100 gems, or you can get it from JOY for 50 gems and having an "air-time" of 2.6 seconds.

Dash -

Talk to FLEET and do his challenge, which is running from him to the MINES. I recommend having High RUN, JUMP, and FORTUTUDE. Run from the ARROW SIGN past the zig-zag, over the hole where the SPIKER is, up to the POSTBOX at the entrance to the MINES, over the large gap while CLIMBING, past the 3 WORMS, and touching the pole with 2 red flashing dots on it. If you do it in one minute, FLEET gives you DASH! However, you could get it from FINGERS for 150 gems.

Regen -

Go to JOHN and pay 100 gems for it, or you can go to MOMMA ROUNDITE and buy it for 50 gems and a challenge of healing 15 points in one go.

Hardy -

Either talk to HULKER and do his challenge, which is getting hit 5 times without touching the ground (use AIR RECOVERY with a full jump level and VERY HIGH FORTUTUDE AND HEALTH LEVEL!), or you can go talk to BRAINY. HULKER costs a challenge and 50 gems, but BRAINY costs 150 gems.

Radar -

The SQUARITE JUNIOR can give you this skill for 150 gems, or you could give NAILS 400 gems. I would get it from JUNIOR. :D


TO BEAT THE SHADOW GUY, you must wait until he does his magic. Then, while dodging him by jumping off the ledges over him, get the rocks that he summons to fall on him. Then, while dodging him yet again, collect the dark gems that come out. WATCH OUT THOUGH - he levels up! His attacks become much stronger, and dodging them gets difficult. Recovery from getting hit is important as well, but if you do it too early, sometimes you get hit afterwards as well! Time your dodging and recovery!



D: I wish the poor girl had a way to fight all those baddies... definitely tried some Mario-esque enemy killing techniques, but they didn't work.


Pretty fun. The controls didn't bother me after I played it awhile.

The game was much shorter than I thought it was though:

I didn't realize that talking to the computer would end the game, so I did it on the third day and got "to be continued".


heh heh heh

"have a nice flashback"


I enjoyed the game. There was a great deal of potential here. I'm hoping the author develops the concepts and produces an excellent sequel.

Good points: good variety of environments. The leveling up mechanic was gentle enough that I never felt the need to "grind" my stats up to progress. There were a great deal of stats to deal with, and most of them had clever, useful functions associated with them. The "Idle" was a fun easter egg, for example. Controls felt good, and the pixel graphics were attractive.

For the sequel, things I'd like to see...

There isn't much of a "Game" here. It's more of a sandbox, with the player exploring the world in an arbitrary fashion collecting relatively pointless collectibles. For a sandbox, there's not much to do. You collect the collectibles, do the (relatively easy) quests, and then trigger the ending. For the sequel, I'd like to see slightly more structure to the player's progression, such as stages or tasks, or a larger 'sandbox' with more things to do (Such as decorate a house, compete in some endless minigame, or uncap the stats so the player can level endlessly for fun).

I liked the mechanic behind the shadow stealing your stats, and how the "Knowledge" stat carries over and allows you to level up faster. Beating the nightmare felt like it should have been the end of the game, though. Once you beat him once, you start over with maxed stats, and there really doesn't feel like there's much else to do. Walking to the computer to end the game seems like a pointless trifle at that point. Either make the shadow the end of the game, or make it so that the diamond collection after the shadow battle is more substantial a task.

This has a ton of promise. I am looking forward to seeing the sequel in the future!



Was kinda disappointed,

It seemed like the boy and girl could actually have a relationship going, and I liked everybody in the game, the nice boy who seems to have an important part in the plot and is"heroic" looking, the cute and friendly girl who is hinting at getting more powers soon. Then they have to throw all that down the drain by saying that the girl's evil and the boy is her mortal enemy. I mean seriously, that is the most depressing plot twist I have ever seen.


This game should be called "Level Down!" instead, I seem to get my levels reset every single day... Can't figure out how to beat the flame guy...


As to the ending:

I'm more disappointed by the fact that it really came out of nowhere, with no warning, and raised about as many questions as it answered. It seemed designed for the sole purpose of setting up the sequel.


Has anybody managed to get all of those gems way up in the right corner? You know what I mean. ;) I can't quite reach them despite being fully leveled.


Guys, there's a really good treat if you go ahead and complete the 100% requirement. Gives much much depth to the overall story, and hopefully is a lead into the sequel.

If some of you can't seem to find the last of the gems, simply go to the tower, and use the DASH and DOUBLE JUMP ability to try and go as far right as you can. There be two cliffs with the missing gems, and the final huge gem



I dashed and and jumped from the very top of the tower to get those.

They frustrated me until I realized I'd forgotten somebody in the village :)



Nice idea, good execution.

My only gripes:

* Couldn't find out the way to hit the shadow whatever I tried... putting some suggestions somewhere would have been nice

* Talking with the computer you don't really learn which stats have to be levelled up in order to trigger the ending sequence

* While the game in general has a nice difficulty level, finding those last gems is way too hard. The difficulty peak feels very weird.

And the twist ending is GREAT!


I'm stuck
does anyone know

what 12-16,19-28 is on the codex and how to get them?
I'm also missing a huge gem...

How do you get the

dash and double jump
I talked to the boy and he gives me nothing now.

you beat the shadow guy by

getting the black crystals(called dark gems), while not avoiding his attacks. they are dark and you might not notice them. maxing up on relationship, healing and fortitude really helps alot

Anonymous December 3, 2009 3:30 AM

Anyone want to let me know how to get codex entry 49?


Almost to 100%, just looking for Codex numbers 21 and 56.

Great little game. ^_^



1. Running
2. Jumping
3. Healing
4. Fortitude
5. Collecting
6. Relationship (50 gems/level to boy)
7. Interaction (talk to NPCs!)
8. Sleeping (cut the day off using the menu)
9. Idle (stand around)
10. Knowledge
11. Air Recovery
12. Double Jump
13. Dash
14. Regen
15. Hardiness
16. Radar
17. The Girl
18. The Boy
19. Fleet
20. Joy
21. Nails
22. Hulker
23. Momma Roundite
24. Joe
25. Fingers
26. John
27. Brains
28. Junior
29. Computer
30. Mains Water Sup-
31. Oiler
32. Spiker
33. Big ol Wasp
34. Frisbee Worm
35. Tyrant
36. Shadow
37. My House
38. Overground
39. Tunnels
40. Mine
41. Magma Cave
42. Giant Tree
43. The Tower
44. Sky Village
45. Earth Village
46. Church
47. Sacred Grounds
48. Magical Gems
49. Dark Gems
50. Huge Gems
51. Postboxes
52. Lava
53. Water Pump
54. Lock
55. Codex

And that, apparently, is all you need, despite the implications by the Codex.



21 is one of the ROUNDITEs, named Nails
I'm still looking for 56.

What's 49 and 52?



You beat the boss



12 is the double jump (gotta buy it from a roundite or a squarite)

16 is the radar skill (also gotta purchase it)

19 is talking to fleet, the elephant-looking guy standing all by himself

28 is talking to Junior, one of the squarites, he's on the top right platform

Patreon Crew SonicLover December 3, 2009 8:40 AM

I beat this game 100% days ago. The nightmare gave me a hard time, but:

The trick is to get him to hit himself with his rock-summon attack. Then he'll drop some black gems, which you can hurt him by collecting. Dashing back and forth a lot helps, I've found, as does resisting the urge to use your mid-air recovery.


Really promising start, but I thought the ending was quite confusing. Maybe the next installment will make things more clear.

It's worth getting up to 100%, as mentioned by Albert earlier, then going back to speak to the computer.

I particularly enjoyed the Codex descriptions, and the fact that

the only way to improve your 'relationship level' is by giving gems to the boy - an accurate reflection of real life ;)


I loved it, it was a cute and fun time-waster, though the text was off sometimes

Like immediately mentioning the 'war' between Squarites and Roundites, or the Girl snapping at the guy who learns you Double Jump, just cause it says in the Codex that his friends don't like him spewing random information, while I have heard nothing of it...

Still, it was fun and am happy it was presented to me :)

Game said I should keep this code save for the next game, so I'ma just gonna put it here >:3


Well, I finally managed to complete the game 100%, and I enjoyed it all the way through..
But I didn't understand the ending, Can someone explain to me what the ending was all about?

ps. English isn't my first language, so yea...


At the credits

I also got a code at the end of the game, it's almost the same maftie's one, but I don't know if he completed the game for the full 100%, I know I did.

I'll just put it here,


I also beat it a while back, but I found it annoying how you STILL had to fight the nightmare after you use the computer.

Keep ending the day until you get to sleeping level 5 then you have a bunch of time to level up your other stats and defeat the nightmare and to hunt more gems.


Great game! The ending was a bit cliche tough. And since I prefer casual games, I played only to the normal ending and didn't want to spend time to do a perfect ending. But it was great!! Thanks to the team for making this game. Looking forward to the sequel. :)


Nice idea, interesting concept.

Ceased to be fun when there were no hints on how not to get your levels reset every day, and even knowing how to beat the nightmare doesn't help because it's far too ridiculous-hard.

Shame, really. Ruined it totally.


Does anyone know where to find number 47? Otherwise, great game :)


Alright, here's my view - way too difficult. I just switched off after 15 minutes. For starters, what's up with losing all of your skills every day, and having to beat the same nightmare enemy every time - if you had a choice, or there were different enemies that would be fine, but it just got really frustrating and dull - the fight itself was tough because you HAVE NO ATTACKS! I wouldn't mind if you had to use some strategy, but I want some way to block or throw that guy or something. Same with the normal enemies - all I'm asking for is some way to stun them, especially the worms, which are seriously annoying.


I enjoyed the heck out of this. Any way to get on a notification list for when the sequel hits?

tchakkazulu December 3, 2009 1:42 PM

Fun game! I'm a sucker for pixel art, and collect-platformers, so this was right up my alley.

I got the same result as Marty, at the credits.

Also, does anyone know what Codex entry 56 is supposed to be?


I thought it was a pretty good game. Didn't get 100% since I couldn't find like five gems, though. Also it froze when I tried to use the computer a second time

I've been reading the comments, and

people have been saying that the Shadow is a guy when, in fact, she's the representation of the girl's failure at taking out the Deity

DrHardCore December 3, 2009 3:00 PM

Grr I earned the 100% ending and had just

entered the temple when I got stuck on top of the green lions head. No matter what I did I couldn't get unstuck. Would someone be so kind as to tell me what else there is to see? I doubt it is worth the time and effort to collect all those gems again.



I actually got stuck at the same spot. You don't have to replay the game to get to the ending again. Just refresh the page and load from the menu. You might also be able to use one of the save state codes given above.

As for the 100% secret:

There wasn't any more dialogue once you get to the temple. Once you get through to a certain part, the game just cuts out and restarts (though you can load the game and get back to the computer to replay the secret.)

Anonymous December 3, 2009 3:24 PM

Once you get 100% and then

play the Gather Up demo, you can see how the player controls will work. The sequel looks cool, but I personally didn't like the controls, like how normal jumping was replaced by the automatic hopping when you run off a ledge. I think it'll make controlling the character more difficult and tedious. :(


The only cool part about finishing 100% is you get taken to a beta test of the sequel.


That was surprisingly fun once I got past the ice-like footing (nicely put by the reviewer).

100%, to my surprise (but really I wasn't sure what the goal was so I spent a long time hitting every nook and cranny!)

JohnnyCaps December 3, 2009 4:31 PM

Are the codes unique for percentage completion? Well, here's mine, for 100%




To get the DASH and DOUBLE JUMP ability, make sure you collect at least 300 gems, and then travel to the far top-right of the screen. Here you will encounter a bunch of Squarians. Talk to the two on the bottom floor (Joe and Fingers I think), and they will give you the ability for 150 gems each.

To all those that are looking for the elusive #56 on the Codex:

Just talk to Brains 3-4 times; eventually he'll breaking the fourth wall. Quite insightful conversation from then on.

I am looking forward to the sequel, mainly because of the potentially awesome backstory it may give to this game. To those who have seen the 100% special:

Notice how all the monsters in Gather Up are like super-versions of Level Up? Very interested to see how the author will explain that. Also the whole Squarian - Roundian rivalry. And of course the Deity and the girl.

Looking forward very, very much to the sequel Duncan. Excellent job on this one.


Very good game. I wish there was a way to break out of the dash though... Flash in Linux sometimes has trouble with holding a key down, and it kept double-tapping for me, so I was dashing everywhere and continually stunning myself by bashing into walls.

Black Drazon December 3, 2009 7:30 PM

I caught on to the first half of the twist once I realised

the shadow has the same "haircut" as the main character

Unfortunately, I'm not sure what to make of the 100% secret:

If the two games are supposed to be part of the same storyline, the terminology makes no sense. The author is using the term "Deity" in about three different ways, and I'm more confused than intrigued.

Besides a glitch that for some reason let me finish the game with 4/5 Huge Gems (is that allowed? I thought the game said I needed all 5?) the only gameplay issues were in relation to the Roundians. The Squarians not only had perfectly reasonable prices in my mind (especially since I did not find the Roundians until I had bought everything - yes, that's quite possible!), but the race was not very clearly explained, such that it was only when I was looking for my poor lost 5th Huge Gem that I actually figured out how to run it.

There's also an issue in that it's impossible to buy every upgrade unless

you lose to the Shadow, which causes the gems to reset.

That's just irritating, but was probably intentional.

Lastly, I couldn't take the "serious" writing seriously. It's probably the sudden, artificial jump from comedy to seriousness, but I don't think the designer wanted me to be rolling my eyes at

The ending, or the lecture about ads.

All in all, though, I liked it. The reset-to-level-1 system is downright inspired.


How do i level up learn? I'm at level 4 and I assume it goes to level 5. It's the ONLY thing (aside from the computer) I have to do until i get 100% :(


haha, power of posting:

apparently 4 learn is enough because i went to try out the computer and it worked and i got 100%


Was anybody able to defeat the shadow (ie. bring its health all the way down to 0)? I'm curious what happens... or does the dream always end before you can get that far?


yes, you can defeat the shaddow, though generally you need to have full fortification and healing.

If you do beat him, you wake up without loosing all your jumping/running/healing/fortification/collecting stats. Also, if you beat him, the gems do not reset.

On a different note, where do i go to play the sequel. my code is


frozenfloes December 3, 2009 9:28 PM

Man, this was a really interesting game until I accidentally did something funky like press C, press down a couple of times, and then press X, all through random happenstance... landing me on the reset button. Yes, I accidentally clicked the reset button.

....don't have a reset button.

Other than that, I LOVE THESE KINDS OF GAMES, just make it have more direction.


Definately one of the better games ive played....can u say depth?


Once I read about the black gems, the game was really fun and challenging. Before - just frustratingly difficult.
Balance issues... you have to perform crazy stunts for the Roundians, which are (almost?) impossible without actually having the skills you would get in exchange. Therefore, just save the hassle and buy upstairs.

I loved the self-addressed humor, the efficient level-design (including teleporters) and the (double-)jumping physics. Consequently, I didn't like the controls of the sequel trial.

Getting the storyline straight, so that the focus goes from comedy to seriousness, could become quite hard for the sequel. The regular ending did nothing to increase my hopes for a well-written transition.


This game is pretty engaging.

I seem to be stuck in regards to getting all of the gems.

I cannot figure out how to get to the top of the outside of the tower. I am at the buildings with Junior (who has the television head) and cannot jump high enough to reach the ledge despite being at a Jump 6.

Can anyone give me a pointer?



The game became unplayable after learning the dash technique.


I loved that. I started it thrice before completing it. At first, I found it tedious and the first time I lost the levels after sleeping, I found it so depressing so I just quit it. But it was truly worth playing on, as I found out.

To those who have/are thinking of giving up on that basis, it actually gets easier to gain levels as the days go by.

I loved it. Everything was pretty awesome, game designs, characters, plotline and such. My only hatred was the dash feature. It was useless, I found it impossible to control and I'd knock myself in the middle of the nightmare. Not what you want.

I was puzzled for a bit too. It's simple to fix. Hold the jump button down until he's at full height, then press again.


Standing still to heal and then you cannot go outside of the game without making it pause, gee waste my time why don't you.

It was quite a long game, without the bonus it would not have been worth bothering, not that great of a bonus, but better than it just ending.

Apparently the code is a save point, if you have not completed the game you then can later for the bonus.
Complete Code:




You have to have double jump, you buy it from one of the computer guys. Oh and by the way there are some gems really high up to the right. Once you get to the top of the tower you have to go off the right side all the way over to get them, they are too high to jump from below to get to them. I got lucky and dashed off the side and then jumped to them. You might be able to just double jump off the top of the building to get to them.


To get them you have two choices:
These are harder to earn. When starting either go all the way left, make sure you go down the pit all the way on the left. talk to the bunny looking guys. You can earn them from them. There is another one that you will find if you did not go down the pit and went all the way left accepting the pit and then continued right. He gives you dash.

You can only get bonus healing from the bunny like guys, well the mama.

When you find the tower you will find computer headed guys, you can buy your skills from them.

Extra health:

build your relationship with the guy to get extra hearts, costs 50 for every heart.


level up everything (including relationship), find all gems, turn on water main


This game is hugely fun, but no matter what I seem to do beating the Shadow is just out of my reach. Despite having Fortitude at lvl. 4, Run and Jump at lvl. 5, 8 hearts of life, and that skill the makes you heal even when you move, and I still could not win. I even had a path so that by the 5th try, I knew exactly where to go to get all my gems and level up the same way. And by then the game had become annoying and not fun. I kept playing because I wanted to see the ending but just reading the spoiler comments had satisfied me at that point. Please, please make Gather Up ever so slightly easier!


The boss fight was intense. I liked it.

How are you supposed to max relation after you already wasted all you gems?

I can't wait for gather up.


I could be confused, but I think in order to win you only have to level up

Run, Jump, Fortitude, Heal, and Collect

to level 5. All the other skills are optional. I won without getting Dash or Double Jump at all.

And though I couldn't beat the boss, every day you get an extra hour to play around in, so it's easier to get your skills to level 5 in that day. That's a nice balancing mechanism; the longer it goes the easier it gets. Another thing about the skills you need is that

you'll probably level them up just in the course of playing, if you explore enough. The hard part might be fortitude, since you have to take damage to level it! To win, I spent a lot of time deliberately smashing into the Oiler in the tree.

I think it'd be nice to have the Codex list your skill levels though. (There might be another way of checking them that I missed.)

Very neat game -- I like the sandbox feel, and I like the fact that I didn't have to do any of the quests that I couldn't do to win. And the plot sucks you in. I hope they'll be able to make up in the sequel.


"Stats" on the Codex menu. Duh.


Nice game until the shadow. That thing is impossible to beat. If there was some way to fight back this game would be awesome but the shadow really puts a giant stinker on the whole gaming experience. it is simply so for beyond my ability as a gamer that I can't believe it. I get all the skills and max stats and I still get crushed. And I'm sick of it. Hey game developers: Challenge is good. Frustration is bad. Learn the difference.


how do you get codex 35?


There's a trick to easily beating the boss. Using it kind of feels like cheating, so read at your own risk.

With Dash and Hardy skills, stay on the ground level. Dash left into the wall. As soon as you stand up, dash into the wall on the right. Repeat until the shadow dies. You should be invulnerable during the entire fight from smashing into the walls.

I usually care for platformers, but this game was one of the best I've played in a while. Thank you!

Geomancer December 5, 2009 1:36 PM

Ok, I've seen everyone posting how to get abilities but no one has mentioned that there are two ways of doing it. One is going to the Squarians and paying lots of gems but there is another way. If you go to the Roundians, they will give you a certain task. If you complete it, you can buy the same ability for fifty gems. For example, one of them wants you to collect 450 gems in one day. Once you do that, you can buy the RADAR ability from him. 'Mama' wants you to heal fifteen parts of the hearts in a row. Etc...

Xyxephrien December 5, 2009 7:03 PM

Um.. what do you actually need the big gems for? You can get your memories back without them, but when you talk to the guy after beating the shadow you say the gems open the door. They don't, you only need 100 small ones


This game is perfect for the upgrade, explore, and breaking the 4th wall themes.


Thanks G.P. without that trick I would never have beat the shadow.

Does anybody know how to get codex numbers 22 and 35? And does anybody know how to get the Times hit in a row stat to get to 3 or more? Details please, not some useless answer like "get hit 3 times without touching the ground".


I absolutely DREAD going to sleep.


Okay, so I just need one huge gem. My radar keeps leading me to the grassless patch in front of the bottom Tyrant. Is that a glitch, or do I need to do something? THere's a pipe leading to it....

zbeeblebrox December 6, 2009 3:00 AM

I thought this game was really brilliant. Loved the pixel art, the concept, the way each day was divided by the "final boss" basically, how absolutely everything leveled up. Totally 100%'d just to see everything, because it felt like a game worth exploring.

My only gripe was the avatar and cut-scene art was not up to quite the same standard. It looked awkward and hastily done...or meticulously done by someone who isn't an artist. One of the other. Otherwise, I loved it. And the demo for the next one looks equally as promising.

Just throwing this out there: if the non-game art were ever improved and the world made perhaps a bit larger, I would happily pay money for this.


@Piros12: The only place to get the 5 hits in row that I found:

The "trap" room under the tower with the two oilers and two spikers. You'll probably die but you still qualify.

I haven't figured out how to finish Joy's quest i.e.

jump for 2.6 seconds?


Where is this computer everyone is talking about???


To all that are having a bad time getting hit 5 times in a row, plus getting good airtime:

Pick a low damaging enemy to hurt yourself with (I picked the oily, because the worms only come up so often, and anything else is a bit too dangerous).

It'd be best if you had max health and fortitude for this; if not, try and see if you could get hit 5 times without killing yourself.

Jump up, and land on the oily; once you get hit, simply push X again to do a 'recover jump'. Hold it as long as you can, it gives you better airtime; then simply try to land on the enemy again.

Timing is key here, as well as controlling your landing. Make sure you find a nice roomy place to do this; I did this in the Magma caves, with two oilies running around. I ended up getting hit 19 times in a row.

Hope this helps.


To get the Hardy attribute for free, go to the lava pit, jump into the lava and keep mashing the jump button. You'll lose 1 quarter of a heart each time, meaning that if you have Relationship 2 you can also get the Regen attribute from this.

The reason you have to press the jump button is because of Air Recovery, which cuts out your invincibility phase.

Note that this doesn't work at Fortitude 5 because your character DODGES THE LAVA.


Wow! A lot of negative comments for what I see to be a wonderfully innovative game.

I feel as though many of the comments made here reflect the ever shortening of people's attention spans and their need for results NOW...

I LOVED the way your stats were "reset" everyday... Only to learn everything forgotten the day before gradually faster and faster...

Another thing people may not have noticed, was that your stamina in being able to stay up longer each day grew after every sleep time...

My other problem is that the people who complained about the plot line are probably the same one's completely satisfied with Super Metroid or Mario but some how "can't accept" what was created here...

So many complaints... at least the crowd voted properly.

To me, double/triple cheers to a wonderful casual gaming experience.

wiiareonfire December 6, 2009 10:27 PM

Hey, I need help with the 56th codex page (If there is one) and help re-locating the Sacred Grounds. I got there (and it's in my codex), but I can't find it again! Help?

wat is the code for? December 7, 2009 1:03 AM

What is the save code for?
I don't know where to go to load.


@bumoftheums: I agree, it's a wonderful game. Your days get longer every time you sleep, also, you learn faster the higher your "learn" level (which is related to your game progress, I think), so it's not really that painful to reset.

@wiiareonfire: From your house, you need to go generally to the right, and then up, and probably back left, and then up again.

@wat is the code for?: I think it's for the sequel, Gather Up! Save it for then.


Great game. I think it would have benefitted from a map (I was really hoping that is what Radar was going to be).

I got all my abilities from the Squarians... is there any reason not to? Did I miss out?


The ending is really sad. =(

Why can't the boy and the girl get over their differences and continue the relationship. They were so happy!


Has no-one made their own map yet?

levelupplayer December 11, 2009 5:08 PM

Who knows the locations of all the red gems? I reallllly wanna play the gather up demo! Or a map would be really useful.


Just for everyone who is complaining about the lack of depth with story:

Once you go to the computer with 100%, you'll realize that this whole game is back story for its self. The girl isn't even the main character and she gets her whole game any way. If that's not depth, I don't know what is. The fact that it was worth playing more after the normal ending should say something, and I personally thought that the demo for the sequel looked really promising.

ZOMG! GUEST! December 11, 2009 11:02 PM

This game should come with a map, or at least a place that tells you where you are. Anyway, where do you find the demo? I have been looking everywhere!


tip for fighting the shadow guy... when you have the dash ability, just dash from left to right (you will run into the wall and stun yourself) when you recover from the stun you will be momentarily invulnerable. rinse and repeat. he will hit himself with rocks and you will get the gems as you're running from side to side.


I'm working on a map. Can anyone help me though? On my current playthrough I have all the gems but somehow can't afford dash! Where do I need to run to to get dash off the Roundite?

About the shadow:

You can see her ponytail when she is running if you look carefully.




if you enter the consul there's TWO things that are marked false:


Any clues people?


People, don't be discouraged about losing your levels. Your learning level stays the same which makes you level up faster. Once your learning level is 3 or so then you will level up very fast and get farther each day until you can win.


The Sequel is called well you will know and get to play the sequel only if you get 100% and you only get to play the just made bit not the fixed bit and the name ends with UP and has two words and the first letter is G and the first word has 6 letters and 2nd word has 2.



First: CODEX (Access your menu with C). Move around in your MENU with UP and DOWN, and select CODEX by pressing X. Scroll with UP/DOWN. ??????? MEANS YOU HAVE NOT FOUND THIS THING!

RUNNING - press LEFT or RIGHT. You will receive this CODEX information.


JUMPING - Press X. You will get this info.


HEALING - Hit any enemy without dying. Afterward, find a safe spot and just stand there (Don't press ANYTHING). You will heal.


FORTITUDE - Hit many enemies (Preferably without dying). Your fortitude ("DEFENCE LEVEL") will go up a level eventually.


COLLECTING - Run into a gem! You will get the gem, and eventually level up. An increase in level enables you to collect gems without touching them if you are close enough.


RELATIONSHIP - You must go to sleep to get this one. Afterward, talk to the boy who crashed your fence. You will be able to increase Relationship now. Gather 50 gems and speak with him, and you can increase relationship.


INTERACTION - Press DOWN on many things (Water Pump, People, Gem collector, Lever, etc.). You will increase this level.


SLEEPING - When it gets late (On Day 0, the time you go to sleep is 6:00), you will go to sleep. Then you dream about fighting a dark shadow. You are expected to die on the first day, so DON'T BE DISCOURAGED! You can also go to the menu (Press C) and go to END DAY.


IDLE - Stand still. You will level up and get some "IDLE ACTIONS" (Like the girl using a Yo-Yo or being dazzled by a gem… It's Pointless, but its there).


KNOWLEDGE - TALK TO PEOPLE! You will find out about a war between 2 races, and you will know more than just that… The more you know, the easier it is to level up! So get out there and KNOW STUFF! (Knowledge also corresponds to adding things in your CODEX).


AIR RECOVERY - When you get hit, immediately press X! you will recover in mid-air if you press it in mid-air.


DOUBLE-JUMP - Look below at QUESTS. You will get this skill after one of the quests.


DASH - Look below at QUESTS. You will get this skill after one of the quests.


REGEN - Look below at QUESTS. You will get this skill after one of the quests.


HARDINESS - Look below at QUESTS. You will get this skill after one of the quests.


RADAR - Look below at QUESTS. You will get this skill after one of the quests.


THE GIRL - You already know this… what is there to know?


THE BOY - Talk to the boy - you will know this.


FLEET - A ROUNDITE. He lives underground. The easiest way to get there is by jumping to the left when you are at your house and falling down (NOT DOWN THE BIG DROP) and jumping over the 2 SPIKERS (Enemies). He is right after that.


JOY - A ROUNDITE. Jump up to the left from your house and fall down (YES - DOWN THE HUGE DROP) until you reach the civilization. Run left all the way and he is up on a ledge.


NAILS - Jump up to the left from your house and fall down (YES - DOWN THE HUGE DROP) until you reach the civilization. He is located on top of the Lava Container with 2 pipes attached.


HULKER - Located beneath the bridge underground in the ROUNDITE civilization.


MOMMA ROUNDITE - Located beneath JOY.


JOE - SQUARITE at the top of the TOWER.


FINGERS - Just to the left of JOE.


JOHN - Inside the CHURCH. Keep climbing from your home and you will reach either the CHURCH, TREE, or TOWER. Go RIGHT from the TREE (Jumping over every ledge) or go LEFT from the TOP of the TOWER (Jumping over to the CHURCH).


BRAINS - Located above FINGERS.


JUNIOR - Above JOE. You have to jump high to reach him.


COMPUTER - From your home, go to the right (to climb regularly), and once you have to climb left, keep going left (and keep climbing!). You will reach a door with a box connected to it. Pay the box 100 Gems and enter. Jump over a wall and press down on the base of the computer.


MAIN WATER SUPPLY - from the ROUNDITE civilization, go right until you reach the middle of the lava area. Once you get here, there should be a ledge above you. Find the ledge and climb up until you find the LEVER. Press down on the LEVER.


OILER - an enemy. Easy to find because he is everywhere (the MINES, UNDERGROUND, ABOVE GROUND, TREE, CHURCH, TOWER, ETC.). He is BLACK and walks around in a limited space.


SPIKER - Second most powerful "normal" enemy. He sits in one place (usually hidden). He has spikes on his head. You can find him near HULKER, in the TOWER, to the left of your HOUSE, and other places.


BIG OL WASP - flies around and comes down to attack. He's Weak, but watch out. He is Located to the right of the TREE, the CHURCH, to the right of the TOWER, and other places (Mostly above ground).


FRISBEE WORM - Located UNDERGROUND only! Look for a hole in the ground and wait for 1 second. They will pop out. Get hit to have knowledge! They can be found dominantly in the MINES, but you can also find them above the ROUNDITE civilization.


TYRANT - The most powerful "normal" enemy. He is only located in one place, which is below the CHURCH. They shoot balls of dark fire, so hitting them is a problem (seeing that they are the most powerful enemy).


SHADOW - The most powerful enemy of ALL! He's (She's) Only located in your dreams. SLEEP and you will find him! CAUTION: HE CAN LEVEL UP!


MY HOUSE - your starting point in the game. Where you sleep, where the boy fell on your fence.


OVERGROUND - Keep climbing until you find yourself above the ground and near the CHURCH and TREE. Search up there! (Near the TYRANTS too!)


TUNNELS - Go to FLEET, the ROUNDITE. Go to the left of your house and fall, but NOT DOWN THE BIG DROP! When you get there, go right into the TUNNELS! (Fleet located here :D)


MINE - Find Fleet. Do his challenge, which consists of running to the mines. You will drop down from him, hit the ARROW sign, and pass through some enemies. Keep running and do not drop down anything! You will find a postbox and then the MINES farther to the right.


MAGMA CAVE - Go to the LOWEST POINT POSSIBLE and then to the right. There will be lava. You found it! The MAIN WATER SUPPLY is here too!






SKY VILLAGE - The SQUARITE village. It is located at the top of the TOWER and to the right of the CHURCH. Jump from the TOP of the CHURCH (Having Jump and run both help) over to the right and onto the village.


EARTH VILLAGE - The ROUNDITE village. It is located at the BOTTOM of the MAP and farthest to the LEFT as well. Near the MAGMA CAVES and TUNNELS!


CHURCH - Climb all the way up! It is located to the right of the TREE and is where JOHN is located. TYRANTS BELOW!


SACRED GROUNDS - the COMPUTER is located here. It is located RIGHT ABOVE the Spiker to the left of your house. If you have JUMP LEVEL 5, you can jump through a passage leading up to the SACRED GROUNDS, but that's cheating (Not really, but Use the door). You can get here by running right from your HOUSE and then climbing all the way up by GOING LEFT! You will pass a SPIKER and a POSTBOX on your way.


MAGICAL GEMS - Red small gems. Most common gems. Collect all 660 of them!


DARK GEMS - Located in your dreams. These are required to get in order to beat the SHADOW in your dreams. To get them, wait until he does magic in the middle of the area and summons rocks. Run around until shadows appear on the floor. Get the SHADOW to walk underneath the rocks that fall. He will die and respawn, but leave behind DARK GEMS. COLLECT TO LOWER HIS HEALTH!


HUGE GEMS - There are only 5 HUGE GEMS. One is located at the top of the MINES, One at the bottom of the MINES, one by the TYRANTS, one on the CHURCH, and the last one HIGH ABOVE THE GROUND ON THE RIGHT WALL. You need DASH to get it. ON THE TOP OF THE TOWER, double tap right and jump as well until you reach the wall. You will get some gems. Stay along the wall as you fall more and you will get the last gem.


POSTBOX - These are checkpoints! There are 10 in all. They are located: ONE while you climb at the beginning, One below the SACRED GROUNDS, One just above the door to the SACRED GROUNDS, One to the left of the CHURCH, One to the right of the TOWER, One to the left of (while falling down the first possible fall spot) the postbox to the right of the TOWER, One to the entrance of the MINES, One at the bottom of the mines (to the right and above the MAGMA CAVES), One in the EARTH VILLAGE, and One in the SKY VILLAGE!


LAVA - Go jump in the lava at MAGMA CAVES! Its FUN!




LOCK - Located at the DOOR to the SACRED GROUNDS. You need 100 gems to get in.


CODEX - The thing you are using already! Its ok, you know about it.


INTERNET AWARENESS - talk to the BRAINY SQUARITE a lot. He will eventually tell you about people who developed this game, and you will know stuff!

NOW FOR LEVEL! (just the 5 basics)

RUN AROUND A LOT, JUMP A LOT, STAND STILL WITH LOW HEALTH A LOT, COLLECT LOTS OF GEMS, and GET HURT A LOT! This will increase all 5 of your regular levels, and once they are all level 5, talk to the COMPUTER to beat the game!

NOW FOR QUESTS - Do them for the SKILLS!

Double-Jump -

JOE can give you this skill for 100 gems, or you can get it from JOY for 50 gems and having an "air-time" of 2.6 seconds.

Dash -

Talk to FLEET and do his challenge, which is running from him to the MINES. I recommend having High RUN, JUMP, and FORTUTUDE. Run from the ARROW SIGN past the zig-zag, over the hole where the SPIKER is, up to the POSTBOX at the entrance to the MINES, over the large gap while CLIMBING, past the 3 WORMS, and touching the pole with 2 red flashing dots on it. If you do it in one minute, FLEET gives you DASH! However, you could get it from FINGERS for 150 gems.

Regen -

Go to JOHN and pay 100 gems for it, or you can go to MOMMA ROUNDITE and buy it for 50 gems and a challenge of healing 15 points in one go.

Hardy -

Either talk to HULKER and do his challenge, which is getting hit 5 times without touching the ground (use AIR RECOVERY with a full jump level and VERY HIGH FORTUTUDE AND HEALTH LEVEL!), or you can go talk to BRAINY. HULKER costs a challenge and 50 gems, but BRAINY costs 150 gems.

Radar -

The SQUARITE JUNIOR can give you this skill for 150 gems, or you could give NAILS 400 gems. I would get it from JUNIOR. :D


TO BEAT THE SHADOW GUY, you must wait until he does his magic. Then, while dodging him by jumping off the ledges over him, get the rocks that he summons to fall on him. Then, while dodging him yet again, collect the dark gems that come out. WATCH OUT THOUGH - he levels up! His attacks become much stronger, and dodging them gets difficult. Recovery from getting hit is important as well, but if you do it too early, sometimes you get hit afterwards as well! Time your dodging and recovery!





TO BEAT THE SHADOW GUY, you must wait until he does his magic. Then, while dodging him by jumping off the ledges over him, get the rocks that he summons to fall on him. Then, while dodging him yet again, collect the dark gems that come out. WATCH OUT THOUGH - he levels up! His attacks become much stronger, and dodging them gets difficult. Recovery from getting hit is important as well, but if you do it too early, sometimes you get hit afterwards as well! Time your dodging and recovery!

Hero's ally December 18, 2009 3:08 AM

Personaly I liked the game but

hated the ending. =( It just wasn't right. The girl is evil, the boy is trying to stop her and she hurt innoccent poeple in sequel. It just wasn't right. If this was a rated M game, I would use three different words to describe it.



I thought that the sequel was the story in the past. When the boy was talking about "the girl", i thought it was the flame girl when she was young... but i am a sucker for storylines... I fail probably

Chunyang Ding December 18, 2009 3:14 PM

Just asking, has nobody noticed that in the codex entries that it said that there was another civilization in the Giant Tree? Is it actually possible to get to the "hexies" that are in there?


Ok, I was enjoying this game very much, then I had to stop playing; I saw no save feature so I assumed the game would save my progress automatically.

Imagine my surprise when I logged back in the next day and found all my progress was lost and I had to start over again.... screw that.

Game is a failure as far as I'm concerned; next time either make a true casual game OR implement some save method. Either one.


There is a save method. Hit a postbox, and when you come back on the same site, hit C to pull up the menu, then go down to load. It will load your game unless your cookies are messed up....

litemininyuszika December 19, 2009 2:58 PM

This has nothing to do with cookies. Flash movies place their savegame (SOL) files in %AppData%\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects folder.


I wish the girl had weapons and I hate restarting my skill points after the fire guy!!



I got stuck at the green lion's head too, and I pressed accidentally pressed "x", which seemed to work as jump.


I can find all the gems except 6. I have searched everywhere that I know!
Does anyone have a map to show the location of all the gems?


I found this useful. Thanks!


The conversation portraits and the cutscene...weren't very well drawn. But the sprite work was pretty well done, which is what you spend most of the time looking at anyway, so hey. The girl looks like she has sideburns though.

I think the most irritating thing was the fourth wall humor. Perhaps I'm the exception rather then the rule, but I never really found fourth wall jokes funny, and it grates on my nerves how people that do use them tend to revisit it over and over. John Freeman's zombie goast was funny, but the ensuing conversation was a little disappointing.

Beyond that, I think the world could have used a bit more happening. A lot of it feels very empty, and exploration got a little dull when there weren't a whole lot of places to go. But the mechanic is neat, and the 100% demo has my interest. In spite of all its little flaws I think it's a cool game.


Wonderful game. the skills were nice , although it would've been great if

the girl remembered her memories, but was still a nice person.


If you want to look at it in a critical way it's a good story, the back story's great, foreshadowing here and there( if you bothered to look through everything the codex tells you AND listen to brains )

If you want to look at it as a human however...

wow it's depressing. I mean the girl's gonna regret it if she kills the guy. she's gonna be all remorseful. I mean if they really didn't have a past they would probably be a good couple.And if you got 100% in the game well. you would find out that the next game seems to be the prequel instead of sequel. in other words we're not gonna see the ending anytime soon. But My speculation is that the ending is not going to be a totally sad or happy one, there should be a reason why the girl somehow found the guy cute :p


After completing 100%

During the demo, just before the part where the demo ends and it goes back to the title screen, there is a ledge to the left you can jump to. There is a little spikey dude there, and (at least on my playthroughs) a sign in the air. How do you get it? What does it say?

TheMusicGirl January 22, 2010 1:56 AM

I know it's all about depth and everything, but I couldn't get over how obnoxious the girl was. She's always like, "fix the &!?* fence!" and, "you arn't giving me any information." Seriosly, girl. Take a chill pill.


My % in the upper right of the screen was "94.6" and

I definitely hadn't gotten all the big gems or even all the little ones

when I got this code:


What exactly does the % measure -- has anyone figured that out? Is it based on stats, Codex entries, areas explored, gems ... some combination of the above ... something else?

Also, I thought the ending was awesome. But then I also enjoyed the heck out of films like



The Prestige

largely because of, rather than in spite of, their

twist endings.

Different people have different tastes. (:

Now, onward to check out that

demo of the sequel,


Oh yeah, and maybe a note about how you can in most cases recover your progress after a browser crash by simply choosing LOAD from the menu (and it isn't necessary to be at a save point in order to load a saved game from the menu) should go in the body of the review, so it's easier for frustrated players to find?

Thanks to everyone who pointed that out, btw; I was ][ this close to being able to finally beat the "boss" when Chrome choked on me, and even though it probably would've been easier the second time, I might not have bothered playing again from scratch if I hadn't known about the LOAD option!

Anonymous February 2, 2010 3:17 PM

I can't find the tenth mailbox...

dinomario10 February 6, 2010 5:31 AM

I'm stuck with 99.5%, all gems collected, i just don't have the RADAR. :(


The dash is very dangerous

the gost June 25, 2010 3:30 AM

really! Fun game. Worth all the time and very good all together.

joehioh June 30, 2010 7:52 PM

the cutscenes rimind me of infamous meet kingdom hearts 2

Kisekiko July 14, 2010 1:06 PM

Hunh. Well, that was certainly different than I expected. At any rate, I'm glad to see the comments about an upcoming sequel, because there's no way I'm gonna let the game designer end it there.

Joe, I completely agree with you. After bought dash, I only used it once- I ended up running into a wall and knocking myself out.

Death-Ruby July 14, 2010 11:02 PM

At the end of the game, after the credits and stuff You can complete to 100% if you haven't already and talk to the computer in sacred grounds and it'll give a demo. And the character you control is THE BOY!!!! It's really cool. You control with the arrow keys and the [x] key to shoot.
I think it's for the next Level Up! game.
-Ruby out... :) ;)

Chunyang July 31, 2010 9:35 AM

No time, must leave code!



Dudes,you beat the flame dude by jumping and avoiding attacks.Jump from side to side and collect the black gems,which are the power of the shadow. Don't give will beat the shadow


Your percentage can be calculated in the "stats" screen, and composes of red gems, blue gems, codex entries, etc. But NOT current skill levels.

a guy who messed up September 19, 2010 1:06 AM

oh man, i actually got all the gems and got every codex except for 29, i got all my skills from the computer screen guys and now i don't have enough gems for the computer codex.

Lantrawler November 29, 2010 1:39 AM

The black ghost can be killed by the falling cookies. Though the cookies fall to kill the girl, but if you keep moving the girl around and somehow get the ghost get trampled under the falling cookies then you will notice that each time the ghost gets trampled, some of his life decreases. so the dark ghost can be killed by getting him to be trampled a number of times under the falling cookies. this is very difficult to do but maybe possible when the girl has special powers such as double jump and dashing speed.


I have to say that while I thought this game was a complete failure with some poor attempts at humour, I warmed to it and the storyline was the icing on the cake. The game did play well, I think, and it kept me entertained for a good two hours or so before I found how to finish it.

I never defeated the Shadow in the nightmare, but I like the idea of what it turns out to be.

I'll have to check out the sequel: this was very clever and very well done.


YoshiBoy13 April 18, 2011 5:52 AM

I originally thought the shadow in the dream was actually the boy who crashed the fence down. But when I completed it.....

"...had been there all along. Since the day when he broke my fence."

It changed the whole view of the storyline.

But all in all, it was good. I found out a way to defeat the shadow boss.

You stand on one of the platforms. When he jumps up to strike you, jump to the platform on the other side. (Double jump a must.) When he puts his sword away and gets surrounded by white flame, stay where you are so you can heal your wounds. When he throws many swords in many directions, jump ever so slightly to avoid his attack (between the second and third swords. Just lightly tap X.) When he uses his laser, stand on a platform. When rocks come falling down, just hope he sends white flame up shortly. You can't avoid the rocks, but they may strike him. When he dies because of that, he will respawn on the opposite platform. Quickly jump down to collect the black gems. When you get enough, you will wake up. Talk to the boy quickly.


Very, very cool game. Got 100% in the end, though in order to learn Codex 49, you need to beat the shadow, and that was *darned* tricky. I got everything else - all the gems big and small, and completed the game - before I managed to beat the shadow. It was hard to get the rocks to fall on her when there are the assorted damage sources around the nightmare level.

But that's no problem, because it just means you dread going to sleep - and that feels appropriate. It makes you want to get as much exploration done as possible. It's great the way that you re-learn skills faster and faster as the days go on.

I agree it's a bit sad how the ending turned out, because I was enjoying the relationship as well.

I didn't think the slippy-slidiness was a problem at all. I did find Dash was a bit too easy to activate sometimes and a bit too hard to activate at other times, but otherwise the game was a lot of fun.

I'm very much looking forward to the sequel, although

having tried it out in the demo, I don't like the auto-jump. It's not a proper platform game if I can't choose when to jump.

But nonetheless, a great Metroidvania game, and I'll be happy to see anything more from this developer.


Returning to this game, I found myself beating the Shadow without double jump, and without using Dash (although I had it). Just felt like sharing that with all the people who complain that it's too hard. And while I really don't want to brag, it's... kinda unavoidable with a comment like this one >_>


I could not defeat the damm shadow at all even with all the skills. Then i ended up beating him with the the skills but only four health hearts :D Ive searched entire map and cant find the last of big gems though :/




jennykim610 February 26, 2014 9:18 PM

What the heck! I finished with Regen and that's it!!!!!!!!
I wanna replay....

kathleen.indie.gee June 10, 2014 7:18 AM

Giant 'blue' Gem Locations

1. The Roof of the CHURCH. Be careful of the wasps up here
2. Platform in the top area of the MINES
3. Nook in the bottom area of MINE just above the entrance to the MAGAM CAVE
4. The giant cliff on the easternmost edge of the map. Do a double jump or Dash + double jump to reach it.
5. In front of the TYRANT enemy in the overground area just under the CHURCH. If you want to not die getting it, you'll need some extra health or liberal application of Dash/Double jump after grabbing it.

kathleen.indie.gee June 10, 2014 7:52 AM

How do you get the last big gem. Do you...

...jump from the ground outside the tower (Where there is a white fence) to the ledge on the wall farthest to the east?
or do you have to get to the top of the outside of the tower? (I assume from jumping from the house by the crying baby square-head.)

If i'm jumping from the right area, can someone tell me where to stand when I start dash. I can get close, but never close enough.
I'm at 96%, fully leveled with Dash and double jump.

demigod163 January 27, 2015 8:02 PM

Hmmmm, something I've been wondering:

Has anybody found the mysterious Hexies? The Codex entry for the Tower says that the Hexies built it to live there and get away from the stupid Squarian/Roundite war. I'm pretty sure I've been everywhere in the map (and searched the Tower several times) and yet I still can't find anything else that even mentions Hexies, let alone the Hexies themselves. Maybe they'll be in the sequel?


My code for sequel is : 36-11-15-20-16-60-F7-9B-C0-11-41-70-42-90-8A-44


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